Why the hell are we releasing prisoners due to Covid 19

They are inmates.
I don't really care if they get ass raped or a virus.

Best part is folks saying we should lock up those without a mask.
You know, real crime.
Never waste a good crisis. It'll make room for REAL criminals......people that have birthday get togethers, go to Walmart without a mask....walk on the beach. Ya know. Attempted murderers possibly carrying WMC-19

What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.
Because this isn’t about public health and safety, it’s about their Marxist Agenda and destroying our society. The far left have been waiting for this moment for decades, now is the time they will move to destroy our country from within.
Because this isn’t about public health and safety, it’s about their Marxist Agenda and destroying our society. The far left have been waiting for this moment for decades, now is the time they will move to destroy our country from within.



The global collectivist elite have been dying to crush our economy and have been further aggravated by Trump and his ability to get us unfucked from the damage done by the meat puppet faggot. That's why they've taken a new flu bug up to generate hysteria, as if it was any more as deadly as any of the other bugs we had in the last decade.

Just like Gun Control isn't about "public safety", it's about the state's ability to be a tyrant.


What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.
Cohen is the first lawyer I've ever seen get raided, arrested and tried because of the person he represented.

Was Al Capone's lawyer raided?

Was Epstein's?

How about John Gotti's or even Khalid Sheikh Mohammed ?

Never before in judicial history in western civilization has someone's LAWYER been criminally prosecuted for DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB. Why was this even tolerated?

I digress...

The OP is exactly right about letting people OUT OF PRISON because of a cold. Aside from Cohen, the thousands of other felons probably aren't going to go out and get productive jobs. I'm sure Cohen can still find a way to live comfortably, but these other dudes are 90% likely to do some stupid shit and get sent back. They don't have a lot of options right now.


What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.

What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.
Because this isn’t about public health and safety, it’s about their Marxist Agenda and destroying our society. The far left have been waiting for this moment for decades, now is the time they will move to destroy our country from within.
the bureau of prisons is managed by your blob


Any chance you girls will place blame where it belongs?

Not a chance. Can’t upset your lord and master...can you?
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This is something liberals do. The liberal governor of Illinois let a bunch of druggies out of the state penitentiary when Illinois legalized weed.

What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.
Cohen is the first lawyer I've ever seen get raided, arrested and tried because of the person he represented.

Was Al Capone's lawyer raided?

Was Epstein's?

How about John Gotti's or even Khalid Sheikh Mohammed ?

Never before in judicial history in western civilization has someone's LAWYER been criminally prosecuted for DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB. Why was this even tolerated?

I digress...

The OP is exactly right about letting people OUT OF PRISON because of a cold. Aside from Cohen, the thousands of other felons probably aren't going to go out and get productive jobs. I'm sure Cohen can still find a way to live comfortably, but these other dudes are 90% likely to do some stupid shit and get sent back. They don't have a lot of options right now.


Michael Cohen was supposed to be a fountain of dirt on Trump. All he had were cashed retainer checks.

What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.
So violent crime skyrockets and their calls for gun grabbing ratchet up. That’s why California let’s violent offenders who just got arrested immediately back on the street within hours with a promise to come back to be prosecuted.

What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

The Elites don't care about punishing criminals. They're terrified that more and more normal people aren't following their prog path to serfdom, hence this "house arrest" to put us in our place.

What kind of BULLSHIT get out of jail free card is this?
Our penal system is not supposed to be governed by Monopoly rules.

Gotta make room for society's non-consenters. Like Pastors and whatnot. Haven't you heard? The State is the new God. Duh.
It's not Elites. It's democrats. They have been working on population replacement for a long time. They believe they have found a few shortcuts.

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