Why the NFL and ESPN are pushing society further right, you are apolitical or you aren't..


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
You make fair points and I think many people agree with your point of view. If I can push back a bit... I’d dare to say a majority of Americans generally support efforts that stand up to bigotry towards minority/oppressed groups, whether that be race, religion, women or the LGBT.

It is always going to be more socially acceptable to express hatred against bigots that it is to express hatred as a bigot.

You are right that this shouldn’t spill over to politics as being a conservative or on the Right does not make one a bigot and they too often get labeled as such. On the flip side, the right needs to be more honest about how they engage about this conversation as well.

The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support. The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops. They are trying to raise awareness for a cause. I understand the controversy and wish they had a chosen a better way to make their statement, but as you can see, they got all of our attention.

They biggest wedge pushing people to the right and to the left is this polarized demonizing and dishonest way we conduct our conversations. We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.
We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.

I'm sorry you have lost the ability to speak honestly and resorted to criticizing Trump for doing so. We have kowtowed to politically correct BS for the past eight years and where has it gotten us? Do you even know what, specifically, the black NFL players are protesting?

Don't you remember "Hands up, don't shoot?" And you want us to continue swallowing this crap?
We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.

I'm sorry you have lost the ability to speak honestly and resorted to criticizing Trump for doing so. We have kowtowed to politically correct BS for the past eight years and where has it gotten us? Do you even know what, specifically, the black NFL players are protesting?

Don't you remember "Hands up, don't shoot?" And you want us to continue swallowing this crap?
See you are the perfect example of those who lack self awareness and jump to the finger pointing. Your last question asking what they are protesting about shows that you are not paying attention. I’m fine with the non PC stuff as long as we can be respectful, let’s just be grown ups... but don’t for one second pretend that just because Trump talks shit it makes him honest. He is the least honest public figure I have ever seen.
The NFL is owned by a bunch of white billionaires (ok there's one Muslim ). What is liberal about the NFL!?
You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
You make fair points and I think many people agree with your point of view. If I can push back a bit... I’d dare to say a majority of Americans generally support efforts that stand up to bigotry towards minority/oppressed groups, whether that be race, religion, women or the LGBT.

It is always going to be more socially acceptable to express hatred against bigots that it is to express hatred as a bigot.

You are right that this shouldn’t spill over to politics as being a conservative or on the Right does not make one a bigot and they too often get labeled as such. On the flip side, the right needs to be more honest about how they engage about this conversation as well.

The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support. The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops. They are trying to raise awareness for a cause. I understand the controversy and wish they had a chosen a better way to make their statement, but as you can see, they got all of our attention.

They biggest wedge pushing people to the right and to the left is this polarized demonizing and dishonest way we conduct our conversations. We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.
I pretty much agree with the OP and you're reply seemed pretty reasonable, but you included this.

The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops.

Those who are offended by the fact that they ARE disrespecting not only the troops, but those who have served, bled, and died for this nation and are aware that there is offense being given, don't seem to care.. When this was first pointed out, we were attacked, called names, ridiculed, and subjected to pretty much an entire spectrum of vitriol for daring to point it out. This is why the left has been losing elections for the past 10+ years and why they have become marginalized.

What made it unbearable was that the NFL has, in the past, taken strong stands against players for violating an ethic code; including fining people. When it was reasonably suggested that the players and the NFL find a better way to bring attention to this issue, we were, you guessed it, subjected to more nasty attacks AND the NFL decided to double down on their stupidity.

This has been the case now for over a decade. Question something on the left and we get this avalanche of raw hatred.

Now, I no longer care about the NFL or the players or their cause. No one is listening to what they perceive as injustice, and they certainly are not listening to the information that shows that their 'feelings' are at best, misguided and their facts are wrong or cherry picked. It is the players and the NFL that has done more damage to their message than any number of statements from the right.

So now I have already begun to boycott the NFL and its sponsors. I have started a media campaign on social media with My own money to get attention to the NFL games reduced to the point where it damages them financially. I intend to take the same campaign to sponsors of the NFL, and I'll also begin targeting those who invest to sell their stock in the NFL, and any company that endorses or sponsors any of the members of the NFL who are taking a knee for the purpose of supporting anthem protesters.
You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
You make fair points and I think many people agree with your point of view. If I can push back a bit... I’d dare to say a majority of Americans generally support efforts that stand up to bigotry towards minority/oppressed groups, whether that be race, religion, women or the LGBT.

It is always going to be more socially acceptable to express hatred against bigots that it is to express hatred as a bigot.

You are right that this shouldn’t spill over to politics as being a conservative or on the Right does not make one a bigot and they too often get labeled as such. On the flip side, the right needs to be more honest about how they engage about this conversation as well.

The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support. The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops. They are trying to raise awareness for a cause. I understand the controversy and wish they had a chosen a better way to make their statement, but as you can see, they got all of our attention.

They biggest wedge pushing people to the right and to the left is this polarized demonizing and dishonest way we conduct our conversations. We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.
I pretty much agree with the OP and you're reply seemed pretty reasonable, but you included this.

The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops.

Those who are offended by the fact that they ARE disrespecting not only the troops, but those who have served, bled, and died for this nation and are aware that there is offense being given, don't seem to care.. When this was first pointed out, we were attacked, called names, ridiculed, and subjected to pretty much an entire spectrum of vitriol for daring to point it out. This is why the left has been losing elections for the past 10+ years and why they have become marginalized.

What made it unbearable was that the NFL has, in the past, taken strong stands against players for violating an ethic code; including fining people. When it was reasonably suggested that the players and the NFL find a better way to bring attention to this issue, we were, you guessed it, subjected to more nasty attacks AND the NFL decided to double down on their stupidity.

This has been the case now for over a decade. Question something on the left and we get this avalanche of raw hatred.

Now, I no longer care about the NFL or the players or their cause. No one is listening to what they perceive as injustice, and they certainly are not listening to the information that shows that their 'feelings' are at best, misguided and their facts are wrong or cherry picked. It is the players and the NFL that has done more damage to their message than any number of statements from the right.

So now I have already begun to boycott the NFL and its sponsors. I have started a media campaign on social media with My own money to get attention to the NFL games reduced to the point where it damages them financially. I intend to take the same campaign to sponsors of the NFL, and I'll also begin targeting those who invest to sell their stock in the NFL, and any company that endorses or sponsors any of the members of the NFL who are taking a knee for the purpose of supporting anthem protesters.
You can take this as an insult if you want or you can take it for what it is meant to represent by the protestors. I’ve alteady said that I don’t like the way the protest was conducted and would require my team to stand unified if I were an owner. I like the statement the cowboys made tonight. With that said, I’d be willing to bet if you asked ANY player that took a knee if they meant it as an insult to our troops they would all say no. It was started to protest abuse of authority by cops on black people and this week turned into a movement against Trump in reaction to his recent statements about NFL players.

Certain groups try and vilify the protest as anti Military, but they are not being honest about the situation. I’ve heard from many in the military that do not take offense by it and defend the players right to speak. I was in the car for 7 hours today and heard many military members say such things on conservative radio stations today.

If you really think about it. Players are quietly kneeling during the anthem. They aren’t disrupting or distracting, many are quiet and respectful. McCoy was an exception, I didn’t like what he did with the stretching, but that stuff can be easily ignored if you don’t like it. It is the MEDIA and pinheads like Trump who are inflating this issue to the level it has risen
You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
You make fair points and I think many people agree with your point of view. If I can push back a bit... I’d dare to say a majority of Americans generally support efforts that stand up to bigotry towards minority/oppressed groups, whether that be race, religion, women or the LGBT.

It is always going to be more socially acceptable to express hatred against bigots that it is to express hatred as a bigot.

You are right that this shouldn’t spill over to politics as being a conservative or on the Right does not make one a bigot and they too often get labeled as such. On the flip side, the right needs to be more honest about how they engage about this conversation as well.

The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support. The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops. They are trying to raise awareness for a cause. I understand the controversy and wish they had a chosen a better way to make their statement, but as you can see, they got all of our attention.

They biggest wedge pushing people to the right and to the left is this polarized demonizing and dishonest way we conduct our conversations. We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.
I pretty much agree with the OP and you're reply seemed pretty reasonable, but you included this.

The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops.

Those who are offended by the fact that they ARE disrespecting not only the troops, but those who have served, bled, and died for this nation and are aware that there is offense being given, don't seem to care.. When this was first pointed out, we were attacked, called names, ridiculed, and subjected to pretty much an entire spectrum of vitriol for daring to point it out. This is why the left has been losing elections for the past 10+ years and why they have become marginalized.

What made it unbearable was that the NFL has, in the past, taken strong stands against players for violating an ethic code; including fining people. When it was reasonably suggested that the players and the NFL find a better way to bring attention to this issue, we were, you guessed it, subjected to more nasty attacks AND the NFL decided to double down on their stupidity.

This has been the case now for over a decade. Question something on the left and we get this avalanche of raw hatred.

Now, I no longer care about the NFL or the players or their cause. No one is listening to what they perceive as injustice, and they certainly are not listening to the information that shows that their 'feelings' are at best, misguided and their facts are wrong or cherry picked. It is the players and the NFL that has done more damage to their message than any number of statements from the right.

So now I have already begun to boycott the NFL and its sponsors. I have started a media campaign on social media with My own money to get attention to the NFL games reduced to the point where it damages them financially. I intend to take the same campaign to sponsors of the NFL, and I'll also begin targeting those who invest to sell their stock in the NFL, and any company that endorses or sponsors any of the members of the NFL who are taking a knee for the purpose of supporting anthem protesters.
You can take this as an insult if you want or you can take it for what it is meant to represent by the protestors. I’ve alteady said that I don’t like the way the protest was conducted and would require my team to stand unified if I were an owner. I like the statement the cowboys made tonight. With that said, I’d be willing to bet if you asked ANY player that took a knee if they meant it as an insult to our troops they would all say no. It was started to protest abuse of authority by cops on black people and this week turned into a movement against Trump in reaction to his recent statements about NFL players.

Certain groups try and vilify the protest as anti Military, but they are not being honest about the situation. I’ve heard from many in the military that do not take offense by it and defend the players right to speak. I was in the car for 7 hours today and heard many military members say such things on conservative radio stations today.

If you really think about it. Players are quietly kneeling during the anthem. They aren’t disrupting or distracting, many are quiet and respectful. McCoy was an exception, I didn’t like what he did with the stretching, but that stuff can be easily ignored if you don’t like it. It is the MEDIA and pinheads like Trump who are inflating this issue to the level it has risen
As I said, they can claim they don't mean it as a slight against the military (even though that is not what is being said) but it is still being taken that way. If someone were ot do something that blacks thought were racist, do you think that if they were told that "it wasn't meant to be racist" that they would accept that? Again, this isn't about their right to protest, it is about the fact that they are throwing it in the faces of people who don't want it in that venue. No one is stopping them from bending the knee, the argument is when you are doing it and where you are doing it. They are perfectly free to do as they please ON THEIR OWN TIME. On the field, you are on the fans time.

However, it has been noted that we now can say, too bad if it offends people. I am quietly exercising My rights. The ones that the military fought for, remember?

People protesting the NFL by boycott also have the same rights. Only, they are doing it the proper way. On their own time, with their own money.

The NFL needs to be boycotted and is being boycotted. Their sponsors need and are being boycotted. Those who sponsor individual players will be boycotted if that player bent the knee. This is the rights of the fans.

A shame really, that these players don't actually do something about the real oppression in America and donate their time and money to restoring the broken families of the black communities.

You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
Schilling was not fired for offensive political views. He was fired for his bullying mocking of other people.

The post showed an overweight man wearing a wig and women’s clothing with parts of the T-shirt cut out to expose his breasts. It says: “LET HIM IN! to the restroom with your daughter or else you’re a narrow-minded, judgmental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die.”

Curt Schilling, ESPN Analyst, Is Fired Over Offensive Social Media Post
You see, I think what bothers people the most is the clear double standard. This is not addressed enough by the media and I'm guessing it a major reason why people are upset and will become more patriotic, not less. Less supportive of these actions, not more supportive.

At ESPN, you have former hosts who are fired for their political views. Some well known like Schilling, then you have another host who shares their own political views, in a very dishonest and vulgar manner and she keeps her job. Double standard? Of course.

The NFL does not allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in support of the seven fallen Texas police officers who died, protecting the right of left wing protests by the way. Killed be an alt-left racist. They are told they cannot wear the decal because it is a political expression. However, kneeling for the anthem and disrespecting the flag in front of soldiers who have lost their limbs in some cases, well, that's a reasonable political expression.

You decide that as a company you are apolitical or you aren't. Since they have shown they are political, they can expect a backlash and a loss of interest for those who aren't political or who share a different political view. So, it will cost both companies, no question.

There is simply no ducking this fact, and I believe it will push many in society further right who view these subversive expressions as harming the United States. I am certainly one who would support the protesting and constructive discussion of police brutality and state abuses, I have experienced them first hand myself; but this is not the method nor the forum to do so. It's a sporting event. You are hurting your own cause, no matter what NBC and CNN tell you.
You make fair points and I think many people agree with your point of view. If I can push back a bit... I’d dare to say a majority of Americans generally support efforts that stand up to bigotry towards minority/oppressed groups, whether that be race, religion, women or the LGBT.

It is always going to be more socially acceptable to express hatred against bigots that it is to express hatred as a bigot.

You are right that this shouldn’t spill over to politics as being a conservative or on the Right does not make one a bigot and they too often get labeled as such. On the flip side, the right needs to be more honest about how they engage about this conversation as well.

The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support. The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops. They are trying to raise awareness for a cause. I understand the controversy and wish they had a chosen a better way to make their statement, but as you can see, they got all of our attention.

They biggest wedge pushing people to the right and to the left is this polarized demonizing and dishonest way we conduct our conversations. We’ve lost the ability to speak with honesty and respect and we no longer try to see the other sides point of view. This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.
I pretty much agree with the OP and you're reply seemed pretty reasonable, but you included this.

The players who take a knee during the anthem are not trying to disrespect the troops.

Those who are offended by the fact that they ARE disrespecting not only the troops, but those who have served, bled, and died for this nation and are aware that there is offense being given, don't seem to care.. When this was first pointed out, we were attacked, called names, ridiculed, and subjected to pretty much an entire spectrum of vitriol for daring to point it out. This is why the left has been losing elections for the past 10+ years and why they have become marginalized.

What made it unbearable was that the NFL has, in the past, taken strong stands against players for violating an ethic code; including fining people. When it was reasonably suggested that the players and the NFL find a better way to bring attention to this issue, we were, you guessed it, subjected to more nasty attacks AND the NFL decided to double down on their stupidity.

This has been the case now for over a decade. Question something on the left and we get this avalanche of raw hatred.

Now, I no longer care about the NFL or the players or their cause. No one is listening to what they perceive as injustice, and they certainly are not listening to the information that shows that their 'feelings' are at best, misguided and their facts are wrong or cherry picked. It is the players and the NFL that has done more damage to their message than any number of statements from the right.

So now I have already begun to boycott the NFL and its sponsors. I have started a media campaign on social media with My own money to get attention to the NFL games reduced to the point where it damages them financially. I intend to take the same campaign to sponsors of the NFL, and I'll also begin targeting those who invest to sell their stock in the NFL, and any company that endorses or sponsors any of the members of the NFL who are taking a knee for the purpose of supporting anthem protesters.
You can take this as an insult if you want or you can take it for what it is meant to represent by the protestors. I’ve alteady said that I don’t like the way the protest was conducted and would require my team to stand unified if I were an owner. I like the statement the cowboys made tonight. With that said, I’d be willing to bet if you asked ANY player that took a knee if they meant it as an insult to our troops they would all say no. It was started to protest abuse of authority by cops on black people and this week turned into a movement against Trump in reaction to his recent statements about NFL players.

Certain groups try and vilify the protest as anti Military, but they are not being honest about the situation. I’ve heard from many in the military that do not take offense by it and defend the players right to speak. I was in the car for 7 hours today and heard many military members say such things on conservative radio stations today.

If you really think about it. Players are quietly kneeling during the anthem. They aren’t disrupting or distracting, many are quiet and respectful. McCoy was an exception, I didn’t like what he did with the stretching, but that stuff can be easily ignored if you don’t like it. It is the MEDIA and pinheads like Trump who are inflating this issue to the level it has risen
As I said, they can claim they don't mean it as a slight against the military (even though that is not what is being said) but it is still being taken that way. If someone were ot do something that blacks thought were racist, do you think that if they were told that "it wasn't meant to be racist" that they would accept that? Again, this isn't about their right to protest, it is about the fact that they are throwing it in the faces of people who don't want it in that venue. No one is stopping them from bending the knee, the argument is when you are doing it and where you are doing it. They are perfectly free to do as they please ON THEIR OWN TIME. On the field, you are on the fans time.

However, it has been noted that we now can say, too bad if it offends people. I am quietly exercising My rights. The ones that the military fought for, remember?

People protesting the NFL by boycott also have the same rights. Only, they are doing it the proper way. On their own time, with their own money.

The NFL needs to be boycotted and is being boycotted. Their sponsors need and are being boycotted. Those who sponsor individual players will be boycotted if that player bent the knee. This is the rights of the fans.

A shame really, that these players don't actually do something about the real oppression in America and donate their time and money to restoring the broken families of the black communities.

The NFL and its players spend an incredible amount of their time in their local communities helping children. They run stories about it all the time. It is their primary focus off the field along with a tremendous amount of support for our troops. I agree that the players have a right to take a knee and fans have the right to boycott, I don't think anybody is doing anything illegal. My simple point is that the media and now our POTUS are the ones making this into a much bigger deal than it needs to be and both sides are injecting narratives that go way beyond the scope of reality so that they can win a political argument. You must see that.
See you are the perfect example of those who lack self awareness and jump to the finger pointing. Your last question asking what they are protesting about shows that you are not paying attention. I’m fine with the non PC stuff as long as we can be respectful, let’s just be grown ups... but don’t for one second pretend that just because Trump talks shit it makes him honest. He is the least honest public figure I have ever seen.

Your response is pathetic: First you accuse me of finger pointing (at who?) and then you refuse to answer the question I posed to YOU about what they are protesting about. Aren't you capable of higher level thinking?
I'm sorry you have lost the ability to speak honestly and resorted to criticizing Trump for doing so. We have kowtowed to politically correct BS for the past eight years and where has it gotten us? Do you even know what, specifically, the black NFL players are protesting?
Don't you remember "Hands up, don't shoot?" And you want us to continue swallowing this crap?
See you are the perfect example of those who lack self awareness and jump to the finger pointing. Your last question asking what they are protesting about shows that you are not paying attention. I’m fine with the non PC stuff as long as we can be respectful, let’s just be grown ups... but don’t for one second pretend that just because Trump talks shit it makes him honest. He is the least honest public figure I have ever seen.

Your response is pathetic: First you accuse me of finger pointing (at who?) and then you refuse to answer the question I posed to YOU about what they are protesting about. Aren't you capable of higher level thinking?

You pointed your finger at me instead of addressing my statement. I posed a pretty detailed argument about specific issues and you responded with a petty unfounded insult, saying I lost the ability to speak honestly, and then posed 4 questions. Thats not a substantive way to engage in a discussion.

To answer your questions...
We have kowtowed to politically correct BS for the past eight years and where has it gotten us?
Im a supporter of being respectful but think the PC movement has gone too far in many areas over the past several decades.

Do you even know what, specifically, the black NFL players are protesting?
The protest began last year with the intent to start a conversation about abuse of authority between racist cops and the black community. It was fizzling out until genus trump poured gas all over it. The protests this weekend turned more into a backlash against Trumps statements and many players expressing their right to protest and their support for issues around racial inequality. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TROOPS OR MILITARY OR FLAG OR ANTHEM.

Don't you remember "Hands up, don't shoot?" And you want us to continue swallowing this crap?
I do remember hands up don't shoot. It was much to reactive and didn't wait for the facts to come out. Evidence that this is an extremely touchy subject that supporters and groups like BLM are extremely passionate about. They often cross the line. As for your personal responsibility as an opponent, if thats what you are, you can decide to either stoke the fire and combat them or you can look for common ground and understanding, with the goal of reaching productive solutions.
The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support.

A fetish for men in uniform makes you a faggot, not a conservative.

This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.

You really are stupid if you think Trump could have addressed this in any way other than supporting the protest, without the libtards yelling about how Trump is handling it, and without libtards doubling down on their efforts.

Trump is helping to bring this to a head. What Trump said was reasonable. And, good for him. Same on you.
The NFL goes through tremendous effort to support the troops. They have a whole month where all the players wear camo with their uniforms to express such support.

A fetish for men in uniform makes you a faggot, not a conservative.

This is one of the biggest issues I have with our leader as he leads the charge with his divisive rhetoric and childish/bullish ways that he conducts himself with... he pours gas on the fires that he should be putting out and seems completely uninterested in unifying the country.

You really are stupid if you think Trump could have addressed this in any way other than supporting the protest, without the libtards yelling about how Trump is handling it, and without libtards doubling down on their efforts.

Trump is helping to bring this to a head. What Trump said was reasonable. And, good for him. Same on you.
The Oranguton was doing a public service announcement.
A fetish for men in uniform makes you a faggot, not a conservative.
Under that logic are you saying that only faggots support our troops?

You really are stupid if you think Trump could have addressed this in any way other than supporting the protest, without the libtards yelling about how Trump is handling it, and without libtards doubling down on their efforts.
Trump is helping to bring this to a head. What Trump said was reasonable. And, good for him. Same on you.
The owners of the Patriots and the Cowboys are both Trump supporters and personal friends and they both spoke out against Trumps statements. Jones even took a knee with this team because of Trumps provocation. You're "libtard" rhetoric is short sighted and not accurate. Crawl out of that hole your living in and open your eyes
Taking a knee during the National Anthem, when standing is the method for reverence, only shows an irreverence for the Flag. It does not depict anything else. Just because they SAY it does is really meaningless.
Americans don't like this, I guarantee you. Maybe they just want to watch football and don't care, but they are certainly annoyed by it.

Sports is supposed to be a pastime, a break from the crap we have to put up with and listen to every fucking day. Sports is supposed to be a bonding experience where a conservative and a Liberal can agree on something, wear the same color jerseys and cheer their team on. Unless you both are Dolphin fans then you can cry on each other's shoulder. People of all colors and political persuasions can love the same thing and hate the same thing.

People are NOT happy that politics has polluted the sport, I guarantee it. So go ahead Progressives. Tie this whole disaster around your necks by endorsing it.

The left ruins everything it touches.
Taking a knee during the National Anthem, when standing is the method for reverence, only shows an irreverence for the Flag. It does not depict anything else. Just because they SAY it does is really meaningless.
People are NOT happy that politics has polluted the sport, I guarantee it. So go ahead Progressives. Tie this whole disaster around your necks by endorsing it.
The left ruins everything it touches.

I agree. But in a way, the right wing is a drug addict, hopelessly addicted to Hollywood, sports and other venues that are cash cows for the Left.....and in that respect is just as guilty as the Progressives they complain about.

You can't buy stolen goods because they're cheap, then complain about burglaries in your community. Well, you "can", but it's kinda stupid.

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