Why the US has lost its moral compass

Americans are rebels it's in our DNA. We don't like government telling us what to do so yes there will always be some of those contrarians in the US who will not comply with the government or even other people telling them what to do but those people are a small percentage of Americans
Completely unaware of the massive self contradiction in one paragraph. As though the vast majority of rebels are compliant. I've noticed this tendency to compartmentalised thinking in 'conservative' posters on this message bored, holding two or more contradictory thoughts and believing both.

Well, two or more fantasies if truth be told.
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe

Huh? No you may be qualified to talk about your little part of America. But I get my sources from the same place you do.
The only lunatic fringe I see from the US is on this board whinging and whining about 'fraud' in an election where there was no fraud. Blues - YOU ARE the lunatic fringe. You just don't see it.
no you don't.

I get my info from actually talking to Americans not from some source that tells me what Americans say.

and I've seen most of this country and talked to people from all over it you stopped by twice and saw a few tourist attractions.

You don't know jack shit about Americans
Ain't that the truth. Somehow individuality is seen as a virtue, any type of collectiveness is seen as Satan.
A very good case can be made, on moral as well as economic grouds, for a system in which the individual is required to stand on his own feet, not to lean on the state for handouts. Character, resourcefulness, capacity are formed and developed in struggle with obstacles, not waiting passively for benefits from outside.

William Henry Chamberlin

That is true. But a great society is gauged by how it treats its old, weak, poor and infirm. Not how rich an individual is.
Then why do 99% of people not living in the US want to live in the US?
And yes, you need to get out more often and meet real people.
you got this number by solid research, i.e. asking leading questions to 23 Wal-Mart greeters in nassau county, eh? fraud
Ah yes another expert on Americans who has never set foot in the US
Anyone who denies the existence of collective responsibility is obviously a lunatic. That you do it in concert with other citizens comprising less than 4% of world population makes you part of the lunatic fringe.
Ah yes another expert on Americans who has never set foot in the US
Anyone who denies the existence of collective responsibility is obviously a lunatic. That you do it in concert with other citizens comprising less than 4% of world population makes you part of the lunatic fringe.
And let us not forget that the likes of Blues makes up about 10 per cent of that 4 per cent.
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe

Huh? No you may be qualified to talk about your little part of America. But I get my sources from the same place you do.
The only lunatic fringe I see from the US is on this board whinging and whining about 'fraud' in an election where there was no fraud. Blues - YOU ARE the lunatic fringe. You just don't see it.
no you don't.

I get my info from actually talking to Americans not from some source that tells me what Americans say.

and I've seen most of this country and talked to people from all over it you stopped by twice and saw a few tourist attractions.

You don't know jack shit about Americans
So the Americans on this board are not Americans? And if they are they aren't saying what they truly believe?

What don't I know?
Ah yes another expert on Americans who has never set foot in the US
Anyone who denies the existence of collective responsibility is obviously a lunatic. That you do it in concert with other citizens comprising less than 4% of world population makes you part of the lunatic fringe.

All anyone can do is be responsible for himself.

I cannot be responsible for you

I cannot take care of you

You have to do that for yourself.

Like I said one thing that Americans believe that you will never understand is that we do not believe we have the right to tell other people how to live their lives.

The fact is that most Americans are following the CDC guidelines for the most part but of course you don't know this because you don't know Jack shit about what actually happens here
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe

Huh? No you may be qualified to talk about your little part of America. But I get my sources from the same place you do.
The only lunatic fringe I see from the US is on this board whinging and whining about 'fraud' in an election where there was no fraud. Blues - YOU ARE the lunatic fringe. You just don't see it.
no you don't.

I get my info from actually talking to Americans not from some source that tells me what Americans say.

and I've seen most of this country and talked to people from all over it you stopped by twice and saw a few tourist attractions.

You don't know jack shit about Americans
So the Americans on this board are not Americans? And if they are they aren't saying what they truly believe?

What don't I know?

And how many people is that really?

A couple dozen?

You do know that most Americans don't post here don't you? and of those that do there are a lot of different opinions
Ah yes another expert on Americans who has never set foot in the US
Anyone who denies the existence of collective responsibility is obviously a lunatic. That you do it in concert with other citizens comprising less than 4% of world population makes you part of the lunatic fringe.
And let us not forget that the likes of Blues makes up about 10 per cent of that 4 per cent.
You know even less about me than you do about the US.

But go ahead and tell me what you think I believe and I'll tell you all the ways you are wrong
All anyone can do is be responsible for himself.
Lunacy. That means one cannot be responsible to work colleagues, family, friends, neighbours, fellow citizens. Perverted idiology in the name of free dumb.
Last edited:
Ah yes another expert on Americans who has never set foot in the US
Anyone who denies the existence of collective responsibility is obviously a lunatic. That you do it in concert with other citizens comprising less than 4% of world population makes you part of the lunatic fringe.
And let us not forget that the likes of Blues makes up about 10 per cent of that 4 per cent.
You know even less about me than you do about the US.

But go ahead and tell me what you think I believe and I'll tell you all the ways you are wrong
You've made over 10,000 posts and you don't think I know what you believe? Really?
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe

Huh? No you may be qualified to talk about your little part of America. But I get my sources from the same place you do.
The only lunatic fringe I see from the US is on this board whinging and whining about 'fraud' in an election where there was no fraud. Blues - YOU ARE the lunatic fringe. You just don't see it.
no you don't.

I get my info from actually talking to Americans not from some source that tells me what Americans say.

and I've seen most of this country and talked to people from all over it you stopped by twice and saw a few tourist attractions.

You don't know jack shit about Americans
So the Americans on this board are not Americans? And if they are they aren't saying what they truly believe?

What don't I know?

And how many people is that really?

A couple dozen?

You do know that most Americans don't post here don't you? and of those that do there are a lot of different opinions

I have literally posted and spoken to 100s of Americans. I have read the same sources you have read.
I know most Americans don't post here. There are 330 million Americans. You have interacted with how many in your life? 5-10,000 at most. You're analogy is pathetic. Using your analogy, you yourself wouldn't have a clue about America because there are the best part of 330 million you've never met. But how do you know the pulse of the country? Media and messageboards like this. And those messageboards and media are the same sources I use. No, let's be honest. You're pissed I'm a 'foreigner' with an opinion. Go fuck yourself. I'll say what I like, when I like and to who I like. If you don't like it, tough shit.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

We lost our moral compass as a nation when we bent the knee to Mao’s CCP.
Are you talking about when Nixon opened up China, or when Trump rang Xi to try and help him win this election? I think Xi needs to watch himself. He now how 300 million + in the Chinese middle class. They are no longer peasants and they like stuff. This isn't the China of the 1960s/70s under Mao. I think a lot of people see the Chinese threat as a political thing. I see it as a cultural thing. And you're talking to somebody whose partner is Vietnamese/Chinese (ethnically Chinese, but third-gen Vietnamese before becoming a refugee after the Vietnam war). They hate the CCP (especially her father, but he doesn't like Americans that much either...)
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

We lost our moral compass as a nation when we bent the knee to Mao’s CCP.
Are you talking about when Nixon opened up China, or when Trump rang Xi to try and help him win this election? I think Xi needs to watch himself. He now how 300 million + in the Chinese middle class. They are no longer peasants and they like stuff. This isn't the China of the 1960s/70s under Mao. I think a lot of people see the Chinese threat as a political thing. I see it as a cultural thing. And you're talking to somebody whose partner is Vietnamese/Chinese (ethnically Chinese, but third-gen Vietnamese before becoming a refugee after the Vietnam war). They hate the CCP (especially her father, but he doesn't like Americans that much either...)
I’m talking about Nixon opening China, the GOP that for decades pushed “free trade”, and politicians like Biden that spent their whole careers selling this country out to China to enrich themselves and their families.

President Trump was the first and only President to stand up against China.
  • Funny
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Ah yes another expert on Americans who has never set foot in the US
Anyone who denies the existence of collective responsibility is obviously a lunatic. That you do it in concert with other citizens comprising less than 4% of world population makes you part of the lunatic fringe.
And let us not forget that the likes of Blues makes up about 10 per cent of that 4 per cent.
You know even less about me than you do about the US.

But go ahead and tell me what you think I believe and I'll tell you all the ways you are wrong
You've made over 10,000 posts and you don't think I know what you believe? Really?
then it should be easy for you to tell me

go ahead
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe

Huh? No you may be qualified to talk about your little part of America. But I get my sources from the same place you do.
The only lunatic fringe I see from the US is on this board whinging and whining about 'fraud' in an election where there was no fraud. Blues - YOU ARE the lunatic fringe. You just don't see it.
no you don't.

I get my info from actually talking to Americans not from some source that tells me what Americans say.

and I've seen most of this country and talked to people from all over it you stopped by twice and saw a few tourist attractions.

You don't know jack shit about Americans
So the Americans on this board are not Americans? And if they are they aren't saying what they truly believe?

What don't I know?

And how many people is that really?

A couple dozen?

You do know that most Americans don't post here don't you? and of those that do there are a lot of different opinions

I have literally posted and spoken to 100s of Americans. I have read the same sources you have read.
I know most Americans don't post here. There are 330 million Americans. You have interacted with how many in your life? 5-10,000 at most. You're analogy is pathetic. Using your analogy, you yourself wouldn't have a clue about America because there are the best part of 330 million you've never met. But how do you know the pulse of the country? Media and messageboards like this. And those messageboards and media are the same sources I use. No, let's be honest. You're pissed I'm a 'foreigner' with an opinion. Go fuck yourself. I'll say what I like, when I like and to who I like. If you don't like it, tough shit.
hundreds out of 300 million. And you have no clue what I read do you?

and you're a foreigner with an uninformed opinion.

You pretend to be some sort of authority on Americans and what they think.

And I really don't care what you think because I know you don't know Jack shit about what goes on in the US and what people who live here think.

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