Why the GOP has to run on "Wright, Muslim. Birther and Not one of us".

Freedom Watch - supported Bush

Lew Rockwell - wrote Ron Paul's racist news letters

These are the experts who say both parties are the "same"? Really? You sure about that? Care to try again?

Yeah....they never should have supported Bush.

Nobody telling the truth ever supported Bush.
Freedom Watch - supported Bush

Lew Rockwell - wrote Ron Paul's racist news letters

These are the experts who say both parties are the "same"? Really? You sure about that? Care to try again?

Dean your too far gone to even consider the possibility......even a Klingon Mind Sifter would fail to get that out of you....
Freedom Watch - supported Bush

Lew Rockwell - wrote Ron Paul's racist news letters

These are the experts who say both parties are the "same"? Really? You sure about that? Care to try again?

Freedom Watch supported Bush? The show's first broadcast was February 20,2012. Bush's last day in office was January 20th 2009...hmmmm

The Freedom Watch show was cancelled because Judge Napolitano wasn't toeing the FOX empire's agenda.

The defining clip from the now cancelled Freedom Watch which many suspect is what got the show cancelled!

Both parties ARE controlled by corporate, big money interests, it's a two party plutocracy, if you don't think so you're naive as hell.

Trying to change the subject as to the Ron Paul letters, doesn't alter the fact that both parties are bought and controlled by big money special interests groups.

The Choice of President this year is comparable to a choice between diet coke or diet pepsi....not much choice really.Obama and Romney are the two candidates that the powers that be have selected for us to vote between. It's like a Don King boxing match where Don King owns both fighters. Obama and Romney are the candidates that TPTB want the people to squabble over.
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