Why the Theory of Evolution is not only the right answer, why it is a critical answer

"If 65,000 repetitions makes one truth, why do we still argue whether G-d exists or not when billions have said more than once that He does?" - Me.

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." Adolph Hitler

Think this is why so many believe. It's a big lie that's also been repeated enough that many accept it as truth.
Until the "theory" is proven, it isn't true.

Though military officers had to go to university? Maybe that's only the Navy but not the Army. Should look at what a scientific theory actually indicates. It isn't the same thing as when an individual says, "I have a theory about this thing." It's as true and reliable as it gets.

Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law Definitions

defs for scientific theory, laws, and hypothesis.

From your own reference: One definition of a theory is to say it's an accepted hypothesis.

So accept it if you must, I do not accept it as the singular explanation for how we came to be on this earth.
Science is not about proofs. It is about empirical evidence. The evidence in support of the theory of evolution is leading us towards more and more medical advancements, particularly in the field of disease prevention and cures to disease and genetic disorders. This is not merely an opinion. It is a demonstrable scientific fact.

Where is your empirical evidence where man made the leap from ape to humanoid? Where did it all begin? Big Bang theory? How did that big ball of mass that exploded come to be? If it even existed at all.

It came from the collapsing of the previous universe.

No you didn't. But you are a primate, and that means that monkeys, apes, and human beings all have common ancestors. You are also a mammal, which means that you have ancestors in common with ALL mammals. You also have vertebrae, which means that you have ancestors in common with ALL vertebrate animals. All life on Earth is ultimately related. Perhaps you should trade your old school in for the new school. Why? Because it is the new school that is solving the medical issues of today.

Oh, and by the way, the word is "evolve", not "avolve". Spelling and grammar are things your old school apparently didn't teach you either.

Every thing, living and inanimate, is an ancestor of creation.

So, erm, according to your wag, every thing came BEFORE creation. No doubt, you also believe that the Flintstones is a documentary. :cuckoo:
Yabba dabba do!

Creation is the condensation of pure spirit, so yes, the elements are all there.
"If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?" -- George Carlin
Until the "theory" is proven, it isn't true.

Science is not about proofs. It is about empirical evidence. The evidence in support of the theory of evolution is leading us towards more and more medical advancements, particularly in the field of disease prevention and cures to disease and genetic disorders. This is not merely an opinion. It is a demonstrable scientific fact.

Where is your empirical evidence where man made the leap from ape to humanoid? Where did it all begin? Big Bang theory? How did that big ball of mass that exploded come to be? If it even existed at all.

You seem to believe that somewhere in the past an ape suddenly became a human being via magic. That is probably a result of your biblical upbringing, but it has nothing to do with the theory of evolution. Evolution works on populations via natural selection. The big bang theory is irrelevant to the theory of evolution - you bringing it up is notrhing but creationist misdirection. The conversation, in case you have forgotten, is about how cancer evolves, and how knowledge of that evolution will likely lead to cures. Not only that, but this research demonstrates macroevolution. Do you have anything to add to that discussion?
Cures for disease. For instance:

Giant leaps of evolution make cancer cells deadly - health - 23 January 2014 - New Scientist

Tumour cells take big genetic jumps called macromutations to become invasive "hopeful monsters". Treatment to block that evolution could be the next step

More at the link.

That quite a big chunk of hyperbole there.

How so?

PredFan said:
Evolution is the right answer, but converting creationists will in no way affect cancer research.

You don't know that. For all we know, a converted creationist could be so inspired by his revelation that he goes on and finds the cure of many diseases. After all, a former creationist had a major hand in the Human Genome project.
Until the "theory" is proven, it isn't true.

Though military officers had to go to university? Maybe that's only the Navy but not the Army. Should look at what a scientific theory actually indicates. It isn't the same thing as when an individual says, "I have a theory about this thing." It's as true and reliable as it gets.

Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law Definitions

defs for scientific theory, laws, and hypothesis.

From your own reference: One definition of a theory is to say it's an accepted hypothesis.

So accept it if you must, I do not accept it as the singular explanation for how we came to be on this earth.

And you have a right to be as stupid as you like. Congratulations.
Wonder how that atomic theory is working out?

If you are talking about the Standard Model, it is working out just fine, thanks for asking. Now, do you have anything to add to the discussion with regard to the OP?

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