Why the US has lost its moral compass

The US norm of individuality as opposed to collective action and responsiblity is showing itself to be morally invalid.

It is extremely naive and dangerous to just say "What China does is none of our business"
It's extremely dangerous to turn a blind eye to your own people- and they live here and make the rules- China is none of our business, unless we are doing business with them- yes, we do business with them since our God (POTUS) makes business deals for us, that he doesn't have the authority to do- but, since we aren't "communist", it's all good- we have the moral high ground. Right?
The US norm of individuality as opposed to collective action and responsiblity is showing itself to be morally invalid.
The US norm is the collective- the Individual is disrespected and vilified by all (see your post) as some kind of immoral freak (see your commentary)- collective is group think. Group think is anti-individual and the group isn't intelligent enough to realize that without individual effort the group doesn't exist. That is sad.
Ain't that the truth. Somehow individuality is seen as a virtue, any type of collectiveness is seen as Satan.
Taking care of yourself is a virtue- absolving yourself of responsibility abdicating said responsiblility to the collective is the cowards way out and a good place to hide- voluntary collective effort is fine- forced or coerced through shaming or ostracizing is immoral- it makes some people feel superior, but, without the individual effort their superiority complex is worthless- the devil, as usual, is in the details, which are conveniently over looked by the finger pointing group (collective).
Ain't that the truth. Somehow individuality is seen as a virtue, any type of collectiveness is seen as Satan.
A very good case can be made, on moral as well as economic grouds, for a system in which the individual is required to stand on his own feet, not to lean on the state for handouts. Character, resourcefulness, capacity are formed and developed in struggle with obstacles, not waiting passively for benefits from outside.

William Henry Chamberlin
Nobody here has a clue about what morality means.
Oh. That's easy. Morals are community norms. Valid morals are those which assist the survival and prosperity of the community.

The US norm of individuality as opposed to collective action and responsiblity is showing itself to be morally invalid.

sheep know nothing of individuality

and there is no such thing as collective responsibility because if everyone is responsible then no one is at fault.
and there is no such thing as collective responsibility because if everyone is responsible then no one is at fault.
And we see again why the US has 4% of the world's population and 20% odd of its COVID-19 fatalities.
Much/most of the US population can't understand that collective responsibility means being responsible to each other. This is expressed in the glorification of the individual as a community norm. COVID-19 is showing the morality of individualism to be invalid.
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The US norm of individuality as opposed to collective action and responsiblity is showing itself to be morally invalid.

Ain't that the truth. Somehow individuality is seen as a virtue, any type of collectiveness is seen as Satan.
It is the taxing of people to pay for those who live by any means that is the real truth.
It is the taxing of people to pay for those who live by any means that is the real truth.
In the US, this is how that truth of individualism is manifested...


United States Coronavirus: 20,260,964 Cases and 351,697 Deaths - Worldometer
As mentioned in the OP, it's not just a Trump issue. The first time I was disgusted by it was when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich.
Granted the power to pardon has become politicized, ala Marc Rich, but it has also been used to nullify the partisan excesses of the Deep State.
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Just think of the loss of morality the filthy politicians had when they put all that foreign aid crap in the stimulus bill.

I bet you can trace every one of them back to some sort of payoff by a foreign country to a politician.

Also, just think when China Joe gets in the White House and the Chinese, Russians and Ukrainians are looking for pay back for the money they gave The Big Guy's bag boy Hunter. Those are just the ones we know about, No telling how many more that we don't know about. Despicable thought, isn't it?
and there is no such thing as collective responsibility because if everyone is responsible then no one is at fault.
And we see again why the US has 4% of the world's population and 20% odd of its COVID-19 fatalities.
Much/most of the US population can't understand that collective responsibility means being responsible to each other. This is expressed in the glorification of the individual as a community norm. COVID-19 is showing the morality of individualism to be invalid.

The people who got COVID got it mostly because of their individual choices.

There is no such thing as collective responsibility.

I cannot be responsible for every person just as they cannot be responsible for me.

I take precautions recommended by the CDC to minimize my risk if someone else doesn't there's nothing I can do about it and it's not my place to tell others what to do.
The US norm of individuality as opposed to collective action and responsiblity is showing itself to be morally invalid.

Ain't that the truth. Somehow individuality is seen as a virtue, any type of collectiveness is seen as Satan.

Americans have a very rich history of working together.

We just don't think that anyone else has the right to take the fruits of our labor from us.
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