Why the rape case against Trump will end up thrown into the trash

Men have for all of history bragged about sexual exploits. Sad as it is, it is factual. It was also done on a bus many years earlier. We know he said it, but why is the only thing Democrats think is true?
Agreed. Take forkup's post #494 where he claims that Trump didn't talk to EJC--he just walked into the dressing room and inserted his fingers and she didn't fight, whimper, scream or put up any kind of resistance. Sounds reasonable----BULLSHIT!
Agreed. Take forkup's post #494 where he claims that Trump didn't talk to EJC--he just walked into the dressing room and inserted his fingers and she didn't fight, whimper, scream or put up any kind of resistance. Sounds reasonable----BULLSHIT!

She wasn't willing to make a scene...and Trump used that to his advantage. He's done that for decades. He's a POS.
I lived in Florida. It's a cesspool...attracts all kinds of ner' do wells and con artists and gigalos.
Sounds like NYC, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Oakland and DC to me. What do all of these cities--with a combined population greater than FL's have in common? They are ALL shitholes run by democrats.
Agreed. Take forkup's post #494 where he claims that Trump didn't talk to EJC--he just walked into the dressing room and inserted his fingers and she didn't fight, whimper, scream or put up any kind of resistance. Sounds reasonable----BULLSHIT!
She signaled Trump and that you can be certain of. She called her actions, "Flirtatous"

When women do this, they establish the idea to men she wants sex. When she did not want sex, she stayed out of that dressing room.

To illustrate the theme I am presenting, see the movie with Tommy Lee Jones called The Homesman.

Tommy inserts his dick into Hilary Swank in the movie and soon after she is dead.

They also show other men essentially raping women and in one case her mom was in bed too and did not raise a bit of a fuss. Meryl Streep is also in it but she does not engage in sex.

It can surely be a hell of a problem for a small woman dealing with a man as big as Trump is. This we all know. But her story of going in and flirting gave me the idea she changed her tune in the dressing room. In this case, the man gets very confused and in fact might legally rape a woman.
She wasn't willing to make a scene...and Trump used that to his advantage. He's done that for decades. He's a POS.
You were not a witness. So your words should simply be discounted. She was there. Her story is she wanted to be in the dressing room and was flirtatious. But honestly her story is stale dated. Even the females she told are questionable due to a chance she can pay them each a million and they will say what she wants them to say.
She signaled Trump and that you can be certain of. She called her actions, "Flirtatous"

When women do this, they establish the idea to men she wants sex. When she did not want sex, she stayed out of that dressing room.

To illustrate the theme I am presenting, see the movie with Tommy Lee Jones called The Homesman.

Tommy inserts his dick into Hilary Swank in the movie and soon after she is dead.

They also show other men essentially raping women and in one case her mom was in bed too and did not raise a bit of a fuss. Meryl Streep is also in it but she does not engage in sex.

It can surely be a hell of a problem for a small woman dealing with a man as big as Trump is. This we all know. But her story of going in and flirting gave me the idea she changed her tune in the dressing room. In this case, the man gets very confused and in fact might legally rape a woman.
Might? Is that "beyond a reasonable doubt?" Or even "by a preponderance of evidence?"
I lived in Florida. It's a cesspool...attracts all kinds of ner' do wells and con artists and gigalos.
Where in Florida? I have been there and noticed both very good and somewhat mundane as to the homes there.
Sounds like NYC, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Oakland and DC to me. What do all of these cities--with a combined population greater than FL's have in common? They are ALL shitholes run by democrats.
Ah, Florida, sunshine boy, is GOP to the bone. It is a crap hole in many, many ways.

EJC could have been lying about to cover her own reputation.
....and, not unimportantly, Trump could have been lying too, to cover his own reputation.

So, in the end, it was binary --- "He said. She said."
And also at that end.......the 9-member jury of American citizens unanimously believed her.
They didn't believe him.

That too, was binary.

You aren't clarifying. You are changing the parameters of what happened. Something you've done often in this OP. Nobody is claiming Trump talked to Carrol. What is claimed is that he put his fingers in her vagina against her will. Something that is considerably more memorable than a random conversation.

And NO, I don't concede that 2 woman get enormous rewards. One woman gets enormous rewards. ALL the people who testified DO NOT GET MONEY with the exception of the psychiatrist. Neither, does the fact a woman reaps enormous rewards speaks in any way to the truthfulness of her statements. Just because somebody has a motive to do something doesn't mean guilt is implied.
When it's Trump, there can be several witnesses and him on tape admitting to the alleged behavior
This is what I said.
Change the case to being about Joe Biden. Two women show up some 30 some odd years telling a story that Biden and a woman went upstairs and that Biden put his fingers inside of her.
This is what you claimed I said. Changing the parameters from several witnesses and tapes to simply. 2 Woman.
This is what I said.
The reason I know this is because 9 jurors, who unlike you actually HEARD all the evidence decided he was liable. Meaning they found it credible.
This is what you claimed I said.
Using just your legal explanations, you mean by insinuation that all black men currently in prison, even for rape, murder and more,
Changing my statement of credibility. To implying I said that any conviction is infallible.

This is what I said.
Rape, just like the death of a loved one is a traumatic event. You might forget some stuff but I'd dare say that the fact that you were raped does not get lost in time.
This is what your response it.
How well do you recall talking to a party you casually know, or know well, 30 years back's story?
Changing the parameters of statement about being able to remember traumatic events. To being able to remember a basic conversation.

I've seen you repeat a statement about Trump not being able to deny rape when being charged with defamation a second time as unusual, while I before already showed the common legal principle that explains that position, etc. etc.

The point is this. You routinely in the course of this OP. Try to use strawman. Ignore what is being said and actually change the premise. These are cheap little debating tricks, me and others keep calling you on, and you nonetheless keep on repeating.

Asking you questions does not solve that. Only you actually honestly engaging the premise does.
Agreed. Take forkup's post #494 where he claims that Trump didn't talk to EJC--he just walked into the dressing room and inserted his fingers and she didn't fight, whimper, scream or put up any kind of resistance. Sounds reasonable----BULLSHIT!
I didn't claim he didn't talk to her. I claimed he's not being accused of talking to her. He's being accused of putting his fingers in her vagina against her will.

Talking to someone isn't a crime. The accusation is.

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