Why the death penalty is needed, or just one of many reasons

Just your run of the mill polyamorous relationships that physically and sexually torture children inside the home.

It was so horrific, those investigating are having trouble sleeping at night.

Here is my favorite part of the article though.

Chavez's attorney asked that his client be released until sentencing, claiming that Chavez had endured "difficulties" with other jail inmates. The judge denied the request.


Gett'em boys!!!

:yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12: :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12:

Ok bleeding heart Leftists, tell me I'm wrong.
The only problem I have with it is that there have so many wrongfully convicted people.
That's because politics invades every aspect of our lives idiot.
There are somethings we should all be able to agree on without the partisanship. RWers see all evil out there and call it Democrat. To the point of silliness.
That's because politics invades every aspect of our lives idiot.

It does not invade anything, you gleefully invite it in. You choose to make everything political.

You read a story about a child being abused and instead of caring about the child all you care about is how you can use it to attack your political enemies.

You are very much part of the problem.
The Bible explicitly allows for the death penalty for various reasons, as you well know. Justice does not = vengence.

As Christ once said in Matthew 18:6, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
So you're saying it's not about vengeance; right?
There are somethings we should all be able to agree on without the partisanship. RWers see all evil out there and call it Democrat. To the point of silliness.
When I see democrats defending someone like Roman Polynski, a democrat favorite in Hollywood who drugged and raped a 14 year old girl, it bothers me

When I see democrats supporting sexualizing children by brining in drag queens to read to them, it bothers me

When I see democrats supporting children undergoing a sex change before they are old enough to have sex, it bothers me.

And when I see the justice system that is made up mostly of lawyers who are democrats and allow these types back on the street again, it bothers me.

Now you chastise me for having a moral pulse and noticing these things?

The only problem I have with it is that there have so many wrongfully convicted people.

Yes, but if you look at the list most of them were convicted before we improved our DNA technology and had cameras everywhere. In this case there is clear cut evidence of what took place here because of several videos.
He avoids answering posts that display his biases and hypocrisy, not surprised that he never answered. He's a joke.

Of course. How many of the last mass murders did Dementia or some other side-kick Democrat use the event to promote their gun control plans. They do it almost every time it happens.

When I see democrats defending someone like Roman Polynski, a democrat favorite in Hollywood who drugged and raped a 14 year old girl, it bothers me

When I see democrats supporting sexualizing children by brining in drag queens to read to them, it bothers me

When I see democrats supporting children undergoing a sex change before they are old enough to have sex, it bothers me.

And when I see the justice system that is made up mostly of lawyers who are democrats and allow these types back on the street again, it bothers me.

Now you chastise me for having a moral pulse and noticing these things?


Like RWingers attacking the US Capitol when their dear leader loses kind.
When I see democrats defending someone like Roman Polynski, a democrat favorite in Hollywood who drugged and raped a 14 year old girl, it bothers me

When I see democrats supporting sexualizing children by brining in drag queens to read to them, it bothers me

When I see democrats supporting children undergoing a sex change before they are old enough to have sex, it bothers me.

And when I see the justice system that is made up mostly of lawyers who are democrats and allow these types back on the street again, it bothers me.

Now you chastise me for having a moral pulse and noticing these things?

I know they are talking points but you had strung several of them together and obviously paid attention and I was about to discuss it with you then you had to end it by calling me names. You are too stupid to respond to seriously so I responded in kind. You have no moral pulse, you are simply repeating your cults talking points.
I know they are talking points but you had strung several of them together and obviously paid attention and I was about to discuss it with you then you had to end it by calling me names. You are too stupid to respond to seriously so I responded in kind. You have no moral pulse, you are simply repeating your cults talking points.

Idiocy is the human condition, or had you not noticed?

For example, I once scoffed at the notion that allowing things like gay marriage to be normalized would eventually lead to transexuals being normalized and then lead to pedophilia being normalized. What was I thinking?

Then I was an idiot for thinking that these topics were open to discussion and that the Left actually cared about people and the issues rather than just ramming down a political agenda down our throats no matter who it hurt. Yes friend, I was an idiot for thinking all these things. I just wished someone had called me one and saved me some time finding out the hard way.

Idiocy is the human condition, or had you not noticed?

For example, I once scoffed at the notion that allowing things like gay marriage to be normalized would eventually lead to transexuals being normalized and then lead to pedophilia being normalized. What was I thinking?

Then I was an idiot for thinking that these topics were open to discussion and that the Left actually cared about people and the issues rather than just ramming down a political agenda down our throats no matter who it hurt. Yes friend, I was an idiot for thinking all these things. I just wished someone had called me one and saved me some time finding out the hard way.

You are not an idiot for giving your fellow human beings the benefit of the doubt. Look at Trump, a very successful businessman and entertainer. His first line of business was to unite the two parties assuming the Democrats would want what's best for the country instead of what's best for the party. It took him several months of attempts before he realized there is no getting along with these people. Their motto is party first--country second. Not only did they show Trump he's no friend, but turned him into the enemy and are still going after him today well over two years leaving the White House.
The Left may have not normalized it in terms of Bud Light having a pedophile advertise their crappy beer or having them come read to those in kindergarden along with drag queens, but it now seems to common place in today's Leftist society that continually elects democrats, they may as well have normalized it.

The Trump cult has now normalized calling any political opponent, a paedophile. Or really anyone they don’t like or doesn’t think like them

There is no limit to the depths that a party who would elect a criminal like Donald Trump, will sink to.

And yet they like that mask killers “and buy A.R. 15s in wall children down by the hundreds. Yeah they’re all about protecting children from nonexistent threats but real paedophiles like priests or scout leaders, or real dangers like mass shooters.

Just like say, they’re protecting women from trans athletes, but not from bleeding out in the emergency room with an ectopic pregnancy.
You are not an idiot for giving your fellow human beings the benefit of the doubt. Look at Trump, a very successful businessman and entertainer. His first line of business was to unite the two parties assuming the Democrats would want what's best for the country instead of what's best for the party. It took him several months of attempts before he realized there is no getting along with these people. Their motto is party first--country second. Not only did they show Trump he's no friend, but turned him into the enemy and are still going after him today well over two years leaving the White House.

Donald Trump has never been a successful businessman in his entire life. In fact, Donald Trump is the biggest failure in American history. 7 business bankruptcies is a record and not in a good way. And in the 1980s, when everyone in America was making money, Donald Trump lost $1 billion. Daddy covered his losses.

His latest bankruptcy was the Trump Hotel in Toronto. That happened in 2016 when he was running for office. The first condominium over 10 stories to go bankrupt in the city of Toronto since 1990.

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