Why The Minimum Wage Should Actually Be $21.72

It's not minimum wage jobs that are responsible for an increase in productivity. A fry cook at Mickey D's is still putting out the same amount of fries. Increased productivity is due to management investing in technology that allows 1 worker to do what it used to take 6 to do.
Robots, computer controlled milling machines, plasma cutters computer animation software all cost big bucks but increase the productivity of the workers operating them.
The workers themselves have done nothing but learn a new skill. They don't expend more energy, don't perform a more dangerous function or work longer hours.
Thus they are worth only slightly more for their newly acquired skill.

Minimum wage should be at least $50-$60 an hr.
Fuck those people who started that business....
They think they are so smart.....
There's a lot of smart people out there.

They think they worked hard to get that business going.
There's a lot of people who work hard....

Screw the business owner it's time for us to get paid!!
Thank God for dumb people and for the most part, I've seen plenty of dumb people populate this thread like flies on shit. Really sad part is how your debate amongst yourselves, but basically against yourselves. (Self Interests) For the slower amongst "yourselves"

How fooking retarded is that? I think your really need to tune out from the likes of Faux and Limpdick and try thinking for yourselves. You got fooking MILLIONAIRES telling you that YOUR SELF WORTH is worth $21.72 an hour.

go back to hufferpost TROLL and shove fox news up your ass while you're at it

I don't need to go back nowhere, you're one of the "dumb asses" I'm referring too. Your ignorance shines brightly so you don't have to try show hard to so your ignorance, it comes naturally for you.
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So a sophmore in high school should be making that much? LOL
Staistically the majority of minimum wage earners are high school students or part-timers
This is one of the most stupidest fucking things I have ever read

People tend to get paid based on their age and experience. If you are a teenager on your first job, of course you wouldn't expect that much. If you were a 50 year old, mature worker with experience, then you would expect that much.
Minimum wage should be at least $50-$60 an hr.
Fuck those people who started that business....
They think they are so smart.....
There's a lot of smart people out there.

They think they worked hard to get that business going.
There's a lot of people who work hard....

Screw the business owner it's time for us to get paid!!

Its the employees who make the business what it is. Without employees, the employer wouldn't have a damned business. Yet the employer thinks that they can reap the benefits of their business by paying their workers shitty wages. Expecting people to work their butts off for such little pay so you can say how great your business is is fucking pathetic.

You want people to work for you, and help you turn your business into a success, you should damn well pay them for the work they have done, because without them, you'd be nowhere.
Minimum wage should be at least $50-$60 an hr.
Fuck those people who started that business....
They think they are so smart.....
There's a lot of smart people out there.

They think they worked hard to get that business going.
There's a lot of people who work hard....

Screw the business owner it's time for us to get paid!!

Its the employees who make the business what it is. Without employees, the employer wouldn't have a damned business. Yet the employer thinks that they can reap the benefits of their business by paying their workers shitty wages. Expecting people to work their butts off for such little pay so you can say how great your business is is fucking pathetic.

You want people to work for you, and help you turn your business into a success, you should damn well pay them for the work they have done, because without them, you'd be nowhere.

Surely you realize it's both. And much more actually. Businesses don't exist in a vacuum.

You seem to be under the impression that wage determination is purely a matter of negotiation between a (wealthy) employer and (powerless) employees. When in fact, there's a long chain of value decisions that take place before it ever comes to that. We, as a society, collectively value the goods and services we pay for. We 'vote' on how much we think they are worth every time we choose whether or not to buy.

And the kicker is (the notion I hope you can come to appreciate) all these valuations are relative. If we value the skills and performance of one person, more than another - that won't change by decree. Let's say we have two employees performing a similar job. Employee "A" gets the job done, but doesn't really hold a candle to employee "B". Presently, "A" gets paid $12/hr, and "B" gets $16/hr. What do you think would happen to these to employee's wages, or jobs, if the minimum wage were dictated to be $16/hr. ? What do you think should happen?
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It's not minimum wage jobs that are responsible for an increase in productivity. A fry cook at Mickey D's is still putting out the same amount of fries. Increased productivity is due to management investing in technology that allows 1 worker to do what it used to take 6 to do.

Robots, computer controlled milling machines, plasma cutters computer animation software all cost big bucks but increase the productivity of the workers operating them.

The workers themselves have done nothing but learn a new skill. They don't expend more energy, don't perform a more dangerous function or work longer hours.

Thus they are worth only slightly more for their newly acquired skill.

Your perspective on the productivity gap seems reasonable. Workers' wages don't increase because employers can hire all the adequately skilled workers they need at the wages they're already paying.

The minimum wage, then, is a public policy issue not a economic issue. Do we want to live in an economy which doesn't serve everyone well? Are we willing to let some citizens starve? Or, do we move some money from the very affluent to the less affluent even if they don't "deserve" it in an economic sense?
Minimum wage is the wages usually paid by the very smallest businesses. The guy who hires one or two helpers. It is what gives the person just starting out in the workforce a first job to put on a job application for something better. These small businesses really can't afford to pay more, the definition of success to them is keeping the doors open one more day. These are the businesses the government would put under, except for one kind of business. Immigrant owned. They don't need to hire anyone. There is an endless supply of relatives to import. Minimum wage laws don't apply to relatives. Since all that's necessary to be a relative is for someone to agree that this is the twenty second cousin three times removed, Americans will be pretty much shut out of the neighborhood business.
Minimum wage should only be enough to keep worker family out of poverty & off of the government dole.

You realize that not every worker is supporting a family, right? Young people, retired workers, they're just looking for a few extra bucks, to build a resume or just to remain engaged.

Further, the minimum wage costs jobs for thousands of workers when business choose to invest in technology to replace more costly labor or simply outsource overseas. Other workers see their hours cut to 'part time' status when government meddles like this. By supporting a minimum wage, you support fewer jobs. Crazy!

Also, what about those low skilled and workers of less-than-average intelligence? Those that simply cannot warrant your minimums. They're prevented from working at all! How cruel!

:cuckoo: Total Bullshit!

Someone has trouble using their grown up words I see. I know it's frustrating when you can't respond with specificity, logic or reason...but golly, there's no need to throw a tantrum.

You go have a time out and when you come back, tell us in your own words how a central prices controls on the price of labor help the most vulnerable citizens among us.

Now off you go. Not a word until you think about it.
We should just stop all this beating around the bush about it. Minimum wage should be exactly 8000 bucks and hour . That way I can do my half hour weekly and still be able to eat, live in comfort and buy a few toys.
The fact is that Republican's grow the Nanny State more than democrats. Sam Walton's 4 kids combined are worth $107.1 Billion making them the richest in the world. They have the most employees near minimum wage & on government assistance of anyone. They can't say their workers don't create them & all the Walmart share holders tremendous wealth. They just make sure us tax payers foot their bills & pay lower tax rates than the middle class who subsidize them. Annually Walmart workers are $4.5 Billion underpaid & use nearly that much in government programs. Walmart also gets another $4.5 Billion in tax breaks annually that Mom & Pop retailers do not get. Walmart's profit was $16 Billion last year, half of which was on the backs of us tax payers. This shit must be stopped! Minimum wage should be enough to keep worker families out of poverty & off of the government dole. That is about $11.24/hr or $23,050 a year.

Alan Greenspan - We've heard the before... entitlement spending. No two words getting fingers pointing faster in Washington, but Greenspan squashes that.

"Remember that this expansion going on since the early 1960s has been occurring more under Republican administrations than Democratic administrations so it's not a question of Democrats vs. Republicans."

There, that's settled.

Republicans Explode the Size of Government.
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The fact is that Republican's grow the Nanny State more than democrats. Sam Walton's 4 kids combined are worth $107.1 Billion making them the richest in the world. They have the most employees near minimum wage

When someone at Walmart is FORCED to work there, you get back to us. Until then, you're envy is showing...and it ain't pretty.
Anything that comes off the Hufferpost should be taken with a grian of salt people

thinkprogress, mediamatters are the same

why because you dont like them?

your right wing sources have been proven to lie.

You want to dismiss a source give a reason not just blather

You want to triple the minimum?


you pay $8 bucks for a burger and fries now

If you had your way, that same meal wold be $24, as a bottom starter

Imagine wanting to get a beer with that?

Waitress, I'd like a beer with that.

Would you like it cold?

Uhh, how much more for cold?

Oh, it's just $8 more.

The fact is that Republican's grow the Nanny State more than democrats. Sam Walton's 4 kids combined are worth $107.1 Billion making them the richest in the world. They have the most employees near minimum wage & on government assistance of anyone. They can't say their workers don't create them & all the Walmart share holders tremendous wealth. They just make sure us tax payers foot their bills & pay lower tax rates than the middle class who subsidize them. Annually Walmart workers are $4.5 Billion underpaid & use nearly that much in government programs. Walmart also gets another $4.5 Billion in tax breaks annually that Mom & Pop retailers do not get. Walmart's profit was $16 Billion last year, half of which was on the backs of us tax payers. This shit must be stopped! Minimum wage should be enough to keep worker families out of poverty & off of the government dole. That is about $11.24/hr or $23,050 a year.

Alan Greenspan - We've heard the before... entitlement spending. No two words getting fingers pointing faster in Washington, but Greenspan squashes that.

"Remember that this expansion going on since the early 1960s has been occurring more under Republican administrations than Democratic administrations so it's not a question of Democrats vs. Republicans."

There, that's settled.

Republicans Explode the Size of Government.

When someone at Walmart is FORCED to work there, you get back to us. Until then, you're envy is showing...and it ain't pretty.

:cuckoo: Getting someone else's workers out of my pocket is not envy - Idiot. :eusa_hand:
:cuckoo: Stopping communist tax subsidy is not envy. :eusa_hand:
:cuckoo: When Big Business/Walmart gets unfair tax subsidies that destroyed the small business competition, it forces people to work at Walmart & or be on tax payer dole.

Their workers are not paid enough to get off the dole & pay taxes like I do. Their rich owners do not pay half as much tax percent as I do. I am done with these importing leaches. If I wanted to subsidize someone it would be an exporter like farmers or manufactures who create jobs, not a job destroying importer.
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[:cuckoo: Getting someone else's workers out of my pocket is not envy

So you stand against entitlement spending too? Excellent!

Stopping communist tax subsidy is not envy.

Communists? Someone needs a dictionary...

Their workers are not paid enough

Then they'll surely quit.

Their rich owners do not pay half as much tax percent as I do.

So you stand for a flat tax where everyone pays the same percentage. Excellent!

I am done with these importing leaches. If I wanted to subsidize someone it would be an exporter like farmers or manufactures who create jobs, not a job destroying importer.

Personally, I don't want to support anyone except on a voluntary basis.

Of course, none of this has to do with the DEVASTATING results a minimum wage levies on our most vulnerable citizens, our youth and elderly workers, or the huge number of regular laborers that will loose their job to technology or outsourcing when their minimum wage no longer warrants the productivity they are capable of.

Then there's also the increase in retail prices brought on by centrally controlled labor costs, which will certainly hit poor people hardest.

It take one cruel motherfucker to support such a thing.

On the other hand, you are free to start a business and pay your employees whatever you like. See how that works out.

If you want to eliminate "tax subsidiees", then move to a low flat tax on GAAP income for corporations, and income for individuals...and stop the social engineering and crony capitalism built into the current tax code.

Also, I take issue with your claim of "tax subsidies" taken by businesses The Left hates. Such "subsidies" are generally standard tax deductions (i.e., depreciation of capital equipment available to all companies can use, but that the left claims are corporate welfare for oil companies alone).

If you want to eliminate "tax subsidiees", then move to a low flat tax on GAAP income for corporations, and income for individuals...and stop the social engineering and crony capitalism built into the current tax code.

Also, I take issue with your claim of "tax subsidies" taken by businesses The Left hates. Such "subsidies" are generally standard tax deductions (i.e., depreciation of capital equipment available to all companies can use, but that the left claims are corporate welfare for oil companies alone).

I am for a "Loophole Free" flat or slightly progressive tax, but it's a pipedream that will destroy us with the current inverted tax loopholes while we wait. Hiking the minimum wage can happen right now & fix things now.

Also Big Business get tax breaks that are not available to small business.
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Hiking the minimum wage can happen right now & fix things now.

If by 'fix things' you mean higher prices, fewer jobs, more vulnerable citizens on the dole, no hope for young/inexperienced workers, no interaction for elderly workers and massive investments in job-replacing technology and outsourcing, then yes, hiking the minimum wage will "work".

Personally, I consider such measures cruel beyond comprehension. But hey, who cares about those unskilled workers anyway, right?

And too bad government doesn't dictate what a business owner pays for everything and not just labor, eh? Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Sheeple, mindless sheeple.
obama really should hike the minimum wage. He wants $9.00 an hour, but he'd be more popular if it was something like $25.00 an hour. Any increase would trigger a really massive recession which is just what we need. America cannot succeed until obama fails. When obama fails, America can start righting itself. A recession, as painful as it would be, is the price we have to pay for obama's failure.
Hiking the minimum wage can happen right now & fix things now.

And too bad government doesn't dictate what a business owner pays for everything and not just labor, eh? Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Sheeple, mindless sheeple.

Oh - US small business owners are paying, & paying for the big business also.

Sheeple, mindless sheeple - Keep dreaming while your pockets are picked clean.

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