Why the Media doesn't call it "JUNK MAIL" voting

that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
"ballots are not shit canned" you say?
Like this??
USPS Worker in NJ Arrested for Allegedly Dumping Mail, Including Election Ballots
A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier from Hudson County, New Jersey, was arrested for discarding mail, including 99 general election ballots sent from the County Board of Elections that were intended to be delivered to West Orange residents, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
"ballots are not shit canned" you say?
Like this??
USPS Worker in NJ Arrested for Allegedly Dumping Mail, Including Election Ballots
A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier from Hudson County, New Jersey, was arrested for discarding mail, including 99 general election ballots sent from the County Board of Elections that were intended to be delivered to West Orange residents, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.
im talking about in the PO.....you could not figure that out?....your getting a little carried away with this....
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
"ballots are not shit canned" you say?
Like this??
USPS Worker in NJ Arrested for Allegedly Dumping Mail, Including Election Ballots
A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier from Hudson County, New Jersey, was arrested for discarding mail, including 99 general election ballots sent from the County Board of Elections that were intended to be delivered to West Orange residents, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.
im talking about in the PO.....you could not figure that out?....your getting a little carried away with this....

OH I figured that out as you said you were a carrier. But to the general public that is not as sophisticated and discrete as you in your terminology, the term "JUNK MAIL" ballots is not only more descriptive but also more ACCURATE than mail in ballots...which both Absentee and JUNK MAIL ballots comprise the definition of "mail in ballots". The problem is the MSM in its continue biased "CONTEXTUAL" arrangement of positive words for Biden, negative words for Trump don't use that term...i.e. "JUNK MAIL" because it is a negative.
So while someone as sophisticated and knowledgable as you have a professional distinctiveness, the general public is fed the MSM premise that
people like me and Trump and millions of more evidently knowledgeable people are AGAINST voting by mail. Remember the MSM always links
Trump's warning about "JUNK MAIL" to HIS using absentee voting and they contextually make it sound like Trump is a hypocrite!
But as I'm trying to do with not as knowledgeable people like YOU are, is to help these less fortunate than you to comprehend what will be happening
to this election with the larger involvement i.e. JUNK MAIL ballots being sent out WITHOUT the voter requesting...i.e. Absentee ballot require!

So I hope you understand that this is NOT intended for your consumption as YOU are so knowledgeable about the post office treatment of "JUNK MAIL" but it is to help counter the MSM biased presentations that Absentee voting and JUNK MAIL voting are equal. THEY ARE NOT!
Again.. Absentee voting ... I ASK for a ballot and sign the request which is then matched with the ballot that I signed and returned by mail.
JUNK MAIL voting all the voters on the election register are sent BALLOTS and supposedly signatures are matched with what is on file..supposedly.
BUT with nearly 80 million more JUNK MAIL type mailings... logic and practicality means that ain't gonna happen as accurately much less quickly!
BE prepared!
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
"ballots are not shit canned" you say?
Like this??
USPS Worker in NJ Arrested for Allegedly Dumping Mail, Including Election Ballots
A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier from Hudson County, New Jersey, was arrested for discarding mail, including 99 general election ballots sent from the County Board of Elections that were intended to be delivered to West Orange residents, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.
im talking about in the PO.....you could not figure that out?....your getting a little carried away with this....
Ohio's Franklin County sees nearly 50K voters getting wrong absentee ballots, elections officials say

Nearly 50,000 voters in Franklin County -- Ohio's most populous county -- received incorrect absentee ballots in the mail, elections officials said Friday, revealing a major glitch that appeared to affect one in five ballots the county had sent so far.

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