Why the right hates liberals

Conservatives show their fucking hate through their actions and their speech covered up by code words.

Vietnam and this shitty Gulf War are different IMO, the Gulf War was completely based on lies, lies that they knew from the beginning and even after the truth came out they still kept soldiers dying in Iraq by saying if we pull out the terrorists will get us, they told Americans that if you didn't support their fucked up war you are anti-American when everyone saw this was clearly a war for profit. More soldiers died after we toppled Sadam than before and during the active war and realistically speaking those people in Iraq didn't mean shit to Bush and his lovers so why else were we there?

Bottom line, the intelligence regarding WMD was either wrong or the shit got moved out. Saddam Hussein was a stupid man, a kill-the-messenger kind of despot who had people shot when they gave him bad news. Hence, he lived in an insular world, never recognizing that his exaggeration of what weaponry was available to him would hurt him instead of protect him. He was an evil piece of shit who had no moral problem with throwing people's families out of helicopters when they pissed him off. And if you've served in Iraq, you have reason to be proud that that motherfucker is never going to hurt a living soul for the rest of eternity.

Now... this whole Iraq strawman has been knocked down again and again. It's like fucking Godwin's Law, part of every single board discussion one has with a so-called "liberal", because when it gets right down to it, they can't defend their dogma. It's so much easier for them to invoke emotionalism rather than logic, because let's face it... everybody hates war. It's an easy target.

An average of 25 Americans, civilians, die every day at the hands of illegal aliens, foreign invaders that neither Democrats nor Republicans have had the courage and moral fortitude to defend us from. So, while it's tragic when we lose even one soldier, the fact is that there's plenty of blame to go around for why this is a dangerous world and plenty of room for criticism towards politicians who either can't or won't deal effectively with it.

Your initial post was about making excuses for the socialist redistribution of wealth. It had nothing to do with Iraq or Afghanistan. Problem is... you don't have a legitimate argument for your position, otherwise you wouldn't be reaching for some sort of emotional deflection.

Why the right hates liberals
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

If you actually go back and READ the U.S. Constitution and the supporting documents of the era, you will understand that social welfare is the province of the States. There's nothing in the Constitution which supports taking money from one citizen for the personal needs of another at the federal level. And there's a reason for that. It's because the founders only saw fit to authorize the federal government with 17 enumerated powers. This was in order to LIMIT the power of central government and keep the power closer to the people.

Direct power over the intimate needs of citizens is a dangerous invitation to corruption and was never intended at the central level. It was intended that States and localities be free to deal with these issues themselves. At the local level, our votes are at their most potent... and corrupt bureaucrats are easier to pull down. As we've seen over the course of many decades of increasing Washington influence, our voices have become so diluted that incumbents have a 95% return rate. We can't hardly root them out of there once they're installed because they've got a thumb in damn near every pie.

You're wrong. And it's not because I'm a "conservative" and you're a "liberal". You're wrong because you don't understand what there is in this country worth preserving and fighting for. The "Us v. Them" of it all is not what you think it is. And that's correctable with some study and research. The U.S. Constitution is the natural arbiter of disputes, which keeps us united as a people. Ignoring it and twisting its meaning is the same as taking the referee off the field. Chaos must ensue without it.

Also, dude... if you're over there in a foreign theatre of war, filled with rage and angst, reach out to your buddies and even to your command if you need to. Don't let something so tawdry as partisan politics get into your head, not when you need to concentrate on your situation in order to survive. Partisan politics has been going on, and UGLY too, since the very beginning. It'll be going on long after we're gone too. Check out the Election of 1802 between Jefferson and Adams. It made the 2008 election look like a Garden Party. :lol:
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

Utter garbage. Dishonest red rhetoric 101. How trite.

You "libs" tend to want equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.
....And, "conservatives" insist they have some Divine Right to everything-ELSE (that isn't nailed-down).​

Another ^ entirely made-up contention by a trollish dishonest uber lib. How quaint.
If you were in the military you would know the friggen reasons both the REBUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS voted to go into Iraq.
Or are you suggesting the Democrats are just two damn stupid to come to a conclusion on their own that they would be voting for LIE.
you make no sense. all you do is Rant and Rave about what group of people you HATE, what it is you HATE in life.
it's all just one big giant RANT FEST.

All republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.

Obama wasn't in the fucking Senate. He COULDN'T vote for or against, you fucking moron.

Flaylo is opposed to facts.

Just to irritate the devil out of him, here is a synopsis of the votes from the incredibly long tenure of SENATOR Obama in the U.S. Senate: Project Vote Smart - President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. - Voting Record
Can't get enough of me can you?

I always enjoy dealing with morons, like a cat with a toy. It's your own fault for being such a total fucking assclown.... "I'm leaving! Waaaaaaaa! You're all mean to me! You hate me cuz I is black. Waaaaaa" Loser.

Come on CG, you find me irresistible, but thats another story, now that those other dumb broads aren't you're fair game for me to beat up and abuse.

Obama wasn't in the fucking Senate. He COULDN'T vote for or against, you fucking moron.

No he wasn't in the Senate but he opposed the war from the start, the asshats on the right voted unanimously for the war.

No one - even Obama - can guarantee that he would not have voted for the war. Simple fact that you aren't even smart enough to see the difference between 'he didn't vote for the war' and 'he couldn't vote for the war'.... That's cuz you dumb.

I worry that somebody thinks its a good idea to let you lose with a loaded weapon.

Oh and.... for the record, he was - at the time - quoted as saying that his view on Iraq was 'not that different to President Bush'. Oh My!
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The deceiving came from Bush.

You're right, and Bush will go down as one of the worst Presidents in American history, right next to Obama.

But thanks for missing the entire point of my post and saying absolutely nothing in return.

The worst along with Bush after only 16 months of cleaning up Bush's mess, Obama has been nearly perfect while in office and has done for for the country than Bush has done. Obama has never lied and deceived the American people.

Are you crazy, stupid or just an unmitigated liar?

President Obama has lied consistently and constantly. With just a couple of notable exceptions, it's all he does.
If you were in the military you would know the friggen reasons both the REBUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS voted to go into Iraq.
Or are you suggesting the Democrats are just two damn stupid to come to a conclusion on their own that they would be voting for LIE.
you make no sense. all you do is Rant and Rave about what group of people you HATE, what it is you HATE in life.
it's all just one big giant RANT FEST.

All republican senators voted for the Iraq War while Democrat senators were divided, Obama didn't vote for the war.

Obama wasn't in the fucking Senate. He COULDN'T vote for or against, you fucking moron.

:lol: Maybe Obama could be on the "Fucking Zoning Board" in Fucking, Austria, but he would probably end up as their poster boy but they would have to add "_$#%@_" after F'ing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5AkDN1Xr6Y]YouTube - About the town of Fucking in Austria[/ame]
Check out the others.:D
I always enjoy dealing with morons, like a cat with a toy. It's your own fault for being such a total fucking assclown.... "I'm leaving! Waaaaaaaa! You're all mean to me! You hate me cuz I is black. Waaaaaa" Loser.

Come on CG, you find me irresistible, but thats another story, now that those other dumb broads aren't you're fair game for me to beat up and abuse.

Obama wasn't in the fucking Senate. He COULDN'T vote for or against, you fucking moron.

No he wasn't in the Senate but he opposed the war from the start, the asshats on the right voted unanimously for the war.

No one - even Obama - can guarantee that he would not have voted for the war. Simple fact that you aren't even smart enough to see the difference between 'he didn't vote for the war' and 'he couldn't vote for the war'.... That's cuz you dumb.

I worry that somebody thinks its a good idea to let you lose with a loaded weapon.

Oh and.... for the record, he was - at the time - quoted as saying that his view on Iraq was 'not that different to President Bush'. Oh My!
Your problem is that you refuse to accept the facts and you argue for the shit of it just to have the last word, typical of women that like to nag. Obama opposed the war from the start so what do you mean by he couldn't guarantee which way he would have voted?
Come on CG, you find me irresistible, but thats another story, now that those other dumb broads aren't you're fair game for me to beat up and abuse.

No he wasn't in the Senate but he opposed the war from the start, the asshats on the right voted unanimously for the war.

No one - even Obama - can guarantee that he would not have voted for the war. Simple fact that you aren't even smart enough to see the difference between 'he didn't vote for the war' and 'he couldn't vote for the war'.... That's cuz you dumb.

I worry that somebody thinks its a good idea to let you lose with a loaded weapon.

Oh and.... for the record, he was - at the time - quoted as saying that his view on Iraq was 'not that different to President Bush'. Oh My!
Your problem is that you refuse to accept the facts and you argue for the shit of it just to have the last word, typical of women that like to nag. Obama opposed the war from the start so what do you mean by he couldn't guarantee which way he would have voted?

If, as you dishonestly and ignorantly claim, President (then Senator) Obama opposed the war from the start, then why did he vote to fund it?

Flaylo is speakin' out of his ass again.

Whew. Get upwind from him before he "says" anything else so stupid and dishonest.
I'd like to get back to one of the original points in this thread. We do need to avoid assuming rich = conservative. I think the actual issue here is that the rich play by a different set of rules than the poor, and that this is misinterpreted as being unfair.

Take for example the scenario where someone in the upper class and someone in the middle class want to buy the same car. What does the middle class worker do? Well, he makes some salary at his job, some large chunk of taxes get removed from it, and he saves what's left over to purchase his car. The upper class person however receives the exact same amount of money, but it comes first to his private business. The business buys him the car, and whatever profit happens to be leftover after that purchase is where taxes are taken. So one person gets taxes taken from the total of his money, and the other gets it taken from a small percentage of whatever money isn't used. In other words: the upper class person purchases the same car for less time/work even though both people are working the same amount.

In this thread, there's been a lot of people talking about what Americans believe they EARNED. In the above situation, who earned the car more?
Obama defends votes in favor of Iraq funding - The Boston Globe

oh darn, I can't wait for the spin on that one.

it will probably go like this.

but but, he was mislead by Bush into voting for this.:lol:
Come on CG, you find me irresistible, but thats another story, now that those other dumb broads aren't you're fair game for me to beat up and abuse.

No he wasn't in the Senate but he opposed the war from the start, the asshats on the right voted unanimously for the war.

No one - even Obama - can guarantee that he would not have voted for the war. Simple fact that you aren't even smart enough to see the difference between 'he didn't vote for the war' and 'he couldn't vote for the war'.... That's cuz you dumb.

I worry that somebody thinks its a good idea to let you lose with a loaded weapon.

Oh and.... for the record, he was - at the time - quoted as saying that his view on Iraq was 'not that different to President Bush'. Oh My!
Your problem is that you refuse to accept the facts and you argue for the shit of it just to have the last word, typical of women that like to nag. Obama opposed the war from the start so what do you mean by he couldn't guarantee which way he would have voted?

No, he didn't. He's on the record as saying that his 'position' on Iraq was 'not that different to that of President Bush'.

As is fairly typical of politicians, he said he opposed it when it suited him, and agreed with it when it suited him. And, since you're so fucking stupid as to say that he didn't vote for the war - when he wasn't even able to vote - that makes you more than slightly stupid.

This is what comes from blind allegiance instead of intelligent study of the issues. You get your ass kicked by people who know more than you. And... some of them are female.... damn, that's gotta hurt.
The only "REAL" hate I ever see comes from the liberals against anyone who doesn't believe like they do.

Just look at a lot of the treads on this board. you can feel the hate coming through the computer.

I don't "hate" anyone. But I do "strongly disagree" with the liberals policy ideas, their absolute hate for people, (Palin, Rush, etc etc etc).

Hell in the Rush tread, someone wanted to poke his eye out just because they didn't like what he says. what does that tell ya about the so called, peace loving, non-violent LIBERALS.:lol:
I'm not going to read 416 posts in this thread, but I will say that conservatives don't hate most liberals. They don't even dislike most liberals. There are, however, a few loudmouthed liberals that believe in income redistribution (and siphoning off whatever they can get for personal, shall we say, enhancement) that conservatives are not particularly fond of: i.e. Gore, Pelosi, Reid?

There are some of those loudmouth liberals on this site here who many don't like... but then I'm sure there are a few loudmouthed conservatives that piss off the liberals here as well. Hell, there are a few loudmouthed liberals and conservatives on site that I don't particularly like. Then there are the rest.


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