Why the right hates liberals

oooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....being called vindictive by a Leviniac!!!

I don't know how I'm gonna get thru the rest o' the day!!


You folks think it's perfectly fine, to do to a child....what you could go-to-jail for, if it was an adult????

What....you can't find an adult, smaller-than-you, to kick-around, when you need the outlet????


I see I made a huge mistake attempting to have an adult conversation with you. You really do equate spanking a child to abuse.
Three-times....with the flat-o'-your-hand; that's IT!!!

You start swingin' paddles, sticks, belts, electrical-cords, metal-rods, fists, whatever....that's ABUSE!!!

Yeap--Europeans outlawed spanking and many regret it now. Unfortunately--time-out's don't work for a lot of strong headed younsters--and a swat on the butt--has worked for centuries.

Back in my day--ridilin (a drug) that is given to 90% of young boys in this country didn't exist--but I never noticed that young boys in my days--we're as attention deficit as they are today. Maybe--because of disipline. If the teacher called back then--you knew your parents we'ren't going to side with you---:lol::lol:

Things have dramatically changed--from obesity--to kids gone wild in the classroom. No wonder we're behind other nations in education. Our teachers spend more time babysitting than they do educating.

In my opinion--instead of throwing all this money at education--we should start paying deliquent parents to control their kids and help them with their homework. We may finally make some headway--:cuckoo:
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We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

The problem with modern day liberlism, is that it is completely out of touch with the ideals found in The U.S. Constitution. Nowhere in this document do the founders mention "equality." Instead they speak of equal OPPORTUNITY and the right of every citizen to pursue happiness. It is not the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that every American is financially "taken care of." The role of the government is to protect the American people and improve our infrastructure with the taxes they collect. The idea of America was not a nation of citizens with a false sense of entitlment. Citizens are only entitled to what they have earned, not what the government has taken away from others. Read The Constitution, The Declaration of Indpendece and the views of the brilliant men who signed it. Then, these facts will be evident.
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We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

The problem with modern day liberlism, is that it is completely out of touch with the ideals found in The U.S. Constitution. Nowhere in this document do the founders mention "equality." Instead they speak of equal OPPORTUNITY and the right of every citizen to pursue happiness. It is not the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that every American is financially "taken care of." The role of the government is to protect the American people and improve our infrastructure with the taxes they collect. The idea of America was not a nation of citizens with a false sense of entitlment. Citizens are only entitled to what they have earned, not what the government has taken away from others. Read The Constitution, The Declaration of Indpendece and the views of the brilliant men who signed it. Then, these facts will be evident.

Agreed 100%

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

Adrian Rogers, 1931

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend"---Margaret Thatcher.
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

The problem with modern day liberlism, is that it is completely out of touch with the ideals found in The U.S. Constitution. Nowhere in this document do the founders mention "equality." Instead they speak of equal OPPORTUNITY and the right of every citizen to pursue happiness. It is not the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that every American is financially "taken care of." The role of the government is to protect the American people and improve our infrastructure with the taxes they collect. The idea of America was not a nation of citizens with a false sense of entitlment. Citizens are only entitled to what they have earned, not what the government has taken away from others. Read The Constitution, The Declaration of Indpendece and the views of the brilliant men who signed it. Then, these facts will be evident.

Agreed 100%

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

Adrian Rogers, 1931

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend"---Margaret Thatcher.

Well put
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

First, I don't hate liberals. Quite the opposite. I care for them and want them to stop their misguided and harmful ways before many more people are seriously hurt.

Second, everyone has equality. Simply because some people do more with the skills and talents they have and develop more doesn't mean that everyone doesn't have an equal shot. You determine your destiny.

Third, you don't take care of people by outsourcing your charitable actions to the government. You don't take care of people by giving away other people's money.

Fourth, how does someone rightfully earn something if not with their hard work and the value of their contribution to society? How is taking things away from these people and giving it to others who don't contribute to society or provide value in their goods or services a good thing? And why shouldn't we be worried about taking money, capital, etc from productive members of society and giving them to people who don't produce?
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole

You mean capitalism?

If not does this mean you would support ending welfare for people uninterested in finding a job since they haven't done anything to earn the money?
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

I think the right hates liberals because they're hypocrites. They say they want tolerance and acceptance...except for when it comes to Republicans, southerners, and religious people. And the only reason they appear to care about minorities and gays is because they feel sorry for them, because they think without their help and the Democrats in Congress, blacks would still be slaves, gays would be in jail or mental institutions, and Mexicans would still be in their own country. They act like they care about rationale and logic, but they're the quickest to default to emotion-based arguments when their "logic" fails them. They don't actually defend principles, they just try to make themselves look better by constantly pointing out the problems on the right.
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

You are smart enough to differentiate those who need temporary assistance from those who have made welfare a way of life. Only the biggest assholes in the world would advocate completely ending the safety net that welfare was originally intended to be. I prefer we stick as close to the CON as possible (the CON is for CON not conservative as some have assumed) but that doesn't mean I don't inject some compassion into my beliefs either. Now will you inject some commons sense into your beliefs and we can meet in the middle and agree that many people are abusing a system that was meant never meant to be a way of life?
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Yeah, NO ONE cheats the system, right?

Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Yeah, NO ONE cheats the system, right?


Psst unemployment insurance =/= welfare so you just weakened a legitimate argument.
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Yeah, NO ONE cheats the system, right?


Psst unemployment insurance =/= welfare so you just weakened a legitimate argument.

Bass's point seems to be related to unemployment. Furthermore, I said "the system," which refers to all government run programs.
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Well, personally, I don't believe the generalization that people on assistance are lazy and don't want to work. But, the truth is, many of them are lazy and don't want to work. Because it's not totally true, doesn't mean it isn't true at all. Liberals give those people a pass by passing it off as if people are totally unsympathetic to those who are victims of the the vagaries of the economy. Just like pro-choice people give the sluts and otherwise irresponsible women a pass by appealing to the small number of women who abort due to serious circumstances.

The truth is, there are plenty of people who sit on their ass, on the public doll, and don't carry their own weight, and pay their fair share. Because some people are victims of circumstance doesn't justify our continued support of these people by expanding entitlements.

And then, politically, I resent the implication that welfare liberals are more important than tax-paying conservatives just because they agree with left-leaning ideas. I'm sorry, but I don't give a damn if you're liberal or conservative, if you're paying your way in this country, you abide by the law, you pay taxes, and you're of reasonable intelligence, your opinion counts. If you don't, your opinion still counts, but it doesn't carry as much weight in my view.
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Oh bullshit. Millions of people who can' t work because of the economy my ass.
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Yeah, NO ONE cheats the system, right?


Do not twist my damn arguments, what I said was self explanatory, I asked the question where is the proof that all or even the majority of nonworking people are lazy people who only want handouts, thats the question I asked, in addition to that where's the proof that less wealthy people don't work as hard as more wealthy people and or that people who are more wealthy became so because they work harder than anyone else? These are the top arguments that conservatives as represented by the Republican Party like to claim, plus I've never seen Democrats and so called liberals tell poor people and lazy people thats its ok to stay home and get handouts because they support giving them out, thats pure partisan BS rhetoric.

Psst unemployment insurance =/= welfare so you just weakened a legitimate argument.

Bass's point seems to be related to unemployment. Furthermore, I said "the system," which refers to all government run programs.

Do you really think the poor are the ones who benefit the most from the government without doing anything to earn it? Do you think the poor are the only ones who benefit from government programs?
Where are people getting the insane idea that all or even that a majority of non-working people receiving assistance are lazy people who don't want to work? Some of you need to get off your moral high horses. There are millions ofv people out there who would love to be working but a bad economy and high unemployment rate doesn't help the situation, its easy to demonize a group to justify being stingy, unless of course you find yourself suddenly in that situation, thats when you become the exception amongst a bunch of rukles right? :rolleyes:

Yeah, NO ONE cheats the system, right?


Do not twist my damn arguments, what I said was self explanatory, I asked the question where is the proof that all or even the majority of nonworking people are lazy people who only want handouts, thats the question I asked, in addition to that where's the proof that less wealthy people don't work as hard as more wealthy people and or that people who are more wealthy became so because they work harder than anyone else? These are the top arguments that conservatives as represented by the Republican Party like to claim, plus I've never seen Democrats and so called liberals tell poor people and lazy people thats its ok to stay home and get handouts because they support giving them out, thats pure partisan BS rhetoric.

Not all rich people have gotten there through hard work. That is true, but even so, the government has no right to force them to redistribute their own money.

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