Why the US has lost its moral compass

You worry about our moral compass when China murders their lead virus doctor, incinerates Wuhan virus victims and releases a pandemic on the world.
What China does is none of our business unless we conduct business with them and what they do directly or adversely affects us-

POTUS directly affects us and the rest of the world- the US doesn't have a, or, the moral high ground- it's immoral to steal (take what doesn't rightfully belong to you), or force compliance to what you (or anyone else) believes- that China does it differently is immaterial- immoral is immoral- the US gov't has a history of lying and forcing- both are immoral- the US steals from its citizens and calls a fine a tax- one is out right theft the other is a blatant lie- the US gov't's role is described in the pre amble to the constitution- it says nothing about other countries- the constitution clearly out lines the US gov't's role, here and abroad- to ignore the rules, gov't employees swear to, in the affirmative, to protect and defend the constitution, but don't, is lying- publicly I might add- there is no moral high ground when acting immorally.
What China does should be everyone's business because they are the second ranked super power in the world and they have NO REGARD for human life at all. They are beyond Communist, they are straight up monsters. They have been obsessed with overtaking us as world number one and having the Yuan become the world reserve currency. Turning a blind eye to China is incredibly naive and dangerous.
America is by far the most moral country in the world


fag march.jpg
and the rest of us look at it and shake our collective head. And, this is not a Trump issue, this is an every president issue.

if its an every president issue why did you single out trump?....just asking...

As mentioned in the OP, it's not just a Trump issue. The first time I was disgusted by it was when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich.
Trump part of the current lack of moral compass. Now it is OK for national leader to lie, pay hush money to women and lie about it, hire criminals, discriminate, extort foreign governments, show disregard for injured troops and try to overthrow a national election, even consider use of federal troops to pull it off. His 4 years in the office has greatly exacerbated the problem.
Killing millions in abortion industry is yellow brick road to amorality

Abortion isn't murder.
I rest my case

The only thing taking a rest is your brain. Do you want to talk about abortion? At what point do you think life begins. Would you consider taking the pill RU486 to be murder?
There is nothing to talk about. Heard all the excuses, " justifications, prevarications. Waste of time. .Believe the science they said.
You worry about our moral compass when China murders their lead virus doctor, incinerates Wuhan virus victims and releases a pandemic on the world.

Murdering their lead virus doctor? I never heard that particular BS yet. Also, from what I have heard, most of the people who die in China are cremated. Just like in India. Now if they did it while they were still alive, that would be a different matter.

That's because you fricken leftists don't pay attention...dumbass.

Widespread Outcry in China Over Death of Coronavirus Doctor
Rev. Dr. William Barber: we need a MORAL REVOLUTION of Christian morality to guard against "Christian nationalism"

Killing millions in abortion industry is yellow brick road to amorality

Abortion isn't murder.
I rest my case

The only thing taking a rest is your brain. Do you want to talk about abortion? At what point do you think life begins. Would you consider taking the pill RU486 to be murder?
According to science, life begins at fertilization or conception.
In response to the OP's heading "Why Has the US Lost It's Moral Compass?" and leaving out politics, morality exists inside and outside of religion. "Good" people do not need a religious code of ethics to not go out and set fires to neighbor's houses, torture helpless animals, rape others, or commit incest etc. strictly because they are religiously forbidden. Having stated that, I guess one could argue that there are people who, without a religious doctrine, would go out and commit criminal acts harming others if they didn't hear an inspirational sermon each Sunday, but that would by far not be the majority, religious or not.

Religious beliefs can certainly (and most do) enforce a code of morality, and various religions have their own guidelines for living a faithful life according to a specific code of ethics. Even when members of a healthy church value goodness and life, members of most religions still have a choice about their daily lives.

People do a lot of things beyond the scenes. Think of someone who you have known for a long time, and then wham...something happened to reveal that that person was not the person you thought you knew. Deception, acting one way on the outside while on the inside being a very dark place, and unfortunately some people are really good at it, from all walks of life.

It's hard to judge whether an entire country is moral or not. Even people living under the horrendous Kim Jong-un's dictatorship (about 26,000 million-60% in poverty)-without a doubt many of the people are good, morally sound people, although under total control of their tyrant of a leader.

It's much easier to discuss morality on an individual basis, on actions and inactions, as opposed to defining an entire nation as moral or immoral.

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