Why the fight against Birth Control?

While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.

I think this is a matter of, as usual, leftists being unable to tell the difference between opposing forced participation in and endorsement of people's completely personal life choices, and opposing the choices themselves.

In other words, there's a big difference between being against using taxpayer dollars to provide birth control, or using the power of the government to make someone buy someone else's birth control, and being against birth control itself.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
The problem is it is a lifestyle issue, not a healthcare issue. Are you going to provide free helmets for motorcyclists?

I disagree, it's not a lifestyle issue. For example birth control is used by married people. Reproduction and sex are pretty hardwired in our species. In terms of cost/benefit - it makes sense to provide free birth control and it certainly seems to correlate with lower rates of teen pregnancies and abortion.
Who BC is used by is irrelevant. The point is who pays for it. That should be the consumer. After all society didn't pay for your marriage either.

But it paid for your kid's education.
Actually my son's attend private school which I pay handsomely for.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
The problem is it is a lifestyle issue, not a healthcare issue. Are you going to provide free helmets for motorcyclists?

I disagree, it's not a lifestyle issue. For example birth control is used by married people. Reproduction and sex are pretty hardwired in our species. In terms of cost/benefit - it makes sense to provide free birth control and it certainly seems to correlate with lower rates of teen pregnancies and abortion.
Who BC is used by is irrelevant. The point is who pays for it. That should be the consumer. After all society didn't pay for your marriage either.

But it paid for your kid's education.
Actually my son's attend private school which I pay handsomely for.
And what's more is I still suffer property taxes to pay for other scumbags kids education. If you can call it that...
[so genius if you can show me proof that a fetus can turn into a banana.. Then you could convince me it's not murder..

Other wise its murder

If you can prove to me that a foetus can survive out the womb you can convince me its a fully formed human.

That's your come back potsie?

Fucking moron paid poster who pretends to live in NZ but lives in the Bronx

Gee, that's comparable, own the land you want to hunt?

okay polygomy. Back in the day the head honcho of the tribe had a harem of women. This is because he was the biggest baddest horndog on the block, and women were given protection by the biggest, baddest horndog. He was hard wired to shag a lot, she was hard wired to get protection. In muslim countries it is still legal. in western countries, illegal.
But it paid for your kid's education.

Are you comparing the value of education to recreational sex?

It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.
Gee, that's comparable, own the land you want to hunt?

okay polygomy. Back in the day the head honcho of the tribe had a harem of women. This is because he was the biggest baddest horndog on the block, and women wanting protection from the biggest, baddest horndog. He was hard wired to shag a lot, she was hard wired to get protection. In muslim countries it is still legal. in western countries, illegal.

So it's not the hunting, you want a harem then?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
The problem is it is a lifestyle issue, not a healthcare issue. Are you going to provide free helmets for motorcyclists?

I disagree, it's not a lifestyle issue. For example birth control is used by married people. Reproduction and sex are pretty hardwired in our species. In terms of cost/benefit - it makes sense to provide free birth control and it certainly seems to correlate with lower rates of teen pregnancies and abortion.
I'm not opposed to birth control, just to providing it as a mandatory part of health insurance. I don't want to pay for your birth control pills or your motorcycle helmet of your nose job or your liposuction. I recognize all these things may be important to you but they don't belong in a health insurance plan everyone has to pay for.
So it's not the hunting, you want a harem then?

Mate, I've one wife and that's enough. Trust me. That wasn't my point. Coyote seems to think I should \pay for her BC. Her argument seems to be that because we are hard wired to have sex, it is a govt taxpayer issue. I disagree. We aren't animals with brains the size of peas. We can make informed decisions. And personal choice.
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But it paid for your kid's education.

Are you comparing the value of education to recreational sex?

It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.
We don't really have a cohesive society here, more like bickering factions bent upon the blaming and flagellation of others to avoid the responsibility of citizenship.
okay polygomy. Back in the day the head honcho of the tribe had a harem of women. This is because he was the biggest baddest horndog on the block, and women wanting protection from the biggest, baddest horndog. He was hard wired to shag a lot, she was hard wired to get protection. In muslim countries it is still legal. in western countries, illegal.

So it's not the hunting, you want a harem then?

Mate, I've one wife and that's enough. Trust me. That wasn't my point. Coyote seems to think I should \pay for her BC. Her argument seems to be that because we are hard wired to have sex, it is a govt taxpayer issue. I disagree. We aren't animals with brains the size of peas. We can make informed decisions. And person choice.[/QUOTE]

Hey, they were your words pard, sounds like you were unable to come up with one.
Gee, that's comparable, own the land you want to hunt?

okay polygomy. Back in the day the head honcho of the tribe had a harem of women. This is because he was the biggest baddest horndog on the block, and women were given protection by the biggest, baddest horndog. He was hard wired to shag a lot, she was hard wired to get protection. In muslim countries it is still legal. in western countries, illegal.

From a biological view point, it's much more basic. Unlike other primates - she has no estrus. Because it's hidden, he's hard wired to shag a lot, and she's hard wired to keep him guessing as to her exact reproductive status. Means they're both hard wired to fuck a lot since you never know if you'll ring the pregnancy bell and, somehow, it became enjoyable to both - another anomaly...but probably to encourage more shagging.
It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.

I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.
Gee, that's comparable, own the land you want to hunt?

okay polygomy. Back in the day the head honcho of the tribe had a harem of women. This is because he was the biggest baddest horndog on the block, and women were given protection by the biggest, baddest horndog. He was hard wired to shag a lot, she was hard wired to get protection. In muslim countries it is still legal. in western countries, illegal.

From a biological view point, it's much more basic. Unlike other primates - she has no estrus. Because it's hidden, he's hard wired to shag a lot, and she's hard wired to keep him guessing as to her exact reproductive status. Means they're both hard wired to fuck a lot since you never know if you'll ring the pregnancy bell and, somehow, it became enjoyable to both - another anomaly...but probably to encourage more shagging.
Well fuck it then! Let's all just have an orgy!
Where is the religious freedom for Catholics, for example, when they are forced to pay for other people's contraceptives???

The only catholics with any kind of aversion to BC are the power structure elites who ostensibly don't have sex.
It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.

I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.

I hope you have some study to cite or something.
If a woman gets pregnant while using a condom, she should name the kid Houdini !!

Better yet, pill AND condom.

The Catholic Church is the main opponent of birth control.

The Protestants as well as Catholics are opposed to abortion.

They call it murder.

Murder is a statutory felony stipulated as enumerated with elements of proof in Federal, State, and Foreign law.

It pertains to the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

A fetus is not a human being, at least not until about the 7th month when it is viable outside of the womb.

Until the 7th month a fetus is just a parasitic growth inside a female's womb.

Removing parasites is everyone's right, male or female, old or young. This notion is self evident and as such a-priori.

Birth control is the prevention of such a parasite from attaching.

Sort of like insect repellant.

You have no clue whatsoever what you're talking about on virtually everything you say. Color me surprised.

The Catholic Church does not approve of the use of birth control, or the subsidization of birth control use by others, for Catholics. If you're not Catholic, and not demanding money from someone who IS Catholic, their position has nothing whatsoever to do with you, and even they would tell you so.

I can't tell, from the way you use the phrase "the Protestants", if you think there's just one big church by that name, a la Catholic, or if you think we all believe exactly the same thing and just happen to like different buildings to worship in, or what the deal is here. For the record, the word "Protestant" encompasses basically every religion, denomination, and belief that identifies as Christian without being Catholic. Within that extremely large group, there are any number of churches with widely varying beliefs on any number of subjects, including birth control. My church, for example, has no problem with the routine use of birth control so long as it doesn't involve abortifacients. Making blanket statements about what "the Protestants" believe marks you simply as a slackjawed moron spouting from your own ignorant bigotry.

I'm not aware of any major church that calls birth control "murder", unless of course you are conflating abortion with birth control, in which case . . . see above, re: slackjawed, bigoted moron.

A fetus is a human being from the time of conception. This is not a religious belief - unlike what you're spouting. This is basic biological science. Please visit the website of your local community college to investigate opportunities to clarify this massive oversight in your education. And possibly track down the principal of your high school and slap him/her for allowing you to graduate so woefully uneducated. Up to you.

While you're correcting gaps in your education, please do something about your ignorance of the definition of the word "parasite".

Please, in the future, at least attempt to post like someone we should all take seriously, rather than sounding less intelligent, informed, and all-around like an adult human than my 2nd grader. Thanks in advance for you attention to these matters.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
The problem is it is a lifestyle issue, not a healthcare issue. Are you going to provide free helmets for motorcyclists?

I disagree, it's not a lifestyle issue. For example birth control is used by married people. Reproduction and sex are pretty hardwired in our species. In terms of cost/benefit - it makes sense to provide free birth control and it certainly seems to correlate with lower rates of teen pregnancies and abortion.
I'm not opposed to birth control, just to providing it as a mandatory part of health insurance. I don't want to pay for your birth control pills or your motorcycle helmet of your nose job or your liposuction. I recognize all these things may be important to you but they don't belong in a health insurance plan everyone has to pay for.

I have to pay for maternity coverage on my health insurance plan, as well as other benefits that I will likely never need. Comparing birth control to a nose job or liposuction is really a false comparison since neither of the latter have any effect on public health.
Gee, that's comparable, own the land you want to hunt?

okay polygomy. Back in the day the head honcho of the tribe had a harem of women. This is because he was the biggest baddest horndog on the block, and women were given protection by the biggest, baddest horndog. He was hard wired to shag a lot, she was hard wired to get protection. In muslim countries it is still legal. in western countries, illegal.

From a biological view point, it's much more basic. Unlike other primates - she has no estrus. Because it's hidden, he's hard wired to shag a lot, and she's hard wired to keep him guessing as to her exact reproductive status. Means they're both hard wired to fuck a lot since you never know if you'll ring the pregnancy bell and, somehow, it became enjoyable to both - another anomaly...but probably to encourage more shagging.
Well fuck it then! Let's all just have an orgy!


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