Why the Constituion is important and what it does

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andaronjim is neither patriot nor very bright, I will give them that in all of his angst.

The Constitution is there to protect us from government.

Read it again, jim.

You are correct. However, it has been so long since the Constitution has been followed in this country, that relying on it to protect us is a fools errand.

It didn't protect us from Obama, and it won't protect us from Trump.

What is ironic is that NOW the left wants to use the Constitution to protect us. Where were they when Obama was riding rough shod over it?

but ...but .....living breathing document ....uuummmmmm......uummmmmmm Founders could never imagine the depth of duplicity of Democrat party
They did know...
Benjamin Franklin Quotes
Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.
He that lives upon hope will die fasting.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
In 200 years will people remember us as traitors or heros? That is the question we must ask.
The Constitution is the foundation of the Great Country that is supposed to be the building blocks that make it Great. Liberals and their living document theory "KNOW" that unless they bend it and break it, their immoral ways will never get passed.[/quote][/quote]
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?

What are you taking about? I said no such thing... Jake alleges andaronjim was dishonorably discharged. I said "That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?"
Not your business, bub. Jim acted out wrongly, caught a boot in the mouth, and is crying, as are you.

So, again, you're full of shit. Alleging someone has been dishonorably discharged from the military when you have zero proof is a dick move.. dick.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence.

How can anyone serve this country then vote for someone who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT" with redistribution of wealth(Communism)? Maybe he did serve but then it would make Jake a "TRAITOR". Are you a traitor Jake? Just yes or no, nothing more.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?

What are you taking about? I said no such thing... Jake alleges andaronjim was dishonorably discharged. I said "That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?"
Not your business, bub. Jim acted out wrongly, caught a boot in the mouth, and is crying, as are you.

So, again, you're full of shit. Alleging someone has been dishonorably discharged from the military when you have zero proof is a dick move.. dick.
So says Mr. Shit. Not your business, bub. No vet should ever play the 'vet card' without thinking he, or a defender like you, don't get bazookaed. Andaronjim is no patriot at all.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard pseudocons mewling about their love of the Constitution, and then found they haven't even read it.

Or else they have beliefs in direct contradiction to the Constitution.

Like this asshole:

Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence.

How can anyone serve this country then vote for someone who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT" with redistribution of wealth(Communism)? Maybe he did serve but then it would make Jake a "TRAITOR". Are you a traitor Jake? Just yes or no, nothing more.
I listed several examples of pseudocons who want to transform our Constitution.

Trump, for one, for wanting to jail or remove the citizenship of those exercising free speech. Those who want to change the Constitution to deny First Amendment protections to Muslims. Those who want to change the Constitution to take away the citizenship of Americans born in this country. So forth, and so on.

So don't even think about pointing out the splinter in others' eyes when you pseudocons have huge BEAMS in your own.

Nice try.

Speaking of wealth distribution, I have lost count of the number of pseudocons who scream like welfare queens when I talk about eliminating tax expenditures.
This document restrains the President and Congress and the states from hurting people.

Trump is learning that the hard way.


It actually enumerates federal powers and gives the balance to states and individuals. You are confusing activist judges with checks and balances.
And you ignore the BoR and latter amendments, like the 14th.

Conversation was on the Constitution moron.

As for the rest of your rant, prove I don't support women's right to vote for example.
Oh, stop the "I am a veteran shit", you bozo.

I served too, serving the country and the Constitution. You are no more special that way than I am.
Jake the only place you served is in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting government cheese. Stop your lying you tard.
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronjim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence of Jake's claim.

So you either have evidence Jake didn't serve, or you are a hypocrite.

I haven't evidence either way... any more so than Jake has evidence he was dishonorably discharged.
That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?

What are you taking about? I said no such thing... Jake alleges andaronjim was dishonorably discharged. I said "That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?"
Not your business, bub. Jim acted out wrongly, caught a boot in the mouth, and is crying, as are you.

So, again, you're full of shit. Alleging someone has been dishonorably discharged from the military when you have zero proof is a dick move.. dick.
So says Mr. Shit. Not your business, bub. No vet should ever play the 'vet card' without thinking he, or a defender like you, don't get bazookaed. Andaronjim is no patriot at all.

View attachment 110975

Oh whatthefuckever... 1/2 of this board claims to be vets.
It actually enumerates federal powers and gives the balance to states and individuals. You are confusing activist judges with checks and balances.
Close but not quite.

It assumes the states and the people have ALL power. And it takes certain powers from them and assigns them to the Federal govt.

The Constitution gives the people (and the states) nothing they didn't already have. It takes away the powers it lists, and gives them to a Federal govt.

That's very close to what you said, except for the idea that the Fed govt gave powers to the states. It didn't.

Agreed. Further our rights do not flow from the government.
andaronjim is neither patriot nor very bright, I will give them that in all of his angst.

The Constitution is there to protect us from government.

Read it again, jim.

What has Trump done that is unconstitutional?
We will let the courts and time work that out. I see you believe in activist Big Government now, soggy.
obama missed marbury, he's an expert too. Oh My... Did President Obama Forget Marbury v. Madison ? What's Up With Harvard Law School? | The Huffington Post
That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?

What are you taking about? I said no such thing... Jake alleges andaronjim was dishonorably discharged. I said "That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?"
Not your business, bub. Jim acted out wrongly, caught a boot in the mouth, and is crying, as are you.

So, again, you're full of shit. Alleging someone has been dishonorably discharged from the military when you have zero proof is a dick move.. dick.
So says Mr. Shit. Not your business, bub. No vet should ever play the 'vet card' without thinking he, or a defender like you, don't get bazookaed. Andaronjim is no patriot at all.

View attachment 110975
Come on Jake, I just asked you a yes or no question and you couldn't bring yourself to answer it. There was an Assuie who had said he had see atrocities while he was in the Viet Nam war where women and children were raped. He got pretty graphic about it, and I asked him if he participated in such actions, and he deferred from answer it, so I assumed that he did those bad things. After a while he finally came clean that he didn't do any of that, so I asked him did he turn in those how committed the crimes against humanity, which he said he didn't. He was a traitor for not turning in those criminals who were supposed to be out there protecting the women and children. Are you like that Jake?
I served honorably to protect the Constitution and you were dishonorably discharged. Run along.

That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence.

How can anyone serve this country then vote for someone who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT" with redistribution of wealth(Communism)? Maybe he did serve but then it would make Jake a "TRAITOR". Are you a traitor Jake? Just yes or no, nothing more.
I listed several examples of pseudocons who want to transform our Constitution.

Trump, for one, for wanting to jail or remove the citizenship of those exercising free speech. Those who want to change the Constitution to deny First Amendment protections to Muslims. Those who want to change the Constitution to take away the citizenship of Americans born in this country. So forth, and so on.

So don't even think about pointing out the splinter in others' eyes when you pseudocons have huge BEAMS in your own.

Nice try.

Speaking of wealth distribution, I have lost count of the number of pseudocons who scream like welfare queens when I talk about eliminating tax expenditures.
You do realize that the Constitution is to protect US citizens? If you are here to do US harm and not of this country then you do not get the same protections? Geez, don't they teach you this is public schools anymore? Nope, just how to put a condom on a cucumber and how great communism is.
That's a pretty serious charge... you have proof, right?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence.

How can anyone serve this country then vote for someone who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT" with redistribution of wealth(Communism)? Maybe he did serve but then it would make Jake a "TRAITOR". Are you a traitor Jake? Just yes or no, nothing more.
I listed several examples of pseudocons who want to transform our Constitution.

Trump, for one, for wanting to jail or remove the citizenship of those exercising free speech. Those who want to change the Constitution to deny First Amendment protections to Muslims. Those who want to change the Constitution to take away the citizenship of Americans born in this country. So forth, and so on.

So don't even think about pointing out the splinter in others' eyes when you pseudocons have huge BEAMS in your own.

Nice try.

Speaking of wealth distribution, I have lost count of the number of pseudocons who scream like welfare queens when I talk about eliminating tax expenditures.
You do realize that the Constitution is to protect US citizens? If you are here to do US harm and not of this country then you do not get the same protections? Geez, don't they teach you this is public schools anymore? Nope, just how to put a condom on a cucumber and how great communism is.
Here's the thing retard. You and the other retard believe every Muslim is here to do us harm.

You are as wrong as wrong can be. You are EXACTLY why we need the First Amendment. We need to be protected from fuckwads like YOU and the other tards.

YOU are the danger.

Got it straight now, tard?
You have proof he didn't serve, right?
andaronim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence.

How can anyone serve this country then vote for someone who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT" with redistribution of wealth(Communism)? Maybe he did serve but then it would make Jake a "TRAITOR". Are you a traitor Jake? Just yes or no, nothing more.
I listed several examples of pseudocons who want to transform our Constitution.

Trump, for one, for wanting to jail or remove the citizenship of those exercising free speech. Those who want to change the Constitution to deny First Amendment protections to Muslims. Those who want to change the Constitution to take away the citizenship of Americans born in this country. So forth, and so on.

So don't even think about pointing out the splinter in others' eyes when you pseudocons have huge BEAMS in your own.

Nice try.

Speaking of wealth distribution, I have lost count of the number of pseudocons who scream like welfare queens when I talk about eliminating tax expenditures.
You do realize that the Constitution is to protect US citizens? If you are here to do US harm and not of this country then you do not get the same protections? Geez, don't they teach you this is public schools anymore? Nope, just how to put a condom on a cucumber and how great communism is.
Here's the thing retard. You and the other retard believe every Muslim is here to do us harm.

You are as wrong as wrong can be. You are EXACTLY why we need the First Amendment. We need to be protected from fuckwads like YOU and the other tards.

YOU are the danger.

Got it straight now, tard?

Ahh... there's the devout Christian we know and so love.
andaronim accused Jake of not serving. You didn't say a word. But then you jumped in when Jake responded, asking for evidence.

How can anyone serve this country then vote for someone who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT" with redistribution of wealth(Communism)? Maybe he did serve but then it would make Jake a "TRAITOR". Are you a traitor Jake? Just yes or no, nothing more.
I listed several examples of pseudocons who want to transform our Constitution.

Trump, for one, for wanting to jail or remove the citizenship of those exercising free speech. Those who want to change the Constitution to deny First Amendment protections to Muslims. Those who want to change the Constitution to take away the citizenship of Americans born in this country. So forth, and so on.

So don't even think about pointing out the splinter in others' eyes when you pseudocons have huge BEAMS in your own.

Nice try.

Speaking of wealth distribution, I have lost count of the number of pseudocons who scream like welfare queens when I talk about eliminating tax expenditures.
You do realize that the Constitution is to protect US citizens? If you are here to do US harm and not of this country then you do not get the same protections? Geez, don't they teach you this is public schools anymore? Nope, just how to put a condom on a cucumber and how great communism is.
Here's the thing retard. You and the other retard believe every Muslim is here to do us harm.

You are as wrong as wrong can be. You are EXACTLY why we need the First Amendment. We need to be protected from fuckwads like YOU and the other tards.

YOU are the danger.

Got it straight now, tard?

Ahh... there's the devout Christian we know and so love.
That's right. I know that not all Muslims are out to kill me, pants shitter.

I have no fear. That's what happens when you walk upright like a man who trusts God and that good conquers evil like you.
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