Why the hell we don't shoot down US planes?

I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
You never had wars, you do not know what the war really is@
That is why you are unable to fight.
You all believe that technology can win but your technology can easily be switched off which was demonstrated in the Black Sea to your ship Donald Cook.
That is why you do all your reckless provocation pushing the world towards nuclear war and the total end.
And only calm and wise reaction of Russian government allows us still to stay alive.
The current Russian military is a shell of its former Soviet strength

They have second rate equipment that is poorly maintained. The Russian soldier is poorly trained and has low morale. It’s Navy can barely steam out under its own power

They are capabale of defeating Crimea but are not in the league of modern military powers
I hope, your authorities think the same way.
The easier it would be for us to liberate North America and the earth in common
You can’t even liberate your own country.

Russian military is incable of taking the fight outside its own borders. NATO would squash you like a bug....China too

Don’t even think about messing with the US
Probably for the same reason the U.S. doesn't shoot down Russian planes despite the fact Russians attack American troops in Syria.
Which is correct, Russians do really attack American troops in Syria as they are called ISIS, An Nusra, etc. But be sure, Syria will be cleared soon out of that American crap.


Russia is backing a President that is using illegal chemical weapons AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE.

That's false. A Russian bomb hit a "rebel" chemical weapons depot is what happened last time.

But yeah, we don't shoot Russian planes down and they don't shoot ours. I don't understand why the US isn't backing Syria. Before you get your American Flag panties in a bunch, I've been following this thing for 5 years and have done my research into the ideologies over there.
Turkey warns Russia an attack on Idlib will turn it into ‘lake of blood’

Speaking hours after a three-way summit in Tehran at which the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pleaded with Russia and Iran to halt any forthcoming offensive, Erdoğan ramped up his rhetoric, insisting Ankara would not participate in “furthering the interests of Bashar al-Assad”.

Vladimir Putin had earlier rejected Erdoğan’s calls for a ceasefire in Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in Syria. The Russian president holds the key to the forthcoming operation – the most significant in a series of Russian and Iranian-led victories across the country.

“We will neither watch from the sidelines nor participate in such a game,” Erdoğan said in a message on Twitter. Turkish government spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Saturday: “Idlib is a ticking bomb. We can turn it off and start a new process in Syria if the international community gets serious about the Syrian war and shows that they do care about the Syrian people.” Meanwhile, Russian jets renewed their bombardment of southern Idlib, intensively attacking the city of al-Habit, killing four people. Russian jets also struck in the east of the province.

Russia and Turkey agree to create buffer zone in Syria's Idlib | Reuters

Russia and Turkey have already agreed how to avoid the lake of blood. More than a month ago.
The problem is that idlib is massed with the remains of those against Assad.........mixed with the crap in the region......3 to 3.5 million refugees there...........

Syria wanting to attack it..........Turkey not wanting millions running there way..........but Turkey has aided the FSA.......to overthrow Assad.........Now they have changed course and are in Pandora's Box...........the ones they supported are there.......as are millions who packed into the region who basically don't want Assad in power either..........

So Syria wants to kill them............and Turkey doesn't want them killed, and at the same time doesn't want the refugees..........

Syria is a TOTAL clusterfuck.
The Russian equivalent of McDonalds

I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences

Your wife? Mom? Sister?

At least she is cleaning. Most Russians are lucky to see a shower once a week. They seem happy that way
one more fact put into your head by your propaganda...

Even in the 11th century Anna, a daughter of russian tsar Yaroslav who was a French queen surprised european elites with her knowledges and love to stay clean and washed while they prefered nt to wash at all believing it was harmfull and who used hairbrush for combing out lice.
Turkey warns Russia an attack on Idlib will turn it into ‘lake of blood’

Speaking hours after a three-way summit in Tehran at which the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pleaded with Russia and Iran to halt any forthcoming offensive, Erdoğan ramped up his rhetoric, insisting Ankara would not participate in “furthering the interests of Bashar al-Assad”.

Vladimir Putin had earlier rejected Erdoğan’s calls for a ceasefire in Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in Syria. The Russian president holds the key to the forthcoming operation – the most significant in a series of Russian and Iranian-led victories across the country.

“We will neither watch from the sidelines nor participate in such a game,” Erdoğan said in a message on Twitter. Turkish government spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Saturday: “Idlib is a ticking bomb. We can turn it off and start a new process in Syria if the international community gets serious about the Syrian war and shows that they do care about the Syrian people.” Meanwhile, Russian jets renewed their bombardment of southern Idlib, intensively attacking the city of al-Habit, killing four people. Russian jets also struck in the east of the province.

Russia and Turkey agree to create buffer zone in Syria's Idlib | Reuters

Russia and Turkey have already agreed how to avoid the lake of blood. More than a month ago.
Yet the drones are supposedly coming out of the idlib area...........and counter attacks by Russian planes are reported as well.........There is no doubt that FSA remnants are still there...........and that Syria wants their territory back.........

So we are in a Catch 22 hell hole.
I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
You never had wars, you do not know what the war really is@
That is why you are unable to fight.
You all believe that technology can win but your technology can easily be switched off which was demonstrated in the Black Sea to your ship Donald Cook.
That is why you do all your reckless provocation pushing the world towards nuclear war and the total end.
And only calm and wise reaction of Russian government allows us still to stay alive.
The current Russian military is a shell of its former Soviet strength

They have second rate equipment that is poorly maintained. The Russian soldier is poorly trained and has low morale. It’s Navy can barely steam out under its own power

They are capabale of defeating Crimea but are not in the league of modern military powers
I hope, your authorities think the same way.
The easier it would be for us to liberate North America and the earth in common

Russia needs to worry about Russia. Make no mistake, US will kick your ass up and down the block.

Come try to liberate me, boy! Many here are just like me, too.
I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.
You don’t shoot down US planes because we are the most powerful fucking military in the history of mankind and you don’t want to fuck with us
You never had wars, you do not know what the war really is@
That is why you are unable to fight.
You all believe that technology can win but your technology can easily be switched off which was demonstrated in the Black Sea to your ship Donald Cook.
That is why you do all your reckless provocation pushing the world towards nuclear war and the total end.
And only calm and wise reaction of Russian government allows us still to stay alive.
The current Russian military is a shell of its former Soviet strength

They have second rate equipment that is poorly maintained. The Russian soldier is poorly trained and has low morale. It’s Navy can barely steam out under its own power

They are capabale of defeating Crimea but are not in the league of modern military powers
I hope, your authorities think the same way.
The easier it would be for us to liberate North America and the earth in common

Russia needs to worry about Russia. Make no mistake, US will kick your ass up and down the block.

Come try to liberate me, boy! Many here are just like me, too.
We're not all assholes like you, boy.
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”

What if they acquired the drones in Libya? I think that's very plausible.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences

Your wife? Mom? Sister?

At least she is cleaning. Most Russians are lucky to see a shower once a week. They seem happy that way
one more fact put into your head by your propaganda...

Even in the 11th century Anna, a daughter of russian tsar Yaroslav who was a French queen surprised european elites with her knowledges and love to stay clean and washed while they prefered nt to wash at all believing it was harmfull and who used hairbrush for combing out lice.

11 th century is where Russian hygiene stands today
Have you discovered the wonders of toilet paper yet?
Turkey warns Russia an attack on Idlib will turn it into ‘lake of blood’

Speaking hours after a three-way summit in Tehran at which the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pleaded with Russia and Iran to halt any forthcoming offensive, Erdoğan ramped up his rhetoric, insisting Ankara would not participate in “furthering the interests of Bashar al-Assad”.

Vladimir Putin had earlier rejected Erdoğan’s calls for a ceasefire in Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in Syria. The Russian president holds the key to the forthcoming operation – the most significant in a series of Russian and Iranian-led victories across the country.

“We will neither watch from the sidelines nor participate in such a game,” Erdoğan said in a message on Twitter. Turkish government spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Saturday: “Idlib is a ticking bomb. We can turn it off and start a new process in Syria if the international community gets serious about the Syrian war and shows that they do care about the Syrian people.” Meanwhile, Russian jets renewed their bombardment of southern Idlib, intensively attacking the city of al-Habit, killing four people. Russian jets also struck in the east of the province.
very old info...about a month ago

Do you know why so many talks about Idlib? Because many US and european instructors stay there together their fosterlings - terrorists.
USA never hesitated bombing Raqqa and Mossul though a lot of civilians remained there but Aleppo and Idlib is widely protected in your media. Never thought why?
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”

What if they acquired the drones in Libya? I think that's very plausible.
The FSA was helped by the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia................the goal of the past .......to take him out.........changed under Trump......

Obama was funneling money in there.........so was Turkey and the Saudi's.............Their goal was to take Assad out............now those fighting there under the old rules are ISOLATED and trapped in Idlib...................and nobody really knows what to do with them.......Can't go to Syria.......they want to kill them........can't go to Turkey ...........they don't want them............

So now we a 3 million people problem...............what to do with them now..............hell of a fine mess we have there
Turkey warns Russia an attack on Idlib will turn it into ‘lake of blood’

Speaking hours after a three-way summit in Tehran at which the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pleaded with Russia and Iran to halt any forthcoming offensive, Erdoğan ramped up his rhetoric, insisting Ankara would not participate in “furthering the interests of Bashar al-Assad”.

Vladimir Putin had earlier rejected Erdoğan’s calls for a ceasefire in Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in Syria. The Russian president holds the key to the forthcoming operation – the most significant in a series of Russian and Iranian-led victories across the country.

“We will neither watch from the sidelines nor participate in such a game,” Erdoğan said in a message on Twitter. Turkish government spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Saturday: “Idlib is a ticking bomb. We can turn it off and start a new process in Syria if the international community gets serious about the Syrian war and shows that they do care about the Syrian people.” Meanwhile, Russian jets renewed their bombardment of southern Idlib, intensively attacking the city of al-Habit, killing four people. Russian jets also struck in the east of the province.
very old info...about a month ago

Do you know why so many talks about Idlib? Because many US and european instructors stay there together their fosterlings - terrorists.
USA never hesitated bombing Raqqa and Mossul though a lot of civilians remained there but Aleppo and Idlib is widely protected in your media. Never thought why?
A month isn't that old and was put in there for explaining the problem..............

I never agreed to taking out Assad.......because I'm not into being a Vacuum cleaner Salesman...........but the U.S. did in fact........help those against Assad for U.S. policy under Obama...............since then..........Trump has refused...........and now the remaining are trapped with no one knowing what to do with them.
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”

What if they acquired the drones in Libya? I think that's very plausible.
The FSA was helped by the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia................the goal of the past .......to take him out.........changed under Trump......

Obama was funneling money in there.........so was Turkey and the Saudi's.............Their goal was to take Assad out............now those fighting there under the old rules are ISOLATED and trapped in Idlib...................and nobody really knows what to do with them.......Can't go to Syria.......they want to kill them........can't go to Turkey ...........they don't want them............

So now we a 3 million people problem...............what to do with them now..............hell of a fine mess we have there
Nothing changed under Trump.
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”

What if they acquired the drones in Libya? I think that's very plausible.
The FSA was helped by the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia................the goal of the past .......to take him out.........changed under Trump......

Obama was funneling money in there.........so was Turkey and the Saudi's.............Their goal was to take Assad out............now those fighting there under the old rules are ISOLATED and trapped in Idlib...................and nobody really knows what to do with them.......Can't go to Syria.......they want to kill them........can't go to Turkey ...........they don't want them............

So now we a 3 million people problem...............what to do with them now..............hell of a fine mess we have there
Nothing changed under Trump.
BS.............He no longer agreed with the path of taking out Assad as Obama did.
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”

What if they acquired the drones in Libya? I think that's very plausible.
The FSA was helped by the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia................the goal of the past .......to take him out.........changed under Trump......

Obama was funneling money in there.........so was Turkey and the Saudi's.............Their goal was to take Assad out............now those fighting there under the old rules are ISOLATED and trapped in Idlib...................and nobody really knows what to do with them.......Can't go to Syria.......they want to kill them........can't go to Turkey ...........they don't want them............

So now we a 3 million people problem...............what to do with them now..............hell of a fine mess we have there
Nothing changed under Trump.
It's not quite right. Russians say it's now easier to coordinate the actions in Syria,
idlib province problem............Russia is claiming they are ours and the tensions over that area are still high..........

Kremlin accuses U.S. of drone attack on Russian air base in Syria

Russia has documented more than 50 attempts to launch drones from Idlib at the Khmeimim air base since August, according to a Russian diplomatic source. This comes amid the Idlib agreement signed in mid-September between Russia and Turkey that halted a planned Syrian-regime offensive to retake Idlib province from the rebels and extremists. Instead heavy weapons are being withdrawn from part of the rebel enclave and the extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is supposed to be removed from a demilitarized zone.

Idlib Province is near the Khmeimim air base and the drone attacks have come from there over the last months. That the rebels have used drones is not disputed, but Moscow’s allegations that the US is behind these attacks is a new claim.

“These groups are used by the US so that the situation in Idlib remains unsettled,” the diplomatic source said. “Drones are launched by militants from several groups which do not adhere to truce terms.”

What if they acquired the drones in Libya? I think that's very plausible.
The FSA was helped by the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia................the goal of the past .......to take him out.........changed under Trump......

Obama was funneling money in there.........so was Turkey and the Saudi's.............Their goal was to take Assad out............now those fighting there under the old rules are ISOLATED and trapped in Idlib...................and nobody really knows what to do with them.......Can't go to Syria.......they want to kill them........can't go to Turkey ...........they don't want them............

So now we a 3 million people problem...............what to do with them now..............hell of a fine mess we have there
Nothing changed under Trump.
BS.............He no longer agreed with the path of taking out Assad as Obama did.
Nothing changed. We are still there, biding our time.

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