Why the right hates liberals

The dipshits on the right are wrong because they are, not saying the left is all spliffy and clean and without our faults but they are a big part of the reason why the country is so divided politically and they always blatantly use distortions and lies, from the Tea Bastards, to Palin and especially shithead Sean Hannity, how a large group of people can say any of these men are right is fucking unbelieveable.

Right is wrong, left is right, truth is false. blah blah blah.

You can pretend everyone who disagrees with you is wrong every day of your life, it's not going to make it true. It's just going to keep you from learning what you can from them and actually having empathy and compassion for people who are different than you.

You shouldn't hate people because they have different opinions. And they aren't lying because they disagree with you. If you really believed they were lying youd be trying to persuade them to your belief by showing them what is correct.

But the fact is you aren't. You are just trying to dismiss and insult them. We can do better than this partisan crap.
To answer the OP, the right hates the left, and the left hates the right, because people find it much easier to insult and degrade the other side instead of debating actual points.

I have to disagree. I hate the right because I directly blame them for the fucked up little wars they created which resulted in more than a couple of my friends seeing an early grave.

I don't hate the right wingers on this board. I just think they are stooges. I fucking hate with a visceral passion the "right" that desired, cheerleaded and lied for this war. That includes all the politicians and their tools in the media.

Had it not been for Iraq, I would agree that, for this generation, it's politics as usual. However, for some of us, the lies and b.s. that got us into these fucked up little wars go beyond that and I'll never stop hating the "conservatives" for it.

I have been on political boards for over a decade now--and there is one thing I always notice about liberals that doesn't come out in conservatives often.

And that is the single word "hate"--- you liberals can't seem to stop saying it. It's your trademark.

You want to talk about an unjustified war--my husband is a Viet Nam Veternan and to my memory is was DEMOCRATS that got us into that one. Then compare the deaths from that to these two wars---:cuckoo: on average 200 young American soldiers dead PER WEEK.

Conservatives show their fucking hate through their actions and their speech covered up by code words.

Vietnam and this shitty Gulf War are different IMO, the Gulf War was completely based on lies, lies that they knew from the beginning and even after the truth came out they still kept soldiers dying in Iraq by saying if we pull out the terrorists will get us, they told Americans that if you didn't support their fucked up war you are anti-American when everyone saw this was clearly a war for profit. More soldiers died after we toppled Sadam than before and during the active war and realistically speaking those people in Iraq didn't mean shit to Bush and his lovers so why else were we there?
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The dipshits on the right are wrong because they are, not saying the left is all spliffy and clean and without our faults but they are a big part of the reason why the country is so divided politically and they always blatantly use distortions and lies, from the Tea Bastards, to Palin and especially shithead Sean Hannity, how a large group of people can say any of these men are right is fucking unbelieveable.

Right is wrong, left is right, truth is false. blah blah blah.

You can pretend everyone who disagrees with you is wrong every day of your life, it's not going to make it true. It's just going to keep you from learning what you can from them and actually having empathy and compassion for people who are different than you.

You shouldn't hate people because they have different opinions. And they aren't lying because they disagree with you. If you really believed they were lying youd be trying to persuade them to your belief by showing them what is correct.

But the fact is you aren't. You are just trying to dismiss and insult them. We can do better than this partisan crap.

I don't really hate the fucking right but I hate almost everything they stand for, it was my fellow soldiers and NCOs and officers that died fighting a war in Iraq based on lies that fucks on the right created and it is also part of my duty to defend these same fucked up people from enemies foreign and domestic, I know it isn't actually worded exactly like that but I still must do it and this is the thanks I get?
I don't really hate the fucking right but I hate almost everything they stand for, it was my fellow soldiers and NCOs and officers that died fighting a war in Iraq based on lies that fucks on the right created and it is also part of my duty to defend these same fucked up people from enemies foreign and domestic, I know it isn't actually worded exactly like that but I still must do it and this is the thanks I get?

Yeah, because you usually swear and insult people you like.

Iraq wasn't fought on lies. You might disagree with the multipointed reasoning, But they weren't lies. It's not rocket science either.

The problem with most people is they don't realize the only enemy they have to truely fight is themselves. And thus they lose the battle without putting in an effort.
I don't really hate the fucking right but I hate almost everything they stand for, it was my fellow soldiers and NCOs and officers that died fighting a war in Iraq based on lies that fucks on the right created and it is also part of my duty to defend these same fucked up people from enemies foreign and domestic, I know it isn't actually worded exactly like that but I still must do it and this is the thanks I get?

Yeah, because you usually swear and insult people you like.

Iraq wasn't fought on lies. You might disagree with the multipointed reasoning, But they weren't lies. It's not rocket science either.

The problem with most people is they don't realize the only enemy they have to truely fight is themselves. And thus they lose the battle without putting in an effort.

It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?
I don't really hate the fucking right but I hate almost everything they stand for, it was my fellow soldiers and NCOs and officers that died fighting a war in Iraq based on lies that fucks on the right created and it is also part of my duty to defend these same fucked up people from enemies foreign and domestic, I know it isn't actually worded exactly like that but I still must do it and this is the thanks I get?

Yeah, because you usually swear and insult people you like.

Iraq wasn't fought on lies. You might disagree with the multipointed reasoning, But they weren't lies. It's not rocket science either.

The problem with most people is they don't realize the only enemy they have to truely fight is themselves. And thus they lose the battle without putting in an effort.

It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?

So much for your drama queen "I'm leaving this forum" crap. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I don't really hate the fucking right but I hate almost everything they stand for, it was my fellow soldiers and NCOs and officers that died fighting a war in Iraq based on lies that fucks on the right created and it is also part of my duty to defend these same fucked up people from enemies foreign and domestic, I know it isn't actually worded exactly like that but I still must do it and this is the thanks I get?

Yeah, because you usually swear and insult people you like.

Iraq wasn't fought on lies. You might disagree with the multipointed reasoning, But they weren't lies. It's not rocket science either.

The problem with most people is they don't realize the only enemy they have to truely fight is themselves. And thus they lose the battle without putting in an effort.

It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?

If you were in the military you would know the friggen reasons both the REBUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS voted to go into Iraq.
Or are you suggesting the Democrats are just two damn stupid to come to a conclusion on their own that they would be voting for LIE.
you make no sense. all you do is Rant and Rave about what group of people you HATE, what it is you HATE in life.
it's all just one big giant RANT FEST.
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Yeah, because you usually swear and insult people you like.

Iraq wasn't fought on lies. You might disagree with the multipointed reasoning, But they weren't lies. It's not rocket science either.

The problem with most people is they don't realize the only enemy they have to truely fight is themselves. And thus they lose the battle without putting in an effort.

It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?

So much for your drama queen "I'm leaving this forum" crap. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Shit, not you again:hmpf: , you are an unrelenting irritator, don't you have a life outside of this forum instead of worrying about me and liberals?
For the last damn time I ask where is the proof that most of those who benefit from government assistance are lazy people who don't work or don't want to work. I never said there are none, because some of you work and pay into system doesn't give you the right to bash everyone who doesn't work as lazy welfare seeking people. Granted there are some people who do but how many are there?

And I never said that you said that. In fact we're on the same side on this argument. I KNOW we're being ripped off by people but I also know welfare helps a lot of people who desperately need the temporary help, so I'm willing to risk being ripped off as long as one legitimate person gets the help they deserve. Some reform and regulation would be nice though.

In your opinion--who is it that "deserves" the help? Define that.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Adrian Rogers, 1931

Wow nice there talking points, too bad they basically amount to "but they're taking OUR money". No one is talking about making the poor rich or middle class, it was all clearly stated as temporary assistance.

"2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. "

Do you really believe that the amount of people on welfare is equal to the amount of people paying in? Come on.
Yeah, because you usually swear and insult people you like.

Iraq wasn't fought on lies. You might disagree with the multipointed reasoning, But they weren't lies. It's not rocket science either.

The problem with most people is they don't realize the only enemy they have to truely fight is themselves. And thus they lose the battle without putting in an effort.

It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?

If you were in the military you would know the friggen reasons both the REBUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS voted to go into Iraq.
Or are you suggesting the Democrats are just two damn stupid to come to a conclusion on their own that they would be voting for LIE.
you make no sense. all you do is Rant and Rave about what group of people you HATE, what it is you HATE in life.
it's all just one big giant RANT FEST.

All republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.
It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?

If you were in the military you would know the friggen reasons both the REBUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS voted to go into Iraq.
Or are you suggesting the Democrats are just two damn stupid to come to a conclusion on their own that they would be voting for LIE.
you make no sense. all you do is Rant and Rave about what group of people you HATE, what it is you HATE in life.
it's all just one big giant RANT FEST.

All republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.

Obama wasn't in the fucking Senate. He COULDN'T vote for or against, you fucking moron.
It was based on lies deal with it, getting rid of Sadam did nothing to make our country more secure, the occupation after the war did nothing to make our country more secure so what was it fough for?

So much for your drama queen "I'm leaving this forum" crap. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Shit, not you again:hmpf: , you are an unrelenting irritator, don't you have a life outside of this forum instead of worrying about me and liberals?

Unlike you, I've never done the 'dramatic exit'.... and the pathetic slide back in hoping no one will remember that I said I was leaving this forum. Fucking idiot.
So much for your drama queen "I'm leaving this forum" crap. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Shit, not you again:hmpf: , you are an unrelenting irritator, don't you have a life outside of this forum instead of worrying about me and liberals?

Unlike you, I've never done the 'dramatic exit'.... and the pathetic slide back in hoping no one will remember that I said I was leaving this forum. Fucking idiot.

Can't get enough of me can you?
Shit, not you again:hmpf: , you are an unrelenting irritator, don't you have a life outside of this forum instead of worrying about me and liberals?

Unlike you, I've never done the 'dramatic exit'.... and the pathetic slide back in hoping no one will remember that I said I was leaving this forum. Fucking idiot.

Can't get enough of me can you?

I always enjoy dealing with morons, like a cat with a toy. It's your own fault for being such a total fucking assclown.... "I'm leaving! Waaaaaaaa! You're all mean to me! You hate me cuz I is black. Waaaaaa" Loser.
Alll republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.

As was mentioned, he was not in the Senate, he was too busy being a community organizer.

I also want to point out that at the time the Senate voted on this war, to everyone's knowledge, Iraq was an imminent threat on our national security. In retrospect, it was based on false information, but not one single Senator on either side of the aisle stood up and said that. They voted either in favor of stopping an imminent threat, or in favor of letting an imminent threat off the hook. Obama would have voted for the latter, and that's really fucking comforting.

I don't fault the Senators that were deceived into voting for this war, I fault the ones who did the deceiving. I also question the objectivity of the ones who voted against the war, not because they weren't deceived (because they were), but because they voted against protecting our national security.
Unlike you, I've never done the 'dramatic exit'.... and the pathetic slide back in hoping no one will remember that I said I was leaving this forum. Fucking idiot.

Can't get enough of me can you?

I always enjoy dealing with morons, like a cat with a toy. It's your own fault for being such a total fucking assclown.... "I'm leaving! Waaaaaaaa! You're all mean to me! You hate me cuz I is black. Waaaaaa" Loser.

Come on CG, you find me irresistible, but thats another story, now that those other dumb broads aren't you're fair game for me to beat up and abuse.

Obama wasn't in the fucking Senate. He COULDN'T vote for or against, you fucking moron.

No he wasn't in the Senate but he opposed the war from the start, the asshats on the right voted unanimously for the war.
Alll republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.

As was mentioned, he was not in the Senate, he was too busy being a community organizer.

I also want to point out that at the time the Senate voted on this war, to everyone's knowledge, Iraq was an imminent threat on our national security. In retrospect, it was based on false information, but not one single Senator on either side of the aisle stood up and said that. They voted either in favor of stopping an imminent threat, or in favor of letting an imminent threat off the hook. Obama would have voted for the latter, and that's really fucking comforting.

I don't fault the Senators that were deceived into voting for this war, I fault the ones who did the deceiving. I also question the objectivity of the ones who voted against the war, not because they weren't deceived (because they were), but because they voted against protecting our national security.

The deceiving came from Bush.
Alll republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.

As was mentioned, he was not in the Senate, he was too busy being a community organizer.

I also want to point out that at the time the Senate voted on this war, to everyone's knowledge, Iraq was an imminent threat on our national security. In retrospect, it was based on false information, but not one single Senator on either side of the aisle stood up and said that. They voted either in favor of stopping an imminent threat, or in favor of letting an imminent threat off the hook. Obama would have voted for the latter, and that's really fucking comforting.

I don't fault the Senators that were deceived into voting for this war, I fault the ones who did the deceiving. I also question the objectivity of the ones who voted against the war, not because they weren't deceived (because they were), but because they voted against protecting our national security.

The deceiving came from Bush.

You're right, and Bush will go down as one of the worst Presidents in American history, right next to Obama.

But thanks for missing the entire point of my post and saying absolutely nothing in return.
As was mentioned, he was not in the Senate, he was too busy being a community organizer.

I also want to point out that at the time the Senate voted on this war, to everyone's knowledge, Iraq was an imminent threat on our national security. In retrospect, it was based on false information, but not one single Senator on either side of the aisle stood up and said that. They voted either in favor of stopping an imminent threat, or in favor of letting an imminent threat off the hook. Obama would have voted for the latter, and that's really fucking comforting.

I don't fault the Senators that were deceived into voting for this war, I fault the ones who did the deceiving. I also question the objectivity of the ones who voted against the war, not because they weren't deceived (because they were), but because they voted against protecting our national security.

The deceiving came from Bush.

You're right, and Bush will go down as one of the worst Presidents in American history, right next to Obama.

But thanks for missing the entire point of my post and saying absolutely nothing in return.

The worst along with Bush after only 16 months of cleaning up Bush's mess, Obama has been nearly perfect while in office and has done for for the country than Bush has done. Obama has never lied and deceived the American people.
The worst along with Bush after only 16 months of cleaning up Bush's mess, Obama has been nearly perfect while in office and has done for for the country than Bush has done. Obama has never lied and deceived the American people.

No, you're right. He's fucking us in the ass, but he's not making excuses. He honestly feels like what he is doing is the right course of action. That's the problem.

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