Why the right hates liberals

Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

You are smart enough to differentiate those who need temporary assistance from those who have made welfare a way of life. Only the biggest assholes in the world would advocate completely ending the safety net that welfare was originally intended to be. I prefer we stick as close to the CON as possible (the CON is for CON not conservative as some have assumed) but that doesn't mean I don't inject some compassion into my beliefs either. Now will you inject some commons sense into your beliefs and we can meet in the middle and agree that many people are abusing a system that was meant never meant to be a way of life?

For the last damn time I ask where is the proof that most of those who benefit from government assistance are lazy people who don't work or don't want to work. I never said there are none, because some of you work and pay into system doesn't give you the right to bash everyone who doesn't work as lazy welfare seeking people. Granted there are some people who do but how many are there?
To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points. Debating actual points and arguments requires work and thinking and its much easier just to sling some mud on your opponents face. Getting along with each other and accepting opposing viewpoints is hard, no one likes to admit they're wrong, even if we all always are, at one time or another.

But it's not like we've built up an intelligent, co-operative media culture either. We tend to like conflict more than anything else (hence reality television), and our current divisive news organizations reflect that. It makes for better ratings. This does have the unfortunate side effect of making it all worse.
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

You are smart enough to differentiate those who need temporary assistance from those who have made welfare a way of life. Only the biggest assholes in the world would advocate completely ending the safety net that welfare was originally intended to be. I prefer we stick as close to the CON as possible (the CON is for CON not conservative as some have assumed) but that doesn't mean I don't inject some compassion into my beliefs either. Now will you inject some commons sense into your beliefs and we can meet in the middle and agree that many people are abusing a system that was meant never meant to be a way of life?

For the last damn time I ask where is the proof that most of those who benefit from government assistance are lazy people who don't work or don't want to work. I never said there are none, because some of you work and pay into system doesn't give you the right to bash everyone who doesn't work as lazy welfare seeking people. Granted there are some people who do but how many are there?

And I never said that you said that. In fact we're on the same side on this argument. I KNOW we're being ripped off by people but I also know welfare helps a lot of people who desperately need the temporary help, so I'm willing to risk being ripped off as long as one legitimate person gets the help they deserve. Some reform and regulation would be nice though.
You are smart enough to differentiate those who need temporary assistance from those who have made welfare a way of life. Only the biggest assholes in the world would advocate completely ending the safety net that welfare was originally intended to be. I prefer we stick as close to the CON as possible (the CON is for CON not conservative as some have assumed) but that doesn't mean I don't inject some compassion into my beliefs either. Now will you inject some commons sense into your beliefs and we can meet in the middle and agree that many people are abusing a system that was meant never meant to be a way of life?

For the last damn time I ask where is the proof that most of those who benefit from government assistance are lazy people who don't work or don't want to work. I never said there are none, because some of you work and pay into system doesn't give you the right to bash everyone who doesn't work as lazy welfare seeking people. Granted there are some people who do but how many are there?

And I never said that you said that. In fact we're on the same side on this argument. I KNOW we're being ripped off by people but I also know welfare helps a lot of people who desperately need the temporary help, so I'm willing to risk being ripped off as long as one legitimate person gets the help they deserve. Some reform and regulation would be nice though.

In your opinion--who is it that "deserves" the help? Define that.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Adrian Rogers, 1931
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For the last damn time I ask where is the proof that most of those who benefit from government assistance are lazy people who don't work or don't want to work. I never said there are none, because some of you work and pay into system doesn't give you the right to bash everyone who doesn't work as lazy welfare seeking people. Granted there are some people who do but how many are there?

And I never said that you said that. In fact we're on the same side on this argument. I KNOW we're being ripped off by people but I also know welfare helps a lot of people who desperately need the temporary help, so I'm willing to risk being ripped off as long as one legitimate person gets the help they deserve. Some reform and regulation would be nice though.

In your opinion--who is it that "deserves" the help? Define that.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Adrian Rogers, 1931

For God's sakes man , it's called compassion, you should try it.

Who deserves the help? Anyone who suddenly finds themselves without work through no fault of their own and is suddenly looking at no money for food .

All the money our government wastes, I truly am never going to begrudge anyone their food stamps even though I know some abuse the system.
And I never said that you said that. In fact we're on the same side on this argument. I KNOW we're being ripped off by people but I also know welfare helps a lot of people who desperately need the temporary help, so I'm willing to risk being ripped off as long as one legitimate person gets the help they deserve. Some reform and regulation would be nice though.

In your opinion--who is it that "deserves" the help? Define that.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Adrian Rogers, 1931

For God's sakes man , it's called compassion, you should try it.

Who deserves the help? Anyone who suddenly finds themselves without work through no fault of their own and is suddenly looking at no money for food .

All the money our government wastes, I truly am never going to begrudge anyone their food stamps even though I know some abuse the system.

Employers are required to pay into a "fund" called unemployment "insurance"--and granted the federal government has continued to extend those benefits--through un-funded taxpayer dollars. I agree with you here--we have to help those people--"to a point." Food stamps for unemployed workers--I also agree with--"to a point".

There comes a time--when the Federal Government will have to cut off these unemployed people--simply because if something is not done--ALL of us will be in the same condition--unemployed and hungry.

Currently 45% of this working nation--pays no federal tax what-so-ever. There is something wrong with this. Not only that--but this 45% of the working class actually get a refund check from the Federal Government--even though paying no taxes--called an "earned income tax credit." Most actually get tax payer dollars even though they didn't pay a penny into the system????? So that means that the other 55% pay for the roads--pay for the military--pay for the education--and will get stuck with the bill for the 45% health care costs.

This country is well on the road to bankrupsty.

Today a 20 year old just looking to enter the work force will be paying 120K in INTEREST alone on the national debt. A 38 yr old is looking at 136K in INTEREST alone on the debt.

Each and every household in America currently owes the Federal Government 100K and that is expected to rise to 170K by 2020.

Now we either take the "bitter" pill--suck it up now or pass it onto the below?


Now up to 13 TRILLION.
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To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points.

I have to disagree. I hate the right because I directly blame them for the fucked up little wars they created which resulted in more than a couple of my friends seeing an early grave.

I don't hate the right wingers on this board. I just think they are stooges. I fucking hate with a visceral passion the "right" that desired, cheerleaded and lied for this war. That includes all the politicians and their tools in the media.

Had it not been for Iraq, I would agree that, for this generation, it's politics as usual. However, for some of us, the lies and b.s. that got us into these fucked up little wars go beyond that and I'll never stop hating the "conservatives" for it.
In your opinion--who is it that "deserves" the help? Define that.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Adrian Rogers, 1931

For God's sakes man , it's called compassion, you should try it.

Who deserves the help? Anyone who suddenly finds themselves without work through no fault of their own and is suddenly looking at no money for food .

All the money our government wastes, I truly am never going to begrudge anyone their food stamps even though I know some abuse the system.

Employers are required to pay into a "fund" called unemployment "insurance"--and granted the federal government has continued to extend those benefits--through un-funded taxpayer dollars. I agree with you here--we have to help those people--"to a point." Food stamps for unemployed workers--I also agree with--"to a point".

There comes a time--when the Federal Government will have to cut off these unemployed people--simply because if something is not done--ALL of us will be in the same condition--unemployed and hungry.

Currently 45% of this working nation--pays no federal tax what-so-ever. There is something wrong with this. Meaning that the other 55% pay for the roads--pay for the military--pay for the education--and will get stuck with the bill for the 45% health care costs.

This country is well on the road to bankrupsty.

Today a 20 year old just looking to enter the work force will be paying 120K in INTEREST alone on the national debt. A 38 yr old is looking at 136K in INTEREST alone on the debt.

Each and every household in America currently owes the Federal Government 100K and that is expected to rise to 170K by 2020.

Now we either take the "bitter" pill--suck it up now or pass it onto the below?

View attachment 10518

Now up to 13 TRILLION.

Collecting taxes from those who pay none is an entirely different matter. If they just eliminated loopholes to where you can not under any circumstances get a "refund" that is more than you pay in, it would help.

I believe a national sales tax is the answer, but that's just me.
To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points.

I have to disagree. I hate the right because I directly blame them for the fucked up little wars they created which resulted in more than a couple of my friends seeing an early grave.

I don't hate the right wingers on this board. I just think they are stooges. I fucking hate with a visceral passion the "right" that desired, cheerleaded and lied for this war. That includes all the politicians and their tools in the media.

Had it not been for Iraq, I would agree that, for this generation, it's politics as usual. However, for some of us, the lies and b.s. that got us into these fucked up little wars go beyond that and I'll never stop hating the "conservatives" for it.

I have been on political boards for over a decade now--and there is one thing I always notice about liberals that doesn't come out in conservatives often.

And that is the single word "hate"--- you liberals can't seem to stop saying it. It's your trademark.

You want to talk about an unjustified war--my husband is a Viet Nam Veternan and to my memory is was DEMOCRATS that got us into that one. Then compare the deaths from that to these two wars---:cuckoo: on average 200 young American soldiers dead PER WEEK.
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To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points.

I have to disagree. I hate the right because I directly blame them for the fucked up little wars they created which resulted in more than a couple of my friends seeing an early grave.

I don't hate the right wingers on this board. I just think they are stooges. I fucking hate with a visceral passion the "right" that desired, cheerleaded and lied for this war. That includes all the politicians and their tools in the media.

Had it not been for Iraq, I would agree that, for this generation, it's politics as usual. However, for some of us, the lies and b.s. that got us into these fucked up little wars go beyond that and I'll never stop hating the "conservatives" for it.

Much anger in you I sense.

The reality is that both wars are just wars. Sadaam was a weasel that should have been taken out of office years before he was. Bush just went about it wrong. I could have settled Sadaam's hash for $100K with 6 guys. SF team goes in pops his ass, and his sons'. and then we tell Iraq, hey put whoever you want in charge, but if he messes with us, we'll be back.

However, by saying your friends died in vain, you degrade their sacrifice. they didn't die for nothing, they died for their comrades in arms, and being ex Army I know you know this. Not to sound cold , but don't join the military unless you're willing to risk your life. Our military is almost always in action somewhere in the world.

As for Afghanistan, I don't think anyone can question us being there.
For God's sakes man , it's called compassion, you should try it.

Who deserves the help? Anyone who suddenly finds themselves without work through no fault of their own and is suddenly looking at no money for food .

All the money our government wastes, I truly am never going to begrudge anyone their food stamps even though I know some abuse the system.

Employers are required to pay into a "fund" called unemployment "insurance"--and granted the federal government has continued to extend those benefits--through un-funded taxpayer dollars. I agree with you here--we have to help those people--"to a point." Food stamps for unemployed workers--I also agree with--"to a point".

There comes a time--when the Federal Government will have to cut off these unemployed people--simply because if something is not done--ALL of us will be in the same condition--unemployed and hungry.

Currently 45% of this working nation--pays no federal tax what-so-ever. There is something wrong with this. Meaning that the other 55% pay for the roads--pay for the military--pay for the education--and will get stuck with the bill for the 45% health care costs.

This country is well on the road to bankrupsty.

Today a 20 year old just looking to enter the work force will be paying 120K in INTEREST alone on the national debt. A 38 yr old is looking at 136K in INTEREST alone on the debt.

Each and every household in America currently owes the Federal Government 100K and that is expected to rise to 170K by 2020.

Now we either take the "bitter" pill--suck it up now or pass it onto the below?

View attachment 10518

Now up to 13 TRILLION.

Collecting taxes from those who pay none is an entirely different matter. If they just eliminated loopholes to where you can not under any circumstances get a "refund" that is more than you pay in, it would help.

I believe a national sales tax is the answer, but that's just me.

A national sales tax or VAT has been suggested--BUT--believe me this administration has no intention of eliminating income taxes. I would like to see it--but this is just an additional aka the "hidden tax" because it taxes everything from the steel, to the screw--to the driver.

Yes and "eliminate" once and for all the "earned income tax credit". There is absolutely no reason anyone should get a federal tax refund when they didn't pay in a penny in the first place.

Then they need to cut, cut, cut, cut government spending. And I mean at every single level--from the military to education. That's the only way we save our kids and grandkids from a 60-70% tax bracket--regardless of their income.
To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points.

I have to disagree. I hate the right because I directly blame them for the fucked up little wars they created which resulted in more than a couple of my friends seeing an early grave.

I don't hate the right wingers on this board. I just think they are stooges. I fucking hate with a visceral passion the "right" that desired, cheerleaded and lied for this war. That includes all the politicians and their tools in the media.

Had it not been for Iraq, I would agree that, for this generation, it's politics as usual. However, for some of us, the lies and b.s. that got us into these fucked up little wars go beyond that and I'll never stop hating the "conservatives" for it.

I have been on political boards for over a decade now--and there is one thing I always notice about liberals that doesn't come out in conservatives often.

And that is the single word "hate"--- you liberals can't seem to stop saying it. It's your trademark.

You want to talk about an unjustified war--my husband is a Viet Nam Veternan and to my memory is was DEMOCRATS that got us into that one. Then compare the deaths from that to these two wars---:cuckoo: on average 200 young American soldiers dead PER WEEK.

Damn right I hate. If your husband was in 'Nam, I don't blame him for hating the Democrats. My generation has our own wars and our own hatred. I have no desire to compare/contrast your husbands war with ours. We were born when we were and we served in the wars when we were of age too. None of that is relevant. We can't change the space-time continuum, we can just realize that we were warriors when it was our time to be warriors.

I have nothing but respect for your husbands service. That's his. Not yours, even if you are married with him. So unless you've seen the elephant too in your time, I could care less of your opinion of the matter.
I have to disagree. I hate the right because I directly blame them for the fucked up little wars they created which resulted in more than a couple of my friends seeing an early grave.

I don't hate the right wingers on this board. I just think they are stooges. I fucking hate with a visceral passion the "right" that desired, cheerleaded and lied for this war. That includes all the politicians and their tools in the media.

Had it not been for Iraq, I would agree that, for this generation, it's politics as usual. However, for some of us, the lies and b.s. that got us into these fucked up little wars go beyond that and I'll never stop hating the "conservatives" for it.

I have been on political boards for over a decade now--and there is one thing I always notice about liberals that doesn't come out in conservatives often.

And that is the single word "hate"--- you liberals can't seem to stop saying it. It's your trademark.

You want to talk about an unjustified war--my husband is a Viet Nam Veternan and to my memory is was DEMOCRATS that got us into that one. Then compare the deaths from that to these two wars---:cuckoo: on average 200 young American soldiers dead PER WEEK.

Damn right I hate. If your husband was in 'Nam, I don't blame him for hating the Democrats. My generation has our own wars and our own hatred. I have no desire to compare/contrast your husbands war with ours. We were born when we were and we served in the wars when we were of age too. None of that is relevant. We can't change the space-time continuum, we can just realize that we were warriors when it was our time to be warriors.

I have nothing but respect for your husbands service. That's his. Not yours, even if you are married with him. So unless you've seen the elephant too in your time, I could care less of your opinion of the matter.

The phrase is could NOT care less, AND for shame. Remember the gentleman part of officer? As the spouse of a war vet, she is certainly entitled to speak her opinion without being told that you don't care.
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

This is worded really bad. I see what you're getting at, but some of these phrases looked like they were ripped out of the Manifesto, and it's giving the impression that modern liberalism is diluted communism. I'm center-left and i don't want to do away with private ownership, no matter what the hacks propagate.

You're trying to differentiate conservatives and liberals on moral grounds, that conservatives don't care about their neighbors, and liberals do. i think that's straight-up wrong. Compassion can be found in both liberals and conservatives. The difference comes in when government comes in, and it's a difference of degrees.
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

This is worded really bad. I see what you're getting at, but some of these phrases looked like they were ripped out of the Manifesto, and it's giving the impression that modern liberalism is diluted communism. I'm center-left and i don't want to do away with private ownership, no matter what the hacks propagate.

You're trying to differentiate conservatives and liberals on moral grounds, that conservatives don't care about their neighbors, and liberals do. i think that's straight-up wrong. Compassion can be found in both liberals and conservatives. The difference comes in when government comes in, and it's a difference of degrees.

It is a FACT that conservatives donate more money than liberals do to worthy causes. Not only that but there a millions of conservatives in this country--that have been helping their laid-off neighbors with housing--food drives--clothing, etc. etc.--often times through the churches they attend.

My sister has been doing "free" dental care for the poor one day a week, and actually volunteers for a cooking station for the poor in our community. She's a conservative.
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

This is worded really bad. I see what you're getting at, but some of these phrases looked like they were ripped out of the Manifesto, and it's giving the impression that modern liberalism is diluted communism. I'm center-left and i don't want to do away with private ownership, no matter what the hacks propagate.

You're trying to differentiate conservatives and liberals on moral grounds, that conservatives don't care about their neighbors, and liberals do. i think that's straight-up wrong. Compassion can be found in both liberals and conservatives. The difference comes in when government comes in, and it's a difference of degrees.

It is a FACT that conservatives donate more money than liberals do to worthy causes. Not only that but there a millions of conservatives in this country--that have been helping their laid-off neighbors with housing--food drives--clothing, etc. etc.--often times through the churches they attend.

My sister has been doing "free" dental care for the poor one day a week, and actually volunteers for a cooking station for the poor in our community. She's a conservative.

You have fun with your pissing contest. Maybe someone else will play.
To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points. Debating actual points and arguments requires work and thinking and its much easier just to sling some mud on your opponents face. Getting along with each other and accepting opposing viewpoints is hard, no one likes to admit they're wrong, even if we all always are, at one time or another.

But it's not like we've built up an intelligent, co-operative media culture either. We tend to like conflict more than anything else (hence reality television), and our current divisive news organizations reflect that. It makes for better ratings. This does have the unfortunate side effect of making it all worse.

The dipshits on the right are wrong because they are, not saying the left is all spliffy and clean and without our faults but they are a big part of the reason why the country is so divided politically and they always blatantly use distortions and lies, from the Tea Bastards, to Palin and especially shithead Sean Hannity, how a large group of people can say any of these men are right is fucking unbelieveable.

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