Why the Constituion is important and what it does

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That's right. I know that not all Muslims are out to kill me, pants shitter.

I have no fear. That's what happens when you walk upright like a man who trusts God and that good conquers evil like you.

I never said they were out to kill you. Why do you obsess over this? Well, that and shitting one's pants.

And give it a rest on the "I'm a Christian thing". You're one of the nastiest, mean-spirited motherfuckers here.
Says a dude who can be one of those himself ^^^^

Nah... I may poke fun sometimes... but that guy is downright miserable and mean-spirited.
And you never are? Soggy, your guardian angel is taking notes for the Big Exam Day.

See? This is exactly what I am talking about...

"You interjected yourself into a conversation about pseudocons who think all Muslims are out to kill us, dipshit."
I call it like I see it.

The hate you are projecting onto me is coming from the pseudocons.

Hatred of gays. Hatred of blacks. Hatred of Mexicans. Hatred of Muslims. Even Mexican babies! It is all hate, all the time.

Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. All day, every day.
]Rebutting with Obama is worthless to your cause, andaronjim.

The military as it functions is just fine. I was in the Airborne Training Battalion cadre when the first "girls" came through: they proved us wrong. They were great.

"Rebuilding" the military is going to be very costly and require larger government.

Rebuilding and upgrading our infrastructure is going to be very costly and will grow government.

Admit it: you are not a small government conservative.
Here's the thing retard. You and the other retard believe every Muslim is here to do us harm.
Hatred of gays. Hatred of blacks. Hatred of Mexicans. Hatred of Muslims. Even Mexican babies! It is all hate, all the time.

Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. All day, every day.
When the liberals get their butts soundly kicked in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot recently. :itsok:
We interrupt this long thread about how bad and hate-filled and ickey the other guy is, for the following note about the U.S. Constitution:

As has been mentioned earlier, the Federal government has no powers except the ones assigned to it by the Constitution. And that's not many. If normal Americans want to give the Fed more powers, the Constitution describes ways it can be modified. They are welcome to use them. Those ways require that 3/4 of the states - the governments most distant and disconnected from the Fed - must ratify any amendment, or else it goes in the trash can.

Liberals know they will never get that many people to approve what they are doing, since what the liberals are doing is fundamentally against the Constitution's demand that the Fed govt be kept small and limited, and that's the way normal Americans want it. So the liberals simply ignore the Constitution, and/or pretend it says things it doesn't (aka "interpreting" the Constitution). They try to put judges into courts who will agree with their lies about the Constitution, and then insist "The Constitution means whatever the Courts say it means". They try as hard as possible to convince normal Americans that they somehow can't read the Constitution, and that the con artists the liberals put on the courts, must rule over them and tell them what it "means".

The liberals keep this up for decades, generations, until we reach the present state where 3/4 of the Federal budget is spent on programs not assigned to them by the Constitution, plus paying the enormous debt those programs ran up.

The Constitution limits the Fed govt. So liberals hate it, and circumvent it wherever possible.

We now return you to the thread's real topic, which is insulting other posters in this thread, calling names, and seeing who can come up with the most hateful posts as if anyone was listening to you.
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