Why the death penalty is needed, or just one of many reasons

There is no evidence of that on these forums. I can only go by what they post on here.
To have this many stories and treads about it, they have to be googling it all the time. I would never hear about most of the crazy if not for this forum.
To have this many stories and treads about it, they have to be googling it all the time. I would never hear about most of the crazy if not for this forum.

It is fed to them by their parties.
The Left may have not normalized it in terms of Bud Light having a pedophile advertise their crappy beer or having them come read to those in kindergarden along with drag queens, but it now seems to common place in today's Leftist society that continually elects democrats, they may as well have normalized it.
Those people don't even vote. Maybe if they were voting, if they would be republicans. You worried about what you don't know.
Those people don't even vote. Maybe if they were voting, if they would be republicans. You worried about what you don't know.

It is as if he does not even care about the victim, he just needs to make political attacks on this forum and they are his tool this time
It is as if he does not even care about the victim, he just needs to make political attacks on this forum and they are his tool this time
There is more to it than that and we see it from the Trump political party all they time. I call "othering" the political factions and groups that do not fall in line with them. If you create "them" people they are less than Americans, they are them. That way when you tell them you can have your religion in Texas schools it is okay if "they" cannot because they are not really "American", they are the others, them. You have one trans shooter and suddenly the focus is on trans, never mind nearly all the rest of shooters have been hetro, they have found another way to other a group besides them trans. This thread is a good example, a crime so heinous we all can agree it is evil, but a political party has to be attached to show how evil that political party is, is is the point of the thread to start with. Not concern about the children involved. This way, when you take rights away from "them" it is ok, they are not great Americans.

Just your run of the mill polyamorous relationships that physically and sexually torture children inside the home.

It was so horrific, those investigating are having trouble sleeping at night.

Here is my favorite part of the article though.

Chavez's attorney asked that his client be released until sentencing, claiming that Chavez had endured "difficulties" with other jail inmates. The judge denied the request.


Gett'em boys!!!

:yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12:

Ok bleeding heart Leftists, tell me I'm wrong.

Senor Chavez is going to get his wig split. Even if California puts him on a special yard filled up with run of the mill Chomos and Rats, even those people are going to look to beat him off the yard.
I am the opposite. I am fine with the concept of the death penalty. There are clearly many crimes that it is the only reasonable response, this would be one of them.

My only problem is when there is an unequal application of the death penalty.
This may be the only time I found total agreement with you. Justice should be blind. Commit a heinous crime and pay the ultimate price regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, nationality, etc.
her children will be what? Her exhusband has custody.
Her children are messed up, and on average more likely to do the same to children when they get older

That is a statistical fact.
Very sound rational. Lawyers are educated, so they must be liberal. I get it.
Tell us, how do sound rational lawyers create the largest debt in human history, over $30 trillion?

How do they promote children changing their sex when they are not even old enough to have sex?

Why can't they even tell us what a woman is without a biologist being at their side?

And guess what, lawyers make up both parties.

The Lawyer profession is the most hated profession across the globe.

Why is that?

And why do we let them lecture us, those lawyers in government, about systemic immigration when their own profession has the least number of black folk in it?

Let me guess, you are a lawyer.
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It is sad that you read these kinds of stories and all you can think of is partisan politics.

There is something wrong with you.
There is something wrong with society

And as we see the democrat party lead the country like they do, they own it.

When you actively fight and promote a woke world view and the morality that goes with it, own it.

It's time.

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Just your run of the mill polyamorous relationships that physically and sexually torture children inside the home.

It was so horrific, those investigating are having trouble sleeping at night.

Here is my favorite part of the article though.

Chavez's attorney asked that his client be released until sentencing, claiming that Chavez had endured "difficulties" with other jail inmates. The judge denied the request.


Gett'em boys!!!

:yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12:

Ok bleeding heart Leftists, tell me I'm wrong.
I'm not totally opposed to the death penalty but I'm curious...as a christian perhaps you can tell us... Doesn't the Bible say, "vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord?
Senor Chavez is going to get his wig split. Even if California puts him on a special yard filled up with run of the mill Chomos and Rats, even those people are going to look to beat him off the yard.

There is something wrong with a society where those in their prisons have better morals than the lawyers that put him there do.
I'm not totally opposed to the death penalty but I'm curious...as a christian perhaps you can tell us... Doesn't the Bible say, "vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord?
The Bible explicitly allows for the death penalty for various reasons, as you well know. Justice does not = vengence.

As Christ once said in Matthew 18:6, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

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