why the left hates glen beck

Hyperbole, yours or his, is almost always irrelevant to me. But, regardless of that fact, I don't dismiss information when presented to me regardless of the source. That would be allowing emotions to make me willfully ignorant.

Then you should go to the source of said information and view it in context with pundit edification.
I did (when it was available, that is. Hmmmm). Your point?

My point is there was a distinct lack of swooning over Chinese communism.
Must have missed that little gem of hyperbole....
Of course make a judgment before viewing, Judge books by their covers do you?


Nope. Unlike you, I actually read them first. Not just the bits and pieces that make it into talking points. :)

Really? you labeled it hyperbole and you said you missed it ,
proving you do make judgment with out knowledge, based entirely on your prejudice, ignorance and bias.
Of course make a judgment before viewing, Judge books by their covers do you?


Nope. Unlike you, I actually read them first. Not just the bits and pieces that make it into talking points. :)

Really? you labeled it hyperbole and you said you missed it ,
proving you do make judgment with out knowledge, based entirely on your prejudice, ignorance and bias.

I was being sarcastic. Must have gone right over your pointy little head.
Attention hillbillies of America, this is your savior:

The grown man who cries on TV.
And yet, he showed a tape of Dunn publicly expressing her swooning admiration of Chinese communism.

I saw that clip. Never said she admired the man. Said he was one of her favorite political philosophers, does that mean that she approves of the philosophy or likes to study it? Who the Hell knows? My favorite political figure to study is Mobutu Sésé Seko, doesn't mean I agree with a damn thing the man says. Regardless, who the Hell cares? Let me add a little perspective here. Anita Dunn is a Communications Director, she's a public relations woman. She oversees information about policy that goes in and out of the white house. Interesting job, I thoguht I might want to do it at one point but I don't like desk jobs. That's exactly what it is a freaking DESK JOB. She is more then qualified as a public relations manager, she was chosen on the basis of her public relations experience not her political ideology. In other words she was given the job because she qualified. We do not live in a nation where you can be denied a desk job based solely on political ideology. That's called discrimination. It's also called anti-American. Free spreech and freedom of thought goes in all directions.

She said that Mao's political philosophy (Chinese communism) is one of her two favorites. That's simple communicative property.

The apologetics for that comment are stunning to me.

But, that's really OK. As I said elsewhere, as long as the weak and passive stay out of my way, I am fine with their being weak and passive.
And yet, he showed a tape of Dunn publicly expressing her swooning admiration of Chinese communism.

I saw that clip. Never said she admired the man. Said he was one of her favorite political philosophers, does that mean that she approves of the philosophy or likes to study it? Who the Hell knows? My favorite political figure to study is Mobutu Sésé Seko, doesn't mean I agree with a damn thing the man says. Regardless, who the Hell cares? Let me add a little perspective here. Anita Dunn is a Communications Director, she's a public relations woman. She oversees information about policy that goes in and out of the white house. Interesting job, I thoguht I might want to do it at one point but I don't like desk jobs. That's exactly what it is a freaking DESK JOB. She is more then qualified as a public relations manager, she was chosen on the basis of her public relations experience not her political ideology. In other words she was given the job because she qualified. We do not live in a nation where you can be denied a desk job based solely on political ideology. That's called discrimination. It's also called anti-American. Free spreech and freedom of thought goes in all directions.

She said that Mao's political philosophy (Chinese communism) is one of her two favorites. That's simple communicative property.

No. She said that Mao and Mother Theresa were two of her favorite political philosophers.

The apologetics for that comment are stunning to me.

The lack of simple comprehension astounds me.

But, that's really OK. As I said elsewhere, as long as the weak and passive stay out of my way, I am fine with their being weak and passive.

Hope you're spry.
Then you should go to the source of said information and view it in context with pundit edification.
I did (when it was available, that is. Hmmmm). Your point?

My point is there was a distinct lack of swooning over Chinese communism.
Mao one of two people, her favorite political philosopher, The force behind millions of political murders slave labor camps and insanity

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]
I did (when it was available, that is. Hmmmm). Your point?

My point is there was a distinct lack of swooning over Chinese communism.
Mao one of two people, her favorite political philosopher, The force behind millions of political murders slave labor camps and insanity

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]

Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.
My point is there was a distinct lack of swooning over Chinese communism.
Mao one of two people, her favorite political philosopher, The force behind millions of political murders slave labor camps and insanity

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]

Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.
And yet, he showed a tape of Dunn publicly expressing her swooning admiration of Chinese communism.

I saw that clip. Never said she admired the man. Said he was one of her favorite political philosophers, does that mean that she approves of the philosophy or likes to study it? Who the Hell knows? My favorite political figure to study is Mobutu Sésé Seko, doesn't mean I agree with a damn thing the man says. Regardless, who the Hell cares? Let me add a little perspective here. Anita Dunn is a Communications Director, she's a public relations woman. She oversees information about policy that goes in and out of the white house. Interesting job, I thoguht I might want to do it at one point but I don't like desk jobs. That's exactly what it is a freaking DESK JOB. She is more then qualified as a public relations manager, she was chosen on the basis of her public relations experience not her political ideology. In other words she was given the job because she qualified. We do not live in a nation where you can be denied a desk job based solely on political ideology. That's called discrimination. It's also called anti-American. Free spreech and freedom of thought goes in all directions.

She said that Mao's political philosophy (Chinese communism) is one of her two favorites. That's simple communicative property.

The apologetics for that comment are stunning to me.

But, that's really OK. As I said elsewhere, as long as the weak and passive stay out of my way, I am fine with their being weak and passive.

No she did not. Now your LYING about your own damn video tape. This is an exact transcript you have posted the video so read it as you listen:

DUNN: A lot of you have a great deal of ability. A lot of you work hard. Put them together, and that answers the "Why not?" question. There's usually not a good reason.

And then the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa -- not often coupled with each together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices. You're going to challenge. You're going to say, "Why not?" You're going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before. But here's the deal: These are your choices. They are no one else's.

In 1947, when Mao Zedong was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army, they had the air force, they had everything on their side. And people said, "How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this against all of the odds against you?" And Mao Zedong said, you know, "You fight your war, and I'll fight mine." And think about that for a second.

You know, you don't have to accept the definition of how to do things, and you don't have to follow other people's choices and paths, OK? It is about your choices and your path. You fight your own war. You lay out your own path. You figure out what's right for you. You don't let external definition define how good you are internally. You fight your war. You let them fight theirs. Everybody has their own path.

And then Mother Teresa, who, upon receiving a letter from a fairly affluent young person who asked her whether she could come over and help with that orphanage in Calcutta, responded very simply: "Go find your own Calcutta." OK? Go find your own Calcutta. Fight your own path. Go find the thing that is unique to you, the challenge that is actually yours, not somebody else's challenge.

Her exact words were that her two favorite philosophers were Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa. She did not once claim that Maoist philosophy was her favorite philosophy, and it would be insane to insuate so because Maoism and Morther Teresa don't mix well. She herself said this in a joking manner when she pointed out that the two aren't usually coupled together and that she uses the example of the two only to make a certain point saying:

"but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices".

Not once have I heard anyone give me one example where this woman has EVER pushed for Maoism or communism for that matter. Nice fucking try.:clap2:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]
Mao one of two people, her favorite political philosopher, The force behind millions of political murders slave labor camps and insanity

YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3

Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

and Jefferson, Adams, Washington...were all slave owners. Hmmm.....what's wrong with a little historical context hmmm? Should we judge every aspect of their genius upon that?
Mao one of two people, her favorite political philosopher, The force behind millions of political murders slave labor camps and insanity

YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3

Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

How about a little quote context? Her words were that they are the two people she turns to most TOOOOO...
but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point

OMG!!! Really? You mean she doesn't fucking pray to either of them before she goes to sleep? God damn... I have dissect people's quotes like it's the fucking Bible with you people. It's like arguing with fucking Jehovah's Witnesses. BY THE WAY nobody has answered my statement about the fact that Anita Dunn is in no position to determine US Domestic or Foreign Policy or any policy besides how to right shit down in a way that makes the President look good which is a desk job EVERY business, company, firm, and government has and applicants for such jobs are entitled to certain rights including the right not to be discriminated against based on race, gender, creed, or political ideology.
Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

and Jefferson, Adams, Washington...were all slave owners. Hmmm.....what's wrong with a little historical context hmmm? Should we judge every aspect of their genius upon that?

Did I ever tell you ... your my hero? LOL:clap2:
Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

and Jefferson, Adams, Washington...were all slave owners. Hmmm.....what's wrong with a little historical context hmmm? Should we judge every aspect of their genius upon that?

If that is the only defense you have at your disposal .
You cannot Make Mao good ,by trying to make the founding fathers bad.
You just create logical fallacies .
Is comprehension a common problem with you guys? Beck - not Dunn - brought up Mao's atrocities in an attempt to smear Dunn. She was talking about philosophy. Interesting that you continuously leave out Mother Theresa. Perhaps that is because it doesn't serve your agenda well.

Smear her? Whats wrong with a little historical context?
The 2 people she turns to the most Mao and MT ?
Not jefferson and Adams , Not Washington and Franklin.
Nope Mao and Mother Teresa
One nice the other the father of untold atrocities .
More deathsand suffering than Hitler.

How about a little quote context? Her words were that they are the two people she turns to most TOOOOO...
but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point

Yak yak yak
The point being the ends justify the means.
Even if it means genocide.
YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3

Good thing your friend posted the other video which shows the speech in full context and let's Anita finish the whole quote of what she looks to them FORRRRRR and it ain't fucking political philosophy.

Clearly her words make you a liar.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]

Good thing your friend posted the other video which shows the speech in full context and let's Anita finish the whole quote of what she looks to them FORRRRRR and it ain't fucking political philosophy.

Clearly her words make you a liar. Mao is one of her favs.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xfv4cQKIw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How many radicals is it going to take 3[/ame]


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