why the left hates glen beck

For example Dunn and Mao - look at what she actually said and look at what Glenn Beck said about it. It's using tactics of fear - fear of communist inroads into our government or homosexuals taking over our schools with some sort of hidden agenda to foment anger and it's a fine fine line between fear and anger, and anger and hate and acting on it. It doesn't take much to push a group of people over that line. Look at McCain/Palin's inciting their supporters by insinuating Obama supported terrorists. Freedom of the press is power but with it comes responsibility that is often shirked these days. Why doesn't Beck simply state the facts? He doesn't - he tries to craft a message and if the facts don't fit, he'll find other material to attach to it to make it sound better.

In the end: is it rightous anger or bitter partisanship - a partisanship that refused to give anything to the president - whether it's a SCOTUS nominee, policy advisors or credit when he's handled something well.
Glenn may be drumming up fear over Dunn's statements, but its not without merit, considering the record of exposed Obama officials.

Those people "insinuating" that Obama supported terrorists were doing so because thats what the facts showed. No liberal, and Obama himself, could not deny his association with Ayers - a self admited terrorist. Its showed what kind of man Obama is. It also showed how much the left didn't care. They were more than happy to look the other way and vote this radical into office because of his politics. Now its true that both sides have always overlooked indiscretions commited by their candidate, but it has now been taken to a new level with Obama and his radical friends and now appointees. If any of these very questionable associations were with any other politician, republican or democrat, they would had been thrown to the wolves. But Obama just keeps getting pass after pass.

Communism is largely dead. It's a failed economic system and the only remaining countries that are communist are either experimenting with a free market economy or heavily propt up by other countries. People need to get past an irrational fear of it - because that is what it is. Stirring up Marxist/Communist fears smacks more of a desperation on the part of the right to find anything - no matter how minor or long ago, and blow it up out of proportion and out of context.
Communism is far from dead. China is on the verge of overtaking the US as a superpower, and I won't be surprised if it happens under Obama's watch. Communist ideals live on in socialist ideals. And, as Beck as pointed out, the Communist USA party has had a hand in writing the legislation thats being pushed through Washington. They are starting to accomplish things they couldn't do with all their Red Armies over the last century.
If you doubt this movement is alive and well in our country, I suggest you read Prairie Fire. Written by none other than Bill Ayers' little defunt group of communists. He is a full blown communist, who wasn't against the Vietnam War, he was for the communists winning it. This is a man that Obama was friends with.

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire

These wackos are out there, and we have a President who doesn't mind being friends with them one bit.
Not just friends any longer. We the People pay them.
yep, as I suspected - an excuse maker.

I pointed out your mistake and you cry that I'm an excuse maker? :lol:

Where in your post from 12:04pm, the post that I was responding to at 3:05pm, did you answer Old and Tired's question?

I'll wait.

Which way did he go?

Which way did he go?

He went, :scared1:

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For example Dunn and Mao - look at what she actually said and look at what Glenn Beck said about it. It's using tactics of fear - fear of communist inroads into our government or homosexuals taking over our schools with some sort of hidden agenda to foment anger and it's a fine fine line between fear and anger, and anger and hate and acting on it. It doesn't take much to push a group of people over that line. Look at McCain/Palin's inciting their supporters by insinuating Obama supported terrorists. Freedom of the press is power but with it comes responsibility that is often shirked these days. Why doesn't Beck simply state the facts? He doesn't - he tries to craft a message and if the facts don't fit, he'll find other material to attach to it to make it sound better.

In the end: is it rightous anger or bitter partisanship - a partisanship that refused to give anything to the president - whether it's a SCOTUS nominee, policy advisors or credit when he's handled something well.
Glenn may be drumming up fear over Dunn's statements, but its not without merit, considering the record of exposed Obama officials.

Those people "insinuating" that Obama supported terrorists were doing so because thats what the facts showed. No liberal, and Obama himself, could not deny his association with Ayers - a self admited terrorist. Its showed what kind of man Obama is. It also showed how much the left didn't care. They were more than happy to look the other way and vote this radical into office because of his politics. Now its true that both sides have always overlooked indiscretions commited by their candidate, but it has now been taken to a new level with Obama and his radical friends and now appointees. If any of these very questionable associations were with any other politician, republican or democrat, they would had been thrown to the wolves. But Obama just keeps getting pass after pass.

Communism is largely dead. It's a failed economic system and the only remaining countries that are communist are either experimenting with a free market economy or heavily propt up by other countries. People need to get past an irrational fear of it - because that is what it is. Stirring up Marxist/Communist fears smacks more of a desperation on the part of the right to find anything - no matter how minor or long ago, and blow it up out of proportion and out of context.
Communism is far from dead. China is on the verge of overtaking the US as a superpower, and I won't be surprised if it happens under Obama's watch. Communist ideals live on in socialist ideals. And, as Beck as pointed out, the Communist USA party has had a hand in writing the legislation thats being pushed through Washington. They are starting to accomplish things they couldn't do with all their Red Armies over the last century.
If you doubt this movement is alive and well in our country, I suggest you read Prairie Fire. Written by none other than Bill Ayers' little defunt group of communists. He is a full blown communist, who wasn't against the Vietnam War, he was for the communists winning it. This is a man that Obama was friends with.

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire

These wackos are out there, and we have a President who doesn't mind being friends with them one bit.

I did a project with an organization a couple years back that's goal was to stop violence in Prince George's County Public Schools. In order to get the project done there were various meetings that were set up in various member's homes. The co-chairman of the organization used to be a member of a separatist group, not going to say which one but it was a chicano separatist group from DC in the 1970s. The guy was gracious though. During the process of working with this group I had to work with the man very closely, knowing exactly who he was and what his organization had done. We're talking about real grassroots radical organizations that were funded by real inner city drug and prostitution rings traced far back as El Salvadorian and Colombian drug cartels. That's what this guy was apart of.

But for that time while we were working together we were working together for the good of public schools in the area. There were people of all political ideologies working together on this and during the process I got to know the man as a person and grew more to understand him and who he actually was. Nice guy, and a good father to his four children, all of whom go to PG County Schools. I said all that to say this, life will bring you to a place where you will have to meet and work with people and even be close to or friends with people who you may not neccesarily agree with, or who may be shady or dangerous characters. Obama and Bill Ayer's relationship is NATURAL in his line of work amongst anyone who works on grassroots campaign movements at all you are going to have to reach out to some people who may not be the most upstanding of citizens. That's life.

As for the Communist Party USA yes they exist, and believe me they have their own crazy conspiracy theories about "dangerous people" in the White House that have led some of them to take measures into their own hands and do stupid sh**. Just like the libertarian extremist right that Glenn Beck caters to has their own conspiracy theories about "dangerous people" in government. You can be rest assured that there are Hitler admirers, Mao admirers, segregationists, communists, socialists, former Klan-members, and other crazy individuals working in all levels of government because insanity is often erased by other qualifications. In other words you can be completely and totally out of your mind but if your qualified to be the best public relations man that's applied for this opportunity best believe your getting that damn job. There ARE former 60s radicals in all stretches of public life, and you've got to understand that the 60s were extremely different times then now, we're talking about the era of some of the most sweeping movements for change in history and counter-movements at that. Radicalism was at it's peak then as was poverty, social frsutration, political violence, and anger.

Does the Communist Party have a hand in ACLU? Yes, of course it does. Do they have a hand in alot of left wing organizations? Yes. Because many of them have some common battles to fight. The Communist Party is against racial profiling, so is the ACLU. The Communist Party is pro-reproductive rights, so is the ACLU. If an organization represents an interest ALL people who support that particular interest are going to have a hand in the pot. Does that mean that those organizations are communist puppets? No. The same way the fact that some Klan members might be apart of the Republican Party doesn't make the Republican Party and party of Klan members. They might have some common interests. I have common interests with NRA I'm a gun rights freak. Do I have any doubt that there's some questionable characters in the NRA? Hell no. There's some straight-up separatist groups in the NRA, straight up racist white supremecist groups in the NRA. But the organization represents my interest as a gun owner.

I know this won't work to convince most of you of anything but I've said my piece on Beck. Whatever. I don't care if you disagree with Obama on his policies, I disagree with him plenty. But there is no radical takeover of this nation for Maoism, or Islam, or black nationalism, or totalitarianism... that's rediculous... fear mongering. Plain and simple.
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Glenn may be drumming up fear over Dunn's statements, but its not without merit, considering the record of exposed Obama officials.

Not without merit? Is that your way of excusing his lies? What merit for Dunn? God forbid she said that Mother Theresa (notice how the Glenn Becks of this world leave her out of their rabid spews) and Mao were among her favorite political philosophers. Not without merit - they take that and suddenly she is hero worshipping Mao. Not without merit.


Those people "insinuating" that Obama supported terrorists were doing so because thats what the facts showed. No liberal, and Obama himself, could not deny his association with Ayers - a self admited terrorist.

Its showed what kind of man Obama is. It also showed how much the left didn't care. They were more than happy to look the other way and vote this radical into office because of his politics. Now its true that both sides have always overlooked indiscretions commited by their candidate, but it has now been taken to a new level with Obama and his radical friends and now appointees. If any of these very questionable associations were with any other politician, republican or democrat, they would had been thrown to the wolves. But Obama just keeps getting pass after pass.

Perhaps you can remind me when Ayers' last terrorist act was....since you claim he "is" (present tense) a terrorist. Oh, and who did he kill?

I'm guessing you are going to make excuses saying once a terrorist always a terrorist but if people can't change what's your excuse for voting in a (former) alcohalic drug abuser into office - a man one button away from a nuclear holocaust?

The hypocrisy of the right never fails to amuse me. Except it's not really very funny.

Communism is far from dead. China is on the verge of overtaking the US as a superpower, and I won't be surprised if it happens under Obama's watch. Communist ideals live on in socialist ideals.

China is so successful NOT because it's communist but because it started introducing elements of the free market into it's economy - that is not communism.

Socialism and communism are not the same thing and frankly there are some good points to socialism when mixed with a free market economy. Look at many European countries - they have a high standard of living and a decent economy. Oh...but...they have some socialist programs too. Oops.

And, as Beck as pointed out, the Communist USA party has had a hand in writing the legislation thats being pushed through Washington. They are starting to accomplish things they couldn't do with all their Red Armies over the last century.

Sounds like another lying Beck fearmongering stinkbomb.

If you doubt this movement is alive and well in our country, I suggest you read Prairie Fire. Written by none other than Bill Ayers' little defunt group of communists. He is a full blown communist, who wasn't against the Vietnam War, he was for the communists winning it. This is a man that Obama was friends with.

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire

And this was written...when?

These wackos are out there, and we have a President who doesn't mind being friends with them one bit.

Yup, there are whackos out there all right, but they have little to do with the president.
Glenn may be drumming up fear over Dunn's statements, but its not without merit, considering the record of exposed Obama officials.

Not without merit? Is that your way of excusing his lies? What merit for Dunn? God forbid she said that Mother Theresa (notice how the Glenn Becks of this world leave her out of their rabid spews) and Mao were among her favorite political philosophers. Not without merit - they take that and suddenly she is hero worshipping Mao. Not without merit.


Perhaps you can remind me when Ayers' last terrorist act was....since you claim he "is" (present tense) a terrorist. Oh, and who did he kill?

I'm guessing you are going to make excuses saying once a terrorist always a terrorist but if people can't change what's your excuse for voting in a (former) alcohalic drug abuser into office - a man one button away from a nuclear holocaust?

The hypocrisy of the right never fails to amuse me. Except it's not really very funny.

China is so successful NOT because it's communist but because it started introducing elements of the free market into it's economy - that is not communism.

Socialism and communism are not the same thing and frankly there are some good points to socialism when mixed with a free market economy. Look at many European countries - they have a high standard of living and a decent economy. Oh...but...they have some socialist programs too. Oops.

Sounds like another lying Beck fearmongering stinkbomb.

And this was written...when?

These wackos are out there, and we have a President who doesn't mind being friends with them one bit.

Yup, there are whackos out there all right, but they have little to do with the president.

Nice equivocation .
on of the instances I questioned earlier - the part that really got to me was his insistence, "I checked."
Now if he really HAD checked he would have realized it wasn't true.
I can understand an honest mistake - but saying "I checked" when he was obviously aware that he had not - goes beyond that imho.
Before you dogpile your support, do you know what he said is a fact?

Yes I do - do you?
Apparently you do have a dog in the fight.
You know how to spell the fuck in proof?
Thats because there ain't No fucking proof.
I thought Beck had the facts?

you made the specific charge that beck was lying about 2 specific things.
The only source for these claims are left wing smear merchants and non existent video clips.
You are being used by the Progressive smear campaign , or you have volunteered to help deliberately lie about someone knowing, to harm America.
If Glenn Beck (an entertaining media pundit) is your main source of information during a debate not even a journalist I have no obligation but to match what Glenn Beck says with what some liberal on the internet says. If you are capable of carrying on a meaningful debate without using the likes of a guy who cries on cue for a living:
(we call crybabies like this pussies where I'm from)
More Glenn Beck Lies Exposed

...be my guest.
Attention hillbillies of America, this is your savior:

The grown man who cries on TV.
you made the specific charge that beck was lying about 2 specific things.
The only source for these claims are left wing smear merchants and non existent video clips.
You are being used by the Progressive smear campaign , or you have volunteered to help deliberately lie about someone knowing, to harm America.
If Glenn Beck (an entertaining media pundit) is your main source of information during a debate not even a journalist I have no obligation but to match what Glenn Beck says with what some liberal on the internet says. If you are capable of carrying on a meaningful debate without using the likes of a guy who cries on cue for a living:
(we call crybabies like this pussies where I'm from)
More Glenn Beck Lies Exposed

...be my guest.

You were the source. You crazy shit.
Attention hillbillies of America, this is your savior:

The grown man who cries on TV.
And yet, he showed a tape of Dunn publicly expressing her swooning admiration of Chinese communism.

Must have missed that little gem of hyperbole....
Hyperbole, yours or his, is almost always irrelevant to me. But, regardless of that fact, I don't dismiss information when presented to me regardless of the source. That would be allowing emotions to make me willfully ignorant.
And yet, he showed a tape of Dunn publicly expressing her swooning admiration of Chinese communism.

Must have missed that little gem of hyperbole....
Hyperbole, yours or his, is almost always irrelevant to me. But, regardless of that fact, I don't dismiss information when presented to me regardless of the source. That would be allowing emotions to make me willfully ignorant.

Then you should go to the source of said information and view it in context with pundit edification.
Attention hillbillies of America, this is your savior:

The grown man who cries on TV.
And yet, he showed a tape of Dunn publicly expressing her swooning admiration of Chinese communism.

I saw that clip. Never said she admired the man. Said he was one of her favorite political philosophers, does that mean that she approves of the philosophy or likes to study it? Who the Hell knows? My favorite political figure to study is Mobutu Sésé Seko, doesn't mean I agree with a damn thing the man says. Regardless, who the Hell cares? Let me add a little perspective here. Anita Dunn is a Communications Director, she's a public relations woman. She oversees information about policy that goes in and out of the white house. Interesting job, I thoguht I might want to do it at one point but I don't like desk jobs. That's exactly what it is a freaking DESK JOB. She is more then qualified as a public relations manager, she was chosen on the basis of her public relations experience not her political ideology. In other words she was given the job because she qualified. We do not live in a nation where you can be denied a desk job based solely on political ideology. That's called discrimination. It's also called anti-American. Free spreech and freedom of thought goes in all directions.
Must have missed that little gem of hyperbole....
Hyperbole, yours or his, is almost always irrelevant to me. But, regardless of that fact, I don't dismiss information when presented to me regardless of the source. That would be allowing emotions to make me willfully ignorant.

Then you should go to the source of said information and view it in context with pundit edification.
I did (when it was available, that is. Hmmmm). Your point?

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