Why the rape case against Trump will end up thrown into the trash

Right. What takes any other lawyers months and years to prepare (as I already pointed out), Trump's lawyers were "incompetent" because they only had days and weeks to gather across many states in order to meet impossible election schedule deadlines? And they were "incompetent" because the judge said that they should have filed BEFORE the election before there even was a case? :21:

Right. To reiterate, why then was the media and democrats already reporting that all of Trump's claims were baseless and disproven a mere couple days after the 2020 election if the courts didn't even get the evidence until a month and longer AFTER the election??? Huh, Ace??? :auiqs.jpg:
1). Deny
2). Deflect
3). Delay....the most important.....must Delay.

***3). But it won't fucking matter when POS trump loses AGAIN, and the System plays out. SCREAM all you want, it won't save your POS CULT LEADER.
Hey Throwup, answer me this: if all these court findings in the middle of December are legit, then how is it that politicians and MSM were already reporting that all of Trump's claims were already "baseless" and "disproven" a mere three days after the 2020 election, SIX WEEKS EARLIER than the courts even SAW the evidence??? Huh??? :21:
The same reason I don't need to wait for a judge to know that Trump did actually try to get a fake elector slate to Mike Pence.

It takes a bit for a case to appear before a judge, while it doesn't really take all that long to identify something as BS when the information is in the public realm.

But since we're asking questions why don't you answer me this. If you believe the 2020 was won through massive voter fraud. How did Trump know that Democrats would cheat? BEFORE a vote was cast.

He's clairvoyant?
The same reason I don't need to wait for a judge to know that Trump did actually try to get a fake elector slate to Mike Pence.
Oh, now you are prescient? Have you tried making money with that gift? Why are you evading the fact that media everywhere were already reporting Trump's claims as baseless and disproven a mere couple days after the election when no court even saw any of the evidence for another 6 weeks after???

And, there is no such thing as a "fake" elector. Alternate electors are not only legal but have been used in previous elections, Spitup!!! :21:

If you believe the 2020 was won through massive voter fraud. How did Trump know that Democrats would cheat? BEFORE a vote was cast.
First of all, they were SAYING at the beginning of 2020 they would do it. They spent a whole year preparing the steal as they admitted after the impeachment failed. And as to the "belief," these people ADMITTED they stole the election in PRINT a mere couple months after the election, fool! See post 94:

Damn are you people stupid.
Oh, now you are prescient? Have you tried making money with that gift? Why are you evading the fact that media everywhere were already reporting Trump's claims as baseless and disproven a mere couple days after the election when no court even saw any of the evidence for another 6 weeks after???

And, there is no such thing as a "fake" elector. Alternate electors are not only legal but have been used in previous elections, Spitup!!! :21:

First of all, they were SAYING at the beginning of 2020 they would do it. They spent a whole year preparing the steal as they admitted after the impeachment failed. And as to the "belief," these people ADMITTED they stole the election in PRINT a mere couple months after the election, fool! See post 94:

Damn are you people stupid.
The cognitive dissonance or rank dishonesty of a Trump supporter still never fails to blow my mind.

You guys are claiming that every single ballot cast in an election is so important that any change in election laws, procedures or even simplifications by definition is voter fraud. But only of course when Democrats do it... or maybe if Republicans do it, as long as you can lie about it being the Democrats.

At the same time you are claiming that there's absolutely nothing wrong with FORGING an official record determining the outcome of the election in several states and take pains to get it into the public record and accepted as true, using violence if necessary.

Becoming an elector requires a process. A process that is actually described in the Constitution. For instance, the vote they cast needs to be certified by the Governor of the State. Skipping that process and simply claiming you did go through that process doesn't make you an alternative, it makes you a fraud.

You can not call yourself the "duly elected elector" of a State, without being duly elected, any more than you can call yourself President of the United States because you claim the other guy cheated.

This was what the article CLAIMED was done in 2020.

Overhauling America’s balky election infrastructure.”
Combating “disinformation” campaigns (e.g., “Trump’s lies and conspiracy theories.”)
“Explain a rapidly changing election process.”
Facilitate cooperation between “strange bedfellows.

Go right ahead. Explain the fraud to me.
Right. What takes any other lawyers months and years to prepare (as I already pointed out), Trump's lawyers were "incompetent" because they only had days and weeks to gather across many states in order to meet impossible election schedule deadlines? And they were "incompetent" because the judge said that they should have filed BEFORE the election before there even was a case? :21:

Right. To reiterate, why then was the media and democrats already reporting that all of Trump's claims were baseless and disproven a mere couple days after the 2020 election if the courts didn't even get the evidence until a month and longer AFTER the election??? Huh, Ace??? :auiqs.jpg:
They have what the law allows. You know how stupid you sound ? Both Bush ANDTrump who claimed voter fraud after THE FIRST election of each when they WERE IN POWER with both houses, established commissions to find wide spread voter fraud. BOTH OF THEM.

They found none except by REPUBLICANS who were prosecuted by the system ALREADY IN PLACE. It was historical, and hysterical reading the results of their findings. Both commissions withered and died from lack of support by even REPUBLICAN GOVs who were embarrassed by the implication that their own states were accused of running fraudulent elections.

The cognitive dissonance or rank dishonesty of a Trump supporter still never fails to blow my mind.

tl;dr. I see you still continue to hide behind ad hominem attacks deflecting because you cannot answer how all of the leftwing media were reporting the outcomes of Trump's legal appeals of the 2020 election as baseless and disproven many weeks before those cases even went to court!!! :auiqs.jpg:
I see you still continue to hide behind ad hominem attacks
Remember when I said this?
The cognitive dissonance or rank dishonesty of a Trump supporter still never fails to blow my mind.
This is why I say that.

Previous post to me.
Damn are you people stupid.
Post, before that
Sure, Throwup
Before that.
Hey Throwup
Before that.
you got a problem with your user name, jackass
Before that.
Wrong again, butthole.
Remember when you said this?
deflecting because you cannot answer how all of the leftwing media were reporting the outcomes of Trump's legal appeals of the 2020 election as baseless and disproven many weeks before those cases even went to court!!!
Already, answered.
it doesn't really take all that long to identify something as BS when the information is in the public realm.

The point is this. If you don't want to be accused of suffering from cognitive dissonance or simply being dishonest. Then stop making the point for me. Personally, I don't really care how you call me. Much like I don't care if a five-year-old stomps its feet. Just don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
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That is correct. But don't you notice Democrats posting here act like it is a criminal trial?

The case you admit he can make is underway. I believe as does the author of the video that Trump will win. Based on the ex post facto laws among the law of latches.
Well, with that post, you really did prove you don't understand the difference in civil and criminal law. Well DONE! lol
Hey Pushup: Don't you even know how to make complete, congruent sentence?
I can. In 3 different languages even. Can you post a single paragraph without calling a person some childish name or other?

The sentence is both complete and contextually congruent. The elements fit logically together.

I suggest that before you use big-boy words freshen up on their meaning. That's if you really feel it important to critique someone's writing ability on a forum. Not my thing, but alright.

But I'll give you a C- for the quality of the red herring you introduced. I'm the generous sort. And I understand it's the best you got.
I can. In 3 different languages even. Can you post a single paragraph without calling a person some childish name or other?
I certainly can, Pukeup.

The sentence is both complete and contextually congruent.
So much your your literary training.

The elements fit logically together.
Really? Can you make a truth table out of the statement?

I suggest that before you use big-boy words freshen up on their meaning. That is if you want to critique someone's writing ability on a forum.
I've probably forgotten more "big-boy" words than you'll ever know, Assup.

I'm the generous sort. And I understand it's the best you got.
I bet that's what he said last night, eh, Backup?
I certainly can, Pukeup.

So much your your literary training.

Really? Can you make a truth table out of the statement?

I've probably forgotten more "big-boy" words than you'll ever know, Assup.

I bet that's what he said last night, eh, Backup?
I love this stimulating conversation so much that I'll leave it. As a parting gift.

P (Avoid cognitive dissonance)Q (Avoid being dishonest)If P, then Q

  • If you want to avoid being accused of cognitive dissonance (P is true), and you also want to avoid being accused of dishonesty (Q is true), the statement is true.
  • If you want to avoid cognitive dissonance (P is true), but you don’t mind being accused of dishonesty (Q is false), the statement is false.
  • If you don’t care about avoiding cognitive dissonance (P is false), the statement is still true, regardless of whether you want to avoid being dishonest (Q).

Any questions?
Oh gee, I'm impressed! Dorkup knows what a Modus Ponens is! :laughing0301:
Yes, just like I knew, and you didn't, that my sentence was contextually congruent. But hey, be both an idiot and take pride in it. It's not like it's a new behavior for you. Feel free to reply. Just don't expect an answer.
my sentence was contextually congruent.
Better go talk to an english teacher, boy.

But hey, be both an idiot and take pride in it.
Why not? You do it successfully every day!

It's not like it's a new behavior for you.
Apparently you expect a different result from others despite being the same ass every day.

Feel free to reply. Just don't expect an answer.
I set the bar very low for you.
Well, with that post, you really did prove you don't understand the difference in civil and criminal law. Well DONE! lol
I did not discuss that. So how can I be guilty of what you claim?
They're a joke if they're lies. A sick joke.
She relies on her case where the testimony by two women amounts to hearsay. I see ways that this case will be found later in favor of Trump.

When two women tell a court a thing they say is almost 30 years into the past, the Judge should dismiss that testimony as stale dated. And the change of laws also means he was tried for ex post facto laws which are against the constitution.

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