Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

oh oh, they'll be coming for Matthews next

Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes

Can Conservatives think of even ONE good reason why Democrats would not root for Donald Trump? The more lefties bash him - the more righties will support him. It's simple psychology.
Is capitalism useless to purely political and social parties? We have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders and blaming the least wealthy who may even still have a third world work ethic.
I don't really think Trump will be the Republican nominee--let alone become President. BUT, people should be careful what they wish for. Crazy shit happens in this world.
Imagine President Trump...:neutral:
oh oh, they'll be coming for Matthews next

Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes

Here's an idea. If, as our board wingers allege, illegals are brought here by democrats for democrats......then I have a proposal:

Lets heavily target the suppliers of the jobs that illegals are doing; their employers. Big fines and hard jail time for violators. If, as conservatives posit, this is a democratic issue exclusive....then only democrats would be going to jail. So no harm to conservatives.

And by targeting the suppliers of jobs for illegals you can dramatically reduce the cash flow to illegal immigrants, keep more money in the US, and force many of them to self deport.

Sounds like a win-win to me!
oh oh, they'll be coming for Matthews next

Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes

Matthews is a two-faced whore. He made his career at MSNBC by bashing the Clintons. He's a joke.
I don't really think Trump will be the Republican nominee--let alone become President. BUT, people should be careful what they wish for. Crazy shit happens in this world.
Imagine President Trump...:neutral:

Crazy does happen. And if the people elect trump, the deserve what they get.
I don't really think Trump will be the Republican nominee--let alone become President. BUT, people should be careful what they wish for. Crazy shit happens in this world.
Imagine President Trump...:neutral:

Crazy does happen. And if the people elect trump, the deserve what they get.
Yes, we know, especially since the moronic, ignorant, jacked off, brain dead, leftard sheeple put an illegal, kenyan, muslim, community organizer, liar with zero experience in the white house, TWICE.

I'd pay good money to hear Trump tell Bath House Barry... "YOU'RE FIRED."
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TRUMP called it right to the core of the illegal alien problem not days ago, and now just days later, after the COMPLETE, MELT DOWN and BLOOD CURDLING CRIES of leftards and RINO's, they're now all lined up demanding answers and condemning SANCTUARY CITIES, even the two ULTRA LEFTIST REPS FROM KULLYFORNIA, Boxer and Fienstein!


Democrats don't care if YOU die. about time you realized it and OPENED your eyes

It’s OK That Illegals Murder Americans, As Long As They Vote For Democrats
Jul. 7, 2015 11:55am
Matt Walsh

Over the past week or two, one immigration story has captured the attention of the country.

Kathryn Steinle, a 32-year-old woman in San Francisco, was brutally murdered by an illegal alien who’d previously been deported five times. Killer Juan Lopez-Sanchez admitted to the deed, telling a local news outlet that he specifically chose to go to San Francisco because it’s a “sanctuary city” — meaning, it doesn’t enforce immigration laws.

The Department of Justice has allowed these cities to openly defy federal law, which makes me wonder whether Alabama can call itself a “sanctuary state” and refuse to recognize the legalization of gay marriage. Something tells me the Obama administration’s respect for local discretion only extends to open borders advocates.

Anyway, Sanchez says he killed the young woman while hopped up on sleeping pills he found in a trash can. Giving different versions of the story at various times, he first said he shot the gun at sea lions, and then said he accidentally discharged it three times in the direction of Ms. Steinle. Those explanations are difficult to take seriously, but whatever the case, as other countries look to assimilate only the best, brightest, and most morally upstanding into their ranks, we open our arms to convicted felons who scavenge in dumpsters for discarded prescription pills before shooting our neighbors to death.

ALL of it here:
It s OK That Illegals Murder Americans As Long As They Vote For Democrats TheBlaze.com
I don't really think Trump will be the Republican nominee--let alone become President. BUT, people should be careful what they wish for. Crazy shit happens in this world.
Imagine President Trump...:neutral:

Crazy does happen. And if the people elect trump, the deserve what they get.

Trump only has a slim chance of winning ONE election - the GOP Primary. Go Donald!!!!!
Day Three- and still every Liberal and Moderate who has posted strongly supports Trump as the Republican Candidate.

Showing that once again Keys is not only crazy- but wrong as usual.

Shrugs....he's his own argument, his own sources, his own audience.

None of the rest of us actually have to be here. As none of us have a thing to do with what Keyes posts.

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oh oh, they'll be coming for Matthews next

Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes

Here's an idea. If, as our board wingers allege, illegals are brought here by democrats for democrats......then I have a proposal:

Lets heavily target the suppliers of the jobs that illegals are doing; their employers. Big fines and hard jail time for violators. If, as conservatives posit, this is a democratic issue exclusive....then only democrats would be going to jail. So no harm to conservatives.

And by targeting the suppliers of jobs for illegals you can dramatically reduce the cash flow to illegal immigrants, keep more money in the US, and force many of them to self deport.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

I like it. I like it a lot!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
oh oh, they'll be coming for Matthews next

Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes

Matthews is a two-faced whore. He made his career at MSNBC by bashing the Clintons. He's a joke.

I stopped watching him for months now, perhaps 4 at this point. Couldn't take his nonsense anymore.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
oh oh, they'll be coming for Matthews next

Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes

Here's an idea. If, as our board wingers allege, illegals are brought here by democrats for democrats......then I have a proposal:

Lets heavily target the suppliers of the jobs that illegals are doing; their employers. Big fines and hard jail time for violators. If, as conservatives posit, this is a democratic issue exclusive....then only democrats would be going to jail. So no harm to conservatives.

And by targeting the suppliers of jobs for illegals you can dramatically reduce the cash flow to illegal immigrants, keep more money in the US, and force many of them to self deport.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

I like it. I like it a lot!

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How could any conservative object? Per their arguments, it would only effect democrats.
Democrats don't care if YOU die. about time you realized it and OPENED your eyes

It’s OK That Illegals Murder Americans, As Long As They Vote For Democrats
Jul. 7, 2015 11:55am
Matt Walsh

Over the past week or two, one immigration story has captured the attention of the country.

Kathryn Steinle, a 32-year-old woman in San Francisco, was brutally murdered by an illegal alien who’d previously been deported five times. Killer Juan Lopez-Sanchez admitted to the deed, telling a local news outlet that he specifically chose to go to San Francisco because it’s a “sanctuary city” — meaning, it doesn’t enforce immigration laws.

The Department of Justice has allowed these cities to openly defy federal law, which makes me wonder whether Alabama can call itself a “sanctuary state” and refuse to recognize the legalization of gay marriage. Something tells me the Obama administration’s respect for local discretion only extends to open borders advocates.

Anyway, Sanchez says he killed the young woman while hopped up on sleeping pills he found in a trash can. Giving different versions of the story at various times, he first said he shot the gun at sea lions, and then said he accidentally discharged it three times in the direction of Ms. Steinle. Those explanations are difficult to take seriously, but whatever the case, as other countries look to assimilate only the best, brightest, and most morally upstanding into their ranks, we open our arms to convicted felons who scavenge in dumpsters for discarded prescription pills before shooting our neighbors to death.

ALL of it here:
It s OK That Illegals Murder Americans As Long As They Vote For Democrats TheBlaze.com
There's no brutality in her death. Could very well be an earnest mistake.

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if he piss's off liberals he's got my support. Liberals are what's making your country a 3rd world shit hole.

That's where there seems to be a huge disconnect. He isn't pissing off liberals. He's a liberal's wet dream. From the perspective of a liberal, he is the perfect republican candidate. It's the republicans he's pissing off.

a liberal's wet dream is a contradiction in terms. Trump has enough capital reserve to break the DNC in half over his knee. he can buy the WH lock stock and barrel

No, he doesn't and no he can't. He is going to stick around long enough to get his media fix and then will explain why he's bowing out.

leaving you stuck with the best of the best right huh???

if he piss's off liberals he's got my support. Liberals are what's making your country a 3rd world shit hole.
Here is something inquiring liberal minds would like to know:

We have a Commerce Clause. Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders.

so Obozo can get your illegal dems to vote
Why is the right always complaining about illegals being a drain on our economy, instead of being Good capitalists and making more money, with recourse to our Commerce Clause and an official Mint.

Does it not merely require money to make more money under Any form of Capitalism.

If not, then the right has no capital standing regarding Capitalism.
If Obama's pet illegals keep killing off Democrat Party voters then Trump's chances grow and grow and grow.

Keep up the good work, Obie-one-can-o'pee!

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