Why the right hates liberals

That sounds about right except the "tax us to death" part isn't in there.

That's because you made that one up yourself.

No, I didn't. Taxes are going up drastically. In my state they just increased taxes on candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer, Gasoline, cigarettes. There are some more that I can't think of right now. 3 billion deficit. So do they cut spending? Nope. Increase taxes. My state is run by democrats. Democrat governor, democrat senators, democrat legislature. Washington State. Check it out.
Ya' wanna complain about taxes?

Wait'll you're old-enough to have to cover property-taxes, as well.

In the mean-time....maybe you could cut-back on your candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer and cigarettes budget.

Between 1995 and 1999 the proportion of white families on welfare in the US fell from 35.9 to 30.5 percent. In contrast, the black and Latino proportions rose from 36.9 to 38.3 percent and from 20.1 to 24.4 percent respectively. For the same period, white families in New York State dropped from 19.9 to17.1 percent. The black and Latino proportion jumped from 34.6 to 42.1 percent and from 37.2 to 38.2 percent respectively (www.acf.dhhs.gov).
I had to put Shaman on ignore. His fucking fruity posting style was giving me a migraine, not to mention that he is an absolute fucking retard.
That's because you made that one up yourself.

No, I didn't. Taxes are going up drastically. In my state they just increased taxes on candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer, Gasoline, cigarettes. There are some more that I can't think of right now. 3 billion deficit. So do they cut spending? Nope. Increase taxes. My state is run by democrats. Democrat governor, democrat senators, democrat legislature. Washington State. Check it out.

I'd rather be in Washington State than California. We're in a mess.
Good ol' DEREGULATION!!!!!!!

AIN'T IT GRAND!!!!!!!!

Here's the old tired argument...."Bush and tax cuts for the rich".
....Right BEFORE he pulled-the-pin on a WAR
....so they wouldn't feel any obligation to shell-out so much o' their War-PROFIT$!!!! (....No doubt, some o' that, there "compa$$ionate-con$ervati$m". :rolleyes: )​

Are you on LSD?
Are you illiterate?​
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

Broad brushes are inaccurate no matter who welds them.
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.


There are not too many poor people in this country that have contributed much to this society. They are the takers--not the payers.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

Adrian Rogers, 1931
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In the mean-time....maybe you could cut-back on your candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer and cigarettes budget.

So, how long have you had this holier-than-thou complex?

Oh, that's right, just another lib telling everybody else how to live.
No, I didn't. Taxes are going up drastically. In my state they just increased taxes on candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer, Gasoline, cigarettes. There are some more that I can't think of right now. 3 billion deficit. So do they cut spending? Nope. Increase taxes. My state is run by democrats. Democrat governor, democrat senators, democrat legislature. Washington State. Check it out.

I'd rather be in Washington State than California. We're in a mess.

And you're in a mess because of liberal policies.
Yeah....just ask Ahhhnold!!

Haha, I was waiting on this fucking retard to point out that Arnold is a Republican, in spite of the fact that Arnold is about as conservative as Jimmy fucking Carter.
Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

And those people should be thrown off the trough and thrown in jail; but the chances of catching even half of them are slim. I'd rather get ripped off then see one person who is there through no fault of their own go hungry.

And yes at this point the government is obligated to fund these programs because for 50 years now they have been collecting taxes from us based on the assumption that we would have that safety net if needed.

I would be fine with a rule stating you can't collect welfare at all if you've never paid a dime into the system.

....And, any-and-all children (in that situation) would be institutionalized???


That's what PRIVATE charities are for. Sorry if you too lazy to work, you and your kids are gonna suffer.
I'm still waiting for my liberal friends to tell explain how all this shit is going to be paid for when they've taxed all the evil rich so there are no more evil rich.
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

Utter garbage. Dishonest red rhetoric 101. How trite.

You "libs" tend to want equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.
....And, "conservatives" insist they have some Divine Right to everything-ELSE (that isn't nailed-down).​
We libs all want equality and everyone to be given their fare share based on what the person actually has contributed to society at whole and we care about making sure every American is taken care of, we don't care about stuffing our pockets with cash from greed and power, we don't only want to take care of a few select people we care about all people. Conservatives get scared shitless of us because they're afraid we're going to expose them and take away that which they have not rightfully earned.

Utter garbage. Dishonest red rhetoric 101. How trite.

You "libs" tend to want equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.
....And, "conservatives" insist they have some Divine Right to everything-ELSE (that isn't nailed-down).​

That's a complete lie and you know it. Conservatives believe in earning your way not receiving handouts or stealing anything.
Racists use race to gain sympathy. Obama did it during the election and he has done it during his administration. BO is the worst kind of racist. Educated.


Just when I thought I read the worst the "dumbasses" had to offer, you come along and take dumbass to a whole new level. Really, you're amazing. As I read through this thread, I was shocked and awed at your posts:

That's why liberals made it a crime to spank anyone in public school. (I agree. Not just "spank", I want to see them beat unconscious)

No one is talking about child abuse. You have to be a liberal to deliberately misrepresent what was stated to make your point. (We know how hard to hit them. It's OK if they pass out, just don't leave a bruise.)

There is no parental authority any more. We would never think of sassing a teacher. Now if a child gets in trouble a lot of parents will blame the teacher or the school because they gave up their authority long ago with new age mumbo jumbo. I see it all the time. There is a lot less respect for authority and the elders in our society. It's disgusting and it can be laid right at the feet of liberals. Take back our schools and kick the damn new agers and their union out of the education business. (I agree, it's the "parents" fault, oh wait, or were you saying it's the "teachers" fault. No it isn't, it's the "New Age", yea, that's whose fault it is, the "New Age")

Racists use race to gain sympathy. Obama did it during the election and he has done it during his administration. BO is the worst kind of racist. Educated. (Racists always make me sympathetic. And the WORST kind of racist? The "educated". Oh those "educated". The worst "everything". They think they know so much. Evolution and facts and stuff. Stick with angels and ghosts - stuff that's "real")

We are not talking about civil rights. Obama is a race hustler and no different than Alan Shaprton or Jesse Jackson. (except one of his parents is white and he rarely talks about race. That "proves" he is a race hustler)

Progressives are nasty evil people. (anyone who is for people over companies is nasty. The worst are those that want to help the middle class, I hate those people)

In my state they just increased taxes on candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer, Gasoline, cigarettes. (How am I supposed to survive without candy bars, soda pop, beer, cigarettes? These are important food groups.)

You aren't equipped to take me on, skippy. Better pack a lunch and bring your mommy to wipe your nose. (You are so right. No one is equipped to take you on. It's difficult to type when you can't stop laughing)

I don't have to be there. If there is abuse of my child then I will know about it from my child. I raised 5 and never had an instance of child abuse. (of course, young Timothy is no longer with us)

Here's the old tired argument...."Bush and tax cuts for the rich".
I am certainly not rich and I received a tax cut. Did you get a tax cut? Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. If you didn't get one then you didn't pay any taxes. (of course, 52% of 2.4 trillion went to less than 1% of all Americans. Good, only rich people know the proper way of spending money)

Right. SS is not an "entitlement". We all have worked and donated to it so it is rightfully ours. I've worked full time since I was 16 and I'm calling in retired in October and going fishing until I croak. (And I'm getting Medicare and Medicaid too)

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U]YouTube - Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid[/ame]

I agree with you. Those who take without ever having given are who I am talking about. Illegal aliens, generations of welfare families, professional students, political hacks like Obama for the democrat party, etc, etc.(I don't care if Obama did teach at a university for 10 years or was a state senator and a US senator, the guy never worked a day in his life. and look how he paid off his thousands in student loans - he wrote books. How dumb. Anyone can write)

Are you on LSD? (I am)

And you're in a mess because of liberal policies. Businesses and families are leaving your state and moving up here. Why? Taxes.
And you still support liberals? You complain about the mess that liberals created and you vote liberal. Why? (We may be paying the lowest taxes in 50 years, but hell, it's "liberal" taxes)

I think your mommy didn't powder your ass enough when you crapped your diaper. (Can I lend a hand?)

"Liberty and Tyranny" is a great book. it should be required reading for every high school student. (Just look at that long list of "liberal tyrants", like, well, like, OK, so I can't think of any right now, but my corporate masters tell me they are there)

You sound bitter. Were you used by "the powers that be"? Did you fail in life? (magical powers, the kind we should be teaching about in “school”)


Oh man, you stopped posting. And I was having such a good time. You are so funny. Really. Better than George Bush.
LOL - Sorry you don't understand the difference between corporal punishment and abuse.
I'm not the teacher!!

I wouldn't allow ANY-other-ADULT to make that judgment, when it comes to MY kid!!!!

You wanna hand-off that option to some OTHER adult....that's your option.

Sounds kinda COWARDLY, to me!! What....you're afraid to stand-UP to a teacher????

You're supposed to PROTECT your children.....not hand-'em-off to some potential-NUT, who's HAVIN' A BAD DAY!!!!!!!!!!

I've NEVER used a weapon, on my kid.....and, it'd be a COLD, FUCKIN', DAY IN HELL BEFORE ANYONE ELSE DOES!!!!!!


It's my experience that the parents who are most against teachers paddling their kids are the ones who's kids are most often in trouble.
It was always my experience, that....the kids who were always gettin' it, at school, were always gettin' it, at home, as WELL!!

What great incentive for learning. Nearly every adult, in your Life, is waitin' for another opportunity to discipline you!​

Oh and as to your worry about a teacher having a bad day doing the spanking, we don't allow teachers to paddle, only the principal, and if he ever gave an unwarranted paddling, we would fire his ass I assure you.
I saw too-many teachers (when I was younger) who'd actually joke about the "bad"-kids who always got it. To suggest there've never been....or, never will be sadistic-teachers/principals is absurd.

Any adult who needs to hit a kid with a weapon is a fuckin' COWARD!!!

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