why the left hates glen beck

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

How about a little quote context? Her words were that they are the two people she turns to most TOOOOO...
but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point

Yak yak yak
The point being the ends justify the means.
Even if it means genocide.

Sure. That was the point. It most certainly wasn't that though things might look like they can't happen we must remember to stick to our own instincts rather then caving in to people who tell us we can't do certain things... it was just that genocide is good... and so are nuns.
Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

and Jefferson, Adams, Washington...were all slave owners. Hmmm.....what's wrong with a little historical context hmmm? Should we judge every aspect of their genius upon that?

If that is the only defense you have at your disposal .
You cannot Make Mao good ,by trying to make the founding fathers bad.
You just create logical fallacies .

I'm not attempting to make him look "good" - I'm pointing out the fallacy in your own statement.

All of which really has nothing to do with what Dunn was saying - something that had zip to do with Marxism or Communism or killing bunches of people and, in fact, was a pretty inspiring message.
There is no fallacy to my statement .You are trying to make moral equivalency arguments were non exists.

Mao father of slave camps genocide and hopelessness.

Jefferson Adams Franklin Washington creators of the greatest force for liberty freedom and self expression and self fulfillment in the history of the world.

I have one rational expectation of what to expect from the government.
To uphold the constitution .

There is plenty of guidance in the writings of Samual Adams to help you up hold the Constitution if that is your goal.

I do not expect the Whitehouse to seek inspiration from Communist revolutionaries and stack my administration with those who seeks them for guidance.
I guess Im just old fashioned .
I have my own Hope and dont want the kind of Change Mao, Chavez Castro, Che and Obama are offering.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSm7ag3VeC8]YouTube - Obama's Communist revolutionaries in the government 1[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwIwNvGQOT8]YouTube - Obama's Communist revolutionaries in the government 2[/ame]
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Her exact words were that her two favorite philosophers were Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa. She did not once claim that Maoist philosophy was her favorite philosophy

care to explain just what is a philosopher without a philosophy?

did she like him cause he had big lips or a tight ass?
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there are many many progressuves that ascribe to moral relativism. Bill ayers blows up building - ok Polansky rapes a 13 year old - ok Jennings has no problem with gay sex in bus stations - ok Acorn assists human trafficking - ok Dr Tiller - hero.I could go on and on. And when someone like Beck exposes these atrocities and decent people agree that NONE of it is ok - they project their perverse morality and hatred on the messenger. I am so sick of far left loonies making excuses for every reprehensible act that we learn about. Yet the irony is when someone like Sanford cheats on his wife or Sarah Palins daughter get pregnant, they suddently become "church ladies" The more hypocrisy these people show, the more decent people turn to shows like Beck and Hannity. This country is divided alright. But at least I can sleep at bight knowing which side I'm on.
there are many many progressuves that ascribe to moral relativism. Bill ayers blows up building - ok Polansky rapes a 13 year old - ok Jennings has no problem with gay sex in bus stations - ok Acorn assists human trafficking - ok Dr Tiller - hero..

these are the little eichmans doing their part for the break down of western civilization, America in particular.
there are many many progressuves that ascribe to moral relativism. Bill ayers blows up building - ok

Who said it was ok to blow up a building?

Polansky rapes a 13 year old - ok

Most progressives do not think that is ok.

Jennings has no problem with gay sex in bus stations - ok

What makes you think Jennings "has no problem with gay sex in bus stations"?

Acorn assists human trafficking - ok

Who said that was ok?

Dr Tiller - hero.

So you think murdering an innocent man is ok? There are those on the right who seem to feel that. First they condemn it...then they turn around and say "BUT!" and revoke that condemnation.

I could go on and on. And when someone like Beck exposes these atrocities and decent people agree that NONE of it is ok - they project their perverse morality and hatred on the messenger. I am so sick of far left loonies making excuses for every reprehensible act that we learn about. Yet the irony is when someone like Sanford cheats on his wife or Sarah Palins daughter get pregnant, they suddently become "church ladies" The more hypocrisy these people show, the more decent people turn to shows like Beck and Hannity. This country is divided alright. But at least I can sleep at bight knowing which side I'm on.

I'm so sick of the far rightwingnuts acting as if they are the sole champions of morality. Proclaiming themselves the arbritors of "family values" and ethics, they bash the liberals every chance they get while busily brushing their own sex scandals and underage pimping scandals and corruption under the rug. I guess it's always ok with them because their heros - while they may not change their ways - apologize dramatically and publically.

The left doesn't become "church ladies" - they are the ones pointing fingers and laughing hysterically at those proclaiming themselves to be the moral majority.

When will you realize there is no "right side" - they are all hypocrites when it suits then - even your own.
There is no fallacy to my statement .You are trying to make moral equivalency arguments were non exists.

I'm making no moral equivalency arguments. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy in your own statement.

Those you admire were slave owners. Are you going to judge all they say and have done by that? Yes or no.

The argument is not what Mao did but the value of some of his philosophy. Ironically - some of which is embraced by our own politicians and millitary becuase it makes damn good sense.

You may need to get a grip on reality here - there are no communist revolutionaries in Obama's administration. They exist primarily in the minds of the Glen Becks and Rush Limbaugh's of this world. The same sort of minds that partnered Bush with Hitler.
There is no fallacy to my statement .You are trying to make moral equivalency arguments were non exists.

I'm making no moral equivalency arguments.
yes you did


There isn't a "moral" equivalency between the men involved. The point, which you don't seem to comprehend is that you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to philosophy. You can still learn gain from it - regardless of the actions of the person. If you listened to Anita Dunn (without Glen Beck's hype) you would see that.
Personally, I detest the loudmouthed windbags on TV on a bi-partisan basis. Olbermann, Beck, Matthews, O'Reilly, Schultz, Hannity et al are partisan hacks for our rotten and corrupt duopoly parties. For independent anti-establishment voices of both the nonconformist left and right, try sites such as counterpunch.org and vdare.com.
If it weren't for the libroids who hate him, Glenn Beck would be another "also ran" in the political pundit world...

It's the lib notoriety that gives these pundits their voices... And they're making millions off of it...lol

Cracks me up...:lol:
I'm making no moral equivalency arguments.
yes you did


There isn't a "moral" equivalency between the men involved. The point, which you don't seem to comprehend is that you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to philosophy. You can still learn gain from it - regardless of the actions of the person. If you listened to Anita Dunn (without Glen Beck's hype) you would see that.

yes you did

there is no baby in the bath water
Good thing your friend posted the other video which shows the speech in full context and let's Anita finish the whole quote of what she looks to them FORRRRRR and it ain't fucking political philosophy.

Clearly her words make you a liar. Mao is one of her favs.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]


How the fuck am I a liar? The woman said that Mao and Mother Teresa were her to favorite philosophers.

Full Transcript again from FOX NEWS:
A lot of you have a great deal of ability. A lot of you work hard. Put them together and that answers the "why not" question. There is usually not a good reason. And then the third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices. You're going to challenge. You're going to say "why not." You're going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before.

But here's the deal — these are your choices. They are no one else's. In 1947, when Mao Tse Tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai Shek and the nationalist Chinese held the cities that had the army. They had the airport. They had everything on their side, and people said, "How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this, against all the odds against you?" And Mao Tse Tung said, "You know, you fight your war, and I'll fight mine."

And think about that for a second. You don't have to accept the definition of how to do things, and you don't have to follow other people's choices and paths, OK? It is about your choices and your path. You fight your own war. You lay out your own path. You figure out what's right for you. You don't let external definitions define how good you are internally. You fight your war. You let them fight theirs. Everybody has their own path.

And Mother Teresa, who, upon receiving a letter from a fairly affluent young person who asked her whether she could come over and help with that orphanage in Calcutta, responded very simply, "Go find your own Calcutta."

OK? Go find your own Calcutta. Fight your own path. Go find the thing that is unique to you. The challenge that is actually yours, not somebody else's challenge. One of the things that we see the Obamas, both of them, Michelle and Barack, came out of backgrounds as community organizers, working.
The Radical Truth About Anita Dunn - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com

She said they are not often coupled with each other... gee wonder why? Could it be that she's playing off of the irony of those being her two favorite political philosophers? She's an educated woman, she may simply like studying Mao, again that's her business. Anyone who's studied Mao knows he's an interesting motherfucker, so is Stalin, and Hitler, and Mobutu, and Saddam. NO where does it say she idealizes Mao or believes in Maoism, but AGAIN even if she did that's her business, not yours considering that her being a PR man for the white house does not give her any power to dictate policy. And she does not "look to Mao" as some sort of hero. Her quote was:

"Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices."(look above)

It's a complete and total NON-ISSUE. She uses them as an example to make a point. Clearly the kids got it. There is no evidence that Obama, or anyone he has placed in any position of authority over domestic or foreign policy is a Maoist. NONE... ZERO... ZIP. Stop trying to make every issue about "us" and "them"... it's not, at all.
I, as a right winger myself, hate Glenn Beck because hes corny as fuck. He needs to drop the act and simply speak from the heart like a normal fucking person. .

Thats why he cries, he isnt faking it.

He was caught on tape fake crying for a photoshoot...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9j_SWbpOH0]YouTube - Glenn Beck's Fake Crying Photoshoot[/ame]

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