Why the death penalty is needed, or just one of many reasons

The Trump cult has now normalized calling any political opponent, a paedophile. Or really anyone they don’t like or doesn’t think like them

There is no limit to the depths that a party who would elect a criminal like Donald Trump, will sink to.

And yet they like that mask killers “and buy A.R. 15s in wall children down by the hundreds. Yeah they’re all about protecting children from nonexistent threats but real paedophiles like priests or scout leaders, or real dangers like mass shooters.

Just like say, they’re protecting women from trans athletes, but not from bleeding out in the emergency room with an ectopic pregnancy.
This is why it bothers me so much to hear someone call people sub humans. If you look at others as less than human it becomes much easier to treat them poorly. Subhumans and pedos are not worthy of living and certainly not of voting, so whatever the Trumpsters do, it is justified. The Donald just makes it cool for his followers.
This is why it bothers me so much to hear someone call people sub humans. If you look at others as less than human it becomes much easier to treat them poorly. Subhumans and pedos are not worthy of living and certainly not of voting, so whatever the Trumpsters do, it is justified. The Donald just makes it cool for his followers.

The reason why the “paedophile” allegation is so effective is that pedophilia is indefensible. These are the accusations that allowed QAnon to make such inroads with the gullible. These people were out to stop pedophiles. How can any decent human being object to that?

Law enforcement have repeatedly said that so much of their time and resources are spent chasing down false reports of child sexual abuse made by QAnon types, that real pedophiles are getting away, while they investigate the false reports.
Donald Trump has never been a successful businessman in his entire life. In fact, Donald Trump is the biggest failure in American history. 7 business bankruptcies is a record and not in a good way. And in the 1980s, when everyone in America was making money, Donald Trump lost $1 billion. Daddy covered his losses.

His latest bankruptcy was the Trump Hotel in Toronto. That happened in 2016 when he was running for office. The first condominium over 10 stories to go bankrupt in the city of Toronto since 1990.

I wish I was so unsuccessful that I had my own jetliner, billions of dollars, and al being household name before even considering politics.

Donald Trump only had 5 bankruptcies, and they were all business related, not personal. It's a pretty good record considering Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career. A 1% failure rate is a record most any CEO would be glad to have.

Yes, Donald Trump did make a lot of sacrifices to run our country. Between the time he announced his candidacy to the time he became President he lost a billion dollars of net worth. Furthermore he donated his presidential pay to various charities and causes. That's in stark contrast to Democrats who didn't have a pot to piss in until they used politics for their own personal wealth gains such as Clinton, DumBama and Biden. President Trump made the largest sacrifices for our country than any other President in our lifetime.
The Trump cult has now normalized calling any political opponent, a paedophile. Or really anyone they don’t like or doesn’t think like them

There is no limit to the depths that a party who would elect a criminal like Donald Trump, will sink to.

And yet they like that mask killers “and buy A.R. 15s in wall children down by the hundreds. Yeah they’re all about protecting children from nonexistent threats but real paedophiles like priests or scout leaders, or real dangers like mass shooters.

Just like say, they’re protecting women from trans athletes, but not from bleeding out in the emergency room with an ectopic pregnancy.

It's the left that sticks up for pedophiles and sexual deviants so what do you expect. You see somebody that has such serious mental problems they think they are the opposite gender, it's more than a red flag that you have a person with severe mental problems. You don't protect people like that and have them perform shows for children, you get them away from children as far as possible.

Now being empowered by the Democrat party, these weirdos are becoming violent. The Democrats are going to make sure to bury those stories as soon as possible. You have this flake in Tenn. and even with many writings by her in a manuscript, not a word of it given to the public that wants to know the motive because it's highly likely it was an attack on children in a religious school. The Communists are going to bury this story like they did the Epstein supposed suicide where the cameras to his cell just happened not to be working and the guards just happened to be taking a break at the time he was murdered........ I mean committed suicide. He was the kingpin of high scale pedophile encounters that I'm sure most were Democrats.
The Bible explicitly allows for the death penalty for various reasons, as you well know. Justice does not = vengence.

As Christ once said in Matthew 18:6, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
Didn't he kill a lot of kids and women that have known a man.

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