Why the right hates liberals

I know what you mean. But the poster you address is vindictive in the response...Face Value for what it's worth. And a history of it. Typical Liberal.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....being called vindictive by a Leviniac!!!

I don't know how I'm gonna get thru the rest o' the day!!


You folks think it's perfectly fine, to do to a child....what you could go-to-jail for, if it was an adult????

What....you can't find an adult, smaller-than-you, to kick-around, when you need the outlet????


I see I made a huge mistake attempting to have an adult conversation with you. You really do equate spanking a child to abuse.
Three-times....with the flat-o'-your-hand; that's IT!!!

You start swingin' paddles, sticks, belts, electrical-cords, metal-rods, fists, whatever....that's ABUSE!!!
And you're in a mess because of liberal policies. Businesses and families are leaving your state and moving up here. Why? Taxes.

And you still support liberals? You complain about the mess that liberals created and you vote liberal. Why?

You have a uniquely jaundiced view of California politics. There are many reasons we're in a mess and the left right split has little to do with it.

Who gave all those government bloated pensions? Liberals.
Name those Liberals, Skippy.

You can take a candy-bar break, first.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....being called vindictive by a Leviniac!!!

I don't know how I'm gonna get thru the rest o' the day!!


You folks think it's perfectly fine, to do to a child....what you could go-to-jail for, if it was an adult????

What....you can't find an adult, smaller-than-you, to kick-around, when you need the outlet????


I see I made a huge mistake attempting to have an adult conversation with you. You really do equate spanking a child to abuse.
Three-times....with the flat-o'-your-hand; that's IT!!!

You start swingin' paddles, sticks, belts, electrical-cords, metal-rods, fists, whatever....that's ABUSE!!!

paddle, belt =/= stick,electrical cord, metal rod, etc etc
....Right BEFORE he pulled-the-pin on a WAR
....so they wouldn't feel any obligation to shell-out so much o' their War-PROFIT$!!!! (....No doubt, some o' that, there "compa$$ionate-con$ervati$m". :rolleyes: )​

Are you on LSD?
No such luck. Just an idiot trying to hijack a thread with zero success.

I seem to be whuppin' your ass, without breakin' a sweat.

This is just ridiculous crap. First, libbies want everyone to have all their wishes fulfilled whether they've earned it or not. Second conservatives aren't worried that you'll take away stuff we haven't earned. We're worried that you're going to take what we earned and give it to those who won't earn it themselves.

47% of Americans pay ZERO income tax. I wonder which side of the political spectrum they might fall on?

Certainly not the side that sent their jobs overseas.

And WHY do they leave for foreign shores? Better treatment? Better atmosphere to foster why they are in business to start with?

To escape Statist attacks that mean to drive them out of business, and make the unemployment rolls larger due to Statist policies?

NAH...can't be that. They're just mean...HUH? Let us just give the reigns of business over to the Government that is inept in it's OWN right and hurt MORE people.

What a piece of fucking work you Statists are.

Besides being paranoid, you're not much of a Historian, either!!!!!

If keepin' minorities in "the projects" (much like illiterate & on-the-plantation) helps eliminate any (threat of) competition, so be it.

If a minority wanted to compete for my job, props to him. If he is better suited for it, he can have it. Until then, I'm certainly not going to give it to a minority simply because they are a minority. I'm not fucking stupid, like you.
No...you're simply illiterate, if you (actually) think that's what I was saying.

Certainly not the side that sent their jobs overseas.

And WHY do they leave for foreign shores? Better treatment? Better atmosphere to foster why they are in business to start with?

To escape Statist attacks that mean to drive them out of business, and make the unemployment rolls larger due to Statist policies?

NAH...can't be that. They're just mean...HUH? Let us just give the reigns of business over to the Government that is inept in it's OWN right and hurt MORE people.

What a piece of fucking work you Statists are.

Besides being paranoid, you're not much of a Historian, either!!!!!


As if you are? Do you really think centering every post and using multi colors makes you any more intelligent? You're a fool who appears to be barely literate and only somewhat educated on political matters. I have no idea of your knowledge of history , but I doubt it's high enough where you can be questioning the knowledge of others.
I agree. You could learn a lot from me. I've accomplished quite a lot in my 62 years.
There's no doubt you've helped dispel that age-old Absolute; With Age Comes Wisdom

You're hardly alone.....but, just one more example of how (most) Absolutes are bullshit. That's what a lot o' younger people need to learn. Absolutes are used to control people stupid-enough to fall for them (...and, a great lil' tool for the powers-that-be.)​

History is FULL of Absolutes.
ooooooooooooooooooooo, geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......I'M convinced!!!

Three-times....with the flat-o'-your-hand; that's IT!!!

Wow, now you have rules to how to beat children. Well done.​

What's funny is that here we have a guy who claims he doesn't want a school determine how his children should be disciplined AT school, but he wants to dictate to us how we should discipline ours. LOL​
I agree. You could learn a lot from me. I've accomplished quite a lot in my 62 years.
There's no doubt you've helped dispel that age-old Absolute; With Age Comes Wisdom

You're hardly alone.....but, just one more example of how (most) Absolutes are bullshit. That's what a lot o' younger people need to learn. Absolutes are used to control people stupid-enough to fall for them (...and, a great lil' tool for the powers-that-be.)​

You sound bitter. Were you used by "the powers that be"? Did you fail in life?


I was brought-up in an extremely-conservative Protestant home; knee-deep Absolutes/bullshit.

Jesus-freaks are just like (if not already) "conservatives"; you buy all of the fairy-tales/Absolutes...questioning NONE....and, you're guaranteed free-admission.....Hell, even to the Second Coming :rolleyes: ......much like the military & corporate-America.

That's why they're scared-SHITLESS of Liberals/Progressives!!! If a Liberal/Progressive can convince a "conservative" that ONE of their Absolutes is bogus/unfounded, that (same) "conservative" might ALSO have to consider ALL o' the Absolutes they were fed/brought-up-on are bullshit, as well!!!! (But, it would require some actual-thinking; the bane o' "conservatives", nationWIDE!!!)​
Dude, seriously, stop with all the text formatting. It's fucking obnoxious, and reading your posts is already annoying enough.
Dude, seriously, stop with all the text formatting. It's fucking obnoxious, and reading your posts is already annoying enough.

Mr Sharman posts like I golf. I may not be very good, but I try to look good doing it. The difference is he fails at that also.
Dude, seriously, stop with all the text formatting. It's fucking obnoxious, and reading your posts is already annoying enough.

Mr Sharman posts like I golf. I may not be very good, but I try to look good doing it. The difference is he fails at that also.


That was pure comedic gold. I'd rep you again if I could, so mark it up to "I owe ya one."

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