Why the US has lost its moral compass

Ain't that the truth. Somehow individuality is seen as a virtue, any type of collectiveness is seen as Satan.
A very good case can be made, on moral as well as economic grouds, for a system in which the individual is required to stand on his own feet, not to lean on the state for handouts. Character, resourcefulness, capacity are formed and developed in struggle with obstacles, not waiting passively for benefits from outside.

William Henry Chamberlin

That is true. But a great society is gauged by how it treats its old, weak, poor and infirm. Not how rich an individual is.
Then why do 99% of people not living in the US want to live in the US?
And yes, you need to get out more often and meet real people.
You are wrong. 99 per cent of people from third-world shit holes do. But they also want to live in NZ, Australia, Europe and Canada.
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he USA is the shithole country of the first world.
The USA is still the greatest country in the world, but it has several shithole cities that have been run into the ground by Democrats.

Wrong again dipshit. It has been run into the ground by asshole Republicans who have failed to invest in education, infrastructure, or the health of the American people in any meaningful way since Ronald Reagan was elected.

The only thing Republicans spend money on is military hardware and tax cuts for billionaires. The troops have to live on food stamps, in Section 8 housing. The minimum wage has less buying power than it did when Reagan was elected, - a lot less because it's only been raised 9 times in the last forty years.

If the pandemic was a test of the competence of your goverance, your entire nation, has failed utterly. All of its systems failed, including your health care system, your social safety net. Trump promised 20 million people vaccinated by year's end. He delivered 2 million.
The USA is the shithole country of the first world.
10 years ago I would have vehemently disagreed with you. I'm not sure I agree with you now, but am certainly thinking about it.

Only first world country with no universal health care.

Only first world country with a declining life expectancy.

Highest education costs for parents in the first world.

Highest rate of incarceration in the first world - higher than either Russia or China - two totalitarian dictatorships

Most expensive health care in the world.

Mass shootings.
The USA is the shithole country of the first world.
10 years ago I would have vehemently disagreed with you. I'm not sure I agree with you now, but am certainly thinking about it.

Only first world country with no universal health care.

Only first world country with a declining life expectancy.

Highest education costs for parents in the first world.

Highest rate of incarceration in the first world - higher than either Russia or China - two totalitarian dictatorships

Most expensive health care in the world.

Mass shootings.
B-b-b-but if you even attempt to find a solution, or even try and get together and try and find a solution, well, that's just Communism!!!
we don't have the trust in government you people do.
Absolutely. COVID-19 is demonstrating your deliberate lack of unity to be an invalid community norm/moral. How come you don't get this? Or am I not getting your tacit agreement?
you have no clue about this country or the people who live here.

You think what you read on the internet is all you need to know.

The fact is most people here are taking precautions.

Americans are rebels it's in our DNA. We don't like government telling us what to do so yes there will always be some of those contrarians in the US who will not comply with the government or even other people telling them what to do but those people are a small percentage of Americans but because you only know what you read on the internet you think that these fringe dwellers make up the entire country.

And you really can't understand the concept that most Americans believe they do not have the right to tell other Americans what to do.
The USA is the shithole country of the first world.
10 years ago I would have vehemently disagreed with you. I'm not sure I agree with you now, but am certainly thinking about it.

Only first world country with no universal health care.

Only first world country with a declining life expectancy.

Highest education costs for parents in the first world.

Highest rate of incarceration in the first world - higher than either Russia or China - two totalitarian dictatorships

Most expensive health care in the world.

Mass shootings.
B-b-b-but if you even attempt to find a solution, or even try and get together and try and find a solution, well, that's just Communism!!!


it depends on the solution.

We'd rather not have the government run our lives unlike you people.
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and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

and we still don't care what you think
And I so care what you think.
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here
we don't have the trust in government you people do.
Absolutely. COVID-19 is demonstrating your deliberate lack of unity to be an invalid community norm/moral. How come you don't get this? Or am I not getting your tacit agreement?
you have no clue about this country or the people who live here.

You think what you read on the internet is all you need to know.

The fact is most people here are taking precautions.

Americans are rebels it's in our DNA. We don't like government telling us what to do so yes there will always be some of those contrarians in the US who will not comply with the government or even other people telling them what to do but those people are a small percentage of Americans but because you only know what you read on the internet you think that these fringe dwellers make up the entire country.

And you really can't understand the concept that most Americans believe they do not have the right to tell other Americans what to do.

If "most people" were taking precautions, 300,000 people wouldn't be testing positive every day. You have the greatest level of expertise, ability and money in the world , and the worst outcome. That's a direct result of incompetent leadership, and poor governance.

As for telling others what to do, you certainly have no problem telling other countries what they have to do, or how they should live. In other crises, the American people have responded well to their leaders getting them through the difficulty, and it was obvious they would have done the same thing this time.

There's a book entitled "Everything Donald Trump Touches, Dies", and it's pretty much a true statement. Every problem Trump tackled in his 4 years in the White House, certainly got worse. But every decision in this mess has been the wrong one.

It's not just the illness and deaths, or whether or not you'll survive the virus if you get it, which seems to be Trump's focus. It's the fiscal cost of testing 253 million Americans. The cost of treating 20 million Americans who have tested positive. There's the lost GDP while they are quarantined or recovering. People are leaving hospital owing $100,000. Is there any reasonable expectation that they'll ever be able to repay it?

It's not just that our death rate is 1/3 that of the USA, per million of citizens, our case rate per million is 1/4 of what yours is. Our hospitals are NOT at 100% capacity. Our health care workers are NOT overwhelmed out running out of PPE.

Last, but certainly not least, our government didn't cut taxes to the wealthiest people and corporations two years ago, leaving the federal government short of cash or resources to deal with this pandemic, driving the deficit created by the costs of dealing with this mess, much, much higher than it needed to be. And Republicans are still sneaking massive permanent tax cuts for the wealthy into every stimulus bill approved.
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe
you obviously care because all you do is post about the US even though you don't know shit about us and have probably never even been here

You are not America.
Visited twice.
oooohhhh 2 whole times

so what you saw part of a couple of states?

yeah you're a fucking expert on the US

How many times have you spoken to Biden? Are you an expert on him?
Considering the US has been shoved down my throat 24/7 for the past 50+ years it's not hard to know stuff about the joint...
I am far more qualified to comment on what's going on in the US than you are.

You like to talk about Americans this Americans that blah blah and you don't know anything about the average American because all you get is the shit on the internet or whatever passes for news in your country and that means all you hear about is the lunatic fringe

Huh? No you may be qualified to talk about your little part of America. But I get my sources from the same place you do.
The only lunatic fringe I see from the US is on this board whinging and whining about 'fraud' in an election where there was no fraud. Blues - YOU ARE the lunatic fringe. You just don't see it.

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