Why The Minimum Wage Should Actually Be $21.72

Why stop at $21.72? Why not make it $50..or $100? Then let the Fed continue with QE^Infinity, and we can all pay for a loaf of bread with a wheel barrow full of $20 bills.
President Obama's call to increase the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour was one of the more significant proposals he laid out in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. But $9 an hour is still a far cry from what workers really deserve, a 2012 study finds.

The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.

Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study.

Between the end of World War II and the late 1960s, productivity and wages grew steadily. Since the minimum wage peaked in 1968, increases in productivity have outpaced the minimum wage growth.

Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity: Study

Ya lets cut our throats and make everything cost 3 times what it costs now. Guess what, the people on mini mum wage will still have the same situation they have now and a lot of people that didn't use to be on minimum wage will be in the same boat.

Small companies would be forced to shut down, large companies would look for an exit strategy. Good plan, lets destroy whats left of the economy.
In the UK we refer to this as a living wage.

Call it whatever you like, it alienates the most vulnerable citizens and keeps them out of the workforce. Little is more evil than preventing a person from working.

But hey, forcing those folks on the dole does make them dependent on government and therefore a dependable vote for more government...

Sick, just sick.
Minimum wage is a reliable distraction for the Democrats. Sorta like flag-burning for the Rethugs. Gets the base all stewed up and distracted while we're all taking it in the shorts from the corporatists.

Go team!
In the UK we refer to this as a living wage.

Call it whatever you like, it alienates the most vulnerable citizens and keeps them out of the workforce. Little is more evil than preventing a person from working.

But hey, forcing those folks on the dole does make them dependent on government and therefore a dependable vote for more government...

Sick, just sick.

There's another aspect to the minimum wage worth noting: the higher it is, the higher the floor of the welfare "safety" net (and the bigger the government to provide it).

This is a big reason why the Poor In America are often obese, with big screen TVs, cell phones, computers, cars etc.
To all the Liberal/Democrat owners of business
if you feel that minimum wage is too low....raise the salaries of all your low wage earners.
Whatever you are paying your lowest paid workers double their wages.
C'mon Libs,get a little skin in the game.You gotta learn to pay your fair share....

I wonder how many will do this.
I'm not gonna hold my breath.
$21.72 minimum wage is to high. Minimum wage should only be enough to keep worker families out of poverty & off of the government dole. That is about $11.24/hr or $23,050 a year. If we raise it more than that we run the risk of wage inflation. It should be indexed to the average household poverty level. Working families should not be sucking on the tax payer funded government tit. It is a subsidy that trains them to rely on government support instead of their hard work.
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Minimum wage should only be enough to keep worker family out of poverty & off of the government dole.

You realize that not every worker is supporting a family, right? Young people, retired workers, they're just looking for a few extra bucks, to build a resume or just to remain engaged.

Further, the minimum wage costs jobs for thousands of workers when business choose to invest in technology to replace more costly labor or simply outsource overseas. Other workers see their hours cut to 'part time' status when government meddles like this. By supporting a minimum wage, you support fewer jobs. Crazy!

Also, what about those low skilled and workers of less-than-average intelligence? Those that simply cannot warrant your minimums. They're prevented from working at all! How cruel!
Minimum wage should only be enough to keep worker family out of poverty & off of the government dole.

You realize that not every worker is supporting a family, right? Young people, retired workers, they're just looking for a few extra bucks, to build a resume or just to remain engaged.

Further, the minimum wage costs jobs for thousands of workers when business choose to invest in technology to replace more costly labor or simply outsource overseas. Other workers see their hours cut to 'part time' status when government meddles like this. By supporting a minimum wage, you support fewer jobs. Crazy!

Also, what about those low skilled and workers of less-than-average intelligence? Those that simply cannot warrant your minimums. They're prevented from working at all! How cruel!

:cuckoo: Total Bullshit!

States with Minimum Wages above the Federal Level have had Faster Small Business and Retail Job Growth
Minimum wage should only be enough to keep worker families out of poverty & off of the government dole. That is about $11.24/hr or $23,050 a year. If we raise it more than that we run the risk of wage inflation. It should be indexed to the average household poverty level. Working families should not be on the government tit. It trains them to rely on government support instead of their work.

:eek: :cuckoo:
when I started working back in the 70's my wage was $1.85 hr..

and now this idiot is saying it should be $21...simply amazing

The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.


That's disheartening. Even if the Republicans were to allow some increase, they never would let the minimum wage rise to that level. They're far too dedicated to welfare of the rich capitalists and dim-witted serfs who keep them in office.
The more they raise the minimum wage, the more expensive goods and products become, thus still keeping low wage earners in their poverty.
What horrible thing to do to our poor and Senior Citizens.

That's just not so. Employers don't have to pass along wage increases and they won't if they think the price increase would reduce their market share. They'll absorb it.

The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.


That's disheartening. Even if the Republicans were to allow some increase, they never would let the minimum wage rise to that level. They're far too dedicated to welfare of the rich capitalists and dim-witted serfs who keep them in office.

here's a clue, pay your employees that much an hour, it shouldn't hurt you in the least and would be YOUR CHOICE
and the last person I want telling us how much a business should be paying is from a man that has never owned business or worked a real job in his life, Obama
That's disheartening. Even if the Republicans were to allow some increase, they never would let the minimum wage rise to that level. They're far too dedicated to welfare of the rich capitalists and dim-witted serfs who keep them in office.

here's a clue, pay your employees that much an hour, it shouldn't hurt you in the least and would be YOUR CHOICE and the last person I want telling us how a business should be paying is from a man that has never owned business or worked a real job in his life, Obama

What makes you think some guy hustling widows and orphans for nickles and dimes knows anything about good fiscal policy? That's what you suggest when you adopt the "employer knows best" perspective. They don't. The only thing they really understand is their own greed.
Thank God for dumb people and for the most part, I've seen plenty of dumb people populate this thread like flies on shit. Really sad part is how your debate amongst yourselves, but basically against yourselves. (Self Interests) For the slower amongst "yourselves"

How fooking retarded is that? I think your really need to tune out from the likes of Faux and Limpdick and try thinking for yourselves. You got fooking MULTI-MILLIONAIRES telling you that YOUR SELF WORTH isn't worth $21.72 an hour.
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when I started working back in the 70's my wage was $1.85 hr..

and now this idiot is saying it should be $21...simply amazing

$21+ is crazy :cuckoo: But the (minimum wage) MW is much less today in 2012 dollars than your $1.85 was in 1970 even though workers are more productive. In 1967 it was about $11 an hour in 2012 dollars. Today, in 2012, MW is about $7.00 and hour. More than 75% of MW workers are adults & mostly women who have families to support.

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Thank God for dumb people and for the most part, I've seen plenty of dumb people populate this thread like flies on shit. Really sad part is how your debate amongst yourselves, but basically against yourselves. (Self Interests) For the slower amongst "yourselves"

How fooking retarded is that? I think your really need to tune out from the likes of Faux and Limpdick and try thinking for yourselves. You got fooking MILLIONAIRES telling you that YOUR SELF WORTH is worth $21.72 an hour.

go back to hufferpost TROLL and shove fox news up your ass while you're at it

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