Why the US has lost its moral compass

You don’t like our system. I’m shocked! You seem to bitch about everything the US does and then stick your nose in our business.You continue to live where you live, I’ll continue to live here where I want to live.

Today’s pardoning power is been an overreach of power and it needs to be curbed but I doubt it will. Now find a new subject to cry about.

Stop trying to shove your system down every one else's throat then. Stop being so condescending to the rest of the world how 'great' your system is. Maybe just STFU and then the rest of us won't give a fuck. But you are the loud, brash, ugly American (conservative - not the normal Americans). You can't help yourself. Trump is the epitome of this. Has to puff his chest out and do the 'look at me! look at me!' BS. Don't want to look at you Donald. Or your brash, corrupt political system. Stop whining about Russia and China when your own system sucks donkey balls. Nowhere near as bad as China for sure, but I can name 20 current countries or political systems that leave the US version in the dust.

I’m all for us getting out of the center of the earth. Bring all our boys home. Cut all spending to other nations. Our system works for us, I don’t care if you like it or not and I’m not concerned about what your country does or doesn’t do, not any of my business. I don’t care what silly list you make up, I am really not wanting to move or leave America. As far as corrupt political systems, the last several years I have made mention that both parties are corrupt, where the hell have you been.
Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!

I'm about as communist as you are intelligent. Yeah, you give a flying fuck. Why else would you be whining and moaning on here 24/7?
I’m all for us getting out of the center of the earth. Bring all our boys home. Cut all spending to other nations. Our system works for us, I don’t care if you like it or not and I’m not concerned about what your country does or doesn’t do, not any of my business. I don’t care what silly list you make up, I am really not wanting to move or leave America. As far as corrupt political systems, the last several years I have made mention that both parties are corrupt, where the hell have you been.

Yeah, well Japan tried isolationism. Guess who grabbed them by the nuts and brought them kicking and screaming into the world? Check out Admiral Matthew Perry.

No, your system doesn't work for you. If it did, there wouldn't be literally thousands of threads on this board alone whining about it.

I couldn't give two shits what you did if your country had no impact on mine. But it does. And until it doesn't, I'll say whatever the fuck I like. When I like.
I’m all for us getting out of the center of the earth. Bring all our boys home. Cut all spending to other nations. Our system works for us, I don’t care if you like it or not and I’m not concerned about what your country does or doesn’t do, not any of my business. I don’t care what silly list you make up, I am really not wanting to move or leave America. As far as corrupt political systems, the last several years I have made mention that both parties are corrupt, where the hell have you been.

Yeah, well Japan tried isolationism. Guess who grabbed them by the nuts and brought them kicking and screaming into the world? Check out Admiral Matthew Perry.

No, your system doesn't work for you. If it did, there wouldn't be literally thousands of threads on this board alone whining about it.

I couldn't give two shits what you did if your country had no impact on mine. But it does. And until it doesn't, I'll say whatever the fuck I like. When I like.
You can’t influence shit here, you don’t want us to put out influence but you don’t want us to isolate? WTF? What do you want from the US? I want our troops home, not send foreign governments our hard earned money on people that don’t appreciate it.
If you are fucked up in a conflict, you take care of it, if you want us to help, you pay for it and as soon as the conflict is over, we leave and head back to our homeland.

What else do you want? You hate us but don’t want us to isolate? WTF is wrong with you?
I think they should do away with it as it is problematic and normally it should not be. They have official channels where presidential appeals are reviewed and then sent to the president.

Unfortunately Trump has allowed people to come to him directly and suggest who should be pardon. Pardoning friends and associates is wrong and a abusive of power. Kardashian was able to waltz into the office and Trump was like where do I sign. People who have worked for him are pardon. People who admitted their wrong doing are pardon.

Now there have been a few presidents who have listen to others and they may pardon a couple but with Trump it is more than a couple.

Only about 7 cases have been brought to him thru official channels. The rest were made with direct appeals to him. So he pretty much acting as judge, jury and King It is based on those who know how to appeal to him. Facts are irrelevant they only need to kiss his hand. Oh well when he pardons people who have not been accused legally of a crime then that is the next step. When he pardons himself then the society of privilege will be complete.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.
You can’t influence shit here, you don’t want us to put out influence but you don’t want us to isolate? WTF? What do you want from the US? I want our troops home, not send foreign governments our hard earned money on people that don’t appreciate it.
If you are fucked up in a conflict, you take care of it, if you want us to help, you pay for it and as soon as the conflict is over, we leave and head back to our homeland.

What else do you want? You hate us but don’t want us to isolate? WTF is wrong with you?

Two culture can exist side-by-side without one side trying to shove their agenda down the other's throat. You do know that is possible, right?
You can’t influence shit here, you don’t want us to put out influence but you don’t want us to isolate? WTF? What do you want from the US? I want our troops home, not send foreign governments our hard earned money on people that don’t appreciate it.
If you are fucked up in a conflict, you take care of it, if you want us to help, you pay for it and as soon as the conflict is over, we leave and head back to our homeland.

What else do you want? You hate us but don’t want us to isolate? WTF is wrong with you?

Two culture can exist side-by-side without one side trying to shove their agenda down the other's throat. You do know that is possible, right?
the only problem with that doc is some people,and there are lots of them everywhere,that just cant stand it that you may not like what they like and might not want to live like they do....
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.

and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.
Are cars still required to have mufflers? The Hispanic bunch sure like noise pollution from their cars.
Also, what happened to turn signals and driving with high beams off? In addition, picking up or discharging passengers on main roads instead of side streets is more 3rd world conduct
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

if its an every president issue why did you single out trump?....just asking...

As mentioned in the OP, it's not just a Trump issue. The first time I was disgusted by it was when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich.

The first one I was disgusted by was when ford pardoned nixon.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.

Maybe the reason the US has lost it's morale compass has nothing to do with Presidents and pardons and more to do with the fact that religion people of faith and others who preach about morales and moral values have been increasingly mocked, ridiculed. trivilized and demeaned over the years.
You worry about our moral compass when China murders their lead virus doctor, incinerates Wuhan virus victims and releases a pandemic on the world.

Murdering their lead virus doctor? I never heard that particular BS yet. Also, from what I have heard, most of the people who die in China are cremated. Just like in India. Now if they did it while they were still alive, that would be a different matter.
The whole team was murdered; that was on Reuters, AP and BBC before it was removed.
There are lots of things happening about which the media will never let you know.
You worry about our moral compass when China murders their lead virus doctor, incinerates Wuhan virus victims and releases a pandemic on the world.

Murdering their lead virus doctor? I never heard that particular BS yet. Also, from what I have heard, most of the people who die in China are cremated. Just like in India. Now if they did it while they were still alive, that would be a different matter.
The whole team was murdered; that was on Reuters, AP and BBC before it was removed.
There are lots of things happening about which the media will never let you know.
That is very true. There were also Russian medical personnel that were going public about the Covid outbreak. They were quickly executed, and I cannot find the reports on them I read back in March of this year.

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