Why the hell we don't shoot down US planes?

The Russian government and the US government decided to race their fastest cars against each other. The US car won. It was reported in the US news that the US had won. It was reported in the Russian news that the Russian car finished second, but the US car was next to last. Stratford57 and eugene ignorantly swallowed it hook line and sinker and proudly proclaimed their superiority.
That is exactly how your propaganda works.
You all know it was USA to win ww2 thanks to propaganda;
You all know it was Russia to attack Georgia in 2008, though international investigation concluded it was Georgia to start aggression;
You all know it was Russia to shot down MH17;
You all know Russia interfered US elections;
You all know whatever your masses want you to know and you do not need any proves...just their word.

I feel sorry for you. You believe whatever your state run media tells you and don't have any idea how to think for yourself. There is much propaganda in the news, but unfortunately you are unable to tell the difference between facts and propaganda. Go ahead and continue to spout your childish ideas. Perhaps someday you will be able to grow up and think for yourself. In the mean time all I can do is offer you my sympathy for your inability to think. I hope you get better.
Your Media keeps telling you about "democratic Ukraine occupied by Putin" . Guess what, I'm from Ukraine and we DO NOT see any Russian occupants there but what we do see is a lot of American officials controlling Kiev puppet anti-constitutional government . Long story short: Deep State with the hands of Obama, Soros, McCain, Nuland and other Democrats organized a coup in 2014 and overthrew the duly elected president replacing him with their puppets. The Constitution of Ukraine allows to elect the next president if:
1. the current president is dead;
2. the current president is insane;
3. the current president refused to be a president.
Neither above has happened. So, you, American taxpayers, have been paying your money to support illegal organization in Ukraine which Deep State has planted. Besides, Nazis in Ukraine have been breeding quicker than rabbits. But... your Media fails to report you about that for some reason. As well as it fails to report you about lots of human rights violations in "democratic Ukraine". They sure need you ignorant. Why? Because ignorant people a a lot easier to manipulate.

Do not question Eugene why he knows more than you do. Question your government and your Media why you don't know what's really going on in the world.
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have you guys figured out how to make washing machines yet?...just asking...
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
have you guys figured out how to make washing machines yet?...just asking...
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
have you guys figured out how to make washing machines yet?...just asking...
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
You all know whatever your masses want you to know and you do not need any proves...just their word.

Doesn't that apply to communist countries too Eugene?

Could you please name the communist countries.
There are only 2 in my reality (N.Korea and China) but looks like you live in some other parallel world.
Until you, most of western population is so uneducated and ignorant you are sheep easy to be manipulated by your authorities
The Russian government and the US government decided to race their fastest cars against each other. The US car won. It was reported in the US news that the US had won. It was reported in the Russian news that the Russian car finished second, but the US car was next to last. Stratford57 and eugene ignorantly swallowed it hook line and sinker and proudly proclaimed their superiority.
That is exactly how your propaganda works.
You all know it was USA to win ww2 thanks to propaganda;
You all know it was Russia to attack Georgia in 2008, though international investigation concluded it was Georgia to start aggression;
You all know it was Russia to shot down MH17;
You all know Russia interfered US elections;
You all know whatever your masses want you to know and you do not need any proves...just their word.

I feel sorry for you. You believe whatever your state run media tells you and don't have any idea how to think for yourself. There is much propaganda in the news, but unfortunately you are unable to tell the difference between facts and propaganda. Go ahead and continue to spout your childish ideas. Perhaps someday you will be able to grow up and think for yourself. In the mean time all I can do is offer you my sympathy for your inability to think. I hope you get better.
Nice words but they should be directed to you not me.
All I know is based on real facts or even own experience while you get it only from media which is a tool of your authorities for manipulating
I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
have you guys figured out how to make washing machines yet?...just asking...
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences
have you guys figured out how to make washing machines yet?...just asking...
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences

I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
You never had wars, you do not know what the war really is@
That is why you are unable to fight.
You all believe that technology can win but your technology can easily be switched off which was demonstrated in the Black Sea to your ship Donald Cook.
That is why you do all your reckless provocation pushing the world towards nuclear war and the total end.
And only calm and wise reaction of Russian government allows us still to stay alive.
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences

Your wife? Mom? Sister?
Must be a picture from the USSR times. My grandmother used to do her laundry like that.

Poor people, you are stuck in USSR times when it comes to Russia. Urgently, buy tickets and go and see modern Russia. Take some heart pills to prevent you from heart attack when you see how real Russia differs from what your lying Media has been telling you about her.
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”
I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
You never had wars, you do not know what the war really is@
That is why you are unable to fight.
You all believe that technology can win but your technology can easily be switched off which was demonstrated in the Black Sea to your ship Donald Cook.
That is why you do all your reckless provocation pushing the world towards nuclear war and the total end.
And only calm and wise reaction of Russian government allows us still to stay alive.
The current Russian military is a shell of its former Soviet strength

They have second rate equipment that is poorly maintained. The Russian soldier is poorly trained and has low morale. It’s Navy can barely steam out under its own power

They are capabale of defeating Crimea but are not in the league of modern military powers
Probably for the same reason the U.S. doesn't shoot down Russian planes despite the fact Russians attack American troops in Syria.
Which is correct, Russians do really attack American troops in Syria as they are called ISIS, An Nusra, etc. But be sure, Syria will be cleared soon out of that American crap.


Russia is backing a President that is using illegal chemical weapons AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE.
What about bacteriological weapon?
USA killed more than 30 people in Georgia in their base researching new types of bac.weapon. Is it ok?
bacteriological weapons? Isn't it against the Geneva Convention for Russia to send its whores to a war zone?
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences

Your wife? Mom? Sister?

At least she is cleaning. Most Russians are lucky to see a shower once a week. They seem happy that way
I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
You never had wars, you do not know what the war really is@
That is why you are unable to fight.
You all believe that technology can win but your technology can easily be switched off which was demonstrated in the Black Sea to your ship Donald Cook.
That is why you do all your reckless provocation pushing the world towards nuclear war and the total end.
And only calm and wise reaction of Russian government allows us still to stay alive.
The current Russian military is a shell of its former Soviet strength

They have second rate equipment that is poorly maintained. The Russian soldier is poorly trained and has low morale. It’s Navy can barely steam out under its own power

They are capabale of defeating Crimea but are not in the league of modern military powers
I hope, your authorities think the same way.
The easier it would be for us to liberate North America and the earth in common
Turkey warns Russia an attack on Idlib will turn it into ‘lake of blood’

Speaking hours after a three-way summit in Tehran at which the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pleaded with Russia and Iran to halt any forthcoming offensive, Erdoğan ramped up his rhetoric, insisting Ankara would not participate in “furthering the interests of Bashar al-Assad”.

Vladimir Putin had earlier rejected Erdoğan’s calls for a ceasefire in Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in Syria. The Russian president holds the key to the forthcoming operation – the most significant in a series of Russian and Iranian-led victories across the country.

“We will neither watch from the sidelines nor participate in such a game,” Erdoğan said in a message on Twitter. Turkish government spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Saturday: “Idlib is a ticking bomb. We can turn it off and start a new process in Syria if the international community gets serious about the Syrian war and shows that they do care about the Syrian people.” Meanwhile, Russian jets renewed their bombardment of southern Idlib, intensively attacking the city of al-Habit, killing four people. Russian jets also struck in the east of the province.

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