Why the Republican Party aids and abets gun violence

A Straw Man of apples and antelopes ^^^, and way off topic. Nothing in my post suggested getting rid of assault weapons. Full auto is already licensed, thus infringed; which obviates "shall not be infringed".

"Arms" is another word in the 2nd A. which is ambiguous, please define what you consider an "Arm" which shall not be infringed.

Here's some food for thought:
A 5' gun, mounted not on a naval vessel but on a flat bed truck, an anti tank weapon, Frag. Grenades and RPG's - each is an "Arm", is it not?

How many do you want to be in the public domain, unrestricted?

You are the one trying to argue ... :dunno:

For context ... At the point the Constitution was ratified ...
A private citizen could legally own a fast sailing ship with up to eight cannons.

Where that could mean a lot of things in exculpatory assumptions ... There are a few things certain about it.
A fast ship with up to eight cannons is not for sport or hunting wild game ... :thup:

The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.

The NRA is the front organization and propaganda outlet for the gun manufacturers. Just as Fake Fox News is the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. All of these people are of the mindset if it doesn't happen to them or their families then who cares. They could not care less about the body count at any of these shootings. Their entire lives are dedicated to ensuring profit for gun makers.
Even if the Nazicrats could wave their magic wand and ban all guns right now, it would be impossible to enforce.
Liberals are dumb.

You spit out the same memes on a regular basis. It would be enforced as all laws are enforced. Or are you like the other tinfoil hatters who say laws can't be enforced so why have laws.

The time will come when semi-auto rifles will be illegal, which is well regulated just as full auto and other weapons of war are well regulated. This false bravado crap from gun huggers will be ignored. Then you can show just how brave you are, break the law, and go to jail for your 'cause'.

That's how it works cupcake.
If one wants to play dim-witted semantic games, grenades, cannon, and mortars existed in 1787; if the clause was intending to limit those, it would have easily been specified they only meant handguns and rifles. According to our family history, my Huguenot ancestors in Carolina owned three cannon, kept them operational and functional, too, until they were donated to the state in 1812.
Even if the Nazicrats could wave their magic wand and ban all guns right now, it would be impossible to enforce.
Liberals are dumb.

You spit out the same memes on a regular basis. It would be enforced as all laws are enforced. Or are you like the other tinfoil hatters who say laws can't be enforced so why have laws.

The time will come when semi-auto rifles will be illegal, which is well regulated just as full auto and other weapons of war are well regulated. This false bravado crap from gun huggers will be ignored. Then you can show just how brave you are, break the law, and go to jail for your 'cause'.

That's how it works cupcake.

Explain how the Nazicrats will confiscate 150 million semi-auto guns?
House to house searches like the gestapo?.....amazing lol
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Let’s start with what you think is a rational gun control bill then work from there.

I have, ad nausea.
  • Licensing, suspended or revoked after due process
  • Registration of all guns
  • Comprehensive background checks
  • Secure storage from loss or theft
  • Straw purchase, a felony
  • Restriction of large capacity magazines
I support the 2nd A. for all adult citizens who are sober, sane and law abiding; no one in the following categories should be licensed, and any person who loans, sells or in any manner provides a firearm or ammunition to an unlicensed person, will upon conviction, lose his or her right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm.

  1. Convicted of a Violent Felony
  2. Convicted of Domestic Violence
  3. Convicted of Battery
  4. Has been convicted of committing any crime while in possession of a firearm
  5. Found by the Court after due process to be a member of a criminal gang or terrorist organization
  6. Has ever been detained for making threats against a person, or convicted of Criminal Threats
  7. Has been detained as a danger to him/her self or others
Those arrested and convicted of DUI (drugs or alcohol) on a first offense will have their gun license suspended for the one year, and it will be restated upon successful completion of one year's substance abuse counseling; a second or subsequent conviction of DUI will result in a 3-year revocation, and successful completion of at least 3 years probation with no dirty tests.
So you support the 2A but first we need to eliminate it. Let’s put the government in charge of licensing people and all of the guns. That’s not a recipe for disaster.

Thanks for the reply but from now on don’t ever use the word reasonable before gun control. This diatribe of fucked up is no where near reasonable. Oh yeah one more thing, never type the words I support the 2A again either. It’s a lie.

"So you support the 2A but first we need to eliminate it."?

Where did I write that? I didn't, so don't lie. Sober, sane and law abiding have the right to have a gun. So, which one are you concerned about? Too many DUI's, been detained as danger to yourself or others, Beat your wife? Or, do you think alcoholics, drug addicts, wife beaters, etc. ought to have the absolute right to own, posses or have in their custody or control a gun?

The first thing you listed was licensing. You don’t need a license for a Constitutional right. The rest of your diatribe is just snowflake emotional breakdown.

No where in COTUS is there a right to privacy. See:
Licensing | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Two more ad hominems and not one comment on the Republican's rhetoric and collusion with the NRA.
So we should have to use our real names and get a license before posting on the internet as well right? Everything you've asked for is shit that's never going to happen. You're not getting a registry. You're not getting a license before gun ownership. It's not going to happen, I doubt it would be ruled Constitutional. The biggest reason for that is it's not going to accomplish anything other than screwing with normal law abiding citizens and you people do that enough already so anyone pushing for it will never get elected in a state that matters.

Now, once again. What is a REASONABLE gun law you can push that would stop these shootings?
Even if the Nazicrats could wave their magic wand and ban all guns right now, it would be impossible to enforce.
Liberals are dumb.

You spit out the same memes on a regular basis. It would be enforced as all laws are enforced. Or are you like the other tinfoil hatters who say laws can't be enforced so why have laws.

The time will come when semi-auto rifles will be illegal, which is well regulated just as full auto and other weapons of war are well regulated. This false bravado crap from gun huggers will be ignored. Then you can show just how brave you are, break the law, and go to jail for your 'cause'.

That's how it works cupcake.
Why don't you left wing nut bags think that can apply to immigration? Enforce the law right? Yet that law you don't want to enforce with much vigor. Guns though, hell you'd hire a million cops for that one.
A Straw Man of apples and antelopes ^^^, and way off topic. Nothing in my post suggested getting rid of assault weapons. Full auto is already licensed, thus infringed; which obviates "shall not be infringed".

"Arms" is another word in the 2nd A. which is ambiguous, please define what you consider an "Arm" which shall not be infringed.

Here's some food for thought:
A 5' gun, mounted not on a naval vessel but on a flat bed truck, an anti tank weapon, Frag. Grenades and RPG's - each is an "Arm", is it not?

How many do you want to be in the public domain, unrestricted?

You are the one trying to argue ... :dunno:

For context ... At the point the Constitution was ratified ...
A private citizen could legally own a fast sailing ship with up to eight cannons.

Where that could mean a lot of things in exculpatory assumptions ... There are a few things certain about it.
A fast ship with up to eight cannons is not for sport or hunting wild game ... :thup:


Most private citizens in the late 18th Century were farmers, and most used the Brown Bess. How many victims would the latest mass murderer have killed if that's all he had in his possession?

I was the projectile man in a 5" gun, and I imagine the amount of powder within the brass would have armed a number of companies of infantry in the late 18th Century.
Anyone that has any ability to think knows that the fabian socialist left wants a complete and total confiscation of weapons and leave us at the mercy of this corporate entity that they call "gubermint". If more people knew the things that I do, they would be buying as much ammo, guns, canned food and water that they can get their hands on.

What it boils down to is that these deep state ops that work on behalf of the shadow government is running an Operation Gladio like psy-op by either staging mass shooting events or passing off DHS drills as a real time event. It's the Hegelian Dialectic at work. Cause the problem, wait for the sheeple to moan and complain and claim something needs to be done....then they step in with the solution and it always ends up giving the state more power and the sheeple sacrifice another right for security. Every now and then they get a gift like the Florida school shooting by intentionally letting some nutcase off that was on their radar and then show up at the scene. It should worry people greatly when so many people within this corporate entity (deep state or otherwise) wants the public disarmed. Could it be that they have plans for the sheeple that we might not like? Abso-fucking-lutely.
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.

If the people did why do the Republicans control the house the senate and the WH five years after Sandy Hook?
I have, ad nausea.
  • Licensing, suspended or revoked after due process
  • Registration of all guns
  • Comprehensive background checks
  • Secure storage from loss or theft
  • Straw purchase, a felony
  • Restriction of large capacity magazines
I support the 2nd A. for all adult citizens who are sober, sane and law abiding; no one in the following categories should be licensed, and any person who loans, sells or in any manner provides a firearm or ammunition to an unlicensed person, will upon conviction, lose his or her right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm.

  1. Convicted of a Violent Felony
  2. Convicted of Domestic Violence
  3. Convicted of Battery
  4. Has been convicted of committing any crime while in possession of a firearm
  5. Found by the Court after due process to be a member of a criminal gang or terrorist organization
  6. Has ever been detained for making threats against a person, or convicted of Criminal Threats
  7. Has been detained as a danger to him/her self or others
Those arrested and convicted of DUI (drugs or alcohol) on a first offense will have their gun license suspended for the one year, and it will be restated upon successful completion of one year's substance abuse counseling; a second or subsequent conviction of DUI will result in a 3-year revocation, and successful completion of at least 3 years probation with no dirty tests.
So you support the 2A but first we need to eliminate it. Let’s put the government in charge of licensing people and all of the guns. That’s not a recipe for disaster.

Thanks for the reply but from now on don’t ever use the word reasonable before gun control. This diatribe of fucked up is no where near reasonable. Oh yeah one more thing, never type the words I support the 2A again either. It’s a lie.

"So you support the 2A but first we need to eliminate it."?

Where did I write that? I didn't, so don't lie. Sober, sane and law abiding have the right to have a gun. So, which one are you concerned about? Too many DUI's, been detained as danger to yourself or others, Beat your wife? Or, do you think alcoholics, drug addicts, wife beaters, etc. ought to have the absolute right to own, posses or have in their custody or control a gun?

The first thing you listed was licensing. You don’t need a license for a Constitutional right. The rest of your diatribe is just snowflake emotional breakdown.

No where in COTUS is there a right to privacy. See:
Licensing | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Two more ad hominems and not one comment on the Republican's rhetoric and collusion with the NRA.
So we should have to use our real names and get a license before posting on the internet as well right? Everything you've asked for is shit that's never going to happen. You're not getting a registry. You're not getting a license before gun ownership. It's not going to happen, I doubt it would be ruled Constitutional. The biggest reason for that is it's not going to accomplish anything other than screwing with normal law abiding citizens and you people do that enough already so anyone pushing for it will never get elected in a state that matters.

Now, once again. What is a REASONABLE gun law you can push that would stop these shootings?

Once again, there is no law which will stop these shootings, unless and until we are able to understand the issue of who, where, when, why and how these horrific events occur. We need to discuss and debate all of the issues, and come up with a plan.

The plan the RNC has is to pray for the victims, living and dead, and change the discussion. They did that every time; and as the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insane.
So you support the 2A but first we need to eliminate it. Let’s put the government in charge of licensing people and all of the guns. That’s not a recipe for disaster.

Thanks for the reply but from now on don’t ever use the word reasonable before gun control. This diatribe of fucked up is no where near reasonable. Oh yeah one more thing, never type the words I support the 2A again either. It’s a lie.

"So you support the 2A but first we need to eliminate it."?

Where did I write that? I didn't, so don't lie. Sober, sane and law abiding have the right to have a gun. So, which one are you concerned about? Too many DUI's, been detained as danger to yourself or others, Beat your wife? Or, do you think alcoholics, drug addicts, wife beaters, etc. ought to have the absolute right to own, posses or have in their custody or control a gun?

The first thing you listed was licensing. You don’t need a license for a Constitutional right. The rest of your diatribe is just snowflake emotional breakdown.

No where in COTUS is there a right to privacy. See:
Licensing | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Two more ad hominems and not one comment on the Republican's rhetoric and collusion with the NRA.
So we should have to use our real names and get a license before posting on the internet as well right? Everything you've asked for is shit that's never going to happen. You're not getting a registry. You're not getting a license before gun ownership. It's not going to happen, I doubt it would be ruled Constitutional. The biggest reason for that is it's not going to accomplish anything other than screwing with normal law abiding citizens and you people do that enough already so anyone pushing for it will never get elected in a state that matters.

Now, once again. What is a REASONABLE gun law you can push that would stop these shootings?

Once again, there is no law which will stop these shootings, unless and until we are able to understand the issue of who, where, when, why and how these horrific events occur. We need to discuss and debate all of the issues, and come up with a plan.

The plan the RNC has is to pray for the victims, living and dead, and change the discussion. They did that every time; and as the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insane.
OK so finally you're going to back off the worthless gun restriction laws and are willing to discuss the actual cause. Now we can get somewhere. So what's your plan now?
Most private citizens in the late 18th Century were farmers, and most used the Brown Bess. How many victims would the latest mass murderer have killed if that's all he had in his possession?

I was the projectile man in a 5" gun, and I imagine the amount of powder within the brass would have armed a number of companies of infantry in the late 18th Century.

You can make any argument you want ... None of them are supported by what is actually written in Constitution.

You aren't ignorant ... If you want it changed you are gonna have to change it (Constitution).
Stop acting like anyone should give a damn about anything you think.

You have nothing to offer in regards to a compromise involving rights we already have ... :dunno:

The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.

The NRA is the oldest non-profit human rights organization in America. Why do you jackasses consistently oppose human rights?
The answer is simple. The NRA will fund members of Congress with their largess who will not support rational gun control bills. If a member of Congress violates this condition, and supports gun controls, S/He will find a well funded lackey to run against them in the primary election.

After the latest horrific shooting in FL, Republican Senators, Speaker Ryan and President Trump all scapegoated the mentally ill, and nary a one of them mentioned the gun, and only with false pathos the victims, the survivors and their family and friends.

It's time for every member of Congress to grow up and support We the People who overwhelmingly want to see something tangible in terms of gun control. The usual "aint it awful" moment is forgotten by those who hold their job to be more important to them than the life of a child.

The NRA is the oldest non-profit human rights organization in America. Why do you jackasses consistently oppose human rights?

Because they are not a human rights organization and they enable criminals and mass murderers to obtain guns with the fire power to slaughter innocent kids attending school.

In the future when you troll please limit your premises to something credible.

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