Why the US has lost its moral compass

and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.
actual Mexicans are pretty easy to spot?...you must not be around very many Mexicans....in S.Cal many people from countries below Mexico are "mistaken" for Mexicans quit often by actual Mexicans...i aint Mexican and i have Mexicans walking up to me speaking Spanish to me....so it aint that easy,even for them....

Easy to spot. That's what I said. And I stand by it. Also, it doesn't matter if they come from countries south of mexico. They're all the same kinds of people.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.

Wow you don't see most racist putting in that much effort. Just take a peek at some of their most famous actresses.


Effort? It's just the truth.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

Leftists talking about moral compasses. . . .
Laughing Smiley.png
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

If you're not part of US, don't worry your little commie head what we do, worry about your own fucked up country.

See. No introspection. Just lashing out. You just keep on whining, whinging and moaning like you have done for the past 8 years on this board.

Poor commie, do you need a quarter so you can call someone who cares? Personally I don't give a flying fuck what any of you foreign faggots think. You should be thankful your not typing in German. NOW FOAD!!!!!!!


I would rather be typing in German than in Spanish. At least the Germans were White and civilized.

Spaniards are as well, dummy.


Yeah. And so are mexicans I take it.

I know Mexicans that are whiter than I am and have blue eyes. Depends how much Spanish blood they have.


You must not be very White. And actual mexicans are pretty easy to spot. As for the Spanish, the whole shore of the Mediterranean Sea was settled by semites. Who aren't White. And for around 400 years, Spain was ruled by the Moors. Who themselves weren't White. No doubt there was much interbreeding between the Spanish and the Moors during that time. Then the Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere. That was populated by Indians. Who weren't White. So mexicans and mestizos aren't White. If any of them look White, it is probably because genetically they aren't really mexican or mestizo. Or have very little of either in them.
actual Mexicans are pretty easy to spot?...you must not be around very many Mexicans....in S.Cal many people from countries below Mexico are "mistaken" for Mexicans quit often by actual Mexicans...i aint Mexican and i have Mexicans walking up to me speaking Spanish to me....so it aint that easy,even for them....

Easy to spot. That's what I said. And I stand by it. Also, it doesn't matter if they come from countries south of mexico. They're all the same kinds of people.
but you said you can pick out a Mexican real easy.....and on that im sorry,but you are full of shit.....
Morality is do unto others as you would have them do to you
That’s at least one part of it

No. Morality is kill or be killed.

What do you use to justify a killing? When your life is actually threatened?

Go up to the rooftop of some tall building and drop something like an ice cream cone off it. What do you think will happen to it. It will basically get killed when it hits the ground. But when it comes to the future of the White species basically having the same thing done to it, but much more slowly, you just don't have a clue, do you. Oh, but I forgot. I'm talking to a mod. What in the hell am I doing trying to talk rationally to you.
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Morality is do unto others as you would have them do to you
That’s at least one part of it

No. Morality is kill or be killed.

What do you use to justify a killing? When your life is actually threatened?

Go up to the rooftop of some tall building and drop something like an ice cream cone off it. What do you think will happen to it. It will basically get killed when it hits the ground. But when it comes to the future of the White species basically having the same thing done to it, but much more slowly, you just don't have a clue, do you. Oh, but I forgot. I'm talking to a mod. What in the hell am I doing trying to talk rationally to you.

I am, apparently, more capable of rational conversation than you are.

How is the white race being killed?

Oh, and the ice cream cone is not killed when it hits the ground. In order to be killed in must be alive. It will smash and splatter, but all of its components are still there.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

Leftists talking about moral compasses. . . . View attachment 435236
I'm not a leftist. That aside of course leftists can have a moral compass. So can righties.

You misunderstand my point, but, granted, that's my fault as I did not establish the premise of my general and admittedly sarcastic observation.

First, my observation was not necessarily directed at you personally. I have no idea what your metaphysics or politics are. Rather, I was thinking of leftists in general who are in fact, typically, materialists, atheists, relativists. . . . Hence, they consciously deny the existence of any ontological/foundational justification for their moral pronouncements, which, of course, they assert all the time. The necessity to assert absolutes, whether they be moral, political or otherwise, is inescapable. Essentially these nitwits unwittingly assert that there are no absolutes . . . except the absolutes they espouse which one had better obey or else. LOL! The inherent contradiction, indeed, the negation of their premise, proving the opposite, flies right over their heads.

Second, you made an allegation of immorality relative to a list of bad deeds sans an account of why these pardons were granted. Presumably pardons are granted as a second chance of redemption, not as a commendation for bad deeds . . . except, of course, typically, those granted by leftist presidents to persons who express no remorse.

That's all.
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and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

Leftists talking about moral compasses. . . . View attachment 435236
I'm not a leftist. That aside of course leftists can have a moral compass. So can righties.

You misunderstand my point, but, granted, that's my fault as I did not establish the premise of my general and admittedly sarcastic observation.

First, my observation was not necessarily directed at you personally. I have no idea what your metaphysics or politics are. Rather, I was thinking of leftists in general who are in fact, typically, materialists, atheists, relativists. . . . Hence, they consciously deny the existence of any ontological/foundational justification for their moral pronouncements, which, of course, they assert all the time. The necessity to assert absolutes, whether they be moral, political or otherwise, is inescapable. Essentially these nitwits unwittingly assert that there are no absolutes . . . except the absolutes they espouse which one had better obey or else. LOL! The inherent contradiction, indeed, the negation of their premise, proving the opposite, flies right over their heads.

Second, you made an allegation of immorality relative to a list of bad deeds sans an account of why these pardons were granted. Presumably pardons are granted as a second chance of redemption, not as a commendation for bad deeds . . . except, of course, typically, those granted by leftist presidents to persons who express no remorse.

That's all.
Your first paragraph is also relevant to righties IMO.

I think the intent of the pardons was a second chance of redemption, although I find that a little on the thin ice side. I think what they have become, is a get out of jail free card for the sitting president's mates (both repub and dem). As I said in another post there are literally 10s of 1000s, if not 100s of 1000s, of felons who have convictions that are of a lesser deed than some of those freed from convictions by Clinton and Trump.

I mean, I have been on this board long enough that people are constantly telling me that I am a subject (I live in Aust, but from NZ, so the Queen is our constitutional head of state). Not even Liz has the authority to free people of their convictions. And if she did, it would be political suicide - not just for the monarchy but for the UK political party in power at the time - to do such a thing. But, apparently, in the US, where everybody is 'free' and everybody faces justice 'equally' it's just another Sunday.

Thus the OP in the first place.
You worry about our moral compass when China murders their lead virus doctor, incinerates Wuhan virus victims and releases a pandemic on the world.
What China does is none of our business unless we conduct business with them and what they do directly or adversely affects us-

POTUS directly affects us and the rest of the world- the US doesn't have a, or, the moral high ground- it's immoral to steal (take what doesn't rightfully belong to you), or force compliance to what you (or anyone else) believes- that China does it differently is immaterial- immoral is immoral- the US gov't has a history of lying and forcing- both are immoral- the US steals from its citizens and calls a fine a tax- one is out right theft the other is a blatant lie- the US gov't's role is described in the pre amble to the constitution- it says nothing about other countries- the constitution clearly out lines the US gov't's role, here and abroad- to ignore the rules, gov't employees swear to, in the affirmative, to protect and defend the constitution, but don't, is lying- publicly I might add- there is no moral high ground when acting immorally.
There is absolutely no comparison to Ji Xinping's Communist regime and the US. I am not saying we are perfect, but we do not routinely imprison and murder anyone who speaks out against the State. We didn't purposefully release a virus pandemic on the world. It is extremely naive and dangerous to just say "What China does is none of our business". They have stolen us blind in terms of IP and military weaponry and continue to do so.
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

Leftists talking about moral compasses. . . . View attachment 435236
I'm not a leftist. That aside of course leftists can have a moral compass. So can righties.

You misunderstand my point, but, granted, that's my fault as I did not establish the premise of my general and admittedly sarcastic observation.

First, my observation was not necessarily directed at you personally. I have no idea what your metaphysics or politics are. Rather, I was thinking of leftists in general who are in fact, typically, materialists, atheists, relativists. . . . Hence, they consciously deny the existence of any ontological/foundational justification for their moral pronouncements, which, of course, they assert all the time. The necessity to assert absolutes, whether they be moral, political or otherwise, is inescapable. Essentially these nitwits unwittingly assert that there are no absolutes . . . except the absolutes they espouse which one had better obey or else. LOL! The inherent contradiction, indeed, the negation of their premise, proving the opposite, flies right over their heads.

Second, you made an allegation of immorality relative to a list of bad deeds sans an account of why these pardons were granted. Presumably pardons are granted as a second chance of redemption, not as a commendation for bad deeds . . . except, of course, typically, those granted by leftist presidents to persons who express no remorse.

That's all.
Your first paragraph is also relevant to righties IMO.

I think the intent of the pardons was a second chance of redemption, although I find that a little on the thin ice side. I think what they have become, is a get out of jail free card for the sitting president's mates (both repub and dem). As I said in another post there are literally 10s of 1000s, if not 100s of 1000s, of felons who have convictions that are of a lesser deed than some of those freed from convictions by Clinton and Trump.

I mean, I have been on this board long enough that people are constantly telling me that I am a subject (I live in Aust, but from NZ, so the Queen is our constitutional head of state). Not even Liz has the authority to free people of their convictions. And if she did, it would be political suicide - not just for the monarchy but for the UK political party in power at the time - to do such a thing. But, apparently, in the US, where everybody is 'free' and everybody faces justice 'equally' it's just another Sunday.

Thus the OP in the first place.

On that score, I'd have to study Trump's pardons more closely in order to give an informed opinion.

So you hail from New Zealand. What, precisely, is going on with the gun laws there?
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

Leftists talking about moral compasses. . . . View attachment 435236
I'm not a leftist. That aside of course leftists can have a moral compass. So can righties.

You misunderstand my point, but, granted, that's my fault as I did not establish the premise of my general and admittedly sarcastic observation.

First, my observation was not necessarily directed at you personally. I have no idea what your metaphysics or politics are. Rather, I was thinking of leftists in general who are in fact, typically, materialists, atheists, relativists. . . . Hence, they consciously deny the existence of any ontological/foundational justification for their moral pronouncements, which, of course, they assert all the time. The necessity to assert absolutes, whether they be moral, political or otherwise, is inescapable. Essentially these nitwits unwittingly assert that there are no absolutes . . . except the absolutes they espouse which one had better obey or else. LOL! The inherent contradiction, indeed, the negation of their premise, proving the opposite, flies right over their heads.

Second, you made an allegation of immorality relative to a list of bad deeds sans an account of why these pardons were granted. Presumably pardons are granted as a second chance of redemption, not as a commendation for bad deeds . . . except, of course, typically, those granted by leftist presidents to persons who express no remorse.

That's all.
Your first paragraph is also relevant to righties IMO.

I think the intent of the pardons was a second chance of redemption, although I find that a little on the thin ice side. I think what they have become, is a get out of jail free card for the sitting president's mates (both repub and dem). As I said in another post there are literally 10s of 1000s, if not 100s of 1000s, of felons who have convictions that are of a lesser deed than some of those freed from convictions by Clinton and Trump.

I mean, I have been on this board long enough that people are constantly telling me that I am a subject (I live in Aust, but from NZ, so the Queen is our constitutional head of state). Not even Liz has the authority to free people of their convictions. And if she did, it would be political suicide - not just for the monarchy but for the UK political party in power at the time - to do such a thing. But, apparently, in the US, where everybody is 'free' and everybody faces justice 'equally' it's just another Sunday.

Thus the OP in the first place.

On that score, I'd have to study Trump's pardons more closely in order to give an informed opinion.

So you hail from New Zealand. What, precisely, is going on with the gun laws there?

Jared Kushner's dad? Flynn? Need I say more.

Guns aren't an issue down here. Never have been. Nobody really cares about gun laws. The ones we have are overwhelmingly popular. That's about it really.
There is absolutely no comparison to Ji Xinping's Communist regime and the US. I am not saying we are perfect, but we do not routinely imprison and murder anyone who speaks out against the State. We didn't purposefully release a virus pandemic on the world. It is extremely naive and dangerous to just say "What China does is none of our business". They have stolen us blind in terms of IP and military weaponry and continue to do so.

I agree. In the Shit hole stakes, China's about a 9/10. The US about a 5.
I am talking about Dr. AI FEN not Dr LI. Do you not even remember who she was? Christ how could it be any better for the CCP when they can do away with whomever they want. Nobody cares and people like you have no clue what even happened.
As opposed to murdering Kashoggi, where everyone knows what happened. Could it be any better for MBS than to be defended by the LOTUS, in pursuit of arms sales? I don't think so.
Maybe the reason the US has lost it's morale compass has nothing to do with Presidents and pardons and more to do with the fact that religion people of faith and others who preach about morales and moral values have been increasingly mocked, ridiculed. trivilized and demeaned over the years.
Those people of faith who defend a president who defends the murderer of Kashoggi? I can't imagine why anyone would mock their hypocrisy.
Yes, the US has lost its moral compass.

It elected a lying, cheating, 6-times bankrupt, porn-star fucking grifter as President who'd sell his rube base down the river in a heartbeat if he thought it would benefit him.

The rubes have embarrassed America to the rest of the world.

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