Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

I'm still not convinced he's actually running fo r
if 3 billion would suffice, gates or buffet would have been president, long ago and probably both
Why would anyone successful want to be President? :dunno:

He doesn't. He wants the spotlight, not the presidency. He has played this game multiple times and the rubes still fall for it.
I wish they'd put someone more interesting on the ballot for those of us locked up in states that are already sold out to the nominee of the majority party in our state. Whoever the Democrat nominee is, my state, California, gives that person it's electoral votes. How about putting Godzilla or Spiderman on the ballot for those of us who generally don't vote Democrat? It would be pretty interesting to see how many votes such a candidate would get. Personally, if it's Godzilla vs Spiderman, I'm voting for Godzilla. Let's see the world talk shit with Godzilla as our President. :thup:

Godzilla is Japanese. He can't run.
I'm still not convinced he's actually running fo r
if 3 billion would suffice, gates or buffet would have been president, long ago and probably both
Why would anyone successful want to be President? :dunno:

He doesn't. He wants the spotlight, not the presidency. He has played this game multiple times and the rubes still fall for it.
I wish they'd put someone more interesting on the ballot for those of us locked up in states that are already sold out to the nominee of the majority party in our state. Whoever the Democrat nominee is, my state, California, gives that person it's electoral votes. How about putting Godzilla or Spiderman on the ballot for those of us who generally don't vote Democrat? It would be pretty interesting to see how many votes such a candidate would get. Personally, if it's Godzilla vs Spiderman, I'm voting for Godzilla. Let's see the world talk shit with Godzilla as our President. :thup:

Godzilla is Japanese. He can't run.
And now my world is truly bleak. Party pooper. :(
Fine then, Spiderman. But all bets are off if the Hulk jumps into the mix. :thup:
Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

I'm pretty sure they want him to keep running his mouth

I'm pretty sure they do not.

Ya see scamp... The idiocy that the Ideological Left has developed a fragile construct, in the pretense of reality which is not quite as deep as a shadow.

Says the poor soul that is ignoring everyone he claims to speak for. And just making this shit up as you go along.

Trump is a DNC wet dream. Virtually every 'leftist' in this thread is advocating his candidacy. You're ignoring them all and then telling us what they 'really mean'.

Citing only yourself. Can you see why you citing you pretending to be all 'leftists' is a little odd? And far from credible?
Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

I'm pretty sure they want him to keep running his mouth

I'm pretty sure they do not.

Ya see scamp... The idiocy that the Ideological Left has developed a fragile construct, in the pretense of reality which is not quite as deep as a shadow.

Says the poor soul that is ignoring everyone he claims to speak for. And just making this shit up as you go along.

Trump is a DNC wet dream. Virtually every 'leftist' in this thread is advocating his candidacy. You're ignoring them all and then telling us what they 'really mean'.

Citing only yourself. Can you see why you citing you pretending to be all 'leftists' is a little odd? And far from credible?
Cons are always crying over something. I think they don't feel good unless they are bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Basically they bitch simply for the sake of bitching.

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Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

I'm pretty sure they want him to keep running his mouth

I'm pretty sure they do not.

Ya see scamp... The idiocy that the Ideological Left has developed a fragile construct, in the pretense of reality which is not quite as deep as a shadow.

Says the poor soul that is ignoring everyone he claims to speak for. And just making this shit up as you go along.

Trump is a DNC wet dream. Virtually every 'leftist' in this thread is advocating his candidacy. You're ignoring them all and then telling us what they 'really mean'.

Citing only yourself. Can you see why you citing you pretending to be all 'leftists' is a little odd? And far from credible?
Cons are always crying over something. I think they don't feel good unless they are bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Basically they bitch simply for the sake of bitching.

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Martyr syndrome.
Show of hands here- come on all of you liberals, leftists and moderates!

How many of you many of you agree with me- I truly hope that the RNC nominates Trump and his hair piece, and I promise not to do anything to stop him.

Why get in the way of the RNC self destructing?
I'm left of center and I think Trump would make the perfect GOP candidate. He's got my endorsement.
Show of hands here- come on all of you liberals, leftists and moderates!

How many of you many of you agree with me- I truly hope that the RNC nominates Trump and his hair piece, and I promise not to do anything to stop him.

Why get in the way of the RNC self destructing?

Isn't going to happen.
It's amazing how coordinated the attack has been on Donald Trump's comments regarding the violence and mayhem brought upon the US Culture by the Ideological Left and their importation of TENS OF MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS...

I ran across this piece which summed it up nicely...

"... Trump’s election would be a nightmare. WALL STREET has committed many crimes. No one else but Donald would dare to LOOK THE OTHER WAY LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE BECAUSE HE TOO BENEFITED FROM THE FRAUD ON THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER. Donald Trump will not hesitate. TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY, BECAUSE HE LIKE ALL MONEY GRUBBING BASTARDS IN WASHINGTON JUST CAN'T WAIT.Once Donald gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. HE WILL THEN TRY TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DUPLICATE OBAMA'S SUCCESS, LIKE ALL WHITE MEN DO, WITH BLACKSThe goose is cooked. AND DONALD THEN TELLS THE COOK, BRING ME CAVIAR AND CHAMPAIGN

Eric Holder could wind up in prison. Valerie Jarrett could wind up in prison. BUT TRUMP, LIKE ALL MONEY SHARKS WILL NOT DO THIS, BECAUSE HIS MAIN GOAL IS TOO COOK WALL STREET FOR ALL ITS WORTHObama bundler Jon Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money.

Hillary Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails; or accepting bribes from foreign governmentswhile serving as secretary of State; or for “misplacing” $6 billion as head of State Department; or for the Benghazi coverup.

The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison for targeting and persecuting critics of the president and then purposely destroying evidence. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama Crime Family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters.

Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved…just for fun. That will all happen on Trump’s first day in the White House.

Who knows what Donald will do on day two?

That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. ..."

Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump TheBlaze.com

"... Trump’s election would be a nightmare. WALL STREET has committed many crimes. No one else but Donald would dare to LOOK THE OTHER WAY LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE BECAUSE HE TOO BENEFITED FROM THE FRAUD ON THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER. Donald Trump will not hesitate. TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY, BECAUSE HE LIKE ALL MONEY GRUBBING BASTARDS IN WASHINGTON JUST CAN'T WAIT.Once Donald gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. HE WILL THEN TRY TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DUPLICATE OBAMA'S SUCCESS, LIKE ALL WHITE MEN DO, WITH BLACKSThe goose is cooked. AND DONALD THEN TELLS THE COOK, BRING ME CAVIAR AND CHAMPAIGN
An illegal in a sanctuary city murders an innocent citizen after being deported five times. He obviously knew he'd be safe there. Democrats invented sanctuary cities and have blood on their hands.
Trump would be amazing for the Democrats. They'd get in no problems.

The money people wouldn't want Trump in there, they'd just not back him, he'd have to back himself, he's rich but maybe he's not willing to put in $3 billion to get himself in as president.

Here's the thing about that.

The "Trump Brand" is reaping massive rewards, every second he is 'running for President'. The force multiplication principle is in full force and effect on that score.

The thing is that "Trump Brand" is doing the same as "Palin Brand", he's getting certain people behind him while alienating the rest. At the beginning it looks like he's doing really well because he has this hard core support which loves him and is very vocal. When it comes to the crunch he's screwed, just like Palin is no where to be seen. She can't get the majority of the Republican Party behind her. Most don't like her, most understand she's not presidential material, she's fine running a not very populated state somewhere in Canada or Russia or wherever the hell she thinks it is, but she's not the sort of person who can get the presidency, and nor is Trump.
It is not only Democrats who are cutting egomaniac trump down to size -- it is Republicans as well. He is almost as much of a narcissist as Obama himself. We can do without that. Trump is not stable enough to run a dog pound much less the greatest country in the world.

Yes... Trump has never really shown any means to run anything.

(Reader, what you're witnessing there is DELUSION... on a profound scale. Don Trump is among the most successful individuals on the planet, who has demonstrated unparalleled executive experience. And those who claim that they are HAPPY TO SEE HIM RUN HS MOUTH, are also here to 'advise you', that Trump has NO EXPERIENCE executing... and no record of success. It's a collective insanity... and Trump is merely pointin out the things that demonstrate that.

And, well ... Crazy don't like that.

Sure he is successful in making money for himself, and he is accustomed to getting his own way. That in no way means he can govern in an entirely different environment where he would not always get his selfish way. Indeed quite the opposite is true. There is a reason that throughout our history we have NOT elected a simple series of aristocratic, billionaire, narcissists to be president. Trump has no chance at all of being elected and he is such a clown that indeed his biggest rooters are the Democratic national committee. He is one of the few people that Hillary could actually beat.
Trump would be amazing for the Democrats. They'd get in no problems.

The money people wouldn't want Trump in there, they'd just not back him, he'd have to back himself, he's rich but maybe he's not willing to put in $3 billion to get himself in as president.

Here's the thing about that.

The "Trump Brand" is reaping massive rewards, every second he is 'running for President'. The force multiplication principle is in full force and effect on that score.

The thing is that "Trump Brand" is doing the same as "Palin Brand", he's getting certain people behind him while alienating the rest. At the beginning it looks like he's doing really well because he has this hard core support which loves him and is very vocal. When it comes to the crunch he's screwed, just like Palin is no where to be seen. She can't get the majority of the Republican Party behind her. Most don't like her, most understand she's not presidential material, she's fine running a not very populated state somewhere in Canada or Russia or wherever the hell she thinks it is, but she's not the sort of person who can get the presidency, and nor is Trump.

Yes... you kids dodged that Bullet. If Palin had not been saddled with the Prog-Cain she'd be your President, right now.

LOL! With regard to Trump's disastrous truth telling; I'm sure he'll survive it. It's quite likely you people have a big lesson to learn about the truth... . From all outward appearances, any lesson on the truth would be a major improvement for you folks.
Trump would be amazing for the Democrats. They'd get in no problems.

The money people wouldn't want Trump in there, they'd just not back him, he'd have to back himself, he's rich but maybe he's not willing to put in $3 billion to get himself in as president.

Here's the thing about that.

The "Trump Brand" is reaping massive rewards, every second he is 'running for President'. The force multiplication principle is in full force and effect on that score.

The thing is that "Trump Brand" is doing the same as "Palin Brand", he's getting certain people behind him while alienating the rest. At the beginning it looks like he's doing really well because he has this hard core support which loves him and is very vocal. When it comes to the crunch he's screwed, just like Palin is no where to be seen. She can't get the majority of the Republican Party behind her. Most don't like her, most understand she's not presidential material, she's fine running a not very populated state somewhere in Canada or Russia or wherever the hell she thinks it is, but she's not the sort of person who can get the presidency, and nor is Trump.

Yes... you kids dodged that Bullet. If Palin had not been saddled with the Prog-Cain she'd be your President, right now.

LOL! With regard to Trump's disastrous truth telling; I'm sure he'll survive it. It's quite likely you people have a big lesson to learn about the truth... . From all outward appearances, any lesson on the truth would be a major improvement for you folks.

If I could wave a wand and make Trump the RNC candidate today I would.

Shame his message of hating Mexicans will be diluted by more rational Republicans.
Yes... you kids dodged that Bullet. If Palin had not been saddled with the Prog-Cain she'd be your President, right now.

LOL! With regard to Trump's disastrous truth telling; I'm sure he'll survive it. It's quite likely you people have a big lesson to learn about the truth... . From all outward appearances, any lesson on the truth would be a major improvement for you folks.

Truth telling I'm not sure it is. Simplistic and shocking, perhaps. Just because it rings true it doesn't make it the truth. The same with Palin. She says stuff that people want to believe is true, but isn't, or it's distorted.

Donald Trump isn t backing away from immigrant comments - Yahoo News UK

" Trump said "the Mexican government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States" and claimed that in many cases, they are "criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.""

Does he have any proof of this? Did he present any proof? Does ANYONE have any proof of this? Or is it just that right wingers THINK it's true, so some right winger says it, and the right wingers start liking the guy?

""I think the polls are a testament," said Trump, one of more than a dozen Republicans running for president. "In the old days, they used to use a term, 'the silent majority.' We have the silent majority back, folks.""

Er... silent majority. Balls to that, they're the loudest people out there. Shouting is all they do, the louder you shout the more it must be true what you're saying, right?

Donald Trump talks himself right out of NBC s plans - The Washington Post

Hardly surprising that Trump was questioning where Obama was born either.

"His bizarre campaign as a “birther” in 2011, questioning President Obama’s origins and thus qualifications to be president, was a source of private embarrassment among some NBC executives, especially within the news division. At one point, MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell took to the air to call out his own parent company and to denounce Trump as “the most deranged egomaniac in the history of the NBC Entertainment division.”"

"Trump’s assertion that Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people” "

This comment, jeez, all Mexicans are bring drugs, crime and they're ALL FOOWKIN' rapists. Wow, all Mexicans are rapists, and he assumes, because, well, he doesn't do mexicans, that some of these rapists are good people.

I mean, are there statistics to show that ALL MEXICANS are rapists? Or even a majority assuming his English grammar isn't up to scratch. How many stats show all Mexicans bring drugs? How many show they all bring crime?

I mean, nothing in this statement is even plausible.

Perhaps he wanted to say that the immigration situation isn't great because it brings in crime, rape and drugs, which is no doubt true. However he didn't say this. He made out all Mexicans, including the Mexican govt now, are in some kind of conspiracy against the US.

I mean, seriously.

Donald Trump is in second place Reminder He s been there before. - The Washington Post

"Some of what's happening in this race so far is name recognition. People know the names Trump, Bush, and Carson, subject of a famous book and a made-for-TV movie."

"Which leads us to our Trump card, so to speak: "A new poll puts real estate mogul Donald Trump in second place in the GOP presidential field," ABC News wrote, "just behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and tied with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee." That was in April 2011, when Trump had the support of 17 percent of the Republican electorate."

This is Trump, a guy who's good at the beginning because he has that name recognition. People know him, when asked, they've heard so they say his name. Get down to policies and like in 2011, he will disappear.

" A poll a few weeks later put him at 26 percent support. Now, four years later, he's got only 12 -- despite his celebrity. Part of that may be the wider field pulling away support, but that wider field serves to make his much-smaller 12 percent of support look bigger. Twelve percent in that latter 2011 poll would have been good enough for fourth place."

Trump, like Palin, with disappear. Watch, and remember what I'm saying now.
Trump would be amazing for the Democrats. They'd get in no problems.

The money people wouldn't want Trump in there, they'd just not back him, he'd have to back himself, he's rich but maybe he's not willing to put in $3 billion to get himself in as president.

Here's the thing about that.

The "Trump Brand" is reaping massive rewards, every second he is 'running for President'. The force multiplication principle is in full force and effect on that score.

The "Trump Brand" is damaged beyond repair. His shitty casinos in Atlantic City are charging $99 a night for rooms, his show is off of NBC, the major distributor for his beauty pageant has pulled out and there are no other takers. Hotel Rooms Suites in Atlantic City New Jersey Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City NJ

Of course, that just means fewer votes. He knows that he won't win the nomination. That is a given. But what is really going to hurt "his brand" going forward is that no serious political mind is going to join his team. Watch; the campaign will be a joke.

But rejoice, you can (and of course will) always be able to blame the supposed liberal media for his (and any other candidate's) demise.
It appears to me, it is Donald Trump who is stopping Donald Trump. I hope he gets the GOP nomination!

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