Why the Constituion is important and what it does

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andaronjim is neither patriot nor very bright, I will give them that in all of his angst.

The Constitution is there to protect us from government.

Read it again, jim.
If it wasn't for people like me and others who served this Great Country and the Constitution(which Obama tried to destroy), then morons like you would of been in some USSR Gulag in Siberia. What a douche Jake the Fake is.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
This document restrains the President and Congress and the states from hurting people.

Trump is learning that the hard way.


Wow.....it took electing Trump....as a republican for an idiot like you to learn about the Constitution....good for you........look up the 2nd Amendment...that is the one that protects everything else......
andaronjim is neither patriot nor very bright, I will give them that in all of his angst.

The Constitution is there to protect us from government.

Read it again, jim.
If it wasn't for people like me and others who served this Great Country and the Constitution(which Obama tried to destroy), then morons like you would of been in some USSR Gulag in Siberia. What a douche Jake the Fake is.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronjim is neither patriot nor very bright, I will give them that in all of his angst.

The Constitution is there to protect us from government.

Read it again, jim.
If it wasn't for people like me and others who served this Great Country and the Constitution(which Obama tried to destroy), then morons like you would of been in some USSR Gulag in Siberia. What a douche Jake the Fake is.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.
If you served honorably, then you would be glad that Trump is the President, but as a liberal who lies when his pie hole is open, then the rest of US know you didn't serve.

Sociopath Traits
Deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.
I served honorably but jim's words makes his service dishonorable if he served.

In other words, Jimmy can't take what he dishes, which is normal for the Far Right. Jim began the sociopath chant see Sociopath Traits that he is a veteran and anyone who disagrees with him is implictly a person who did not serve. Idiot.

To the OP: the Constitution is meant to protect us the citizens not the antiAmerican actions of those who don't love America.

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What has Trump done that was unconstitutional?
He may not deny the right to reenter the country by a person with legal status without individual hearings. That at the most basic is illegal. Other aspects of his "ban" may also be found illegal. Time will tell.

The real issue is Trump's views on immigration by non-whites has nothing to do with security. The people he stopped coming have been in refugee camps for decades. And the issue is not immigrants using social services. It's really about their breeding.

Nope.....that is a lie......Trump has no problem what so ever with LEGAL immigration......he has stated his policy over and over....you morons refuse to hear it....

and 7 countries out of the 50 muslim countries in the world......no way is that a ban, targeted toward muslims or any of the other lies you guys tell yourselves....and it is legal and Constitutional...the Washington Judge over stepped his authority........and needs to be impeached...
The pseudocons love the Constitution when it suits them. The rest of the time, it's a pesky nuisance to them.


Islam and the 1st Amendment

David Deming proposes a Constitutional Amendment and taxation to exclude Islam from the protections of the 1st Amendment in order to preserve America and Western Civilization

Anchor baby law to be changed.

Why is Trump being attacked for wanting to use the McCarran-Walter Act?

How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government.

Where in the Constitution does it say the President has the right to "appoint" SCJs'?
You're a lying little creep.

Examples abound.
soggy and jim and the others flee crying, unable to take what they dish out.

The Constitution is to protect us from those who would seize government to hurt us, such as Trump.
I served honorably but jim's words makes his service dishonorable if he served.

In other words, Jimmy can't take what he dishes, which is normal for the Far Right. Jim began the sociopath chant see Sociopath Traits that he is a veteran and anyone who disagrees with him is implictly a person who did not serve. Idiot.

To the OP: the Constitution is meant to protect us the citizens not the antiAmerican actions of those who don't love America.

No what I said Jake the Fake, is if you served, then you would love this country and the new direction to make it great again. All you have done from what I have seen, snake, is that you bash anyone who is a REAL patriot to this country and wants it back to it glory. I have been insulted many time by you leftie weenies, I have plenty thick skin, and you are still a traitor to the country for voting for Obama not once but twice. Now go play your Nintendo 64 and remember "Children are to be seen and not heard"..

but ...but .....living breathing document ....uuummmmmm......uummmmmmm Founders could never imagine the depth of duplicity of Democrat party
soggy and jim and the others flee crying, unable to take what they dish out.

The Constitution is to protect us from those who would seize government to hurt us, such as Trump.
And to think Jake that you are a compassionate liberal. Gee, I don't feel like I am crying or fleeing, and I can take what ever you want to dish out. Shame you cant say it to my face though, because little spoiled petulant girls, sure do act tough until they meet a REAL man.


cute-little girl cry wallpaper_1920x1200-cutelittlebabies_blogspot_com.jpg

How man real men does it take to change a light bulb?

Zero (0) as REAL men are not afraid of the dark.
Jim, for a so-called veteran, you babble along with nothing of merit. You are no American if you think your ghey way is the only way. Go to, fellow. :)
If it wasn't for people like me and others who served this Great Country and the Constitution(which Obama tried to destroy), then morons like you would of been in some USSR Gulag in Siberia. What a douche Jake the Fake is.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?

What are you taking about? I said no such thing... Jake alleges andaronjim was dishonorably discharged. I said "That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?"
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?

What are you taking about? I said no such thing... Jake alleges andaronjim was dishonorably discharged. I said "That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?"
Not your business, bub. Jim acted out wrongly, caught a boot in the mouth, and is crying, as are you.
PatrickH would rebuke jim if the governor were here today.

But he would also say, "A black man was president? What?"
If as country we "trust" the federal government/UN/EU we have already lost...
It actually enumerates federal powers and gives the balance to states and individuals. You are confusing activist judges with checks and balances.
Close but not quite.

It assumes the states and the people have ALL power. And it takes certain powers from them and assigns them to the Federal govt.

The Constitution gives the people (and the states) nothing they didn't already have. It takes away the powers it lists, and gives them to a Federal govt.

That's very close to what you said, except for the idea that the Fed govt gave powers to the states. It didn't.
If it wasn't for people like me and others who served this Great Country and the Constitution(which Obama tried to destroy), then morons like you would of been in some USSR Gulag in Siberia. What a douche Jake the Fake is.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronjim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence of Jake's claim.

So you either have evidence Jake didn't serve, or you are a hypocrite.
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