Why the US has lost its moral compass

us outside the US were told ad nauseum by the US itself,

Yet, you live in a country,

You guys hide behind your constitution

So "Dr Grump" is not an American. British? Uses Dr without the period, they do that. I wonder why you would think we would be interested in any of your jeremiad? It's a big country, at least: we are perfectly happy fighting with each other, we don't need to fight with you. Non-Americans are irrelevant.

His English is a little too good to be yet another Russkie, I'd say --- you want to just tell us what god-forsaken, useless country you come from? Can't be worth much, since you are hiding its identity.

Please, I never want to hear again how free you are.

You probably won't. We aren't free anymore and we know that. We are under tight, draconian governmental control, aren't even allowed to make a living or meet with people, or do much of anything. I suppose we won't ever be free again, till there is a rebellion.

If you are from Britain, you are even less free than we are! What a mess you all are in. Very sad, worse even than us.
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They were your kings too buddy. Up until 1776. And the point is, they don't do it now. Bit like slavery, ya know?

Huh, so he IS from Britain, (probably Ireland). We had a particularly obnoxious Brit here, one Tommy Tainant, wasn't that his handle? If this is the same one, yuck, but anyway, this one is no good and not useful. I'm out.
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Maybe the reason the US has lost it's morale compass has nothing to do with Presidents and pardons and more to do with the fact that religion people of faith and others who preach about morales and moral values have been increasingly mocked, ridiculed. trivilized and demeaned over the years.
Religious people do not have a monopoly on morals. The way they treat gay people does not make them a paragon of virtue. I know plenty of non-religious people who have the moral compass of a gerbil.
us outside the US were told ad nauseum by the US itself,

Yet, you live in a country,

You guys hide behind your constitution

So "Dr Grump" is not an American. British? Uses Dr without the period, they do that. I wonder why you would think we would be interested in any of your jeremiad? It's a big country, at least: we are perfectly happy fighting with each other, we don't need to fight with you. Non-Americans are irrelevant.

His English is a little too good to be yet another Russkie, I'd say --- you want to just tell us what god-forsaken, useless country you come from? Can't be worth much, since you are hiding its identity.

Please, I never want to hear again how free you are.

You probably won't. We aren't free anymore and we know that. We are under tight, draconian governmental control, aren't even allowed to make a living or meet with people, or do much of anything. I suppose we won't ever be free again, till there is a rebellion.

If you are from Britain, you are even less free than we are! What a mess you all are in. Very sad, worse even than us.
I am a NZer living in Australia. Have posted that many times on this board.
Why would I care that you care? Pffftt...It's a messageboard, not Congress.
Brits are far more free than you will ever be. You won't ever see that though. You have been brought up on US exceptionalism and the idea that any other country has a better system than your pathetic one is anathema to who you are.
The fact you have to call non-Americans irrelevant is all I need to know about you. None of it good.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

How did we lose our "moral compass"? Did we not kill enough babies over the past 4 year?
Didn't know a foetus was a baby. But there you go. More redefining what real words are. I suppose you call somebody who demands that they are 'binary' 'they' or 'them'.
They were your kings too buddy. Up until 1776. And the point is, they don't do it now. Bit like slavery, ya know?

Huh, so he IS from Britain, (probably Ireland). We had a particularly obnoxious Brit here, one Tommy Tainant, wasn't that his handle? If this is the same one, yuck, but anyway, this one is no good and not useful. I'm out.
Tommy shows more signs of intelligence in his left nut sack than you do in any of your posts I've seen. You're about as interesting as the pimple on my dog's arse.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.
Maybe the reason the US has lost it's morale compass has nothing to do with Presidents and pardons and more to do with the fact that religion people of faith and others who preach about morales and moral values have been increasingly mocked, ridiculed. trivilized and demeaned over the years.

Nobody here has a clue about what morality means. The worst part is, they don't want to know!
You worry about our moral compass when China murders their lead virus doctor, incinerates Wuhan virus victims and releases a pandemic on the world.

Murdering their lead virus doctor? I never heard that particular BS yet. Also, from what I have heard, most of the people who die in China are cremated. Just like in India. Now if they did it while they were still alive, that would be a different matter.
The whole team was murdered; that was on Reuters, AP and BBC before it was removed.
There are lots of things happening about which the media will never let you know.

BS. Only one group in the world has that kind of power. And they aren't Chinese. Neither would they have any reason to cover for the Chinese. Unless maybe the Chinese threatened to tell the truth about that group.
Maybe the reason the US has lost it's morale compass has nothing to do with Presidents and pardons and more to do with the fact that religion people of faith and others who preach about morales and moral values have been increasingly mocked, ridiculed. trivilized and demeaned over the years.
Religious people do not have a monopoly on morals. The way they treat gay people does not make them a paragon of virtue. I know plenty of non-religious people who have the moral compass of a gerbil.
They tend to do better than Washington if one is looking for morale guidance or a morale compass I would suggest people of faith are a better option than any President or politican in DC.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.
actual Mexicans are pretty easy to spot?...you must not be around very many Mexicans....in S.Cal many people from countries below Mexico are "mistaken" for Mexicans quit often by actual Mexicans...i aint Mexican and i have Mexicans walking up to me speaking Spanish to me....so it aint that easy,even for them....
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.

Wow you don't see most racist putting in that much effort. Just take a peek at some of their most famous actresses.

and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.
actual Mexicans are pretty easy to spot?...you must not be around very many Mexicans....in S.Cal many people from countries below Mexico are "mistaken" for Mexicans quit often by actual Mexicans...i aint Mexican and i have Mexicans walking up to me speaking Spanish to me....so it aint that easy,even for them....

I had a similar problem in PR, but what can I say, I had a hell of a tan.

and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

I might care if the FBI was not making prosecutor decisions for the AG, not to prosecute folks that obviously break the law. . .

. . but since elite politicians and elite bankers break the law every day? And no one does a thing?

The Deep State has corrupted the nation a long long time ago, so we have to ask. . .


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