Why the Republican Party aids and abets gun violence

Problem with mental health being the deciding criteria on owning guns is that anyone can be called crazy pretty easily . Aren't soldiers that claim 'ptsd' said to be off their rockers just a bit . Plus didn't 'mrobama' [a year ago i think] try making social security recipients that need help managing their finances ineligible for buying guns . --------------- just asking !!

No, there are Rights that protect the individual from authoritarians like our dear wry here. obummer tried to push through a rule that would have made people with well known non violent mental health problems unable to own firearms. The Courts rightly denied those rules. Due Process still means something in this country, even though statists, like wry here, so desperately wish they could just "put people in their place"..
'soviet union' had no problems taking away people and shoving them into prisons on claims that the people were crazy and insane .

The Soviets weren't bound by a Constitution as we are.
Even if the Nazicrats could wave their magic wand and ban all guns right now, it would be impossible to enforce.
Liberals are dumb.

It could very well be their demise.

For the record, I don't lump liberals in with Leftist Democrats, though.
----------------------------------------------- well , i do , if they are democrats but yes Sir , i understand and agree with your point Marion .
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
I really don't see how limitations on ownership will really be effective, unless we adopted a system whereby any person wanting to buy a gun had to go through multi level mental health checks and safety training from professionals trained to detect "evil doers," and raise flags. And even if that was constitutional, politically it will never happen, because there are enough rural states that have senators who'd block it.

The NRA does block punishment for illegal sales and making all buys subject to checks. And if it were possible to bring private damages law suits against people who violated regulations in making sales .... that would make a difference.

When has the NRA ever tried to block a conviction for illegal gun sales?

And you are saying you want people to be sued for participating in the governance process if you disagree with them and something bad happens as a result?

Do you realize the pandora's box you would open?
the NRA customarily opposes any further regulation of gun sales.

If we want gun sellers to be more circumspect to whom they sell, we could have laws and regulations specifying in more detail what they have to do to legally make a sale, and make them individually liable when the fuck up. I doubt those laws could pass, but if we were really serious about it, that's what we could do. Makign certain firearms or magazines illegal will never work, because there are just too many out there. And I'm not in favor of citizens not being able to buy as lethal a tool as a criminal.
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
I really don't see how limitations on ownership will really be effective, unless we adopted a system whereby any person wanting to buy a gun had to go through multi level mental health checks and safety training from professionals trained to detect "evil doers," and raise flags. And even if that was constitutional, politically it will never happen, because there are enough rural states that have senators who'd block it.

The NRA does block punishment for illegal sales and making all buys subject to checks. And if it were possible to bring private damages law suits against people who violated regulations in making sales .... that would make a difference.

When has the NRA ever tried to block a conviction for illegal gun sales?

And you are saying you want people to be sued for participating in the governance process if you disagree with them and something bad happens as a result?

Do you realize the pandora's box you would open?
the NRA customarily opposes any further regulation of gun sales.

If we want gun sellers to be more circumspect to whom they sell, we could have laws and regulations specifying in more detail what they have to do to legally make a sale, and make them individually liable when the fuck up. I doubt those laws could pass, but if we were really serious about it, that's what we could do. Makign certain firearms or magazines illegal will never work, because there are just too many out there. And I'm not in favor of citizens not being able to buy as lethal a tool as a criminal.
---------------------------------------------------- when are you gonna make gov. employees or agencies liable for their feck ups . Didn't AirForce feck up on a guy when they didn't communicate info about the shooter in Texas church a few months ago . Didn't government feck up when they allowed the 'muslims' in the San Bernadino mass killing last Christmas time into the USA Ben ??
The latest shooter was reported to the FBI, the FBI promptly didn't do their job.

So millions of other people should lose their rights? :cuckoo:
The CDC is forbidden by Federal Law to research gun deaths.

Thanks Republicans. You got us again

and again

and again

Not only the latest shooter, but the Ft. Lauderdale shooter self-reported to the FBI and they didn't do their job then, either.

I say the problem lies in a government agency not doing their job, therefore they need restructured.
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
I really don't see how limitations on ownership will really be effective, unless we adopted a system whereby any person wanting to buy a gun had to go through multi level mental health checks and safety training from professionals trained to detect "evil doers," and raise flags. And even if that was constitutional, politically it will never happen, because there are enough rural states that have senators who'd block it.

The NRA does block punishment for illegal sales and making all buys subject to checks. And if it were possible to bring private damages law suits against people who violated regulations in making sales .... that would make a difference.

When has the NRA ever tried to block a conviction for illegal gun sales?

And you are saying you want people to be sued for participating in the governance process if you disagree with them and something bad happens as a result?

Do you realize the pandora's box you would open?
the NRA customarily opposes any further regulation of gun sales.

If we want gun sellers to be more circumspect to whom they sell, we could have laws and regulations specifying in more detail what they have to do to legally make a sale, and make them individually liable when the fuck up. I doubt those laws could pass, but if we were really serious about it, that's what we could do. Makign certain firearms or magazines illegal will never work, because there are just too many out there. And I'm not in favor of citizens not being able to buy as lethal a tool as a criminal.
---------------------------------------------------- when are you gonna make gov. employees or agencies liable for their feck ups . Didn't AirForce feck up on a guy when they didn't communicate info about the shooter in Texas church a few months ago . Didn't government feck up when they allowed the 'muslims' in the San Bernadino mass killing last Christmas time into the USA Ben ??
Ummm, no. Actually the San Bernidino shooters were here legally. And legally speaking, we don't have the legal right to sue officials doing their official duty.

I'm all for ending lottery visas and most of chain immigration btw. I don't think either were an issue in SB, though.

Immigration is an issue, but The Oranguton likes to cloud it with terrorism, and most of the time terrorists are whites born here. Sadly.
Of course a party filled with violent people are going to support violence. That's the way it is.
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
I really don't see how limitations on ownership will really be effective, unless we adopted a system whereby any person wanting to buy a gun had to go through multi level mental health checks and safety training from professionals trained to detect "evil doers," and raise flags. And even if that was constitutional, politically it will never happen, because there are enough rural states that have senators who'd block it.

The NRA does block punishment for illegal sales and making all buys subject to checks. And if it were possible to bring private damages law suits against people who violated regulations in making sales .... that would make a difference.

When has the NRA ever tried to block a conviction for illegal gun sales?

And you are saying you want people to be sued for participating in the governance process if you disagree with them and something bad happens as a result?

Do you realize the pandora's box you would open?
the NRA customarily opposes any further regulation of gun sales.

If we want gun sellers to be more circumspect to whom they sell, we could have laws and regulations specifying in more detail what they have to do to legally make a sale, and make them individually liable when the fuck up. I doubt those laws could pass, but if we were really serious about it, that's what we could do. Makign certain firearms or magazines illegal will never work, because there are just too many out there. And I'm not in favor of citizens not being able to buy as lethal a tool as a criminal.

That is not the same as saying they want to not punish people who actually break the law. what they are against is the assumption that anyone doing a private sale intends to break the law, and thus force everyone to go to a gun dealer and pay a fee to legally transfer a gun.

A person is already liable if they illegally sell a gun to someone restricted from owning one, its up to the government to prosecute.
Of course a party filled with violent people are going to support violence. That's the way it is.

anti-fa says what?

The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
I really don't see how limitations on ownership will really be effective, unless we adopted a system whereby any person wanting to buy a gun had to go through multi level mental health checks and safety training from professionals trained to detect "evil doers," and raise flags. And even if that was constitutional, politically it will never happen, because there are enough rural states that have senators who'd block it.

The NRA does block punishment for illegal sales and making all buys subject to checks. And if it were possible to bring private damages law suits against people who violated regulations in making sales .... that would make a difference.

When has the NRA ever tried to block a conviction for illegal gun sales?

And you are saying you want people to be sued for participating in the governance process if you disagree with them and something bad happens as a result?

Do you realize the pandora's box you would open?
the NRA customarily opposes any further regulation of gun sales.

If we want gun sellers to be more circumspect to whom they sell, we could have laws and regulations specifying in more detail what they have to do to legally make a sale, and make them individually liable when the fuck up. I doubt those laws could pass, but if we were really serious about it, that's what we could do. Makign certain firearms or magazines illegal will never work, because there are just too many out there. And I'm not in favor of citizens not being able to buy as lethal a tool as a criminal.

That is not the same as saying they want to not punish people who actually break the law. what they are against is the assumption that anyone doing a private sale intends to break the law, and thus force everyone to go to a gun dealer and pay a fee to legally transfer a gun.

A person is already liable if they illegally sell a gun to someone restricted from owning one, its up to the government to prosecute.
Wake the fuck up Marty. The NRA doesn't want any restriction on selling a gun.
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
How come you lying scumbags can never elaborate on what this nebulous something you want done, is?
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
I really don't see how limitations on ownership will really be effective, unless we adopted a system whereby any person wanting to buy a gun had to go through multi level mental health checks and safety training from professionals trained to detect "evil doers," and raise flags. And even if that was constitutional, politically it will never happen, because there are enough rural states that have senators who'd block it.

The NRA does block punishment for illegal sales and making all buys subject to checks. And if it were possible to bring private damages law suits against people who violated regulations in making sales .... that would make a difference.

When has the NRA ever tried to block a conviction for illegal gun sales?

And you are saying you want people to be sued for participating in the governance process if you disagree with them and something bad happens as a result?

Do you realize the pandora's box you would open?
the NRA customarily opposes any further regulation of gun sales.

If we want gun sellers to be more circumspect to whom they sell, we could have laws and regulations specifying in more detail what they have to do to legally make a sale, and make them individually liable when the fuck up. I doubt those laws could pass, but if we were really serious about it, that's what we could do. Makign certain firearms or magazines illegal will never work, because there are just too many out there. And I'm not in favor of citizens not being able to buy as lethal a tool as a criminal.

That is not the same as saying they want to not punish people who actually break the law. what they are against is the assumption that anyone doing a private sale intends to break the law, and thus force everyone to go to a gun dealer and pay a fee to legally transfer a gun.

A person is already liable if they illegally sell a gun to someone restricted from owning one, its up to the government to prosecute.
Wake the fuck up Marty. The NRA doesn't want any restriction on selling a gun.

Really? So the NRA is calling for the repeal of the Federal background check system?

The NRA supports Felons owning guns?

The NRA supports the mentally adjudicated owning guns?
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.

All those who think guns are the problem are only contributing to the problem by not focusing on what really needs to be done. People want a simple solution when there is no simple solution. Just another example of how America has been dumbed down.
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
There is one actual institution that condones killing human beings that is supported by one party.

Can you guess which institution and party?
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.
How come you lying scumbags can never elaborate on what this nebulous something you want done, is?

The answer is not simple. This is a cultural problem...not a gun problem. Look at the cities and states that have the strictest gun control measures and they lead the nation in murder, violence etc. Look at how hollywood gloifies violence. Look at all the video games and how they promote violence. In other words these kids with mental problems are heavily influenced to believe that the answer to their problem is violence....and the next question thus should be....how to stop all the glorification of violence...it should begin in hollywood.

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