Why the GOP has to run on "Wright, Muslim. Birther and Not one of us".

Why the GOP has to run on "Wright, Muslim. Birther and Not one of us"

The GOP has always, without truth, but with a lot of success, portrayed themselves as "strong" and the party that will "keep America safe". That's off the table now that Obama took out Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda while the GOP let Bin Laden go and forgot about him so he could hatch more plots.

Muslim? We know he's a Christian. They know it too. But they can't do to Obama what they are doing and admit he's a Christian.

Birther, same reason. To treat an American that way. Course, he is black.

Not one of us. Course, that's true. Republicans have failed, but not Obama.

Obama committed the worst sin of all. He followed many of what Republicans insist are their policies and made them successful. Just a few:

Expanded gun laws

Reduced the size of government

Fewer regulations.

and his economic policies:

Saved the auto industry

Saved the economy.

Worse, his stimulus package was picked up by over a hundred Republicans in congress and they've used the money to create thousands and thousands of jobs in their states while complaining it's a failure, taking credit for something THEY VOTED AGAINST. How honest is that?

So what other choice do they have but to dust off the completely made up Wright Controversy. Sad that so many right wingers say "American will be destroyed by God" if we don't follow Biblical Scripture" Which is what Wright was saying. That "God Damn America" is what will happen if we don't follow the Bible. They've taken three words out of something they fervently believe and used them on an old man. Sickening.

They could give us an economic policy or something along those lines. But they don't have one, besides the failed "gut taxes". Once taxes go to an historic low, that becomes a joke. But what else do the have? Health care is off the table. The party of "let him die" simply won't consider something so "socialistic". Better they die.

Place the Bong on the Table, and step away Bro. You need to come down.

Expanded gun laws

Reduced the size of government

Fewer regulations.

and his economic policies:

Saved the auto industry

Saved the economy.

Hurts doesn't it.
Muslim? We know he's a Christian. They know it too. But they can't do to Obama what they are doing and admit he's a Christian.

"We know he's a Christian", eh? Exactly what gives you the impression that Obama is distinctly Christian -- meaning, not Muslim? I ask not because I'm skeptical of his faith (my guess is Obama's not particularly religious and only associated with a church in his past in Chicago because it was beneficial to his political career), but...you did bring it up.

The funny thing is the only real evidence that we have that Obama's Christian at all involves...Rev. Wright.

So what other choice do they have but to dust off the completely made up Wright Controversy. Sad that so many right wingers say "American will be destroyed by God" if we don't follow Biblical Scripture" Which is what Wright was saying. That "God Damn America" is what will happen if we don't follow the Bible. They've taken three words out of something they fervently believe and used them on an old man. Sickening.

I know you're too far gone to be reasoned with, but to set the record straight: the only reason Rev. Wright is back in the news is because he was interviewed for an upcoming book in which he says someone from Obama's campaign bribed him to keep quiet about Obama. Then, we find out the same guy not only runs the medical center that gave Michelle Obama a promotion worth six-figures right after Obama was elected to the Senate, was appointed as the Illinois health director based on Obama's reference, and received a $6M grant for his UHI program.

In other words, the One has once again been shown to resort to politics-as-usual (cronyism and bribery) to save his own precious ass, while promoting Hope and Change.

I'll also point out how liberals, like you, have no problem with promiscuous accusations of racism when it's the right criticizing Obama on anything, but apparently it's bullshit to assume someone who says "Not God bless America...God DAMN America!" and saying our chickens have come home to roost regarding 9/11 might not exactly be patriotic. It's okay to rush to condemn someone for being a racist, but we have to exercise caution when condemning someone as being anti-American. Makes perfect sense, right?
Barack Obama's two signature "accomplishments" with his super majorities were ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus.

So would you like to take a stab at explaining why he's not running for reelection on either?

I'm sorry for pointing out the obvious here but the Democrats need to make this election about something OTHER than ObamaCare, the deficit, unemployment or the economy because on ALL of those things, Barry has an abysmal record.

Well actually he is running on those things. And even the good Bishop had to stop saying that Obama "wrecked" the economy.

His new meme is that the economy is recovering much slower then it should.

Barack Obama's two signature "accomplishments" with his super majorities were ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus.

So would you like to take a stab at explaining why he's not running for reelection on either?

I'm sorry for pointing out the obvious here but the Democrats need to make this election about something OTHER than ObamaCare, the deficit, unemployment or the economy because on ALL of those things, Barry has an abysmal record.

Well actually he is running on those things. And even the good Bishop had to stop saying that Obama "wrecked" the economy.

His new meme is that the economy is recovering much slower then it should.


Actually he's running on anything other than his supposed accomplishments.

Stimulus has been strickened from the campaign, and will not be used at least until after the election......even though he is proposing another one this month.

He isn't talking about Obamacare unless he's commenting on the SCOTUS decision.

What he is talking about is empowering women, kissing their behinds, and talking about taxing the rich, going after rich folks that are doing everything they can to avoid paying taxes.......including himself, but he's not talking about that. lol
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Why the GOP has to run on "Wright, Muslim. Birther and Not one of us"

The GOP has always, without truth, but with a lot of success, portrayed themselves as "strong" and the party that will "keep America safe". That's off the table now that Obama took out Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda while the GOP let Bin Laden go and forgot about him so he could hatch more plots.

Muslim? We know he's a Christian. They know it too. But they can't do to Obama what they are doing and admit he's a Christian.

Birther, same reason. To treat an American that way. Course, he is black.

Not one of us. Course, that's true. Republicans have failed, but not Obama.

Obama committed the worst sin of all. He followed many of what Republicans insist are their policies and made them successful. Just a few:

Expanded gun laws

Reduced the size of government

Fewer regulations.

and his economic policies:

Saved the auto industry

Saved the economy.

Worse, his stimulus package was picked up by over a hundred Republicans in congress and they've used the money to create thousands and thousands of jobs in their states while complaining it's a failure, taking credit for something THEY VOTED AGAINST. How honest is that?

So what other choice do they have but to dust off the completely made up Wright Controversy. Sad that so many right wingers say "American will be destroyed by God" if we don't follow Biblical Scripture" Which is what Wright was saying. That "God Damn America" is what will happen if we don't follow the Bible. They've taken three words out of something they fervently believe and used them on an old man. Sickening.

They could give us an economic policy or something along those lines. But they don't have one, besides the failed "gut taxes". Once taxes go to an historic low, that becomes a joke. But what else do the have? Health care is off the table. The party of "let him die" simply won't consider something so "socialistic". Better they die.

Place the Bong on the Table, and step away Bro. You need to come down.

i think Dean needs to smoke a little weed.....
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.

Derp, you keep confusing Obama with America.

The two are not synonymous.

I know you're desperate to have Obama crowned King, but face it -- it's not going to happen. Normal people don't want to be subjects. We're citizens.

I know that level of responsibility scares the hell out of you, but too bad.
The Right is talking about it because they don't want to talk about the economy.

And they know they will lose if a factual, objective analysis is made of their proposals and policies. It’s easier to attack Obama than to defend their positions.
So why is Obama attacking Romney and not defending his positions?

Let me guess: That's different. Somehow. It just is.
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.

Derp, you keep confusing Obama with America.

The two are not synonymous.

I know you're desperate to have Obama crowned King, but face it -- it's not going to happen. Normal people don't want to be subjects. We're citizens.

I know that level of responsibility scares the hell out of you, but too bad.

and you keep confusing rightwingnut loons with the way normal people think.


the president is leading nationally, but more importantly, he's ahead in Ohio, VA and FL and most people in the country still don't like your guy but like the president. oops... reality bites, eh?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012
hey fuclkwitt all campaigns ask for money

Yes.....but they at least show some class about it.

A prime example of the classlessness of the Obama campaign:

He sends out emails asking his supporters to visit a site. They visit the site and he tells them he would like to send a letter with everyone's signature on it wishing Michelle a happy Mother's Day. Then he says along with that please send him a donation.

Sandra Flucke is under attack from Rush and the GOP......please send your donations....

Trayvan Martin was hunted down and murdered in cold-blood by a white, George Zimmerman.......please send your donations.....

I got Bin Laden. It was a Gutsy Call........please send your donations......

Mitt Romney hates Homosexuals and wants to prevent them from getting married......please send your donations......

The GOP wants dirty air and dirty water......please send your donations.......

We see it over and over. Obama thinks you're stupid.........and I think he's right.

Republicans don't have to show class. Because they get their money in "secret" from shadowy billionaires who have turned Republican Politicians into "indentured servants".

It's not a secret. Everyone knows it's happening. They just don't know who from.
But remember, Soros' money is good and righteous and holy.
Barack Obama's two signature "accomplishments" with his super majorities were ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus.

So would you like to take a stab at explaining why he's not running for reelection on either?

I'm sorry for pointing out the obvious here but the Democrats need to make this election about something OTHER than ObamaCare, the deficit, unemployment or the economy because on ALL of those things, Barry has an abysmal record.

Well actually he is running on those things. And even the good Bishop had to stop saying that Obama "wrecked" the economy.

His new meme is that the economy is recovering much slower then it should.


You're REALLY going to come on here and say that Barack Obama is running on ObamaCare? That's laughable, Sallow. He's running away from it. It NEVER gets mentioned. The costs of the program keep getting "recalculated" higher and higher and the American public is finally understanding that when Nancy told them that Congress had to pass the bill before we could see what was IN the bill, she was simply embarrassed to admit how bad it really was.
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.

Derp, you keep confusing Obama with America.

The two are not synonymous.

I know you're desperate to have Obama crowned King, but face it -- it's not going to happen. Normal people don't want to be subjects. We're citizens.

I know that level of responsibility scares the hell out of you, but too bad.

and you keep confusing rightwingnut loons with the way normal people think.


the president is leading nationally, but more importantly, he's ahead in Ohio, VA and FL and most people in the country still don't like your guy but like the president. oops... reality bites, eh?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012
Don't bother waving opinion polls at me. The only one that counts is on election day -- and I'm not talking about exit polls.
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.

The two are not synonymous.

I know you're desperate to have Obama crowned King, but face it -- it's not going to happen. Normal people don't want to be subjects. We're citizens.

I know that level of responsibility scares the hell out of you, but too bad.

and you keep confusing rightwingnut loons with the way normal people think.


the president is leading nationally, but more importantly, he's ahead in Ohio, VA and FL and most people in the country still don't like your guy but like the president. oops... reality bites, eh?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012

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Muslim? We know he's a Christian. They know it too. But they can't do to Obama what they are doing and admit he's a Christian.

"We know he's a Christian", eh? Exactly what gives you the impression that Obama is distinctly Christian -- meaning, not Muslim? I ask not because I'm skeptical of his faith (my guess is Obama's not particularly religious and only associated with a church in his past in Chicago because it was beneficial to his political career), but...you did bring it up.

The funny thing is the only real evidence that we have that Obama's Christian at all involves...Rev. Wright.

So what other choice do they have but to dust off the completely made up Wright Controversy. Sad that so many right wingers say "American will be destroyed by God" if we don't follow Biblical Scripture" Which is what Wright was saying. That "God Damn America" is what will happen if we don't follow the Bible. They've taken three words out of something they fervently believe and used them on an old man. Sickening.

I know you're too far gone to be reasoned with, but to set the record straight: the only reason Rev. Wright is back in the news is because he was interviewed for an upcoming book in which he says someone from Obama's campaign bribed him to keep quiet about Obama. Then, we find out the same guy not only runs the medical center that gave Michelle Obama a promotion worth six-figures right after Obama was elected to the Senate, was appointed as the Illinois health director based on Obama's reference, and received a $6M grant for his UHI program.

In other words, the One has once again been shown to resort to politics-as-usual (cronyism and bribery) to save his own precious ass, while promoting Hope and Change.

I'll also point out how liberals, like you, have no problem with promiscuous accusations of racism when it's the right criticizing Obama on anything, but apparently it's bullshit to assume someone who says "Not God bless America...God DAMN America!" and saying our chickens have come home to roost regarding 9/11 might not exactly be patriotic. It's okay to rush to condemn someone for being a racist, but we have to exercise caution when condemning someone as being anti-American. Makes perfect sense, right?

He said he thought he was being bribed. There is no proof that anyone tried to bribe him. Wright is bitter. He's a patriotic American who joined the US Marines DURING Vietnam. He was saying what God would do if America didn't follow Biblical scripture. Which is what most preachers in this country say, if not all. He's bitter because of Obama running for president, Republicans dragged him through the mud and ruined his life, like they've done with so many others. The Republican Party is despicable. Wright should be mad at Republicans, not Obama. Only everyone knows the Republican Party is dirty. Even Republicans. They don't deny it. It makes them proud. They think people see them as "strong".

As far as these other allegations, Republicans never put links because 99% of the time, what they say is just made up bullshit or some good thing twisted into bad, like Kerry's medals.

The UHI is the starting point for forging true University and community partnerships in health care, education and community planning, with all partners working to change the trajectory for the children, youth and families

Urban Health Institute

That's what you're talking about? Republicans take good things that help Americans and turn it into something dirty because they are a dirty party. And as stupid as fuck.
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He said he thought he was being bribed. There is no proof that anyone tried to bribe him. Wright is bitter. He's a patriotic American who joined the US Marines DURING Vietnam. He was saying what God would do if America didn't follow Biblical scripture. Which is what most preachers in this country say, if not all. He's bitter because of Obama running for president, Republicans dragged him through the mud and ruined his life, like they've done with so many others. The Republican Party is despicable. Wright should be mad at Republicans, not Obama. Only everyone knows the Republican Party is dirty. Even Republicans. They don't deny it. It makes them proud. They think people see them as "strong".

As far as these other allegations, Republicans never put links because 99% of the time, what they say is just made up bullshit or some good thing twisted into bad, like Kerry's medals.

The UHI is the starting point for forging true University and community partnerships in health care, education and community planning, with all partners working to change the trajectory for the children, youth and families

Urban Health Institute

That's what you're talking about? Republicans take good things that help Americans and turn it into something dirty because they are a dirty party. And as stupid as fuck.
Republicans dragged him through the mud and ruined his life, like they've done with so many others.
Democrats have never done this to someone.....right Dean?.....

Republicans never put links because 99% of the time, what they say is just made up bullshit or some good thing twisted into bad,

i cant believe you said this.....this is what you do 90% of the time asswipe.....this is why you dont get taken seriously.....but you just cant see that can you?.....
You gotta love the hysterical Progressives..the good Rev. comes back on the scene for interviews but it's the Republicans who is USING him...I guess it's so we can be called, RACIST

I wouldn't put it past these people this was all PLANNED
For Thinkers Only: All U.S. presidents have been guilty of big money influence


“The influence industry” is a term referring to the power of money in shaping public policy, landing high-profile government jobs and gaining leverage for special interests.

Big money has long dominated politics and elections, for that matter. Many donors and fundraisers are savvy investors who expect a return on their investments.

Financial contribution is often rewarded with direct access to political representatives, which in turn allows donors to effectively lobby for their causes. Money has shaped public policy, kept politicians in office and often times determined which political constituents are heard.


It should come as no surprise that President Barack Obama and his staff were recently criticized for their hiring practices. According to The Washington Post, more than half of Obama’s biggest fundraisers were given jobs in his administration. At least 24 of Obama’s bundlers took posts as foreign ambassadors, including positions in Finland, Australia, Portugal and Luxembourg. Nine more big donors were appointed to presidential boards and committees.

Although highly unethical, this type of practice has been going on for years.

Money makes the world go round, and the influence of money on U.S. politics is nothing new.

We can look all the way back to 1904 to a scandal involving corporate donors that tainted President Theodore Roosevelt’s campaign. The backlash led to the Tillman Act of 1907, the first major campaign-finance reform law, which prohibited monetary contribution to national political campaigns by corporations.

In the past century, most notably since the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, lawmakers have made countless attempts to change the influential involvement of money in U.S. politics, which is a prominent issue within both major parties.

President Obama and his administration have become a part of the political tradition in falling prey to big-money contributors looking for access. Obama is surely not the first to do so, nor will he be the last.

Under President Ronald Reagan’s administration, the secretary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and 16 associates were convicted for rigging low-income housing bids to favor Republican contributors to Reagan’s campaign.

President Bill Clinton and his administration were criticized for a campaign fundraising operation during his first term that authorized the use of the White House as a tool to woo big donors. Clinton authorized numerous perks for top party contributors, including golf games, morning jogs with him and overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom leading to skepticism of his personal relationships with big donors.

President George W. Bush was criticized for his energy policies that positioned oil and gas companies ahead of other energy interests with billions of dollars in subsidies and tax cuts. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, both former oil executives, developed the country’s energy policy on the recommendations of oil moguls such as Exxon Mobil, Conoco, Shell Oil, BP America and Chevron.

Bush, who received more campaign donations from the oil and gas industry than any other politician, signed an energy bill in 2005 that gave $14.5 billion in tax breaks for oil, gas, nuclear power and coal companies.

On his way out of office, Bush made sure big donors and senior aides were appointed to lucrative positions that would be in place for up to six years after his term ended. According to The Washington Post, nearly half of Bush’s appointments were filled by donors who gave a total of nearly $1.9 million to Republicans from 2003 to 2008 , not a substantial number, but a symptom of the problem nonetheless.

It’s simple. Major political contributors exercise major political influence. It’s a sad state of affairs, but this trend will continue into the future until the necessary regulations are put in place.

In the end, whether a Democrat or Republican is in office, the buttons are pressed by the businessmen who pay to get them elected.

The Left-Right Paradigm... Repandercans vs. Pandercrats... Romney or Obama, It Doesn't Matter!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oETDQNDrUwY]The Left-Right Paradigm. Romney or Obama: It Doesn't Matter. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy632HTYpF8]Two Parties = Zero Difference - YouTube[/ame]
Freedom Watch - supported Bush

Lew Rockwell - wrote Ron Paul's racist news letters

These are the experts who say both parties are the "same"? Really? You sure about that? Care to try again?
You gotta love the hysterical Progressives..the good Rev. comes back on the scene for interviews but it's the Republicans who is USING him...I guess it's so we can be called, RACIST

I wouldn't put it past these people this was all PLANNED

Well, a journalist did bring it up again. :eusa_whistle:

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