Why the GOP Should Have Their Next National Security Debate on Thanksgiving


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Michael Lieberman: Why the GOP Should Have Their Next National Security Debate on Thanksgiving

Ignoring the fact that the Iranian regime has been pursuing nuclear weapons for decades, Romney blamed the President for Iran's progress on the bomb. But Mitt should look instead to the last Republican to occupy the White House, and who he hopes will be the next one. The truth is that Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq, which Romney supported, took America's eye off the ball, made it tougher to win sanctions against Iran, and made a nuclear option look ever more attractive to the regime. If Romney thinks the American people will buy his finger-pointing, he'd better hope they forget a few key facts first.

The reality is that President Obama has, unlike Bush, taken major steps to forestall an Iranian bomb. Obama convinced the Security Council to impose robust sanctions on Iran last June, which Iranian president Ahmedinejad recently acknowledged have been painful; Obama promised bunker buster bombs that could penetrate Iran's hardened facilities to Israel and other key allies like the UAE; he convinced Russia not to sell Iran an advanced air defense system; he succeeded in negotiating the installation of an advanced early warning system in Turkey that would share information with Israel (over Turkish objections); and has entered into closer than ever cooperation with Israel on missile defense systems. (And that's even stingily denying unconfirmed covert ops that has left Iranian nuclear scientists dead and their centrifuges breaking). All on top of repeating yet again on Sunday what he has said since 2007: that the U.S. will not rule out military force when it comes to stopping Tehran from acquiring a nuclear capability. Romney proposed nothing that Obama is not already doing. And darn well knew it.

Blame Obama fur alles, thats the Repug campaign agenda.
Another TURD from the huff'npuff leftist hack garbage mill.

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