Why The Minimum Wage Should Actually Be $21.72

There is a lot of margin in the food business. Most farmers get paid about 12 cents per pound of food they grow. Most of the food you buy cost you over $3 per pound. There is a lot of profit in food processing, sales & service. Beverage's have much higher profit margins than that.

Investors surged into consumer staples like food & beverage when money printing ramped up. They demanded more ROI to hedge against inflation. There are high profit margins that need to be squeezed to pay the workers that make those profits to get them off the government tit & halt the money printing. Grocery may have to squeeze the brand name processors to get them, but they are there in that 2500% food mark-up. Warren Buffet would not have Walmart ar one of his largest key holdings if it was not really profitable.

look at this link -
Industry Browser - Yahoo! Finance - Full Industry List

I don't need a propaganda list to know the truth. Carrots cost the store 6 cents a pound. What did you pay for them? Corn cost 12 cents a pound. What did you pay for corn or corn products?

so you think they only cost them 6 cents a pound? I know your figure does not include trucking, stocking, refrigeration costs, and other overhead costs. You haven't the slightest idea what it costs to run a successful business.
There is a lot of margin in the food business. Most farmers get paid about 12 cents per pound of food they grow. Most of the food you buy cost you over $3 per pound. There is a lot of profit in food processing, sales & service. Beverage's have much higher profit margins than that.

Investors surged into consumer staples like food & beverage when money printing ramped up. They demanded more ROI to hedge against inflation. There are high profit margins that need to be squeezed to pay the workers that make those profits to get them off the government tit & halt the money printing. Grocery may have to squeeze the brand name processors to get them, but they are there in that 2500% food mark-up. Warren Buffet would not have Walmart ar one of his largest key holdings if it was not really profitable.

look at this link -
Industry Browser - Yahoo! Finance - Full Industry List

I don't need a propaganda list to know the truth. Carrots cost the store 6 cents a pound. What did you pay for them? Corn cost 12 cents a pound. What did you pay for corn or corn products?

OK the minimum order is 28 metric tons.

Then you have to ship them, store them, package them and then deliver them to the store.

At every step of the process you have to pay people, pay taxes, pay insurance, pay utilities, pay for trash removal, etc etc etc etc etc

You don't know anything about the costs of running a business do you?

I might pay $1 a pound for something but if I sell it for less than a 40% mark up up I lose money because I have to pay an employee (with all the related worker's comp, payroll taxes unemployment taxes and safety regulations involved with having a person on payroll) to open the box, put the product on a shelf. i have to heat and cool and light the room the shelf is in, I have to clean the shelves and the floors of the room, I have to pay to have the box the item was shipped in taken to the dump, I have to pay a person to ring up the product, I have to buy a register and computers to handle inventory, I have to pay for a program for inventory control which needs to be renewed every year...........

I don't need a propaganda list to know the truth. Carrots cost the store 6 cents a pound. What did you pay for them? Corn cost 12 cents a pound. What did you pay for corn or corn products?

OK the minimum order is 28 metric tons.

Then you have to ship them, store them, package them and then deliver them to the store.

At every step of the process you have to pay people, pay taxes, pay insurance, pay utilities, pay for trash removal, etc etc etc etc etc

exactly, and even that little space in that store where they sit for you to buy them has costs associated with it.
Some people simply have no idea. They think they magically appear from farmer to that space and don't cost a thing more.

Those were deals with individual states and not the federal government. The states made local deals because having Walmart in their state and or county, city etc would bring in more money to the coffers than the cost of the deals.

Food stamps are not given to Walmart so that is not a subsidy for Walmart.

and most companies that receive those deals have criteria that have to be met to keep those deals, such as hiring quotas by a certain date, etc. or they will be rescinded.

well Republicans are against these programs and most government programs, so I guess that makes you a Republican??

Republicans are for those big corporate subsidies & exploding entitlements. They want large state & corporate control over citizens. Rhetoric is not reality. They piss on you & tell you it's raining.

Since you failed to prove that Walmart gets federal subsidies what's your point?

well Republicans are against these programs and most government programs, so I guess that makes you a Republican??

Republicans are for those big corporate subsidies & exploding entitlements. They want large state & corporate control over citizens. Rhetoric is not reality. They piss on you & tell you it's raining.

dear, Republicans sign the pledge and introduce Balanced Budget Amendments, not Democrats. What planet have you been living on??

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow??
well Republicans are against these programs and most government programs, so I guess that makes you a Republican??

Republicans are for those big corporate subsidies & exploding entitlements. They want large state & corporate control over citizens. Rhetoric is not reality. They piss on you & tell you it's raining.

Since you failed to prove that Walmart gets federal subsidies what's your point?

the libturd's reasoning is that any company that doesn't pay enough gets federal subsidies in the form of food stamps, etc for its employees. A liberal will lack the IQ to know that the beauty of capitalism is that it forces a business to pay the highest amount possible to its workers consistent with offering the lowest prices possible to its customers.

A liberals lacks the IQ to know that workers are customers too!!
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