Why the fight against Birth Control?

Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.
Why do you think it is the taxpayer's responsibility? Where will it end? Is there an end? Do liberals ever take responsibility for their choices or is it the taxpayers who must always foot the bill?

I foot the bill for educating other people's kids :dunno:

Do conservatives ever take responsibility for their choices...?

Why can't you answer the question? People already get education, housing, food, utilities, phones, now you want be? Tell me. Is there a limit? Ever?

I pretty much answered the question Willow, multiple times when I talked about it as a public health issue. In countries where birth control is freely available there are lower rates of unwanted pregnancies, teen pregnancies, and abortion - all of which have a high social cost. Prevention is much cheaper than paying for it all after the fact.
Then let's do hysterectomies and vasectomies. A permanent solution that does not rely on memory! Goal met.
Yet - countries where it is freely available have lower rates of teen pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and abortions then we do.
Nothing is free. Why don't you liberals get that?

Of course nothing is free, why don't you get that we realize that?

Some things are worth paying for. I don't need birth control. I don't have a child to be educated or vaccinated. But I'm not crying about having to pay for it.
Why do you think it is the taxpayer's responsibility? Where will it end? Is there an end? Do liberals ever take responsibility for their choices or is it the taxpayers who must always foot the bill?

I foot the bill for educating other people's kids :dunno:

Do conservatives ever take responsibility for their choices...?

Why can't you answer the question? People already get education, housing, food, utilities, phones, now you want be? Tell me. Is there a limit? Ever?
And welfare was only supposed to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Where in the living hell did you get the idea birth control is free?


It isn't. Someone has to pay for it. So why shouldn't the people who actually use it pay for it? Please explain why I should.

Sure. People like me pay for it. Just like I pay to educate your kids, vaccinate them, pay for the roads you drive on and the bridges you cross.

You remind me of an asshole in a drug rehab I used to volunteer at whining that "cable TV should be free, like the roads."

You remind me of someone who doesn't seem to realize that there is a difference between birth control and cable TV.

There is no difference, and you can't explain how there is.

I guess we should pay for "free" puppies for hookers, and free cable for addict.

I fail to see any public health benefit in that, but go ahead and make a case for it if you wish.
See? You can't explain the difference.

No one needs birth control for their health.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Where in the living hell did you get the idea birth control is free?


It isn't. Someone has to pay for it. So why shouldn't the people who actually use it pay for it? Please explain why I should.

Sure. People like me pay for it. Just like I pay to educate your kids, vaccinate them, pay for the roads you drive on and the bridges you cross.

You remind me of an asshole in a drug rehab I used to volunteer at whining that "cable TV should be free, like the roads."

You remind me of someone who doesn't seem to realize that there is a difference between birth control and cable TV.

There is no difference, and you can't explain how there is.

I guess we should pay for "free" puppies for hookers, and free cable for addict.

I fail to see any public health benefit in that, but go ahead and make a case for it if you wish.
See? You can't explain the difference.

No one needs birth control for their health.
Pregnancy is not an illness. Its a decision.
Nobody who receives ANY entitlement...social security, foodstamps, obamacare, energy subsidies, free lunches...should NOT be able to vote, period. They are failures at life in general, and they are not contributing SHIT to society or to the coffers. Figure it out, support yourself..and then you should be allowed to have a say.

You done with your little tantrum yet?
Tantrum...? Ummm... Need I remind you, that you are the one insisting that we buy you birth control? And you aren't taking no for an answer... Tantrum indeed.

I'm putting out a rational argument, and giving my reasons for it. You can disagree or not as you wish. It's no skin off my back but some here seem to have taken it intensely personally. Maybe they're just lactose intolerant.
Vaccines prevent the spread of disease. Birth control does not prevent disease. I can see how pro-abortion people confuse pregnancy with a disease, though. It's too bad there isn't a vaccine for that kind of sickness in the head.
The OP is what happens when one has spent their whole life getting by on entitlements. Its nothing for them to say "what just one more matter"?
Nobody who receives ANY entitlement...social security, foodstamps, obamacare, energy subsidies, free lunches...should NOT be able to vote, period. They are failures at life in general, and they are not contributing SHIT to society or to the coffers. Figure it out, support yourself..and then you should be allowed to have a say.

You done with your little tantrum yet?
Tantrum...? Ummm... Need I remind you, that you are the one insisting that we buy you birth control? And you aren't taking no for an answer... Tantrum indeed.

I'm putting out a rational argument, and giving my reasons for it. You can disagree or not as you wish. It's no skin off my back but some here seem to have taken it intensely personally. Maybe they're just lactose intolerant.
Or maybe they're sick of supporting irresponsible parasites...
ACA offers free asprin and vaccinations, among other things - but God forbid it offer birth control pills.
There IS a difference between vaccines and birth control.

Why should I pay for other kid's vaccinations?

Again, nobody cares if you do or you don't.

If you choose to, good for you. After all, you have foodstamps to fill in any shortage in finances you suffer as a result. But for those of us who don't enjoy rental subsidies, foodstamps, energy subsidies, free dental etc., every dollar we spend on others is a dollar we aren't able to spend to feed our own children...or otherwise help them prepare for the future.
The OP is what happens when one has spent their whole life getting by on entitlements. Its nothing for them to say "what just one more matter"?
"It doesn't bother me at all when other people pay for my medical and food! They should keep doing it!" No shit you feel that way, Coyote.
Birth control is for feel good entertainment. Like cable TV.
Where in the living hell did you get the idea birth control is free?


It isn't. Someone has to pay for it. So why shouldn't the people who actually use it pay for it? Please explain why I should.

Sure. People like me pay for it. Just like I pay to educate your kids, vaccinate them, pay for the roads you drive on and the bridges you cross.

You remind me of an asshole in a drug rehab I used to volunteer at whining that "cable TV should be free, like the roads."

You remind me of someone who doesn't seem to realize that there is a difference between birth control and cable TV.

There is no difference, and you can't explain how there is.

I guess we should pay for "free" puppies for hookers, and free cable for addict.

I fail to see any public health benefit in that, but go ahead and make a case for it if you wish.
See? You can't explain the difference.

No one needs birth control for their health.
Pregnancy is not an illness. Its a decision.

Sort of. Not everyone has sex deciding "Hey, I think I'm going to get preggers today!". But ultimately I don't care WHY they get pregnant because that's not the issue - the issue is the effects of it and the costs of it on the public.

My insurance (and ACA for that matter) includes smoking cessation programs, drug rehab, maternity care - all of which I pay for but have no need of. Smoking is a choice, I don't smoke. But the cost of smoking on society as whole is very high and those cost's are reflected in insurance rates, in healthcare costs etc. In my opinion it's worth it to pay for those programs even they do not effect me.
The OP is what happens when one has spent their whole life getting by on entitlements. Its nothing for them to say "what just one more matter"?
"It doesn't bother me at all when other people pay for my medical and food! They should keep doing it!" No shit you feel that way, Coyote.

Let me know when you can discuss this in an adult manner.
Vaccines prevent the spread of disease. Birth control does not prevent disease. I can see how pro-abortion people confuse pregnancy with a disease, though. It's too bad there isn't a vaccine for that kind of sickness in the head.

Birth control can prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce abortions. I would think you anti-choice people would be all for it.

Sure. People like me pay for it. Just like I pay to educate your kids, vaccinate them, pay for the roads you drive on and the bridges you cross.

You remind me of someone who doesn't seem to realize that there is a difference between birth control and cable TV.

There is no difference, and you can't explain how there is.

I guess we should pay for "free" puppies for hookers, and free cable for addict.

I fail to see any public health benefit in that, but go ahead and make a case for it if you wish.
See? You can't explain the difference.

No one needs birth control for their health.
Pregnancy is not an illness. Its a decision.

Sort of. Not everyone has sex deciding "Hey, I think I'm going to get preggers today!". But ultimately I don't care WHY they get pregnant because that's not the issue - the issue is the effects of it and the costs of it on the public.

My insurance (and ACA for that matter) includes smoking cessation programs, drug rehab, maternity care - all of which I pay for but have no need of. Smoking is a choice, I don't smoke. But the cost of smoking on society as whole is very high and those cost's are reflected in insurance rates, in healthcare costs etc. In my opinion it's worth it to pay for those programs even they do not effect me.
And we should cut those parasitic programs as well, not add more.
Nobody who receives ANY entitlement...social security, foodstamps, obamacare, energy subsidies, free lunches...should NOT be able to vote, period. They are failures at life in general, and they are not contributing SHIT to society or to the coffers. Figure it out, support yourself..and then you should be allowed to have a say.

You done with your little tantrum yet?
Tantrum...? Ummm... Need I remind you, that you are the one insisting that we buy you birth control? And you aren't taking no for an answer... Tantrum indeed.

I'm putting out a rational argument, and giving my reasons for it. You can disagree or not as you wish. It's no skin off my back but some here seem to have taken it intensely personally. Maybe they're just lactose intolerant.
It is quite obvious that there is nothing that you think an adult human being should take personal responsibility for. You obviously think that is why god created tax payers. We got it.
Sort of. Not everyone has sex deciding "Hey, I think I'm going to get preggers today!". But ultimately I don't care WHY they get pregnant because that's not the issue - the issue is the effects of it and the costs of it on the public.

Then they should think about that before they have sex, eh?

Sex is a choice! Aren't you pro-choice?

It's not like someone is holding them down, forcing them to have sex without birth control. Although I have seen pro-abortionists try to paint every unwanted pregnancy as a case of rape or incest.

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