why the left hates glen beck

Did I SAY you called him a fear monger? Learn to read. I SAID you leftists come on and DUCK AND DODGE instead of answering questions like Old and Tired (among many others) post. Old and Tired's question was: tell me exactly what Beck says that is untrue. Did you answer it? NO, you just called Beck a clown and blah, blah, blah, which is the typical response.

Beck lied when he said that no president has ever been sworn into office without swearing on the Bible. Quincy Adams didn't.

Beck lied when he said that the US was the ONLY country that had a natural birthright provision.
Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels.

I mean do you need anymore because that whole program is like 49 minutes of total falsehood. If he's not lying or bitching he's crying. How do you even call him a rightwing talk show host when he comes off as such a whinning homo? I dislike any grown man that gets on live national television and cries because he's scared of socialism.

on of the instances I questioned earlier - the part that really got to me was his insistence, "I checked."
Now if he really HAD checked he would have realized it wasn't true.
I can understand an honest mistake - but saying "I checked" when he was obviously aware that he had not - goes beyond that imho.
If he didn't check his facts, then why didn't your beloved messiah and his administration of fools, that you so disgustingly fawn over like a love sick child, put up ANY kind of a fight for the 7 liberal scumbags that Beck caused to be tossed?

Just admit it. You hate him because he's tearing down this sham presidency and administration one by one. And he's doing it with FACTS. There's 6 more on the radar now, and Obama won't be far behind!.
And that just drives your loony liberal ass friggin' bonkers.

Be prepared, because once he's finished, you're going to be bat shit fucking crazy!:cuckoo:
I call him a hate-monger based on my opinion of what he is saying. That is hardly name calling. He is using deliberate distortions in an attempt to - do what? Create hatred towards his targets? A mob mentality? I've given numerous examples. If I were name calling I'd be calling him a moron, Retardican, conservitard and a host of similar stupid things.

"He is right" - well, that is a matter of opinion. "He loves his country". That is debatable and a matter of opinion. He has a strange way of showing it.

Hate is a very strong word that gets thrown around alot. He certainly is trying to stir up anger, no doubt about that. But anger can be a good thing, espeically if its over an injustice or something that is morally wrong. That is certainly the case with these "czars".

You might have a point there, I'll give you that. But I look at it from what he says. Even when it's not an outright lie it's deliberate distortions - hooking together things to make a person look like he or she believes or does or says something terrible.

For example Dunn and Mao - look at what she actually said and look at what Glenn Beck said about it. It's using tactics of fear - fear of communist inroads into our government or homosexuals taking over our schools with some sort of hidden agenda to foment anger and it's a fine fine line between fear and anger, and anger and hate and acting on it. It doesn't take much to push a group of people over that line. Look at McCain/Palin's inciting their supporters by insinuating Obama supported terrorists. Freedom of the press is power but with it comes responsibility that is often shirked these days. Why doesn't Beck simply state the facts? He doesn't - he tries to craft a message and if the facts don't fit, he'll find other material to attach to it to make it sound better.

In the end: is it rightous anger or bitter partisanship - a partisanship that refused to give anything to the president - whether it's a SCOTUS nominee, policy advisors or credit when he's handled something well.

People should be outraged that open communists and appeasers are now so high up in our government. This country over the last century stood up against communism and we lost a lot of people in that confrontation. But we prevailed. Some of us actually like to remember what a real threat communism was, and still is.

Communism is largely dead. It's a failed economic system and the only remaining countries that are communist are either experimenting with a free market economy or heavily propt up by other countries. People need to get past an irrational fear of it - because that is what it is. Stirring up Marxist/Communist fears smacks more of a desperation on the part of the right to find anything - no matter how minor or long ago, and blow it up out of proportion and out of context.
Although many communist regimes have failed, as those who have any common sense knows they will eventually, communism itself is not. And, the bigger danger to our system is communism within.
on of the instances I questioned earlier - the part that really got to me was his insistence, "I checked."
Now if he really HAD checked he would have realized it wasn't true.
I can understand an honest mistake - but saying "I checked" when he was obviously aware that he had not - goes beyond that imho.
Before you dogpile your support, do you know what he said is a fact?

Yes I do - do you?

He has yet to provide the proof.
Beck is a classic fear monger

Beck: "Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly "

Day 4

• Why do we need a civilian force?

• Who is posing a threat to us?

• Who will this "force" be made up of?

• Who is the real enemy?

• Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?

• Why won't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXTdfxYQkS4]YouTube - Glenn Beck: Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly [FOX News][/ame]

The guys a fag. Seriously. He is absolutely full of himself... clearly.
This video has been (conveniently ) removed due to terms of use violation

Philadelphia Progressive Examiner is not a source.
Please try again

Yeup because the examiner has magical powers to take videos off of youtube, and I usually wouldn't use it as such if I were debating against facts. Fortunetly... it's Glenn Beck... so that's really all your gonna get until you find somebody who's... credable.
Although many communist regimes have failed, as those who have any common sense knows they will eventually, communism itself is not. And, the bigger danger to our system is communism within.

In what way?
Beck is a classic fear monger

Beck: "Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly "

Day 4

• Why do we need a civilian force?

• Who is posing a threat to us?

• Who will this "force" be made up of?

• Who is the real enemy?

• Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?

• Why won't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXTdfxYQkS4]YouTube - Glenn Beck: Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly [FOX News][/ame]

The guys a fag. Seriously. He is absolutely full of himself... clearly.

Oh, now that's intelligent!


He's tearing down this sham president and his administration, ONE by ONE!
Beck is a classic fear monger

Beck: "Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly "

Day 4

• Why do we need a civilian force?

• Who is posing a threat to us?

• Who will this "force" be made up of?

• Who is the real enemy?

• Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?

• Why won't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?

The guys a fag. Seriously. He is absolutely full of himself... clearly.

Yet again, we have someone who actually makes the point for us....

Can't attack the message, attack the messenger. The only person you make look stupid with your remark is yourself. Congratulations.
Part of the quote you orginally posted - you know, the part you edited out for THIS post - began with a statement about folks calling him a fear monger.

If you did not consider that part of the quote applicable when you applied it to me, I wonder why you didn't edit it out THAT time like you did THIS time.........

points to ponder indeed ........

You're an idiot. I didn't edit anything. I quoted Old and Tired's post #35 on page 3 and put in my comment (post #42, page 3) about the lefists ducking and dodging rather than answering questions. I put it in because I was referring to what I HAD BOLDED IN HIS POST, which WASN'T the 'fear mongering' part. LEARN TO READ.

As a matter of fact I did.

I see you still have re-sited that lil' ol' mud slinger of yours. Please scroll back a bit and you'll see the links I posted. Being the upstanding and honest poster that you are, I'm sure you'll feel compelled to apologize to me. I probably won't be here as I have to run - so I'll accept it now and assure you - no hard feeling.

AFTER I posted my comment. So you want me to start commenting on posts that don't exist?????

BTW, see the part in your quote above that I bolded? THAT'S the part I am responding to.

I'll take your silence as an apology for being a ninny.

No - my post of the links (1:32 p.m.) came LONG before your very recent claim that I hadn't answered the question (3:05 p.m.). Is that an honest mistake or a deliberate lie?

Your post saying "I'll take your silence as an apology for being a ninny" AFTER I posted that I have to run, is telling. Is that a tactic employed by an honest poster? That appears to provide strong evidence on my previous question regarding honest mistake or deliberate lie.

Reading comprehension is not your friend.

My first post today was the one to Old and Tired re: no one answering his question at 11:56a.m. - page 3, post #42.

Your first post today was at at 11:58a.m. - page 3, post #43.

I responded to your post at 12:00 noon. - page 3, post #44.

At 11:56a.m. no one had answered Old and Tired's question. So, you still want me to respond to posts that don't exist at the time of my posting????

Once again, I'll take your silence as an apology for being a ninny, several times.
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This video has been (conveniently ) removed due to terms of use violation

Philadelphia Progressive Examiner is not a source.
Please try again

Yeup because the examiner has magical powers to take videos off of youtube, and I usually wouldn't use it as such if I were debating against facts. Fortunetly... it's Glenn Beck... so that's really all your gonna get until you find somebody who's... credable.[/QUOTE]

Must resist the temptation....

Must resist the temptation.....


*Runs out of thread before the temptation to point out dumbassedness overtakes her*
Before you dogpile your support, do you know what he said is a fact?

Yes I do - do you?

He has yet to provide the proof.

Video or in print?

The in-print documentation is all over the place.

On the several places that posted the video, all the ones I saw say the video has been removed for violation of terms of use.

I guess one possible explanation could be that Beck was the target of a smear campaign - but if the Did Glenn Beck Rape .... crap is still out there, I don't understand how this could be regarded as more libelous or slanderous and subject to removal for THAT. But I guess that's possible.

It's also possible that the applicable network never granted permission for those sites to carry the clip and had it removed on THOSE grounds ....

I personally don't know the answer to that.
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This video has been (conveniently ) removed due to terms of use violation

Philadelphia Progressive Examiner is not a source.
Please try again

Yeup because the examiner has magical powers to take videos off of youtube, and I usually wouldn't use it as such if I were debating against facts. Fortunetly... it's Glenn Beck... so that's really all your gonna get until you find somebody who's... credable.

I thought you had the facts?
What you have is hollow rhetoric and empty charges that have been repeated without attribution .
Not facts, just charges .
This is how the the progressive attack machine that is being used to silence opponents of Obamas policies and tactic works.

Lies are the marching orders to crush the resistance to Obamanomics
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Beck: "Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly "

Day 4

• Why do we need a civilian force?

• Who is posing a threat to us?

• Who will this "force" be made up of?

• Who is the real enemy?

• Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?

• Why won't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?

YouTube - Glenn Beck: Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly [FOX News]

The guys a fag. Seriously. He is absolutely full of himself... clearly.

Oh, now that's intelligent!


He's tearing down this sham president and his administration, ONE by ONE!

What's intelligent is getting on TV for an hour every day and spewing out vague facts about "organizations" and "lobbyist groups" that are tied to communism and therefore tied to totalitarianism... blah blah blah and scaring the shit out of people for no reason. It's wonderful for ratings, this guy is not a political commentator, he's a paid public relations man... he's a journalist for Christ's sake he get's paid to make you watch him. However, when one of Glenn Beck's nutjob listeners decides that Obama is too dangerous to live... and puts a bullet through the man's head... Beck (watch this) and Dobbs are both going to be on TV crying again calling it an American tragedy, and calling the hillbilly that did it a terrorist and a racist bastard. But trust... Beck will not sink with his ship. He will not take responsability for the revolution he wants, he will not lead it, and when it happens he'll abandon it.
What's intelligent is getting on TV for an hour every day and spewing out vague facts about "organizations" and "lobbyist groups" that are tied to communism and therefore tied to totalitarianism... blah blah blah and scaring the shit out of people for no reason. It's wonderful for ratings, this guy is not a political commentator, he's a paid public relations man... he's a journalist for Christ's sake he get's paid to make you watch him. However, when one of Glenn Beck's nutjob listeners decides that Obama is too dangerous to live... and puts a bullet through the man's head... Beck (watch this) and Dobbs are both going to be on TV crying again calling it an American tragedy, and calling the hillbilly that did it a terrorist and a racist bastard. But trust... Beck will not sink with his ship. He will not take responsability for the revolution he wants, he will not lead it, and when it happens he'll abandon it.

It isn't just Beck connecting the dots.

ACORN Part I: Rathke, ACORN, SEIU, the Tides Foundation
But if the claim "Glenn Beck is lying" is so slanderous that it must be removed, I wonder why the link to The View episode in which he's caught in a lie is still available.
Is it maybe because different networks are involved and in the case of the View, the network was not so inclined to provide cover?
That's a possible explanation .....
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Yeup because the examiner has magical powers to take videos off of youtube, and I usually wouldn't use it as such if I were debating against facts. Fortunetly... it's Glenn Beck... so that's really all your gonna get until you find somebody who's... credable.[/QUOTE]

Must resist the temptation....

Must resist the temptation.....


*Runs out of thread before the temptation to point out dumbassedness overtakes her*

Now, that's just classic!:lol:
btw - zoom-boing are you STILL trying to claim that my post of 1:32 p.m. came AFTER your post of 3:05 p.m? Or are ya maybe thinking that apology really is in order ???????????
The reality of Mao is complex, a bit like Machievelli. But that doesn't mean their philosophies don't have some merit or - more important something to learn from. Mao, like Machievelli is required reading in a number of disciplines and not because he was a mass murder. Appreciating some of his philosophy is not the same thing as condoning his behavior or how he used it.

Ah of course, all those communists like Marx, Che, Castro, Mao have some merit in their philosophies. We just have to ignore all those "bad things" that came as a result of their philosophies. We can all still learn alot from them.


Not necessarily. You are lumping everyone into one category based on a broad political generalization. They are all "communists' therefore their words have no merit. That's a stupid assumption.

I've used this example before, but I'll use it again. Many of the founders of our country and constitution were slave owners. While some opposed slavery, but did not bring about abolition others supported it. Does that negate all their work to define our government and constitution? Or is it not so simple as it seems on the surface?
The guys a fag. Seriously. He is absolutely full of himself... clearly.

Oh, now that's intelligent!


He's tearing down this sham president and his administration, ONE by ONE!

What's intelligent is getting on TV for an hour every day and spewing out vague facts about "organizations" and "lobbyist groups" that are tied to communism and therefore tied to totalitarianism... blah blah blah and scaring the shit out of people for no reason. It's wonderful for ratings, this guy is not a political commentator, he's a paid public relations man... he's a journalist for Christ's sake he get's paid to make you watch him. However, when one of Glenn Beck's nutjob listeners decides that Obama is too dangerous to live... and puts a bullet through the man's head... Beck (watch this) and Dobbs are both going to be on TV crying again calling it an American tragedy, and calling the hillbilly that did it a terrorist and a racist bastard. But trust... Beck will not sink with his ship. He will not take responsability for the revolution he wants, he will not lead it, and when it happens he'll abandon it.

JFK: Killed by a LEFTWING marxist loon.
Ford: survived TWO assasination attempts by TWO seperate LIBERAL nutjobs.
Reagan. Survived an assasination attempt by a lovesick LIBERAL nutjob.
Glenn Beck: Receives death threats daily by LIBERAL nutjobs. Causing him to have to pay big bucks for security to protect himself, his family, and his staff.

So, who does Obama REALLY have to fear?

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