Why the rape case against Trump will end up thrown into the trash

Admitted? I TOLD YOU. They dismissed most of the cases without even testing the evidence, but the two that were tried, Trump won. There asshole, need me to tell you a FORTH time???
Hilarious, now it’s TESTING the evidence. You are the most stupid of any of Trumps Humpers. No court has accepted your bogus claims. Where is the evidence ?
Proves nothing. That is the whole problem, the courts are corrupt or they would have heard the evidence and given Trump fair hearings. Why is it that the left cannot afford to give Trump even a single open and fair hearing???
Oh, now the courts are corrupt.
Admitted? I TOLD YOU. They dismissed most of the cases without even testing the evidence, but the two that were tried, Trump won. There asshole, need me to tell you a FORTH time???
“Testing”? the evidence. No stupid, lawyers have to “test( whatever.) the evidence then make UNDER OATH STATEMENTS that their assertions are true. They can’t lie to the court …you can lie, which you do all the time. You are an ignoramus. None of it is valid.
Admitted? I TOLD YOU. They dismissed most of the cases without even testing the evidence, but the two that were tried, Trump won. There asshole, need me to tell you a FORTH time???
You’re such a flake. Why is the court going to do all the work for you, that you’re too incompetent to do yourself
Yes, that's how toobfreak works. Assert something. Be proven wrong. Try to use condescending language, maybe some name calling. Be proven wrong again. Move the goalposts.

Rince, repeat.
It’s the same with AGW…every climate science institute and corp and govt in the world is wrong, because they’re being paid off by Hunter Biden. Now, all the judges are wrong…
Hunter us running out of money
FU lying butthole. Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Worse.
You’re a little goldfish….
That means ADJUDICATING IT you stupid fuck. Testing it by the adversarial process of our legal system. Damn, I've met horseflies with more education and brains than you.
So, you’re saying 60 courts are all wrong….
you're 0-60. That must be some kind of a record…you obviously are incompetent. You've yet to show any “ tested” evidence. Where is it ?
I bet your love interest Joe Biden hears that 10,000 times a day.

That is the court's job, butthole. To try the evidence, not dismiss it on technicalities.
No stupid. They rule on the case. They either accept your evidence or not dufus. They didn’t pinwheel, 60 plus times.
Right. They dismissed the cases as not having standing, time of filing and other things having nothing to do with the evidence. Wrong again, butthole.
They were dismissed out if hand because they were improperly filed as having some effect on the election
So now you’re upset because Trump lawyers were INCOMPETENT. Because they had no evidence they cant just make up shit. That’s why they were thrown out dufus .
Geesus idiot, a licensed lawyer can’t make up shit and call it evidence. He can be suspended. They came to each judge with their dick in their hand but THEY HAD NO EVIDENCE

You're just a minion following incompetent bozos….
Original... Thanks for proving the point.

Hey Throwup, answer me this: if all these court findings in the middle of December are legit, then how is it that politicians and MSM were already reporting that all of Trump's claims were already "baseless" and "disproven" a mere three days after the 2020 election, SIX WEEKS EARLIER than the courts even SAW the evidence??? Huh??? :21:
So now you’re upset because Trump lawyers were INCOMPETENT.
Right. What takes any other lawyers months and years to prepare (as I already pointed out), Trump's lawyers were "incompetent" because they only had days and weeks to gather across many states in order to meet impossible election schedule deadlines? And they were "incompetent" because the judge said that they should have filed BEFORE the election before there even was a case? :21:

Because they had no evidence they cant just make up shit. That’s why they were thrown out dufus .
Right. To reiterate, why then was the media and democrats already reporting that all of Trump's claims were baseless and disproven a mere couple days after the 2020 election if the courts didn't even get the evidence until a month and longer AFTER the election??? Huh, Ace??? :auiqs.jpg:

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