Why the GOP has to run on "Wright, Muslim. Birther and Not one of us".

Barack Obama's two signature "accomplishments" with his super majorities were ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus.

So would you like to take a stab at explaining why he's not running for reelection on either?

I'm sorry for pointing out the obvious here but the Democrats need to make this election about something OTHER than ObamaCare, the deficit, unemployment or the economy because on ALL of those things, Barry has an abysmal record.

War on women, and other nutberger issues don't cont...
Romney already stated that he's not running on the things you mention. He is focusing on the economy and unemployment. Are you disappointed? I mean, someone has to run on Obama's record and since Obama can't, Romney will.
Romney already stated that he's not running on the things you mention. He is focusing on the economy and unemployment. Are you disappointed? I mean, someone has to run on Obama's record and since Obama can't, Romney will.

Right on. And someone with business creds...something Obama never had and wishes to destroy.
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.

Obama2012: Chronic 8% Unemployment both before and after I killed bin Laden

Obama2012: Only downgraded once! (So far)
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As always, the ones really talkng about Wright, Muslm, Birther, not one of us is the democrats. They have to do something. obama stepped in a big pile of stink with his most reliable group, black people when he came out for gay marriage, now they have to do something to deflect.

No, no........a book is being released, called "The Amateur".

The audio-tapes that author used to help write the book are being released.

Revelations that prove what I and others have been saying about Obama are accurate.

rdean is so desensitized that he refuses to believe anything. He can't even believe his own eyes. A pic from a internet site that had been posted for 16 years, "with his permission", stating that Obama was born in Kenya is dismissed off-hand as nothing.

Let's face it. Obama is being revealed to be a liar. The facts are coming out that prove it. As in the Trayvan Martin case, the indictments used to build a case against George Zimmerman were a pack of lies. The same goes for Obama and his public image. It's all a pack of lies. Obama tried to bribe Wright into silence, yet this is poo-pooed as normal politics. $150,000 from the same person who's hospital paid Michelle over $300,000 a year to do practically nothing.

In Obama's own words to Rev Wright........

"You HAVE to be honest" Obama said.:cuckoo:

"That's a good thing." Wright said.

Obama didn't seem to think so. To him, honesty is a liability.

Rev. Wright said church wasn't Obama nor Michelle's thing. They weren't raised in a church like most Christians.

He said Obama was "steeped in Islam".:eusa_eh:

Steeped in Islam? Sounds like he was devoted to Islam much more than Christianity.

Doesn't that explain why he seems to have this hatred for Christians in general and a deep-seated hatred for Israel????:eusa_shifty:


Truth is Obama is devoted to Obama. Nothing else. :cool:

And he's black.
The Right is talking about it because they don't want to talk about the economy.

And they know they will lose if a factual, objective analysis is made of their proposals and policies. It’s easier to attack Obama than to defend their positions.
The rightwing propaganda machine dredges up the Wright smear, and over the course of a week of it,

Obama gains 8 points over Romney in the Rasmussen poll, to take the lead.

Nice job, geniuses
LOL, the Wright smear

so they are saying Obama's relationship with the Rev. was a smear..?

man oh man
Ya'll been watching too much Fox. You keep saying "Obama won't run on his record" because that is what foreign and Arab owned Fox keeps telling you to believe. And you believe it. Why you have more trust in a foreign and Arab owned network than an American Christian President escapes me. But believe what you want sheeple. You are only hurting yourselves and helping the true enemies of America.

Dean calling people SHEEPLE......next thing you know TM will be calling someone a HACK.....oh wait im a little late on that one....
So what are the Democrats running on? Healthcare reform, deficit reduction, unemployment, those seem to be the three main issues people are concerned with but I'm not hearing much from them on these I am however hearing a lot of the rich are evil and class warfare rhetoric.
Obama2012: Chronic 8% Unemployment both before and after I killed bin Laden

Obama2012: Only downgraded once! (So far)

We know the country was downgraded because of Republicans. Remember, it was Boehner who said, "We got 98% of EVERYTHING we wanted". How can Republicans get 98% but it's Obama's fault? That only makes sense to the delusional.
So what are the Democrats running on? Healthcare reform, deficit reduction, unemployment, those seem to be the three main issues people are concerned with but I'm not hearing much from them on these I am however hearing a lot of the rich are evil and class warfare rhetoric.

That's because you watch Fox.
hey fuclkwitt all campaigns ask for money

Yes.....but they at least show some class about it.

A prime example of the classlessness of the Obama campaign:

He sends out emails asking his supporters to visit a site. They visit the site and he tells them he would like to send a letter with everyone's signature on it wishing Michelle a happy Mother's Day. Then he says along with that please send him a donation.

Sandra Flucke is under attack from Rush and the GOP......please send your donations....

Trayvan Martin was hunted down and murdered in cold-blood by a white, George Zimmerman.......please send your donations.....

I got Bin Laden. It was a Gutsy Call........please send your donations......

Mitt Romney hates Homosexuals and wants to prevent them from getting married......please send your donations......

The GOP wants dirty air and dirty water......please send your donations.......

We see it over and over. Obama thinks you're stupid.........and I think he's right.

Republicans don't have to show class. Because they get their money in "secret" from shadowy billionaires who have turned Republican Politicians into "indentured servants".

It's not a secret. Everyone knows it's happening. They just don't know who from.
hey fuclkwitt all campaigns ask for money

Yes.....but they at least show some class about it.

A prime example of the classlessness of the Obama campaign:

He sends out emails asking his supporters to visit a site. They visit the site and he tells them he would like to send a letter with everyone's signature on it wishing Michelle a happy Mother's Day. Then he says along with that please send him a donation.

Sandra Flucke is under attack from Rush and the GOP......please send your donations....

Trayvan Martin was hunted down and murdered in cold-blood by a white, George Zimmerman.......please send your donations.....

I got Bin Laden. It was a Gutsy Call........please send your donations......

Mitt Romney hates Homosexuals and wants to prevent them from getting married......please send your donations......

The GOP wants dirty air and dirty water......please send your donations.......

We see it over and over. Obama thinks you're stupid.........and I think he's right.

Republicans don't have to show class. Because they get their money in "secret" from shadowy billionaires who have turned Republican Politicians into "indentured servants".

It's not a secret. Everyone knows it's happening. They just don't know who from.

Dean let me make you feel at home......Baaaaaaaa.....
Still can't explain why Barry isn't running on ObamaCare or his economic policies...can you, board progressives?

Let's see...the most important issues to Americans at the moment are jobs, the economy and the deficit...so what are the Democrats running on? The so called "war on women"...abortion rights...gay marriage...and the race card. Pretty pathetic actually...but also very predictable.
Why the GOP has to run on "Wright, Muslim. Birther and Not one of us"

The GOP has always, without truth, but with a lot of success, portrayed themselves as "strong" and the party that will "keep America safe". That's off the table now that Obama took out Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda while the GOP let Bin Laden go and forgot about him so he could hatch more plots.

Muslim? We know he's a Christian. They know it too. But they can't do to Obama what they are doing and admit he's a Christian.

Birther, same reason. To treat an American that way. Course, he is black.

Not one of us. Course, that's true. Republicans have failed, but not Obama.

Obama committed the worst sin of all. He followed many of what Republicans insist are their policies and made them successful. Just a few:

Expanded gun laws

Reduced the size of government

Fewer regulations.

and his economic policies:

Saved the auto industry

Saved the economy.

Worse, his stimulus package was picked up by over a hundred Republicans in congress and they've used the money to create thousands and thousands of jobs in their states while complaining it's a failure, taking credit for something THEY VOTED AGAINST. How honest is that?

So what other choice do they have but to dust off the completely made up Wright Controversy. Sad that so many right wingers say "American will be destroyed by God" if we don't follow Biblical Scripture" Which is what Wright was saying. That "God Damn America" is what will happen if we don't follow the Bible. They've taken three words out of something they fervently believe and used them on an old man. Sickening.

They could give us an economic policy or something along those lines. But they don't have one, besides the failed "gut taxes". Once taxes go to an historic low, that becomes a joke. But what else do the have? Health care is off the table. The party of "let him die" simply won't consider something so "socialistic". Better they die.

Place the Bong on the Table, and step away Bro. You need to come down.
Republicans don't have to show class. Because they get their money in "secret" from shadowy billionaires who have turned Republican Politicians into "indentured servants".

It's not a secret. Everyone knows it's happening. They just don't know who from.

"...seven of the 10 richest members of Congress are Democrats..."

Obama2012: Chronic 8% Unemployment both before and after I killed bin Laden

Obama2012: Only downgraded once! (So far)

1) so what? there is nobody who could bring down the UE that fast. Man this is what you get with our fastfood nation we have now. If its not done with in a blink of an eye you are a failure. You people are sad.

2) Yes because that was Obama's fault....Or you know you could have used the real reason the Agency gave, but why do that? You lying sack of shit.


1) USA is not Europe. C'mon...
2) :confused:

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