Why the dems blocked vote on sanctuary cities and harboring illegal alien criminals?

I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

This also fails as a straw man fallacy as no one is ‘harboring’ undocumented immigrants suspected of having entered the country absent authorization.

In fact, the notion of a ‘sanctuary city’ is in fact a myth:

‘More than 70 cities and states across the country have adopted policies that prevent police agencies from asking community residents who have not been arrested to prove their legal immigration status. These policies do allow state and local police to report foreign-born criminals to DHS. Based on the tenets of community policing, these policies make it safe for immigrant crime victims and witnesses to report criminals to the police and help put them behind bars. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true. Crime experts, including hundreds of local police officers, have found that cities with community policing policies do work closely with DHS when they have actual criminals in custody. Moreover, they have built important bridges to immigrant communities that enhance their ability to fight crime and protect all residents.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities" | Immigration Policy Center

There are no laws which compel cities and local communities to use their limited law enforcement resources to investigate or pursue those suspected of being in the country illegally.

Consequently, these cities are neither ‘harboring’ nor ‘providing sanctuary’ to undocumented immigrants – the idea that they are is a lie.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News

Because they know something (unlike Know-Nothings)

So? How many illegals have you put up in your home or have personally sponsored by giving them a stipend? That's what I thought....so STFU.

None. But I buy lettuce...

Harry "the hack" Reid needs to go away. Mr Obstructionist has done enough damage.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

This also fails as a straw man fallacy as no one is ‘harboring’ undocumented immigrants suspected of having entered the country absent authorization.

In fact, the notion of a ‘sanctuary city’ is in fact a myth:

‘More than 70 cities and states across the country have adopted policies that prevent police agencies from asking community residents who have not been arrested to prove their legal immigration status. These policies do allow state and local police to report foreign-born criminals to DHS. Based on the tenets of community policing, these policies make it safe for immigrant crime victims and witnesses to report criminals to the police and help put them behind bars. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true. Crime experts, including hundreds of local police officers, have found that cities with community policing policies do work closely with DHS when they have actual criminals in custody. Moreover, they have built important bridges to immigrant communities that enhance their ability to fight crime and protect all residents.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities" | Immigration Policy Center

There are no laws which compel cities and local communities to use their limited law enforcement resources to investigate or pursue those suspected of being in the country illegally.

Consequently, these cities are neither ‘harboring’ nor ‘providing sanctuary’ to undocumented immigrants – the idea that they are is a lie.
Clayton, you are so full of crap it is amazing. Small mind. Does as ordered by his handlers.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

This also fails as a straw man fallacy as no one is ‘harboring’ undocumented immigrants suspected of having entered the country absent authorization.

In fact, the notion of a ‘sanctuary city’ is in fact a myth:

‘More than 70 cities and states across the country have adopted policies that prevent police agencies from asking community residents who have not been arrested to prove their legal immigration status. These policies do allow state and local police to report foreign-born criminals to DHS. Based on the tenets of community policing, these policies make it safe for immigrant crime victims and witnesses to report criminals to the police and help put them behind bars. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true. Crime experts, including hundreds of local police officers, have found that cities with community policing policies do work closely with DHS when they have actual criminals in custody. Moreover, they have built important bridges to immigrant communities that enhance their ability to fight crime and protect all residents.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities" | Immigration Policy Center

There are no laws which compel cities and local communities to use their limited law enforcement resources to investigate or pursue those suspected of being in the country illegally.

Consequently, these cities are neither ‘harboring’ nor ‘providing sanctuary’ to undocumented immigrants – the idea that they are is a lie.
Not 'harboring" nor "providing sanctuary." Make sure you leave cookies and milk for Santa.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

This also fails as a straw man fallacy as no one is ‘harboring’ undocumented immigrants suspected of having entered the country absent authorization.

In fact, the notion of a ‘sanctuary city’ is in fact a myth:

‘More than 70 cities and states across the country have adopted policies that prevent police agencies from asking community residents who have not been arrested to prove their legal immigration status. These policies do allow state and local police to report foreign-born criminals to DHS. Based on the tenets of community policing, these policies make it safe for immigrant crime victims and witnesses to report criminals to the police and help put them behind bars. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true. Crime experts, including hundreds of local police officers, have found that cities with community policing policies do work closely with DHS when they have actual criminals in custody. Moreover, they have built important bridges to immigrant communities that enhance their ability to fight crime and protect all residents.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities" | Immigration Policy Center

There are no laws which compel cities and local communities to use their limited law enforcement resources to investigate or pursue those suspected of being in the country illegally.

Consequently, these cities are neither ‘harboring’ nor ‘providing sanctuary’ to undocumented immigrants – the idea that they are is a lie.
Well here are the first few paragraphs of the article.

The Republican-controlled Senate failed Wednesday to advance efforts to change federal immigration law -- including one to cut funding to so-called sanctuary cities.

The vote was 53-44, failing to get the minimum 60 votes to begin debate on the issue.

The measure attempted to block congressional funding for sanctuary cities -- municipalities that ban police from cooperating with immigration officials to potentially deport illegal immigrants.

Senate Republicans also failed to get enough votes to advance their proposed Kate’s Law – named after Kate Steinle, who was fatally shot in July 2015, allegedly by an illegal immigrant who had multiple felony convictions and was deported several times prior to the incident.

“How many times does this have to happen?” Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Pat Toomey asked just before the 55-42 vote that failed along party lines. “At some point, a person needs to go to jail. That’s what Kate’s Law does.”


I guess the senate is more stupid than I realized since they have no idea what they were voting for or against?
As the guest sheriff said --- We Want To See the Law Enforced or Withhold Funding!
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News


Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News


Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News


Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News


Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News


Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News


Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!

I love Texas. (the Dallas Cowboys notwithstanding : )

Plus I am envious how many great golfers come from that state. : (

Plus as a whole, they are more moral and God fearing than most states. IMO

Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!

I love Texas. (the Dallas Cowboys notwithstanding : )

Plus I am envious how many great golfers come from that state. : (

Plus as a whole, they are more moral and God fearing than most states. IMO

You have great taste .....and perception.

Oh...the Dullass Cowgirls suck!!!

Because left wing progressives aka Hillary Clinton and her devotees .....want shit happen to America

so they can finally declare Martial Law

it's that simple

stupid sheeple ..
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!

I love Texas. (the Dallas Cowboys notwithstanding : )

Plus I am envious how many great golfers come from that state. : (

Plus as a whole, they are more moral and God fearing than most states. IMO

I like Texas patriots too!!! :2up:
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!

I love Texas. (the Dallas Cowboys notwithstanding : )

Plus I am envious how many great golfers come from that state. : (

Plus as a whole, they are more moral and God fearing than most states. IMO

I like Texas patriots too!!! :2up:

Thank you Ma'am.
Didn't they block Kates Law also?

Indeed the worthless scumbags did. There weren't 7 democrats with the balls to do what is right. Instead, by their votes, they completely screwed the people of the United States. It is treason, pure and simple.
If your hunch is right, then I am afraid we as a nation have already crossed the point of no return. We are drowning in self-pleasure and entertainment and totally lost or apathetic towards serious threats.
We are ripe for whatever the corrupt globalists or liberal movers and shakers want to implement.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!

I love Texas. (the Dallas Cowboys notwithstanding : )

Plus I am envious how many great golfers come from that state. : (

Plus as a whole, they are more moral and God fearing than most states. IMO

You have great taste .....and perception.
View attachment 80698

Oh...the Dullass Cowgirls suck!!!

I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News

Because they know something (unlike Know-Nothings)
Oh! Maybe all the "illegal aliens" are actually undercover cops looking for welfare cheats and deadbeat dads. Got it! I should have known that.

Or... many Democratic senators represent agricultural states, whose populations know something.

Yeah, all those onion picking murderers. Why hold THEM responsible when they kill American citizens.
I've an idea that people are getting armed to the teeth. At least Texans are.
Who would blame them?
Texans are a lot more honorable and resourceful than most of the nation is willing to admit.

Yes. You can bet your ass they are!

I love Texas. (the Dallas Cowboys notwithstanding : )

Plus I am envious how many great golfers come from that state. : (

Plus as a whole, they are more moral and God fearing than most states. IMO

You have great taste .....and perception.
View attachment 80698

Oh...the Dullass Cowgirls suck!!!


Appreciate it.
I cannot understand this? Maybe because they are on a roll giving free passage to criminals like Hillary so now they grant asylum to illegal alien felons in these sanctuary cities. Probably will offer them free pot, too, if it’s Seattle or Portland. Illegal must be the new PC?

Strange how the democrat party does not care how much risk they put our own citizens under with all these illegal alien criminals and unvetted middle eastern “refugees” and how much burden they put on our enormously in debt tax payers. They just want votes and power and careers. No matter what. And the voters want their free shit and their lustful fun and they detest Christian "prudes." A tough combination to defeat.

I am no friend of republican D.C. politicians but I cannot begin to stomach their leftist counterparts in D.C. along with their big supporters, the mainstream media. Corrupt nation we are.

Senate Dems block votes on immigration issues, including sanctuary cities | Fox News
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

This also fails as a straw man fallacy as no one is ‘harboring’ undocumented immigrants suspected of having entered the country absent authorization.

In fact, the notion of a ‘sanctuary city’ is in fact a myth:

‘More than 70 cities and states across the country have adopted policies that prevent police agencies from asking community residents who have not been arrested to prove their legal immigration status. These policies do allow state and local police to report foreign-born criminals to DHS. Based on the tenets of community policing, these policies make it safe for immigrant crime victims and witnesses to report criminals to the police and help put them behind bars. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true. Crime experts, including hundreds of local police officers, have found that cities with community policing policies do work closely with DHS when they have actual criminals in custody. Moreover, they have built important bridges to immigrant communities that enhance their ability to fight crime and protect all residents.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities" | Immigration Policy Center

There are no laws which compel cities and local communities to use their limited law enforcement resources to investigate or pursue those suspected of being in the country illegally.

Consequently, these cities are neither ‘harboring’ nor ‘providing sanctuary’ to undocumented immigrants – the idea that they are is a lie.

Here comes this fucking idiot and his "fallacy" bullshit. Crawl back under your rock, asshole.

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