Why The Minimum Wage Should Actually Be $21.72

Paying employees more due to higher minimum wage does not put any business at a competitive disadvantage because all competition has to pay more.

Too stupid and liberal for words!!!

most minimum wage work is in small businesses which are marginally profitably. Millions go bankrupt each year. Higher wage costs will bankrupt many and cost jobs!!

THe higher prices that result from the higher wages will reduce business thus causing bankruptcy and lost jobs.

Higher wages are just a higher price for labor which means business can afford fewer workers.

A liberal will have no where near the IQ to discuss this issue

With every post you prove you are the stupidest person on this board. The majority (66 percent) of low-wage workers are not employed by small businesses, but rather by large corporations with over 100 employees. Raising the minimum wage helps small business compete & hire more people. - IDIOT!!!
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Prices have already risen dumb-ass but the owner did not raise the worker pay, they just pocketed the extra money.

So their input costs didn't rise?

Paying employees more due to higher minimum wage does not put any business at a competitive disadvantage because all competition has to pay more.

It's strange that you make sweeping claims about what all businesses are or aren't capable of doing. I don't think you actually know that sort of thing.

The Federal Reserve studies show income mobility is the USA is one of the worlds lowest.

I would like to read this Fed study.

Inflation, price hikes, employee invention, productivity gain, etc is all being pocketed by the boss.

For all businesses?
TSam Walton's 4 kids combined are worth $107.1 Billion making them the richest in the world. They have the most employees near minimum wage & on government assistance of anyone.
Pointless statistic. WalMart is the largest non-government employer in the world, so them having the most of anything isn't an eye-popping fact.

They might have the most employees born on days that end with 7 too, or the most employees who wear glasses.
TSam Walton's 4 kids combined are worth $107.1 Billion making them the richest in the world. They have the most employees near minimum wage & on government assistance of anyone.
Pointless statistic. WalMart is the largest non-government employer in the world, so them having the most of anything isn't an eye-popping fact.

They might have the most employees born on days that end with 7 too, or the most employees who wear glasses.

Why are they such a big monopoly? Did Sam's entitled kids create those jobs? Why are they taking the wealth the employees create? Why am I forced to subsidize them even if I do not shop there? Entitled royalty stifles income mobility, living standards, economies, innovation & wealth of nations. None of you are smart enough to comprehend macro economics. It must suck to be brainwashed by the TV.
Walmart a monopoly?

Tell that to Costco, Target, K-Mart, Safeway, Whole Foods, Lucky's, Long's Drugs, CVS...and Amazon.

And just out of curiosity, KM, do you shop for the lowest price or do you pay more to shop at politically correct stores?
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None of you are smart enough to comprehend macro economics.

I've been wanting to test to see if the unemployment rate can be modeled by a first order auto-regressive process, but that means I have to take the time to test for heteroscadasticity and autocorrelation. Have you ever looked at this? Your thoughts?
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Walmart a monopoly?

Tell that to Costco, Target, K-Mart, Safeway, Whole Foods, Lucky's, Long's Drugs, CVS...and Amazon.

And just out of curiosity, KM, do you shop for the lowest price or do you pay more to shop at politically correct stores?

That is the problem with you partisans. Your world view is all through a PC lens. It is more politically correct for you partisans to shop at Walmart than not. What's PC to me? I am not a democrat, republican or union lover. Anyone who would let a party tell them what to think is fucked in the head & that seems to be the majority here.

I shop low prices & they sure as hell are never at Walmart as you cult followers believe.

For instance I buy food at Aldi. Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

The cost of bread will be kept down by not having anyone bag groceries. We used to have kids put gas in your car and clean your windshield. Those jobs went away a long time ago when the minimum wage was raised. You bring your own bags and bag your own stuff. Maybe some derelict will be hanging around outside the store offering to come in and bag your food for $2.00, the way they swarm cars at intersections cleaning windshields.

You won't have anyone mopping the floors or sweeping those stores either. Clean up on aisle 3 will mean that a register will be shut down while the checker goes and cleans up.

Fucking ridiculous. We have self serve checkouts and more than enough employees to clean up a spill, and a loaf of bread is still cheap, and the workers at the supermarket still earn at least $15 an hour.

So what the hell is the problem with America that its incapable of doing the most basic things?

Having to pay FTE employees a minimum of $45,000 per year would somehow have no effect on prices or employment? That's an argument you're really going to stand by? You and many others don't seem to understand a thing about a business's finances. If the minimum wage were raised to $21 tomorrow, I can tell you without any doubt that a quarter of my company's employees would be without work the next day. There is simply no way for at least that many of our employees to create that value of work in what they do. It is an incontrovertible mathematical certainty.

It would have no effect on a multi billion dollar business like Walmart, would it?
Fucking ridiculous. We have self serve checkouts and more than enough employees to clean up a spill, and a loaf of bread is still cheap, and the workers at the supermarket still earn at least $15 an hour.

So what the hell is the problem with America that its incapable of doing the most basic things?

Having to pay FTE employees a minimum of $45,000 per year would somehow have no effect on prices or employment? That's an argument you're really going to stand by? You and many others don't seem to understand a thing about a business's finances. If the minimum wage were raised to $21 tomorrow, I can tell you without any doubt that a quarter of my company's employees would be without work the next day. There is simply no way for at least that many of our employees to create that value of work in what they do. It is an incontrovertible mathematical certainty.

It would have no effect on a multi billion dollar business like Walmart, would it?

Not as much as it would have on their local competition, no. That's often the point of these kinds of regulations - or at least why they enjoy support from established companies.
It is my understanding, perhaps the 2009 law changed that, that ONLY businesses doing business INTERSTATE are subject to the FEDERAL minimum wage law.

Does anyone know is that is still true?

Because if it is, then all this complaining about how a change in the FEDERAL minimum wages laws is going to drive MOM & POP small businesses OOB, is nonsense.
It is my understanding, perhaps the 2009 law changed that, that ONLY businesses doing business INTERSTATE are subject to the FEDERAL minimum wage law.

Does anyone know is that is still true?

Because if it is, then all this complaining about how a change in the FEDERAL minimum wages laws is going to drive MOM & POP small businesses OOB, is nonsense.

Mom and pop can't do interstate business?
it's a 'theory' that's NEVER been proven....by the right wing who say it...

increased minimum wage does NOT raise prices overall and it does not reduce employment overall.... there may be small pockets where this occurs but overall, in the end, when the 'fat lady sings' employment is not reduced nor are prices of products higher overall.

It has been proven to INCREASE the economy, as was posted in a previous link of Kiss my...

also, increased productivity means increased profits for the employer and means employees are working harder and producing more for the employer...the employer has been taking these increased profits from the increased production of their employees and has been pocketing it ALL for themselves INSTEAD of sharing it with the employee, the person who has actually done the extra work per hour for them.

If you have 100 people working for you and they all make 10 bucks an hour then your payroll minus taxes is 40,000 a week.

What happens if minimum wage rises to the 21 dollars an hour suggested?

Your payroll more than doubled. Not only that everyone of your suppliers had a similar increase in payroll and will now charge you more for everything.

So tell me how will you stay in business if you don't raise prices?

Prices have already risen dumb-ass but the owner did not raise the worker pay, they just pocketed the extra money.

Why have prices risen? Inflation, tax and regulatory burdens etc. You don't seem to realize that just because the price of a product rises that the producer of that product does not necessarily make a higher profit. I can say that for my own business. I have raised prices because my cost of goods has risen. Electric rates have risen, propane and oil costs have risen, I have more regulatory burdens that cost money for compliance, licensing fees have risen, unemployment taxes have risen, etc. I raised prices to keep up with costs but my net profit from last year to this year only rose 2%

Paying employees more due to higher minimum wage does not put any business at a competitive disadvantage because all competition has to pay low wage employees more.

So why don't you answer my question?

If your payroll went from 40K a week to 80K a week how would you stay in business if you didn't raise the price of the goods and or services you provide?
Why are they such a big monopoly?
They a a large successful company (not monopoly) because they created a good business model of cheap goods at low prices with a large, efficient distribution system.

None of you are smart enough to comprehend macro economics. It must suck to be brainwashed by the TV.
It must suck to be trying to lecture about economics when you don't know what a monopoly is.
If you have 100 people working for you and they all make 10 bucks an hour then your payroll minus taxes is 40,000 a week.

What happens if minimum wage rises to the 21 dollars an hour suggested?

Your payroll more than doubled. Not only that everyone of your suppliers had a similar increase in payroll and will now charge you more for everything.

So tell me how will you stay in business if you don't raise prices?

Prices have already risen dumb-ass but the owner did not raise the worker pay, they just pocketed the extra money.

Why have prices risen? Inflation, tax and regulatory burdens etc. You don't seem to realize that just because the price of a product rises that the producer of that product does not necessarily make a higher profit.


Paying employees more due to higher minimum wage does not put any business at a competitive disadvantage because all competition has to pay low wage employees more.

So why don't you answer my question?

If your payroll went from 40K a week to 80K a week how would you stay in business if you didn't raise the price of the goods and or services you provide?

If the input cost went up, someone at the top is pocketing extra money because they own your input source, it is not falling into a big hole. You can't just keep taking it out of employees who are also paying higher cost because eventually they would be paying the employer for the privilege to work while milking that money plus their cost of living from the government tit. When all companies have to pay the actual cost of that employee through the minimum wage, all the companies push back against the people who raised your input cost. Those input cost & taxes only rise as a result of inflation due to government spending to pay to support workers companies under pay. If all companies are forced to pay enough to get all their employees off the government tit, government stops printing money that's causing inflation & input prices to stop rising and actually fall. It also stops taxes from rising & actually fall.

As to your 40K a week to 80K a week question regarding the OP. I don't advocate raising wages to that level. I only want them brought up to cover the cost the government is paying out to them. It may cause some business to raise prices but it does not translate into inflation because the government is already paying those employees. This will reduce the government spending & reduce inflation the same amount. Now if they mandated the $21 the OP says should happen, it will cause some wage push inflation.
If your payroll went from 40K a week to 80K a week how would you stay in business if you didn't raise the price of the goods and or services you provide?

It depends on your business' profit margins.

If companies cannot make a profit, there is no reason for them to be in business. At least not in this country. The land of opportunity will move elsewhere, as it is doing now, but on a much bigger scale.
Why are they such a big monopoly?
They a a large successful company (not monopoly) because they created a good business model of cheap goods at low prices with a large, efficient distribution system.

In many areas they are a monopoly. If Walmart were so awesome & efficient, they would not need tax subsidies that smaller business do not get & their employees would be paying taxes, not be sucking the government tit eating my taxes. :cuckoo:

Aldi workers are not on the government tit & their prices are way lower than your politically correct Walmart's are.

How dare Walmart be forced to actually pay the cost of their workers who are on food stamps. :eek: Because God forbid those workers might use that cash to buy their food from a small business or farmers road side stand that does not accept food stamps instead of a big food stamp store like Walmart. :eek:
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Minimum wage should be at least $50-$60 an hr.
Fuck those people who started that business....
They think they are so smart.....
There's a lot of smart people out there.

They think they worked hard to get that business going.
There's a lot of people who work hard....

Screw the business owner it's time for us to get paid!!

Its the employees who make the business what it is. Without employees, the employer wouldn't have a damned business. Yet the employer thinks that they can reap the benefits of their business by paying their workers shitty wages. Expecting people to work their butts off for such little pay so you can say how great your business is is fucking pathetic.

You want people to work for you, and help you turn your business into a success, you should damn well pay them for the work they have done, because without them, you'd be nowhere.

And without the employer the employee would have no job.

Noone, unless they have tried to start their own business has any idea the sacrifices they have made and the hours they have put in to get to a point of being able to employ anyone else. Most have risked everything they have and then some.
Why are they such a big monopoly?
They a a large successful company (not monopoly) because they created a good business model of cheap goods at low prices with a large, efficient distribution system.

In many areas they are a monopoly. If Walmart were so awesome & efficient, they would not need tax subsidies that smaller business do not get & their employees would be paying taxes, not be sucking the government tit eating my taxes. :cuckoo:

Aldi workers are not on the government tit & their prices are way lower than your politically correct Walmart's are.

How dare Walmart be forced to actually pay the cost of their workers who are on food stamps. :eek: Because God forbid those workers might use that cash to buy their food from a small business or farmers road side stand that does not accept food stamps instead of a big food stamp store like Walmart. :eek:

Can you tell me how little taxes there would be in the coffers if the likes of Walmart, Target (which pays the same as Walmart which was conveniently not mentioned), etc. didn't exist?
And whose fault is it that those small businesses or farmers roadside stand don't accept those food stamps?
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