Why the fight against Birth Control?

Because the far right are a bunch of fascist that want to control you in their own way....Of course, they don't believe in ever helping you so it is a shit samwitch all around.
Yes but isn't demanding free stuff from us your way of controlling us?

Who wants free stuff from you hon? Where do you people come by this perceptual reality.

Who, precisely, do you think ultimately pays for the stuff you get from the government, Chuckles? Unless you're paying for that birth control with cash out of your own pocket, from your paycheck, where do you think that money's coming from? That's right: other people. Cash out of your paycheck, 100%, is the only possible way to get birth control without using other people's money.

So who has a reality problem here?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Where in the living hell did you get the idea birth control is free?

It isn't. Someone has to pay for it. So why shouldn't the people who actually use it pay for it? Please explain why I should.

You remind me of an asshole in a drug rehab I used to volunteer at whining that "cable TV should be free, like the roads."

Like the roads. Only a leeching non-taxpayer would think roads are free and that he should get his fucking HBO channel paid for by everyone else, too.
To pay for your own birth control and not chose to have kids benefits the nation and is very brave and courageous. Less kids being born will help the nation.
If every man has to finance the use of your vagina for pleasure. Every man should have access to the use of your vagina for pleasure. Deal?

Nope, you're just getting more crude and more stupid with every post. You no more finance my vagina than I do your asshole when you get your free screening or your kids when I finance their vaccinations.
Yeah you don't know what "free" means. It isn't "free". Somebody is paying for it.
It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.

I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.

Yet - countries where it is freely available have lower rates of teen pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and abortions then we do.
Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.
If every man has to finance the use of your vagina for pleasure. Every man should have access to the use of your vagina for pleasure. Deal?

Nope, you're just getting more crude and more stupid with every post. You no more finance my vagina than I do your asshole when you get your free screening or your kids when I finance their vaccinations.
Yeah you don't know what "free" means. It isn't "free". Somebody is paying for it.

Yes. Someone like me. Imagine that.
You've kind of shoved a whole lot of stuff into this that really isn't part of it. Strawman comes to mind.

I think I was pretty clear about birth control when I said providing it reduces unwanted pregnancies, teen pregnancies and abortion - all are decreased in countries where birth control is freely available. I was also pretty clear when I talked about the pill.

Does that clarify it for you?

If you are going to post an argument about "birth control" you have to define it. Does "birth control" include horror houses like Dr. Kermit Gosnel in Pa. where full term babies who slipped out of the birth canal were beheaded on the table and a woman patient was found dead? Does "birth control" include stabbing full term infants in the back of the head and sucking out their brains with a frankenstein machine while they silently scream as a couple of inches of their head remained in the birth canal to make it "legal"? A kennel would be shut down and people would go to jail for doing the same thing to freaking dogs.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Where in the living hell did you get the idea birth control is free?


It isn't. Someone has to pay for it. So why shouldn't the people who actually use it pay for it? Please explain why I should.

Sure. People like me pay for it. Just like I pay to educate your kids, vaccinate them, pay for the roads you drive on and the bridges you cross.

You remind me of an asshole in a drug rehab I used to volunteer at whining that "cable TV should be free, like the roads."

You remind me of someone who doesn't seem to realize that there is a difference between birth control and cable TV.

Like the roads. Only a leeching non-taxpayer would think roads are free and that he should get his fucking HBO channel paid for by everyone else, too.

Yes. Like the roads. That I pay for. Even if I don't use them. Or the schools that I pay for even if I don't have kids.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

The thing the left needs to understand is the majority of conservatives are not against birth control.
This conservative is against late term abortion.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

The thing the left needs to understand is the majority of conservatives are not against birth control.
This conservative is against late term abortion.

....and I think you'll find that is something you have in common with most liberals as well.

But it does seem that birth control itself is a sticking point in many ways - it's singled out. ACA offers free asprin and vaccinations, among other things - but God forbid it offer birth control pills.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

The thing the left needs to understand is the majority of conservatives are not against birth control.
This conservative is against late term abortion.

....and I think you'll find that is something you have in common with most liberals as well.

But it does seem that birth control itself is a sticking point in many ways - it's singled out. ACA offers free asprin and vaccinations, among other things - but God forbid it offer birth control pills.

As far as i'm concerned they should hand em out like Skittles at a Traygone protest.
It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.

I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.

Yet - countries where it is freely available have lower rates of teen pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and abortions then we do.
Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.

1. You aren't fooling anybody, you aren't paying for it. You are a dependent, not an income generator. So of course you want people to pay for everybody's shit. It's easy to be generous when you aren't the one giving.

2. You don't have the right to force everybody to do whatever you want them to do based on "it doesn't bother ME..so EVERYBODY must engage!"

Fuck you. YOU buy it and give it away if you don't mind doing so, I support your right to do so.
Nothing in the ACA is free. Every item everyone decides needs to be "free" simply increase the costs of health care for everyone else. The requirement to treat preexisting conditions causes a rise in costs. Allowing people to stay on their parents' insurance plans until they're 26 increases the costs. "Free" birth control increases the costs. All of this is distorting the health care market.

The biggest problem with the ACA is that it exists at all. These massive insurance plans requiring all of these different coverages many people don't even need is why the Affordable Care Act is so very unaffordable for so many people. How much do you your car insurance would cost if it covered every oil change and tire replacement? Get insurance and the government out of the health care business and you'll see health care costs plummet.

I think certain things might increase the cost short term but reduce costs long term and birth control is one of those (as are other preventative costs). The costs of unwanted children is high, so is the cost of abortion, and the cost of teen pregnancies the cycle that perpetuates.

I think the best thing they could do is make birth control pills over the counter. That would help considerably and make it cheaper.
There are quite a few serious contraindications for oral contraceptives.

The thread is focusing on female birth control...the guys need to be taking responsibility also

I totally agree, but - unlike with women, male birth control is still very much limited to condoms and abstinance and that is because the male biology is more complicated billions of swimmers always ready vs a few eggs occassionally ready. Since we're the ones that bare most of the burden, I wouldn't want to depend on a faulty condom.
Nothing in the ACA is free. Every item everyone decides needs to be "free" simply increase the costs of health care for everyone else. The requirement to treat preexisting conditions causes a rise in costs. Allowing people to stay on their parents' insurance plans until they're 26 increases the costs. "Free" birth control increases the costs. All of this is distorting the health care market.

The biggest problem with the ACA is that it exists at all. These massive insurance plans requiring all of these different coverages many people don't even need is why the Affordable Care Act is so very unaffordable for so many people. How much do you your car insurance would cost if it covered every oil change and tire replacement? Get insurance and the government out of the health care business and you'll see health care costs plummet.

I think certain things might increase the cost short term but reduce costs long term and birth control is one of those (as are other preventative costs). The costs of unwanted children is high, so is the cost of abortion, and the cost of teen pregnancies the cycle that perpetuates.

I think the best thing they could do is make birth control pills over the counter. That would help considerably and make it cheaper.
There are quite a few serious contraindications for oral contraceptives.

The thread is focusing on female birth control...the guys need to be taking responsibility also

I totally agree, but - unlike with women, male birth control is still very much limited to condoms and abstinance and that is because the male biology is more complicated billions of swimmers always ready vs a few eggs occassionally ready. Since we're the ones that bare most of the burden, I wouldn't want to depend on a faulty condom.

True but it's better than zero protection.
It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.

I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.

Yet - countries where it is freely available have lower rates of teen pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and abortions then we do.
Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.

1. You aren't fooling anybody, you aren't paying for it. You are a dependent, not an income generator. So of course you want people to pay for everybody's shit. It's easy to be generous when you aren't the one giving.

I work a full time job lady, have my own health insurance and retirement plan. Typical response from someone who is incapable of discussing the issue.

2. You don't have the right to force everybody to do whatever you want them to do based on "it doesn't bother ME..so EVERYBODY must engage!"

wah wah wah.

We all have to pay for things we don't want to. Suck it up.

Fuck you. YOU buy it and give it away if you don't mind doing so, I support your right to do so.

A little excited are you?
I think certain things might increase the cost short term but reduce costs long term and birth control is one of those (as are other preventative costs). The costs of unwanted children is high, so is the cost of abortion, and the cost of teen pregnancies the cycle that perpetuates.

I think the best thing they could do is make birth control pills over the counter. That would help considerably and make it cheaper.
There are quite a few serious contraindications for oral contraceptives.

The thread is focusing on female birth control...the guys need to be taking responsibility also

I totally agree, but - unlike with women, male birth control is still very much limited to condoms and abstinance and that is because the male biology is more complicated billions of swimmers always ready vs a few eggs occassionally ready. Since we're the ones that bare most of the burden, I wouldn't want to depend on a faulty condom.

True but it's better than zero protection.

I'm also for making condoms free - not just for birth control but disease prevention.
I think the best thing they could do is make birth control pills over the counter. That would help considerably and make it cheaper.
There are quite a few serious contraindications for oral contraceptives.

The thread is focusing on female birth control...the guys need to be taking responsibility also

I totally agree, but - unlike with women, male birth control is still very much limited to condoms and abstinance and that is because the male biology is more complicated billions of swimmers always ready vs a few eggs occassionally ready. Since we're the ones that bare most of the burden, I wouldn't want to depend on a faulty condom.

True but it's better than zero protection.

I'm also for making condoms free - not just for birth control but disease prevention.

They are free in many places around us. One outfit walks around passing them out, my understanding it's a dual purpose, birth control and AIDS.
It can be argued that all children result from recreational sex. Why should I have to pay for that result by paying to educate your kids when I don't have kids?

The reason is an uneducated population is detrimental to our society, so it's in all our interests to pay for it. Likewise, unwanted pregnancies (whether or not you agree with how they came about) are also detrimental to our society and cost far more then the cost of preventing them.

I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.

Yet - countries where it is freely available have lower rates of teen pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and abortions then we do.
Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.
Why do you think it is the taxpayer's responsibility? Where will it end? Is there an end? Do liberals ever take responsibility for their choices or is it the taxpayers who must always foot the bill?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

The thing the left needs to understand is the majority of conservatives are not against birth control.
This conservative is against late term abortion.

....and I think you'll find that is something you have in common with most liberals as well.

But it does seem that birth control itself is a sticking point in many ways - it's singled out. ACA offers free asprin and vaccinations, among other things - but God forbid it offer birth control pills.
Nothing is free. Nothing.
I think the point is moot. A large percentage of people who get pregnant would forget to the take the pill anyway.

Yet - countries where it is freely available have lower rates of teen pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and abortions then we do.
Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.

1. You aren't fooling anybody, you aren't paying for it. You are a dependent, not an income generator. So of course you want people to pay for everybody's shit. It's easy to be generous when you aren't the one giving.

I work a full time job lady, have my own health insurance and retirement plan. Typical response from someone who is incapable of discussing the issue.

2. You don't have the right to force everybody to do whatever you want them to do based on "it doesn't bother ME..so EVERYBODY must engage!"

wah wah wah.

We all have to pay for things we don't want to. Suck it up.

Fuck you. YOU buy it and give it away if you don't mind doing so, I support your right to do so.

A little excited are you?

You are not skilled enough, nor do you have enough character, to support yourself in the manner to which I'm sure you are accustomed. I guarantee you do not now, nor have you ever, paid enough in taxes to offset the services you have enjoyed throughout your life and enjoy now. And the fact that you don't earn more than 185 percent of the fed poverty level means you aren't taxed at the same rate as, say, I am. You're just a big black hole of neediness and it chaps my hide that you have the nerve to tell other people they shouldn't mind paying for shit you have NEVER paid for.

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