Why the GOP Continues to Fail with Healthcare Reform


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the GOP's Senate bill would leave 22 million people without insurance coverage, a toll surpassed in its cruelty only by the House Republican bill, which the CBO said would cost 24 million Americans their coverage.

Those unattractive options help to explain why national approval ratings for Obamacare rose above 50 percent after Trump's election and have continued to rise as the public learns what the possible alternatives could be.

What went wrong for repeal? Three problems stand out.

One, after almost eight years of promising repeal and repeatedly voting for it — only to be repeatedly vetoed by President Obama — congressional Republicans neglected to come up with an alternative health care program until after Trump's election meant their repeal vote actually could be enacted.

Two, that failing exposed deeper fissures: Polarization within the party and the reduction of moderates to an endangered species has left the GOP too divided within its own ranks to reach a consensus on the best way to cure Obamacare's ills.

Third, President Trump is too inexperienced in government and too clueless about how Capitol Hill works to provide the leadership and arm-twisting that get important bills passed. That's left even more heavy lifting for McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan without much help from the president, beyond his cheerleading tweets.”

Obamacare wins again as GOP adds to its list of stalled legislation

In addition to Republicans having no viable plan, a divided GOP, and an inexperienced, clueless Trump, conservatives’ failure to repeal the ACA demonstrates the right’s contempt for sound, responsible governance, and that Republicans are indeed incapable of governing at all.
It seems like all they need to do is change 1 or 2 small things with obamacare re-name it Trumpcare and the braying redneck jackasses will call it the best plan to ever exist in the history of mankind... simple fix
You can't paint a bold mural with only half a color palette. The GOP is prohibited from anything but taking benefits away. The only question is how much. All they can try to do is tweak the ACA and hope their base falls for it.

The Democrats could have just expanded the already-functioning Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage public/private partnership to all in 2009, but they didn't have the balls. They're just gutless politicians, if you'll excuse the redundancy.

Our "leaders" continue to fail us. All they can do is deflect and point at the other guy. Same with their flocks. Their flocks are their enablers.
Until both sides are willing to negotiate a final law.................with a give and take process................we will continue to get CRAP.

The intent of the Constitution was to make laws hard to pass for a reason. So compromise would rule the day. The divide is so deep between parties that this is no longer possible.
It seems like all they need to do is change 1 or 2 small things with obamacare re-name it Trumpcare and the braying redneck jackasses will call it the best plan to ever exist in the history of mankind... simple fix
/----/ Actually what we will call the "the best plan to ever exist in the history of mankind." is a free market economy with no Gubmint interference. Get the Gubmint out of Healthcare.
Actually what we will call the "the best plan to ever exist in the history of mankind." is a free market economy with no Gubmint interference. Get the Gubmint out of Healthcare.

Exactly right. By dubious procedural means, Democrats and Democrats alone forced an ill conceived health care plan on this nation. This plan is based on the premise that everyone deserves health care, even if other people are forced to pay for those who can’t, or won’t, pay for their own. This premise is false.

Let the ACA fade away with its high premiums, high deductibles, and low usability. Those who want health care should obtain it the old fashioned way: Get a job and pay for it.

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