Why the Democrats won't compromise

Congress Heads Into Weekend Deadlocked on Plan to Avert Default - Businessweek

thats not even commenting the fact the senate will be debating this plan for the next 12 hours.

You are a fucking moron and liar.

Show us Reid and O's plan. I haven't see the CBO score anything from the dems. You're insatiable desire to throw profanities does not state your case.

It would seem Peach just posted it:
Congressional Record - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Like i said, your a moron and a Partisan hack and i really dont give a shit if you get all butt hurt of my words.

Feel free to admit you dont even follow the news any time you want to. Its obvious you dont.

Your lack of cordial discourse doesn't bother me. CBO has yet to score Reids amendment to s1323. Boehner to rewrite debt-limit bill after CBO score -- GovExec.com
Bullshit. If they wanted to they had two years of total control and all they did was historical spending. YOU are full of S*&^!

Spending that was necessary to keep our country from falling into a Depression. You can ask most top economists and they'll say the same thing.

Naturally President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but President Obama was the guy we hired to clean up the incredible mess left by Bush II.

Cleanup is expensive. Just ask BP...

And he made it worse...

But that won't stop his idiot fluffers from singing his praises...
We are borrowing 40% of what we're spending.

To balance the budget without any tax increase you have to cut government spending by 40%.

How many of you who want to balance the budget but also want no tax increases are willing to, let's say,

cut the defense budget by 40%?


only 40%? Shouldn't be too tough considering the waste in Washington.
The Democrats want to reduce the deficit by a combination of revenues and cuts.

They make a HUGE compromise when they take a deal without revenues.

In short, you are comically full of shit.

Completely ignorant post - they are not compromising by not raising taxes. The Dumbocrats were already thrown out of office in record numbers last November, they know they will completely bury the entire party if they raise taxes. So essentially, they have compromised on nothing.

It's a typical Dumbocrat political ploy - make everyone think they are compromising on something they can't do anyway, in order to avoid the actual compromise they don't want - a limit on their reckless spending.

This is how bad it's gotten. There is no longer a single conservative left on USMB who can rationally view and discuss this issue.

There really is nothing to discuss. Continually raising the debt limit without massive cuts will end this country.
Spending money we don't have doesn't keep us out of a Depression. It ensures it.
We are borrowing 40% of what we're spending.

To balance the budget without any tax increase you have to cut government spending by 40%.

How many of you who want to balance the budget but also want no tax increases are willing to, let's say,

cut the defense budget by 40%?


Why don't we cut 30 percent across every dept? I'm in.
Bullshit. If they wanted to they had two years of total control and all they did was historical spending. YOU are full of S*&^!

Spending that was necessary to keep our country from falling into a Depression. You can ask most top economists and they'll say the same thing.

Naturally President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but President Obama was the guy we hired to clean up the incredible mess left by Bush II.

Cleanup is expensive. Just ask BP...

Spending fake money to fudge the numbers and up the GDP isn't preventing a depression. Is creating money out of thin air something we should do every time panic hits?

If I printed counterfeit bills to bring you out of debt every time you were in debt trouble at your house, is that a solution?
Bullshit. If they wanted to they had two years of total control and all they did was historical spending. YOU are full of S*&^!

Spending that was necessary to keep our country from falling into a Depression. You can ask most top economists and they'll say the same thing.

Naturally President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but President Obama was the guy we hired to clean up the incredible mess left by Bush II.

Cleanup is expensive. Just ask BP...

Spending fake money to fudge the numbers and up the GDP isn't preventing a depression. Is creating money out of thin air something we should do every time panic hits?

If I printed counterfeit bills to bring you out of debt every time you were in debt trouble at your house, is that a solution?

I'm sorry that you don't even has an elementary grasp on economics. You have to spend money to make money. You might not have liked the auto bailout, but it was effective was it not? GM is now making a profit and sales are up, up and up. The stimulus did what it was designed to do, stimulate the economy.

It should have been bigger and it should have come with strings. State's (like Texas) should not have been able to use it for their budget shortfalls. It should ONLY have been used to create jobs, but what's done is done.
Spending that was necessary to keep our country from falling into a Depression. You can ask most top economists and they'll say the same thing.

Naturally President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but President Obama was the guy we hired to clean up the incredible mess left by Bush II.

Cleanup is expensive. Just ask BP...

Spending fake money to fudge the numbers and up the GDP isn't preventing a depression. Is creating money out of thin air something we should do every time panic hits?

If I printed counterfeit bills to bring you out of debt every time you were in debt trouble at your house, is that a solution?

I'm sorry that you don't even has an elementary grasp on economics. You have to spend money to make money. You might not have liked the auto bailout, but it was effective was it not? GM is now making a profit and sales are up, up and up. The stimulus did what it was designed to do, stimulate the economy.

It should have been bigger and it should have come with strings. State's (like Texas) should not have been able to use it for their budget shortfalls. It should ONLY have been used to create jobs, but what's done is done.

Well, those that supported what was done should be punished by removing them from office, either by vote (which is more likely) or by impeachment.
We are borrowing 40% of what we're spending.

To balance the budget without any tax increase you have to cut government spending by 40%.

How many of you who want to balance the budget but also want no tax increases are willing to, let's say,

cut the defense budget by 40%?


Why don't we cut 30 percent across every dept? I'm in.

Because most politicians would never do it, AND, because you can't cut interest on the debt, one of the big ticket items,

that 40% figure might actually be low, for cutting across the board with no tax increase.
We are borrowing 40% of what we're spending.

To balance the budget without any tax increase you have to cut government spending by 40%.

How many of you who want to balance the budget but also want no tax increases are willing to, let's say,

cut the defense budget by 40%?


Why don't we cut 30 percent across every dept? I'm in.

Because most politicians would never do it, AND, because you can't cut interest on the debt, one of the big ticket items,

that 40% figure might actually be low, for cutting across the board with no tax increase.

You're right that interest is out AND politicians would never do it BUT that's what has to happen or all's not going to end well.
The GOP controlled House has now passed two bills that raise the debt ceiling as the Democrats want - the Ryan Plan and Cut, Cap, and Balance. That is the GOP's part of the compromise. In return, the GOP wants a balanced budget amendment to ensure we don't end up $14 trillion in debt again and requesting yet another debt ceiling raise.

Fair trade, right? Yet the Dumbocrats refuse. In fact, Fascist Reid is so scared, he won't even let the Dumbocrat controlled Senate vote on the bill. Why?

It finally hit me why. Power. The Dumbocrats bring nothing to the table and never have. They only way they are able to win elections and stay in office is by promising people an endless supply of government money (healthcare, housing, food, welfare, etc.). Except, the government doesn't have an endless supply of money. But you can avoid that fact and the grim reality that comes with an honest debate about this issue by spending over the budget and going into debt. Then, you raise the debt ceiling while people are at work and continue to dole out cash we don't have and can't afford.

However, once you have a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that forces you to spend within your means, you no longer have the ability to spend wildly and kick the can down the road for future generations to deal with. Which means you'll have to explain in a campaign debate how you're going to deliver the promises of an endless supply of government money when you have a responsible spending limit.

Of course, Fascist Reid and Marxist dictator Obama won't be able to have that debate. The only possible answer at that point would be "we plan to raise taxes heavily on the 50% of American's who actually pay taxes". And they all know they won't get elected with that slogan. That is why the Dumbocrats refuse to compromise in any capacity and instead are taking the US to the verge of default while using propaganda in hopes of convincing the American people that the GOP is at fault. Without the ability to add piles of debt to the American people, they have no platform to run on and will never get elected. The American people aren't interested in a platform of "we bring Marxism and massive taxes to the American people".

This last deal Boner sent to teh Senate was neither of the above plans, as it included Te bag input. But let me ask you about your statement above, if that is so, what do the retards do to get elected? Cut those programs & give tax breaks to the rich and corporate welfare? Be fucking honest dude.
This is how bad it's gotten. There is no longer a single conservative left on USMB who can rationally view and discuss this issue.

Rational discussion requires two rational parties. If no one can have a rational discussion with you, then chances are the problem isn't with everyone else.

When someone on the right takes the stand that the Democrats are not willing to compromise because they won't accept a package that the Republican Speaker already revised TO THE RIGHT in order to placate the right wing of HIS own party,

that is irrational.

When someone on the right takes the stand that no compromise on the GOP side on revenues is somehow a compromise,

that is irrational.

When someone on the right takes the stand that because the GOP won the House last November, that somehow trumps the fact that Democrats still control the Presidency and the Senate,
and therefore the House has the right to expect that anything they want should sail through unencumbered,

and it's worth throwing the country into chaos to uncompromisingly assert that stand,

that's irrational.
Spending that was necessary to keep our country from falling into a Depression. You can ask most top economists and they'll say the same thing.

Naturally President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but President Obama was the guy we hired to clean up the incredible mess left by Bush II.

Cleanup is expensive. Just ask BP...

Spending fake money to fudge the numbers and up the GDP isn't preventing a depression. Is creating money out of thin air something we should do every time panic hits?

If I printed counterfeit bills to bring you out of debt every time you were in debt trouble at your house, is that a solution?

I'm sorry that you don't even has an elementary grasp on economics. You have to spend money to make money. You might not have liked the auto bailout, but it was effective was it not? GM is now making a profit and sales are up, up and up. The stimulus did what it was designed to do, stimulate the economy.

It should have been bigger and it should have come with strings. State's (like Texas) should not have been able to use it for their budget shortfalls. It should ONLY have been used to create jobs, but what's done is done.

Thanks for the insult; I will continue to try and talk like an adult.

So is that, YES creating money backed by absolutely nothing a solution?
Spending fake money to fudge the numbers and up the GDP isn't preventing a depression. Is creating money out of thin air something we should do every time panic hits?

If I printed counterfeit bills to bring you out of debt every time you were in debt trouble at your house, is that a solution?

I'm sorry that you don't even has an elementary grasp on economics. You have to spend money to make money. You might not have liked the auto bailout, but it was effective was it not? GM is now making a profit and sales are up, up and up. The stimulus did what it was designed to do, stimulate the economy.

It should have been bigger and it should have come with strings. State's (like Texas) should not have been able to use it for their budget shortfalls. It should ONLY have been used to create jobs, but what's done is done.

Thanks for the insult; I will continue to try and talk like an adult.

So is that, YES creating money backed by absolutely nothing a solution?

How Unemployment Benefits Stimulate Economy

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This is what the Dumbocrats have "given" this nation. This is idiot liberal wasteful spending at its finest and this is exactly why we need to not raise the debt ceiling and let this nation default unless we are given a balanced budget amendment that is set in stone and which liberals cannot work around with pork and by hiding spending....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7XA2UUpXRk]‪Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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This is how bad it's gotten. There is no longer a single conservative left on USMB who can rationally view and discuss this issue.

Rational discussion requires two rational parties. If no one can have a rational discussion with you, then chances are the problem isn't with everyone else.

When someone on the right takes the stand that the Democrats are not willing to compromise because they won't accept a package that the Republican Speaker already revised TO THE RIGHT in order to placate the right wing of HIS own party,

that is irrational.

When someone on the right takes the stand that no compromise on the GOP side on revenues is somehow a compromise,

that is irrational.

When someone on the right takes the stand that because the GOP won the House last November, that somehow trumps the fact that Democrats still control the Presidency and the Senate,
and therefore the House has the right to expect that anything they want should sail through unencumbered,

and it's worth throwing the country into chaos to uncompromisingly assert that stand,

that's irrational.

Look, you either want the debt ceiling increased or you want to increase taxes. If you think you are going to get both on the promise to cut spending in the future, you are being completely irrational.

You want the debt ceiling raised, We want immediate spending cuts. We are willing to do what you want, so when are you going to compromise and cut the spending? You've lost all credibility to negotiate for future cuts when you violated the last several "compromises".

Like I said, if you don't want to compromise fine. But stop pretending we don't when we are giving you your precious debt ceiling raise.
You're right...terrorist is probably too strong a word. Simple insane hostage takers will do.

Who are the hostages? I certainly don't feel like I'm being held captive by the Republicans.

The Full Faith and Credit of the United States is being held hostage. The US and World Economies are being held hostage.

And the nutty Tea Bagger faction of the GnOP are giving every indication that they are willing to shoot the hostages.

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